Seoul by night

Take It Back
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Hirai Momo was wandering the night streets of Seoul accompanied only by street lights and the creaking sound of snow under her shoes. It was cold, but she couldn't feel it. She was numb. Unable to process anything. She didn't know where she was going, nor was she aware of her surroundings. She just didn't care. Because after hours upon hours of crying that's all that was left. Numbness. People passing her turned their heads baffled by the sight of a small blonde with puffy red eyes wearing nothing but a dress in such cold temperature. The events from just a few hours ago replaying in her head over and over again. It didn't seem like they were ever going to stop

- Mina you can't possibly be serious. Please tell me that this is just a cruel joke - she said, tears streaming down her face as she watched Mina throw a glass at the wall.

- I'm not joking. I'm done. We are over! - the incredibly drunk girl replied.

- You're just drunk. Go to bed and we'll sort this out tomorrow Mina please you're not thinking straight - said Momo in the last attempt to appease her girlfriend.

- No Momo. Just get out. We're done! - she screamed pushing the crying Momo out the door.

That's how Mina ended their three year long realtionship. All it took was a bottle of whiskey and Momo being 10 minutes late. But I guess it was bound to happen. I don't deserve happiness. Why would a girl like Mina be with someone like me. I mean she is perfect. And I'm just me. Nothing special.

The first and only person Momo called was Sana. And as soon as she heard Momo's cries she knew what hapened. She tried to get Momo to tell here where she was but the only sounds coming out of the girl were sobs and soon enough Momo hung up on Sana.

As she wandered trough the streets her phone was constantly buzzing. She hadn't checked it even once. She knew that the people calling and messaging her were all the members of TWICE exept one. She guessed that Sana told them as much as she knew and now all the seven girls were trying to find their broken friend. Momo didn't care enough to tell them that she was alive and ok. I mean as ok as one can be just few minutes after a tough breakup it just didn't matter. Nothing mattered beacuse Mina didn't love her anymore.

She walked and walked untill her legs gave out and she fell to the ground with a loud thud. She didn't have anymore strenght to get up. She just fell asleep on the sidewalk. Soaked by the snow shivering uncontrollably. She was reliving the breakup even in her dream.


Mina was woken up by the sun peeking trough her living room window. She woke up on the floor with a throbbing headache. She got up and went to her and Momo's bedroom but to her surprise her girlfriend wasn't there. Then it hit her. The memories of last night washed over her like a flood and she was crushed with guilt and sadness. She rushed over to call and apologize to Momo, but when she grabbed her phone she saw dozens of missed calls and unread messages from the TWICE's members. Oh my god I messed up, I messed up so bad. She decided that calling Sana was the best option in this situation as Sana was Momo's best friend.

- Sana! I messed up... - she started but she was quickly cut off by Sana's shaky, raspy voice 

- Momo... Hospital... Now... Mina please. - Sana said before she br

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 9: Please update :(
shyshyshy #2
Chapter 9: Oh! Yay still ongoing
Ms_Freed08 #3
Chapter 9: Give momo a new a girl.. Let mina regret losing her..
vnzdeath #4
Chapter 9: Stay awesome Author, and do keep updating ^^ and i hope this story will last a long time.
1241 streak #5
Chapter 9: A good start for our Moguri ^^
J_T-ara_M #6
Chapter 9: If momo happy and i will be happy too
Reacth #7
Chapter 9: Momoring happier i luv that.
Chapter 8: Thank you for the update Author-ssi. Fighting!
Reacth #9
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update, hope see another chapter very soon
Chapter 8: thank you