Forgive me

Miss Espresso's Secret Recipe---- Sequel to Miss Espresso

It's been a few days since that kiss... damn it... my first kiss is gone...

As I walk in the classroom, I walk to Woo Hyun's place.

"Orange juice." I handed him a can of orange juice, BOUGHT from a nearby convinence store. 

"Yah! Kang Mi Young! I want hand made orange juice not some kind of soft drink!"

"So WHAT! It's the same!" opps... I almost talked like shouting in the class. I feel so many gazes on me, at that moment, I feel like running away. 


Instead of running away, I went back to my seat. Maths class had begun with an embarass incident like that... 

Time passes so quickly, It's already lunch time.

Lunch time, at canteen...

"Mi Young-ah, let me tell you something!!" Ha... It's Eun Mi, she gets excited easily. Running towards me and shouting my name.

"Calm down.....Bre.....ath..." Eun Mi did what I said... Inhale and exhale... "Now... Tell me sloooowly...."

"L... I mean Myung Soo, it's Myung Soo-oppa! He gave me this!" Eun Mi handed me two vouchers.

"Special promotion of one year aniversary, one free non-alchoholic drink."

"He invited you to a bar? Where Infinite work?"

"Yeah! Isn't it awesome?! He invited me!"

"NO, you can't go."


"Do you know what kind of place is that? That is a place where gangsters hangout! And a place full of drunk people!"

"I've been to that place before... It's not a bad place... "


"Come on... We are not kids anymore... That place is more like a lounge... No gangsters, no drunk people..."


"Hmph.... Anyway, here is the voucher, hope to see you there tonight."

Yang Eun Mi... You went to this kind of place before? What kind of person are you? Anyway... I just have to be careful... It... MIGHT be a safe place... Maybe I can meet Woo Hyun there, I have to apologise to him bout what happens earlier today...

7p.m. sharp, at the entrance of the bar.

"Eh? Isn't this Mi Young?" I heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Eun MI!"

"Aigoo~ It's Mi Young! I knew you would come, come in! Infinite is performing tonight."


"Ya! ah.... L-oppa is the best drummer I ever seen..."

This is the first time I watch Infinite's performance, it's really good... Fangirls are shouting once Woo Hyun sang the chorus part. I nearly dead when Eun Mi shouts beside me.

Woo Hyun... I think I know the reason why you are so famous... The charisma... is... killing me.... 

Wait WHAT?! I fell for him?! "NO WAY!" Eun Mi stop shouting and look at me.

"Mi Young... Is that something wrong?"

"No... nothing..."

The truth is... I only like him as the coffee prince not as a fan... Or... I did?"

After the performance, Woo Hyun came down the stage surrounding by fangirls. I watch him quietly by the side as he walks to the back door. But then... I feel someone patting my back.

"Excuse me, are you Kang Mi Young?" It's the bartender.

"Woo Hyun-sshi gave this to you." He handed me a piece of paper.

Waiting you at the park behind the bar.------ Mr Pocky.

Park? I guess I'm going~

"Woo Hyun!" I found him sitting on a swing.

"I knew you would come." He gave me a warm smile.

"Look... I am very sorry about what I said to you at class this morning... will you forgive me?" I said while looking at my shoes.

"Actually... I am very sorry too... About the kiss..." Quickly, I look away from him, my cheeks are burning red when he mentioned the kiss..."Will you forgive me too?"

"O...okay... I think?" 

"Here... a present for you." He handed me a small basket with oranges in it.


"I want to have a cup of orange juice, specially made by Miss Espresso."

"Huh?... Ah... Okay..." I looked at the oranges, remember that my mum told me that she ate the oranges with dad yesterday... "Er... I'm going..."

"Do you mind to tell me what happened to the oranges? Did you ate it?" Oh god please help me... Instead of telling him the truth, I run for my life.

"I will tell you if you caught me!" 


Hmmm... Thats it~ How I end my day, playing with him~


Long chapter? Will update soon~


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This is JJANG! :)) Keep it up!
ahah woohyun satisfied !! \(*.*)/
onnonono #4
update soon!!!! Troublemaker~
wahh !! the troublemakers' here~~! :P
ouch! woohyun's hurt~~! T^T<br />
they're sooo sweeeett~~
oppa-is-mine #7
awwwwwwwwww. so cute! ♥