
Miss Espresso's Secret Recipe---- Sequel to Miss Espresso

"Hyung! Thanks for the birthday present!" 

I took a small peek at the note book, there really is Girls Generation photos in it, I wonder how much does it cost and... Is it official?

After school at school library...

I'm at the school library again. I finally can concentrate on my studies. You can't imagine how hard I tried to get Woo Hyun and the oranges out of my head.

Suddenly, a figure sat down at the seat in front of me.


"Yes? Woo Hyun-sshi?" I asked with a fake smile. Geez... Do you know how hard I tried to forget you? Thats it! I'm going to fail my Science!

"Need some help?" He took a book in front me and flip it to a random page.



"Yeah... Can you?"

"Sure!" Thats the answer I wanted to hear. "Tonight at your house, tutoring starts in 2 hours."

"Wait... WHAT?!" I wanted to scream but this is a library... "Nam Woo Hyun... You... UGH."

2 hours later at the living room...

"Tutoring starts now, so where should we start?" said Woo Hyun.

"Chapter one please, I practically cannot understand the whole book."

"What? I didn't expect my special friend to be so weak in Science."

"Special friend? Or what ever you call me, just start."

"So, the only thing you are good at is just Coffee?"

"Yes." This is the only answer I can think of.

"Ok then, may I order 2 cups of your special made Espresso?"

"It's not the time to enjoy coffee, Woo Hyun-sshi."

"It's mean't to let you stay awake, we will be staying up the whole night till the dawn."


Many hours later... Exactly 5 a.m. in the morning... 

"Now... Do you understand how it works?"

"Yes sir *yawns*"

"Okay... Tutoring session ends here."

"Yeah! Finally... I can sleep."

"Err... I'm too tired... Can I just sleep at your house for an hour or so?"

"Oh? Sure you can, but just the sofa, ok?"

"Where are your parents?"

"Out station, working.. Just wake me up when you wanna leave." I said after that I bumped upstairs into my own bedroom and flew to dreamland.

Woo Hyun wakes up two hours later and goes uptairs into Mi Young's bedroom. He squat down beside her bed looking at her sleeping face.  He's about to steal a kiss from her when she suddenly opens her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think?" He lean over and place a kiss on my lips.

"Nam Woo Hyun!" I pushed him off.

"Make me a cup of orange juice."

"I will! But you must leave now!" I'm blushing deeply.

I push him downstairs and out the door and...


I shut the door with a loud BANG. Oh gosh!!!! How dare he did this to me?! 


Hehe~ What do you think? I hope to see comments~

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This is JJANG! :)) Keep it up!
ahah woohyun satisfied !! \(*.*)/
onnonono #4
update soon!!!! Troublemaker~
wahh !! the troublemakers' here~~! :P
ouch! woohyun's hurt~~! T^T<br />
they're sooo sweeeett~~
oppa-is-mine #7
awwwwwwwwww. so cute! ♥