Chapter 4: Please Forgive Me :(

Best friend or boyfriend?


Mingyu was standing there. At the frame of his classroom's door, looking like a prince on a majestic white horse (well without the horse because they're in school). 'What perfect timing he has' Wonwoo thought. 

"Ahhh! There he is!!" Mina's friend exclaims running extremely close to Mingyu and his face. "Are you here to show off your relationship in front of everyone? You're lucky Mina isn't here or else she'd be crying." Her friend continues, though he just tunes out her voice. 

"Wonwoo-hyung, aren't we going to our next class?" Mingyu speaks up from the entrance of the door. By this time, Wonwoo has probably made a million ideas on where to go hide after this. "Yes Mingyu. Let's go." As Wonwoo says that, he unconsciously grabs onto the latter's arm and hands him his bag to carry. He didn't quite know that the taller male was blushing and conflicted with their current situation.

Walking to their next class, people started to stare at them but only a few glared at their skinship maybe from jealousy. 


"Wonwoo-hyung, I'm sorry but I'm not sure what to do with these rumours now." Mingyu asks pouting at his adorable "boyfriend". 

"I think we should just go along with it, since we can't really just deny them. That friend of that Mina girl even told everyone she knows."

"But won't you feel uncomfortable doing those types of skinship with me? I know you just want to stay friends-"

"Don't worry, Gyu. I'm fine with it. It's not like we don't do it already." In his mind though, Wonwoo was thinking about how many ways he should avoid touching Mingyu. Maybe even pretending to have a "real" disease. 

As they walked towards the cafeteria, where they usually ate, Mingyu took Wonwoo's hands and walked to get their food. Many people around them were whispering again about the new found couple and some were even taking pictures. Some were against the idea of them together but no one normal really voiced out their opinions. 

Sitting down at their usual table, they each sat beside their friends. Wonwoo glanced to the side only for a little bit only to see that all of them were staring at him, waiting for an explanation from the original source. Then he took his spoon and took a bite from his food. As he swallowed, he started with "what's up?"

Though some people were staring before, now everyone was looking at the table where they sat due to the noise and questions they started to bombard poor Wonwoo and Mingyu. Only getting bits of the questions, the couple only heard things like "when" or "how". 

Somehow managing to ease their excitement, Wonwoo started with "One by one, ask your questions, go." 

"When was this? Minghao asked innocently. 


"Who confessed first? Seokmin continued. 


"When will I get my grandchildren?" Jeonghan asked. 

"We are not really your children so-"

"Are you guys actually dating?" A familiar voice said. Then as the smaller male looked up, he saw Jun. His face was only one or two inches away from his own. Mingyu was now holding his hand underneath the table, while his eyes were glaring like he didn't want him there. 

"Wonwoo-ah, you didn't tell me it was that he was your boyfriend? I should have known. Mingyu, if you let him go, I'm taking him with me next time." 

"There won't be a next time Jun-hyung. I will make sure that I won't let him go-." The taller male had started and wouldn't give in to the latter, but he was no threat at all to them and their relationship. 

"So who is going to say hello to me first?" Another familiar voice asked. 

"JOSHUA!!!" Jeonghan yelled in Seokmin's ears as the beautiful male went in for a hug in the middle of the cafeteria. The male's reaction was very questionable as no one knew who this person was, except Jeonghan and maybe Wonwoo. 

"You're here?! You go to school here?!" Wonwoo let go of the younger male's hand and stood up abruptly as he was beside the hugging friends. "Joshua-hyung, you go here now? When was this?"

"Just today actually, I moved into the area not long ago and I decided to surprise my angel here. Funny, isn't it?" The male just stood there with a big smile and his attention started to go from Jeonghan to the now-holding-hands-again couple on the table. 

"Wait wait wait." Joshua started. "You guys are officially a couple now? What happened yesterday at the ice cream place when I left-"

"You were there? Is that why you were so late yesterday Hong Jisoo?" Jeonghan questioned. 

"Well yeah, I was talking to Wonwoo while we were making out in the bathroom stall yesterday and he even asked me for my number-"
Then both Jeonghan and Wonwoo glared at him, not knowing that Mingyu was biting his lip quietly and not saying anything. "Okay okay, I'm just kidding. I was talking to Wonwoo about him being with Mingyu. Wait, weren't you going to say no?" 

"Haha no. Why would I reject this skyscraper here? Haha no." Wonwoo tried to make it less awkward with the choice of words he had. "What are you talking about? I was saying how I should say no to ice cream because I'm gaining weight from it." 

"You're not gaining weight. You're as thin as a toothpick. You should eat more-." Mingyu finally spoke up. 

"Then prove it Wonwoo. Kiss Mingyu right now if you really didn't mean what you said yesterday." 

The older male was having a hard time with everything that was going on. But he decided to just go along with it so no one questioned their "relationship" because there were people watching him from afar. 

As he leaned his face closer to the taller male, someone then decided to just push him from his back and caused him to somehow fall over. His whole body taking Mingyu down with it. His hand magically found its way and was now currently on the taller male's crotch area. His mouth however, was by the latter's neck. It looked very misleading as he struggled to see what he was doing. 


Though people were taking pictures of them before, now nobody took a picture except one person, which was the one-and-only Jeonghan. The picture ended up looking like it could be a wedding photo with both their eyes looking at each other and each of their hands intertwined. 

"ASDFGHJKL!!!" Jeonghan dropped to the ground whilst holding his phone in between his arms. "They look so cute together!!! Aghhh!!!! Stop this before my heart stops-"

Both Wonwoo and Mingyu barely managed but struggled to get up from their current position and with their blushing faces, they just decided to leave the cafeteria and head on somewhere more quiet. 


"Mingyu. I'm sorry I fell on you. I'm sorry if I touched you there. I didn't mean to. It wasn't my fault because I swear someone pushed me from the back. I didn't mean to-" With that, Mingyu leaned in for a short but sweet kiss on his lips. 

"Wonwoo, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean it. Stop apologizing. Are you okay?" The taller male put his hand on the latter's shoulder. 

"Yeah. I'm okay. I didn't get hurt or anything, I fell on you. The real question is if you're okay, I landed on you." The older male tried not to blush with Mingyu's constant skinship. 

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm asking if you're okay. With lying to your mother over there."

"Mother?? Oh wait. Jeonghan-hyung, yeah. He doesn't need to know. He's going to be so preoccupied with Joshua hyung. Also, he has his own problems with avoiding Seungcheol hyung."

"Yeah. I'm sorry Wonwoo but I can't do this anymore. Do this with you."

"Do what Mingyu?" The older male sensed something dramatic about to change. He didn't like what was about to happen.

"Pretend to be your boyfriend. I don't think I'm able to do this if we're pretending. I want us to be real. I want to be able to hold your hands comfortably wherever we go and have people know we're together. I want to kiss whenever I want and with absolutely no reason. Not as if we are pretending. I want you. Please." And with that, the younger male hugged the older male. "Please talk to me. I don't want to be left here while you're struggling with your problems. Talk to me about it."

"I'm sorry Mingyu. I'm sorry that I'm making you pretend but I'm not ready. You wouldn't understand if I told you what happened-"

"Then make me understand. I'm still here for you as a friend."





A/N: Hello. Please forgive me for not updating in 2 months. I'm actually so sorry for not updating. I've been at school and every week/day, I have an assignment to do. Physics is not an easy subject. Please forgive me. I try to update when I can. 

Don't worry about Meanie. I have a plan for them so if you want to know what's going to happen, subscribe so you'll get notified. Anyways, thanks for the subscribers and for reading this. Hoped you liked it. 

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Research_I_Swear #1
Chapter 5: please finish this <3
Gayana #2
Chapter 5: Please finish the story
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 5: yes please do ,at least settle our meanie cravings
Chapter 5: Please finish the story ❤️ its really good seriously
Deadinme #5
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg omg omg the kiss was so good wow omg
Chapter 3: I'm falling with this fanfic xD it's just very good:3 I got the feels and its sooooo gooood i dunno why, update soon pleasee;;
nevr4get #7
Chapter 4: It's okay author-nim!! Take your time to recover ♡
Chiakisama #8
awesome! update soon! ^^
Chapter 3: This story is amazing, authornim! I cant wait to see nore of Jeongcheol in this fic :))))