Chapter 1: Eh what?!??

Best friend or boyfriend?

Wonwoo is sort of confused at all the confessions he's gotten in his life. It's not like he's the most handsome or dashing guy in their class or even their grade. He should have at least tell them the truth behind every rejection. Wonwoo doesn't reject them only because he isn't interested in them, it's just that, he's not interested in girls. Yup, he hasn't came out to his friends yet but at least his parents knew. They actually guessed it from his behaviour when a girl tried to flirt with him. He did whatever he could to avoid girls, which included not really conversing with them on purpose. If a girl tried talking to him, he would be very straightforward and answer with "yes" or "no" and then end it with an awkward "bye". 


The current situation, however, is the worst he could deal with. Whenever a girl did try to confess to him, it was just the two of them in some private place or when everybody left the school. But this time, the girl had given him a letter and accompanying her was her group of friends who looked like they were going to kill him. If he says "no", they might question him more about why not, but he can't help it when he opens the letter to read it. The girl's friends look like even more mad since he hasn't really said anything. "Um, Mina-sshi, I'm sorry but I can't accept your confession...uh..."


"Why can't you?! One of Mina's friends comes to face him looking up with disappointing eyes. 




"What? I can't keep waiting here!" the girl says as Mina starts to tear up into her heart-felt letter. While she is being comforted, Wonwoo is standing face to face with her friend, when luckily, his best friend walks up to Wonwoo's side. And whispers "what's going on?".


"She confessed to me and her friends are angry at me. Help me." Wonwoo whispers back whilst looking back at the sobbing girl and the mad friend in front of him. 


"I''s....because..................I'm already in a relationship." He says slowly but with the last part, he says as fast he could. 


"With who?-" The girl asks still crying in her friends arms. How is Wonwoo going to answer that, when he doesn't have a girlfriend or in his case a boyfriend. He looks towards his best friend....wait!!! A good idea comes up for Wonwoo. He mentally apologizes to his best friend as he suddenly takes Mingyu's hand into his and then bravely says......


 ".............with my boyfriend here, Mingyu". There's an awkward silence for a few seconds before the 


"WHAT?!?" All of them screamed in his face. They all started to talk into his face and wanted to ask a bunch of questions. 'No wonder he didn't accept any confessions, it was because he swung the other way' they must have thought. But before Wonwoo could answer their questions, Mingyu started to run towards the exit with Wonwoo attached to him. Which left all the confused (and ready to start rumours) group of girls in the school building. 

They were speed-walking now in some random children's playground, which was luckily to be empty because it was raining a little bit outside. Wonwoo was put in an even more difficult situation right now and had to choose between losing his friendship or not with Mingyu. But little did he know, he wasn't losing that friendship, it would probably strengthen more. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do anymore Mingyu! Please don't hate me." Wonwoo said expecting at least a slap in the arm from Mingyu. Instead of the slap, he got a hug. "It's okay Wonwoo, I didn't expect you to do that at all though." Mingyu started. "Who knew that you were quite the ladies man? What number is this confession?" Mingyu asked. 


"Let me many times have I left you at lunch or after school?" Wonwoo said unknowingly. 


Mingyu started to count. "9....10..............15....16....17!!"


"17 times? I'm pretty sure it's only 16, this one is just 16. I'll have to check when I get home, I still have all of the letters."


"No. You left me 17 times. Once with that Jun guy. Tch." Mingyu frowned at the mention of that guy's name. 


"Hah. It's 16 confessions then. I told you." Wonwoo said whilst poking Mingyu's arm. 


Once they were sort of done arguing about the number of confessions Wonwoo had gotten, they started to walk towards a familiar ice cream place they went to. Of course being the gentleman Mingyu is, he brought Wonwoo underneath his umbrella and then opened the door of the ice cream place. "Hello! Welcome to Scoops Heaven, may I take your order?" Said the guy with the ugly uniform who most likely worked there. "I'll take 2 scoops of cookies n' cream and 2 scoops of mint with brownies." Mingyu said as Wonwoo found them their usual table beside the window. Once Mingyu got the ice cream, he went to the table and gave Wonwoo his mint ice cream. 


They had started to talk about random topics and about their friends when the taller male had wondered about the confession that just happened. "Hey! Do you think they'll start any rumours about us tomorrow? About us being boyfriends? Even though we aren't?"


"I don't know Mingyu. I don't think so because they might know that girl had a crush on me. Usually if they don't want people to know about her little crush, then they won't say anything."


"But those girls looked like they were mad just now, I think they will. People are going to think you're gay."


'But I am gay.' Wonwoo was going to say but he didn't want Mingyu to know just yet because the reaction he will have. He doesn't want to risk his friendship just like what had happened to his other friends, Jeonghan and Seungcheol. They ended up being awkward around each other and not really talking, Wonwoo thought. "It doesn't matter Mingyu, I would rather have them think that, plus, there are some gay couples in our school. It's not like it will be unusual." It was true but the one concern he had was his little crush on Mingyu. Yes, he had an attraction to his best friend, but who wouldn't when Mingyu looked like he belong on a magazine or a billboard. 


"Okay. But I have another question." Mingyu said. 


"What is it?"




"Hello? Are you going to ask the question or not?"


"..............will you........."






"............WAIT WHAT?!?"





A/N: I'm sorry for not updating this when I was supposed to but I was really busy and I had to go to the airport to drop my sister off. Plus I've been going to a lot of places because I'm on summer break right now. Oh. What do you think will happen between Wonwoo and Mingyu? And what do Mingyu just say? What?? 

Anyways, thanks for subscribing and reading this. Hope you liked it. I'll update soon, most likely this following week. Maybe every Thursday is when I update after getting use fo this. See ya later 😬

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Research_I_Swear #1
Chapter 5: please finish this <3
Gayana #2
Chapter 5: Please finish the story
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 5: yes please do ,at least settle our meanie cravings
Chapter 5: Please finish the story ❤️ its really good seriously
Deadinme #5
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg omg omg the kiss was so good wow omg
Chapter 3: I'm falling with this fanfic xD it's just very good:3 I got the feels and its sooooo gooood i dunno why, update soon pleasee;;
nevr4get #7
Chapter 4: It's okay author-nim!! Take your time to recover ♡
Chiakisama #8
awesome! update soon! ^^
Chapter 3: This story is amazing, authornim! I cant wait to see nore of Jeongcheol in this fic :))))