Chapter 2: I'm very sorry

Best friend or boyfriend?

"............WAIT WHAT?!?"

"I said. Will you be my boyfriend, Wonwoo???"

"I know what you said but give me a few minutes. I'm just going to the washroom." Wonwoo said as he ran towards the ice cream place's washroom. He splashes cold water on his face as he looks himself in the mirror. "Wonwoo, what are you going to do? Don't think too much!! Aghh. Why does this have to be so difficult??" He talks to himself out loud as he is thinking of a hundred possibilities on how this situation will end. 'Maybe if he runs outside and goes home, he won't have to deal with this' Wonwoo thinks. However, he can't go home without his bag or his phone (which is also in his bag). Or he could just go back outside and pretend nothing happened. Everything is just too risky. "You could just accept his confession, Wonwoo." Someone behind him says. "It's not like you don't have feelings for him, right?" The stranger says. Wonwoo blushes at the thought.

"I'm sorry but who are you and why do you know me?" Wonwoo says, not wanting the stranger to go any closer to him. 

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Hong Jisoo, but you could call me Joshua. I didn't want to sound creepy but don't worry, you'll know who I am. I'm Jeonghan's friend." He puts out his hand, most likely to shake hands with Wonwoo. The other happily accepts knowing that the stranger is somehow connected to him and not someone who might stalk him. 

"Ahhh. You're that Joshua who Jeonghan hyung mentioned. No wonder you know my name. But how do you know what I'm talking about?"

"You were talking out loud in here and when you were talking to your little boyfriend over there, you weren't exactly quiet or trying to keep it private from other people. Plus, Jeonghan has said a bunch of things about you and uhm...Mingyu? Is that his name?"

"Oh. Okay. I thought you were some stalker or something. But since you're here, you could help me with my problem."

"Sure. What do you need help with Wonwoo?" Joshua says. As Wonwoo explains everything that had just happened to him the past hour, Mingyu is probably outside still waiting for him.

"You could just accept his offer Wonwoo. I can see that you like him and he likes you. I don't think normal guy best friends would be feeding each other and have been holding hands since they got here." 
Joshua says sarcastically. "I thought you guys were a couple already? I swear Jeonghan said something to me about that-". He would continue but Wonwoo covers his mouth quickly just in case Mingyu would go inside. 

"No. I didn't tell him that. I said I had a crush on Mingyu for years now-"

"AHA. See, I knew it. You do have feelings for Mingyu." Joshua replies excitedly at the new reliable information that he will tell to his best friend. 

"Shhhh. Don't be too loud or else I won't be able to reject him later!"

"Reject him?!??! I thought you were going to say yes. Are you emo or something? You like him. He likes you. He asks you out. You say yes. And both of you get married and have children. Happily ever after. Simple love story." Joshua says, making a little story out of his hands. 

"No. I don't want things to get weird between us. What if he doesn't like me anymore and we break up? It's going to be so awkward after. I'd rather have him as a best friend than a stranger."

"No, you'll be happier once you guys become a couple.......but it's your choice." His phone then starts to ring. "I have to go now. Jeonghan is calling me. Good luck with your problem. Nice to meet you by the way." He then waves whilst leaving the washroom, leaving the even more confused Wonwoo alone. Well, not really confused so he plans to go outside and set everything straight (not literally because nothing about this is straight). So he cowardly walks towards the table where everything is going to start to change. "What took you so long Wonwoo-ah?" Mingyu asks pouting. "Don't tell me you found someone better than me in there?".

"Of course I didn't. No one is better than you." Wonwoo says out of reflex. He notices the obvious smirk on Mingyu's face, so he continues with his plan. "Mingyu, I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions before I answer yours okay?" He only receives a smirk and a nod. "Are you being serious about this boyfriend thing? And why are you only confessing now?"

"Yes, of course I'm serious about it. I don't want anyone confessing to you anymore. I don't like it. This should be your last confession Jeon Wonwoo." 'Jeon Wonwoo?!?! Aghhh.' It makes his heart flutter hearing these sweet words from Mingyu. "Next question then." He doesn't look Mingyu in the eye anymore. "I'm straight. How do you think this relationship will work if I'm not even into you." Wonwoo mentally apologizes to Mingyu considering that this might turn out into something like Jeonghan's relationship with Seungcheol. "Hah. Nice joke, Jeon. I'm your best friend, you don't think I know about your little secrets on your laptop??"

"What?!? How did you know about that?!?! I swear I locked it with the password that you don't know!"

"Yeah. You changed it when you were sitting in front of me. I was 'sleeping' and you took the chance to change it. I know you're not straight Wonwoo." 'Dammit. How could he know about it already? I haven't even told him yet.'  "Plus, you also left your phone on speaker and didn't end the call when your parents wanted to talk to you about being gay." 

"Okay. Next...uhm....question. Yeah." He seriously wants to leave since Mingyu knows about his laptop secret. And now he knows that Wonwoo is gay and he can't really make up a perfect explanation as to why he can't accept Mingyu's offer. "Let's say that I accept your offer and then what if we break up and everything changes and you don't want to be my friend anymore?" 'PERFECT. Now Mingyu can easily be let down now.' Wonwoo thinks. 

"I'll never break up with you. Do you seriously think I will let you go? The only times you won't be my boyfriend are if you become my fiancé or my husband. So what about my offer? Is it a yes or no? I'll doubt you'll say no-".

'If this continues Wonwoo can't do anything now if Mingyu is being like his to him' 




"I'm sorry Mingyu, but...........






.................I can't be your friend anymore."


A/N: Heyyy, look at who updated on Saturday rather than Sunday? Meeeeeee. Hope I wrote this up to your EXPECTATIONS (lol. Girls day pun). I'm not going to write more of this authors note cuz I'm going to sleep now. Even though it's 6pm here. 

Anyways, thanks for subscribing and reading this. Hope you liked it. I'll update soon, most likely this following week. Maybe every Thursday is when I update after getting use fo this. See ya later 😬

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Research_I_Swear #1
Chapter 5: please finish this <3
Gayana #2
Chapter 5: Please finish the story
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 5: yes please do ,at least settle our meanie cravings
Chapter 5: Please finish the story ❤️ its really good seriously
Deadinme #5
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg omg omg the kiss was so good wow omg
Chapter 3: I'm falling with this fanfic xD it's just very good:3 I got the feels and its sooooo gooood i dunno why, update soon pleasee;;
nevr4get #7
Chapter 4: It's okay author-nim!! Take your time to recover ♡
Chiakisama #8
awesome! update soon! ^^
Chapter 3: This story is amazing, authornim! I cant wait to see nore of Jeongcheol in this fic :))))