Chapter 3: Misunderstandings and Doubting

Best friend or boyfriend?


"I'm sorry Mingyu, but.........

"..........I can't be your friend anymore."

As Wonwoo says that, Mingyu leans in for a kiss. It's not that romantic kiss you would see in the movies, but it is very magical. What makes it magical is that this is their first kiss and it seems like Mingyu knows what he is doing, leading the kiss and knows the way to make Wonwoo's knees wobble like jelly. About 10 people are staring at them (including the girls at the back "secretly" taking pictures of them). Wonwoo falls into the kiss as he stops struggling from Mingyu's hand cupping his face. It lasts for about 10 seconds, but both hoped it would last longer. "What are you talking about? Not being friends? Does that mean I'm your boyfriend now?"

"No, Mingyu. What are you doing? I don't want this to end up where one of us gets hurt. I know this situation. Look at Jeonghan and Seungcheol hyung. They barely talk anymore and-". He suddenly gets up with his things and takes a step before the taller male grabs his left wrist and whispers into his ear. 

"We aren't like Jeonghan and Seungcheol hyung. I like you and you like me. I'm tired already Jeon Wonwoo. I don't like seeing you when people flirt with you. I don't want to lose you to them." As Mingyu whispers into his ear, he hugs him tightly from his back. "I know you want me too. I'm not joking now." 

Many people have their phones out by now and it seems like this will be known all over their school because the girls who happened to be taking a picture of their kiss, are also wearing their school uniform and have both their phones recording. "Mingyu. Stop hugging me. We will just talk about this tomorrow. I can't handle all of this right now. People are staring. Let go.....please...". Mingyu then starts to let go. But then, he says "at least let me take you home so I know you're safe". Wonwoo can only nod at the other and try make the atmosphere less awkward, but he can't make it not awkward.

Mingyu and Wonwoo walk in complete silence as the latter walks up to his door to completely ignore the other as they say "bye". He walks up to his room and falls into his bed, stuffing his head on a pillow. "ASDFGHJKL" is also he can scream. A knock is heard and someone enters his room. "Wonwoo-ah, are you okay? Does your hyung need to threaten anyone?". His brother, Bohyuk, asks as he takes a seat beside the pouring mess. "Hyunnnggg, help me. Mingyu confessed to me and kissed me". Waiting for his brother's reaction, he expects a questioning tone, but ends up with a silence. "So??". Bohyuk's eyes look like they need more explanation. "Hyung, you don't understand. I'm not friends with Mingyu right now."

"So he's your boyfriend now? I thought you guys were already dating. Maybe even married, but what do you want me to do?"

"I rejected him. Can you help me? I don't know what to do now. He's not my friend anymore and I think he hates me for rejecting him just now."

"Then why did you reject him in the first place? Don't you like him too? Just accept his confession, then you won't have any problems. Simple."

"But hyungggg, you know about Jeonghan hyung and Seungcheol hyung's situation. They don't even talk to each other. I don't want to end up like them."

"Wait. You're afraid that will happen to you? They're different though, they kept their feelings to theirselves. Stop thinking too much, you're going to look older than me." Bohyuk gets up and opens the door to step out. "Don't think too much, just do what you think is right." With that, he leaves the groaning Wonwoo on his bed looking at his phone whether to talk to his "former" best friend. He should probably text him to meet up with him tomorrow morning before school. 

"Mingyu. Let's meet up before school starts. Go to class earlier. I need to talk to you". He manages to text to the other but he's just too tired to do any of the work given today. Wonwoo manages to fall asleep in his school uniform, soon dreaming about the only Kim Mingyu. 


Wonwoo wakes up from his dream and has to get up and take a shower before he goes to school. 

As he finishes taking a shower he quickly eats the breakfast his brother prepared and goes to his school early. It's not even 8am when he arrives at his school. And he takes his usual route, to locker and then his classroom where Mingyu is waiting for him. On his desk. There are a few people there too but they are either sleeping or listening to music and staring somewhere (probably thinking about their lives at being at school so early). "Let's talk outside at the garden Mingyu". Wonwoo says whilst leaving his things and leading the walk to the beautiful flower garden of the school. The reason he chose this place of the school is that no one usually goes there and it's quiet. 

"What do you want to say to me, Mingyu?" The older male tries to look cold as he questions the younger. He can't help but punch his arms as he says that though. 

"Wonwoo, let's at least be friends if you don't want to be together. I thought about it but I'm too lonely and hurt without being near you. I know you don't want to end up like that but we're already here. We are going to be like them if you refuse to at least be my friend."

"I'm sorry Mingyu. I know I've been too stubborn. I know you want us to be together but I'm not sure how to even be in a relationship. I'm too scared about everything. And fine, I won't stop being your friend."

"Good. But I need to confirm something, so don't move. "Mingyu then leads forward and places a kiss on the shorter male's lips and it's nothing like their kiss from yesterday. It's more of an experienced kiss as the younger nibbles on the older male's lips to open up his lips. Wonwoo happily lets the other to do as he pleases and now it's a full on make out session like people would see in the movies. Unfortunately for them, someone walks in the garden, watching their kiss. They don't know it but it would later annoy them. "Mingyu." Wonwoo manages to stop the kiss and is panting a little. "What are you making me do? What are you trying to confirm?"

"I wanted to see if you liked me. Clearly you do". With that, Mingyu walks towards the school to go to class. The taller male stops for a second. "C'mon, classes are going to start soon". He smiles at the smaller male, which also makes him smile. 

They walk beside each other towards Wonwoo's class first, when Mingyu stops them for a second to kiss the older male on his forehead sneakily and runs away towards his class. "Yah! What are you doing?!?!" Wonwoo smiles as he walks inside of his class and goes towards his desk. Some people are looking at him like he's some new creature. He sits down and he feels someone tapping his shoulder from his back. "Wonwoo-ah, are the rumours true? Are you actually with him? Or is it just some misunderstanding? Tell meeeee."

"What are you talking about Junhui? What rumours are you talking about?" Wonwoo scratches his hair in confusion. "The rumours!!!" Jun shakes both of his shoulders now and is talking louder than usual. 

"The rumours about you rejecting Mina and having a boyfriend? Mina and her friends have been talking about it since they came in this class. Plus some girls saw you kissing him at an ice cream place? Who's your boyfriend? I didn't hear that part from them?? Who??"

"Hah. What boyfriend?" Wonwoo was trying to subtly ask the other without sounding too nervous about the matter. He knew that this would happen. It was expected when he rejected that girl. "I don't know who you're talking about." As he finished talking, the teacher walks in and Wonwoo can't even focus at what he is teaching. 

The class seems to have finished faster than usual or it was just Wonwoo too engrossed in his thoughts. When Wonwoo gets up from his chair and takes his things, Mina's friend comes up to him and most people in the class have their attention on them. "Jeon Wonwoo, where's your boyfriend? Where's Kim Mingyu?" It seems like someone in the world hates him because the person who's now standing at his class door, is none other than Mingyu. 




A/N: Hello!!! Someone here really is bored and is not excited cuz my school is about to start again. This is too much and too fast. I'll update this story first and I'll update my other story maybe tomorrow. Back to the story, ooohhhh, what's going to happen next? Don't worry about meanie. I have a plan for them so if you want to know what's going to happen, subscribe so you'll get notified. 

Anyways, thanks for the subscribers and for reading this. Hoped you liked it. 

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Research_I_Swear #1
Chapter 5: please finish this <3
Gayana #2
Chapter 5: Please finish the story
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 5: yes please do ,at least settle our meanie cravings
Chapter 5: Please finish the story ❤️ its really good seriously
Deadinme #5
Chapter 4: Omg omg omg omg omg the kiss was so good wow omg
Chapter 3: I'm falling with this fanfic xD it's just very good:3 I got the feels and its sooooo gooood i dunno why, update soon pleasee;;
nevr4get #7
Chapter 4: It's okay author-nim!! Take your time to recover ♡
Chiakisama #8
awesome! update soon! ^^
Chapter 3: This story is amazing, authornim! I cant wait to see nore of Jeongcheol in this fic :))))