Chapter Nine

Isolation (A Shim Changmin X OC Story)

The next morning was especially depressing, and the cold, windy skies outside weren't helping at all. It was the last day of school before they took a break for the holidays, but because of two particular students, the students of homeroom 2-A couldn't feel any Christmas cheer. JunSu and SoonLi had tried their best to talk to EunMi, but she seemed to be lost in a world of her own. As soon as the bell rang for first period, the students of homeroom 2-A rushed out to escape the suffocating atmosphere, and--surprisingly--the last ones to leave were ChangMin and EunMi.

Anyone who was in the same room with those two felt devoid of all holiday spirit. Even the teachers felt something was wrong, as their best students didn't try to participate in the class discussions. Once lunch hour had arrived after what seemed like ten painful years, SoonLi immediately went up to EunMi and condescended,

"Hey, I don't know what's going on between you two, but this heavy aura you're dragging around is really depressing! So cheer up and go back to normal!"

"W-What she means..." JunSu nervously joined in, " that you shouldn't be sad. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow, and you should be excited."

For a long minute, EunMi just stared at her desk, but then covered her face with her hands and shakily whispered,

"I'm sorry. I just...I really messed up yesterday, and...and I don't think I can fix it this time."

Gently, SoonLi asked her, "What do you mean?"

After EunMi finished relaying yesterday's events to the other two, they sat there in silence; SoonLi was the first to speak.

"These things...take time to heal, EunMi-sshi. It won't be like this forever..."

She put a comforting hand on EunMi's shoulder, and EunMi whispered,

"I hope so..."

The rest of the day passed as slowly as the morning had, and--finally--the last bell of the year had rung. Students ran out of the building, cheering and celebrating. Girls said their goodbye's with hugs, while the boys clapped each other on the backs. Everyone had either run home or had left in their cheauffeur-driven cars--except for one student.

Choi EunMi walked to the Student Council room, and she felt her heart drop a little when she was greeted with an empty room. Slowly, she started walking home.

When she arrived at her house, she found her mother putting on a peacoat, getting ready to go out. As if reading her daughter's mind, Mrs. Choi smiled and explained,

"I'm going out for some last-minute Christmas shopping. Why don't you join me, EunMi-yah?"

EunMi and her mother spent the rest of the night in Seoul's shopping district, picking out presents for friends and family.

The next day, EunMi slept in, physically, mentally, and emotionally distraught. And later that night, she spent Christmas Eve at an office party at her father's bank, trying her best to enjoy the company. A few hours after midnight, the party had ended, and EunMi was glad to get back to sleep. However, try as she did, she couldn't fall asleep.

The memories of ChangMin yelling at her prevented EunMi from so much as closing her eyes. For hours on end, she tossed and turned in her bed, trying to forget everything. She wished she could forget it all--just for one moment.

Finally, too exhausted to even think anymore, EunMi slowly fell asleep.

~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ==== ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ==== ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~

When EunMi woke up, she looked up at her clock on her desk, which said it was 9:18 a.m.

She had only been asleep for an hour.

Making her way downstairs, she went to the dining room to have a simple Christmas breakfast with her mother and father, and afterwards opened the numerous presents from her parents. Some of them included the new KINECT for the XBOX 360, a Louis Vuitton purse, and the new Galaxy cell phone from Samsung. With big hugs and kisses, she thanked her parents for everything.

Looking at a clock in the kitchen, EunMi saw the time was 11:56 a.m., and she asked her parents if she could go outside for a moment, to which they consented. After thanking them again, EunMi went upstairs to change clothes and was soon out the door. Slowly, she walked to her neighbour's house and, after a deep breath, rang the doorbell. She was soon greeted with a very tired-looking ChangMin.

"What?" he asked, his voice colder than the December air. Looking to the side, EunMi held out a bag of gifts that she had brought with her and said,

"It's for your parents from mine."

With a small sigh, ChangMin took the bag and was about to close the door when EunMi held out another gift. This one was wrapped in simple white paper and decorated with a gold ribbon on top. Keeping her eyes away from the boy in front of her, EunMi mumbled,

"And...this is for you...from me."

For a very long time, ChangMin just stared at the present before taking it and shutting the door. Confused and slightly hurt by the other's actions, EunMi turned to go back to her own home.

But before she could take a step, the door opened again, and she turned back around to find ChangMin holding out a bag out to her. Avoiding EunMi's gaze, he softly said,

"From my parents to yours."

"...Thank you," EunMi quietly replied, taking the bag. And immediately after, ChangMin held out a small red box, still looking away from EunMi as he almost inaudibly murmured,

"For you."

Thoroughly surprised, EunMi took her time in accepting the gift and whispered,

"...Thank you..."

ChangMin took a glance at EunMi and immediately averted his gaze when he saw her smiling at him. Trying to stay cool, ChangMin said to her,

"Don't blame me if you don't like it. My mom just told me to buy something for you."

EunMi just smiled anyway. ChangMin suddenly felt awkward and mumbled,


He was about to close the door when someone called his name from inside his house. Frowning, ChangMin looked behind him and said,

"...Yes, Mom?"

Mrs. Shim smiled and said,

"Look up."

When ChangMin and EunMi did so, they both quickly looked down again. There, hanging above the door was a tiny piece of mistletoe.

"Is that..?" EunMi tried to ask. ChangMin glared at the ground and said through gritted teeth,

"My mom put that there so that when my dad came home, he would have to kiss her."

"I see..." was all EunMi said back.

"...We don't have to," ChangMin whispered so that his mother wouldn't hear, but she did.

"ChangMin, if you don't do it, I'm taking away your laptop," Mrs. Shim flatly stated.

ChangMin looked at his mother in horror, and then at EunMi in embarrassment.

"Mom..! You can't..!" he pleaded to his mother.

"I will," she threatened.


"ChangMin..." Mrs. Shim was glaring at her son now, her arms crossed.

With his face pink from embarrassment, ChangMin leaned over to give EunMi a tiny kiss on the cheek and yelled a quick "Goodbye!" before slamming the door shut.

And even though she just had a door slammed in her face, EunMi found herself blushing. As she walked home, she couldn't suppress the tiny smile forming on her face.

It began to snow.




I lied to you! I said in the last chapter, " I plan to have Chapter Nine updated by Christmas day."

Well...I lied! Haha. As an early Christmas present to all my readers, I give you...

Adorably-failing-at-romance ChangMin!

I had so much fun writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did~

Oh, what's that? What were their presents? All will be revealed later~

Please comment and look forward to the next update~ ♪♪♪

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Xxdreamergirl #1
Chapter 18: Heya!!New reader here XD!!I love this story!The idea is very cool...but but authornim..don't play with my feelings like that *pout*.I really thought that Changminnie conffesed at that moment.
Anyway,update soon please <3 !
Update soon
cmacchiato #3
Chapter 18: I just came across this and maybe there is a chance to update this amazing story XD
ayuzain #4
are you dead? UPDATE!
Geegee123 #5
Chapter 18: Please update!! Its so good!!! :)
stelsunyi23 #6
You have to update soon, k? xD I love your story!!!~3
Maswimelloumia #7
Chapter 18: Please update soon.....
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz udapte soon♥
new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I like it! really like how they always compete with one another & no one is giving way for the other one to win! and also on your last updated Chapter, I really thought Changmin really confessed to her & you can say I'm disappointed when I read the next lines that it was only a dream. waiting for Changmin's confession & her realization that she also like him. will wait on your next update! update soon ;)
ManTou #10
Oh god ! You have to update this soon !!! Missing this !