Chapter Thirteen

Isolation (A Shim Changmin X OC Story)

When ChangMin and EunMi returned returned to the gym, the bell for the next class had just rung. There were three reasons why they had taken such a long time. First, the nurse took ten minutes searching for a working ice machine. Second, it took her an additional fifteen minutes to find a pair of crutches that were tall enough to accommodate ChangMin's height. And third, the return trip lasted around twenty minutes because ChangMin had never used crutches before, and he was having difficulty walking down the stairs with the crutches, as he insisted that using the elevator was for losers.

After changing back into her school uniform, EunMi quickly slung her bag over her shoulder and headed to her next class. Halfway there, EunMi stopped in the middle of the hallway, gave a quiet sigh, and turned around.

When she arrived at the locker rooms, she saw ChangMin struggling to get out of the boy's locker room while holding his crutches at the same time. Part of EunMi just wanted to stand there and watch, but the nagging voice in her head said otherwise. Silently, EunMi held the door open for ChangMin, letting him actually make some progress.

ChangMin was surprised at the other's actions, but didn't show it and instead glared at the girl, hobbling past her. With a glare of her own, EunMi observed the boy as he kept pausing to adjust the falling schoolbag on his shoulder. She even noticed that his tie was poorly tied, making him look like a five-year old boy pretending to be a businessman. Silently sighing, EunMi took the bag away from ChangMin, putting it over her own shoulder, and began redoing the taller boy's tie.

Noticing how close she was to him, ChangMin stuttered, "W-What are you doing?"

"Fixing your tie," EunMi simply replied, and when she finished, she said to him, "Let's go."

ChangMin didn't ask what she was doing, because he knew she was helping him. He just didn't know why. However, he refrained from asking because he was afraid she'd say she was helping him out of pity.

Shim ChangMin didn't need pity. In fact, anyone who wasn't as great as him should be pitied--so went ChangMin's thoughts.

Slowly, the two made their way down the hall, refusing to look at each other. ChangMin was about to ascend the stairs when EunMi reached up and took hold of his ear, leading him to the elevator.

"H-Hey! That hurts! Let go..!" he whined, clumsily swatting at the other's hand on his ear, nearly dropping his left crutch. EunMi pressed the button to go to the second floor and patronized him,

"Do you honestly think you can walk up those stairs? It took you fifteen minutes just to go down them!"

"So what?" ChangMin retorted. "The elevator is for losers. And I am not a loser."

EunMi exasperatedly rolled her eyes and quickly shot back, "Look! We're already late for class, and you're not making it any better, so just use the elevator for ten seconds, so we don't end up missing an entire class!"

"I'm not going in there," ChangMin finalized, teetering away on his crutches.

"This guy..." EunMi muttered, clenching her fists to refrain from tackling the stubborn boy. After taking a deep breath and calming down, she glanced at him and loudly exclaimed,

"All right, then! I'll just keep your bag...and read your notes...and use your pencils...and rearrange all the contents...and find your wallet...and take your I.D. card...and borrow your cell phone..."

Immediately, ChangMin shuffled towards the elevator and grudgingly got inside. Smiling lightly, EunMi pressed the button to go upstairs, and the doors closed soon after. Just as EunMi said, the elevator ride only lasted ten seconds, and they were now making their way to their last class of the day. EunMi held the door open for ChangMin to enter and then went to explain to Mrs. Jeon, the math teacher, why they were late to class. Mrs. Jeon excused them since they were "the best students she had ever had the pleasure of teaching," and went on with the lesson. As EunMi and ChangMin made their way to their desk, the whispers of the students were so clear and so obvious, they might as well have been shouting.

"Did ChangMin break his leg?"

"Maybe he got into a fight with some upperclassmen!"

"I thought those two broke up..."

"Maybe they made up, and now they back together..!"

ChangMin and EunMi's right eyes twitched at the last comment, desperately hoping that particular rumour wouldn't spread around the campus. Class went on as usual, but students would still sneak glances at two certain students in the back of the classroom. Finally, after what felt like forever, school had ended, and everyone was heading home. EunMi gathered her belongings, but she noticed ChangMin was having difficulty putting his schoolbag on his shoulder because of his crutches. Without considering the consequences, EunMi took the other's bag (again) and looked away, mumbling,

"Hurry up. I have to get home soon."

"Then go home," ChangMin bitterly replied. "You don't have to help me because you pity me."

"I don't pity you," EunMi shot back, but ChangMin didn't believe her.

"Oh, really? Then why else would you be doing all this?"

EunMi was silent for a moment, thinking about her answer carefully. She kept her gaze on the floor and replied,

"It's my fault that you hurt your ankle. And I'm sorry, okay? So just...let me do this until you get better...please?"

ChangMin could only stare at EunMi, wondering if she really had just asked something of him. Blinking once, he swore EunMi looked like she was embarrassed. Her cheeks were pink after all, and her lips were pressed into a thin line, almost making it look like she was pouting. Was this some kind of unintentional aegyo? Well, it did seem a little cute... 

Closing his eyes and literally shaking his head, ChangMin shook away those terrible thoughts, looked away from EunMi and said to her,

"Fine, whatever. Just don't embarrass me."

"Trust me. It's more embarrassing for me than it is for you," EunMi mumbled, but ChangMin heard her.

"No, it's more embarrassing for me."

EunMi gave a sarcastic laugh and countered, "Yeah? You think I want to be seen helping the boy I supposedly 'broke up' with earlier today?"

"And you think I want to be seen with a girl holding my things for me?" ChangMin rhetorically asked, hobbling out of the classroom. EunMi raised an eyebrow at the other and walked next to him saying,

"You're a boy. Shouldn't you be flattered that a girl is helping you?"

"Not if it's you," ChangMin bluntly stated. In shock, EunMi stopped walking and stared at the other who kept on walking. After a moment, she quickly caught up to ChangMin (though it wasn't that hard) and yelled,

"You're a jerk, you know that?"

"So I've heard," ChangMin flatly replied, not even glancing at the furious girl beside him. With a fierce glare, EunMi asked him,

"What is your problem?!"

"Nothing. Nothing at all," he replied nonchalantly.

EunMi was about to scream at him again, but instead took a deep breath and thought to herself, 'Don't let him get the best of you, Choi EunMi. Not this jerk.' Immediately after, an ingenious plan formed in her head, and she mischievously smiled, musing,

"All right. Fine with me."

ChangMin gave a wary look at EunMi and slowly replied,


"Let's go home now, okay?" EunMi hummed, putting on her sweetest smile.

ChangMin tore his gaze away from her because he suddenly felt his heart rate increase.

"But why?" he wondered. It was because he knew EunMi had something planned. That was it.






I'm sooo sorry for not updating in forever..! I recently had exams, so I had to put all my effort into studying for them. I don't think I've ever studied this hard before. But it's all over now, and I have time to write~

Did you like this chapter? If you didn't, I understand. It's short and not very good... Oh, more reasons to not like this chapter:

1.) No SoonLi, no JunSu, no YooChun (for those of you who like him...)

2.) No new students

3.) No cutesy, awkward kinda-romance (Well, not a lot.)

I'm really sorry..! It'll get better in the next chapter. I promise. I swear, you guys will be FOOYCL (falling out of your chairs laughing). I just made that up... Please don't use it. It's so lame. Hahaha.

Ah, and for those of you who didn't know, "aegyo" means "cute" or "charming." Basically, it's your cute side, and anyone can do aegyo! Like me! I guess. Personally, I don't think I have any aegyo, but all the girls in the grades above me are like, "AWH, YOU'RE SO CUTE~! " So...yeah! And yes, even boys can do aegyo! 

Oh. Here's something for your amusement. I was talking to my editor via MSN chat, and she started yelling at me. [K] is me, and [E] is my editor~

[K]:   XD You are the best editor ever~

[E]:   Aw, thanks. I don't deserve that though. ahaha

[K]:   PSH. You so deserve it. Taking the time to read my loser stories. x]

[E]:  alkjsfdla







[K]:   ;D










I love your writing

[K]:  T.T       

[E]:  It makes me so happy every time you update.

I literally smile BEFORE I read it because I know inside that it will be amazing.

You never fail to make me laugh or get into the plot.

I can't ever get away without reading the whole chapter first.


Don't say things like that.


I am done.



[K]:  T.T

Okay.. *sniff*

*saves this converstion*


Remember this moment.


Haha. Do you remember it, dear editor? Anyway...I'm working on the next chapter, so please look forward to it!

Super amazing, lovely cookies to:


Phew~! That's a lot of people! But I'm so grateful to each and every one of you. Thank you all so much.

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Xxdreamergirl #1
Chapter 18: Heya!!New reader here XD!!I love this story!The idea is very cool...but but authornim..don't play with my feelings like that *pout*.I really thought that Changminnie conffesed at that moment.
Anyway,update soon please <3 !
Update soon
cmacchiato #3
Chapter 18: I just came across this and maybe there is a chance to update this amazing story XD
ayuzain #4
are you dead? UPDATE!
Geegee123 #5
Chapter 18: Please update!! Its so good!!! :)
stelsunyi23 #6
You have to update soon, k? xD I love your story!!!~3
Maswimelloumia #7
Chapter 18: Please update soon.....
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz udapte soon♥
new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I like it! really like how they always compete with one another & no one is giving way for the other one to win! and also on your last updated Chapter, I really thought Changmin really confessed to her & you can say I'm disappointed when I read the next lines that it was only a dream. waiting for Changmin's confession & her realization that she also like him. will wait on your next update! update soon ;)
ManTou #10
Oh god ! You have to update this soon !!! Missing this !