Chapter Five

Isolation (A Shim Changmin X OC Story)

Luckily, EunMi had made it to class on time, and she walked up to ChangMin to return his forgotten notes. However, ChangMin noticed she was approaching him and stood up, moving to a seat on the other end of the room. Glaring at the rude boy, EunMi mumbled under her breath,

"Fine. No notes for you. See if I care."

As soon as the bell had rung for class to begin, Ms. Kim came skipping out of her office with a stack of papers in her arms and sang, "Good news, everyone! Principal Sung had a wonderful, state-of-the-art copier machine imported from America last night, and I have your tests ready!"

A couple students groaned, and EunMi and ChangMin glared at each other from opposite sides of the room. Anyone in the crossfire suddenly felt the temperature drop to sub-zero, and a heavy atmosphere hung above their heads. Once all the tests were passed out, everyone was permitted to begin working. Two particular students raced through the test with careful precision at the same time, putting all of their late-night studying to use.

Fifteen minutes later, the two students had finished double-checking their answers and were now racing to reach the teacher's desk. A single 'thud' resounded though the room as ChangMin and EunMi had simultaneously put their tests on Ms. Kim's desk--a baby grand K. Kawai piano. Ms. Kim smiled and mused,

"My, that was fast!"

But as the two students returned to their seats, they were both thinking,

"Not fast enough."

For the remainder of the class, ChangMin read his math textbook and took notes while EunMi busied herself by folding paper stars. When the bell finally rang, EunMi decided to be the first one out of class, just to annoy a certain student. ChangMin noticed this and rushed to the door as well, but even his long legs couldn't help because EunMi was closer to the door to begin with. Determined to beat the other, ChangMin sprinted down the hallway, but EunMi picked up her own speed and pulled further away. It was their 1.5 km race all over again. Except this time, the two had to maneuver around a sea of students, most of them just standing around and chatting with each other.

ChangMin and EunMi barged into their respective locker rooms at the same time, and once more when they came running out, racing to get to the track outside. ChangMin had opened the gate first, but since EunMi was significantly smaller, she was able to slip past him and step onto the track first. EunMi smiled in satisfaction while ChangMin glared at her and moved to the opposite end of the field.

Three minutes later, SoonLi had arrived and EunMi waved to her happily. With a grin and raised eyebrows, SoonLi approached EunMi and said,

"You seem very lively, unlike that walking zombie over there."

SoonLi pointed to ChangMin, who was brooding in a corner by himself, and EunMi stifled her laughter.

"He's mad because I beat him here."

"That's nice," SoonLi commented quickly. Her face brightened as she changed the subject. "Hey, did you hear? Park YooChun from class 2-B got a new haircut."

"What's so interesting about that?" EunMi asked, raising an eyebrow. SoonLi scoffed and replied,

"He gets a new haircut every month. I'm surprised he hasn't gone bald yet."

EunMi rolled her eyes playfully and said, "You really like to keep up with everything that goes on here, don't you?"

"Well, of course," SoonLi answered, tilting her chin up slightly. "I'm going to be a famous journalist one day."

"Really?" EunMi asked, intrigued. The other girl grinned and replied,

"Yep! My dad is the CEO of the Jang Publishing Firm, and I'm already helping him edit articles for newspapers."

The two girls continued chatting, passing a soccer ball back and forth. (The coach didn't care what they were doing as long as they were doing something.) ChangMin, not having any friends, decided to run around the track. Sometime in the middle of class, SoonLi kicked the ball too far, and it had rolled onto the track--nearly tripping ChangMin. With a sharp glare aimed toward the two girls, ChangMin kicked the ball to EunMi, who easily caught it, and continued running. In a strained voice, SoonLi whispered to EunMi,

"He's so scary..!"

"Psh. There's nothing to be afraid of," EunMi plainly replied, glaring at ChangMin from the corner of her eye. SoonLi gave EunMi an exasperated look.

"Easy for you to say! You're the only one in this school that's ever stood up to him."

EunMi raised an eyebrow in doubt, and flatly asked, "Really?"

"...Well, no," SoonLi admitted. "But you're the only one that isn't scared of him."

"You make it sound like he's a demon monster," EunMi teased.

"Oh, like you don't think the same thing!" the other shot back playfully. EunMi laughed quietly and replied,

"Well, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't a jerk."

They both giggled and resumed their conversation about Choi SeungHyun, who had not only dyed his hair silver-blonde, but had also stylized it into a mohawk. The rest of the period passed without further incident, and soon everyone was heading to the locker rooms. ChangMin rushed to and from the locker rooms, putting his uniform jacket on in the hallway as he ran to class. Catching his breath, ChangMin went to his desk, smirking in accomplishment and sat down, waiting for EunMi to show her sorry face.

But when EunMi arrived, she was animatedly talking with SoonLi, and she slowly walked to her seat. Out of the corner of his eye, ChangMin glared at the calm girl next to him, a million thoughts running through his mind.

Why didn't she run to class, too? Why was she so slow? Did she even try? Was ChangMin not enough of a challenge? Was he not worth the effort?

Looking at the angry boy next to her, EunMi smiled and waved.

Was she mocking him?

ChangMin was about to say something to her when the math teacher, Mr. Han, entered the room, immediately beginning the day's lesson. Everyone began taking notes soon after, including ChangMin, even though he had already taken notes from reading the textbook. The class went on quickly, just like all the previous classes, and once again, ChangMin sped to the Student Council room. A few moments after he had settled himself at the teacher's desk, EunMi came into the room, leaning forward on the desk and asked,

"When do I start doing real work?"

"When I feel like giving it to you," ChangMin stiffly replied, turning his attention to the scattered papers on the desk. Slamming a hand down on top of his papers, EunMi raised her voice to match her rising annoyance.

"Look! I don't know what your problem is, but I did not join this organization to just sit around here. Give me some real work. I dare you! Unless you're too much of a child to be this selfish."

ChangMin was getting fed up with her attitude, so he stood up, looking down at the shorter girl and said in controlled anger,

"Fine. You want work? Find some way to gather enough money for 50% of the remaining expenses of the class trip. Do you think you can do that?"

"I know I can," EunMi replied, grinning. Handing the other a copy of the current budget, ChangMin added,

"And you can't use any of your own family's finances."

"Fine with me. As long as you don't use any of your own family's money."

"Is that a challenge?" ChangMin asked, glaring at EunMi, who smiled and answered,

"Why not? Let's each gather money for half the remaining expenses by Monday."



ChangMin put all his papers back in his school bag and said in a business-like fashion,

"Well, if that is all, then this meeting is over."

~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ==== ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ==== ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~

The two were walking home when a rush of cold air suddenly passed by, making EunMi stuff her hands into her jacket pockets to keep warm. Hearing a crumpling noise, EunMi curiously pulled out the notes that ChangMin had dropped after English class. Because its current state bothered EunMi, she straightened out the paper, smoothing out the crinkles. She was about to re-fold it when she thought she saw her name written in the margin.

"What the..?" EunMi whispered, looking closer at the paper. Having heard her, ChangMin turned around and looked at her, asking,

"What's that?"

After a moment of silence, EunMi quietly replied, "...Notes."

ChangMin raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"...Literature," EunMi managed to say, her voice growing smaller by the moment.

ChangMin squinted at the paper, looking at the notes written on the back and suddenly pointed at the paper in realization.

"That's my paper!"

"No, it's not..!" EunMi squeaked, hiding the paper behind her back.

"Yes, it is! That's my handwriting!" ChangMin yelled, reaching for the paper. EunMi stepped away from him and stuttered,

"I-It's not yours! Jeez..!"

"Yeah?" ChangMin made a move for the paper, but EunMi avoided him again. "Then whose are they?!"

"L-Lee TaeMin's!" she answered, desperate at this point. But ChangMin didn't buy it.

"He was asleep for the whole class!"

The two stood in complete silence for nearly an entire minute. And suddenly, EunMi sprinted away from ChangMin, who immediately ran after her, yelling, "Give it to me now!"

"Never!" EunMi screamed back, her voice resounding throughout the whole neighbourhood. They were in a full-speed chase for five minutes when EunMi finally reached her house, jumping over the wall that surrounded it. After landing softly, she jumped slightly, hearing a loud 'BANG!' on her gates.

"Give me back my notes right now!"

EunMi stared at the gates with wide eyes, half-expecting ChangMin to break it down.


Quickly spinning around, she found her mother looking at her with worry. EunMi forced a smile and greeted her.

"Oh, Mom! Good afternoon!"

"Welcome home... Um, who is the person outside..?" Mrs. Choi asked, wincing as ChangMin continued to bang at the gates. EunMi gave a high-pitched laugh, waved her hand and said,

"Ah, it's a...friend from school..."

"Give me back my notes!"

"He seems angry..." Mrs. Choi quietly whispered, eyeing the shaking gates.

"It''s a game! It's called, um, 'Take the Notes!'" EunMi laughed uneasily. "You take a friend's notes and see how long you last before you return them."

"Give it to me now!"

Mrs. Choi gave her daughter a doubtful look, and EunMi added, "It's really popular right now!"

"Aigoo... You kids make up the strangest games these days." EunMi's mother shook her head, remembering the days of her childhood when a simple game of "Red light, Green light" was enough.

"Don't worry, Mom," EunMi said encouragingly. "He'll leave soon."

"All right..." Mrs. Choi left to her room, and as soon as she was gone, EunMi grabbed a ladder and climbed up to look at the furious boy on the other side of the wall.

"Go home already!"

"Give me my paper back!" ChangMin yelled, glaring at the girl.

"They're just notes, not an essay! It's not like you'll die. Besides, shouldn't you get started on raising that money? If you hang around here, I'll definitely win."

ChangMin glared at the smiling girl for a short moment before walking to his own house and yelling, "You better give it back on Monday!"

EunMi just stuck her tongue out at the other and climbed down the ladder, smiling to herself.


I updated! I hope it was worth the wait. I'm really sorry to those who wanted this earlier... I like this chapter. Hahaha. How about you?

I apologize if SoonLi's character changes too quickly, but that's kind of how I wanted her to be. Was it okay..?

Ah, and YooChun and SeungHyun's hair. Yes, YooChun (DBSK) got a new haircut. It's acceptable, compared to his earlier hairstyles. But SeungHyun (a.k.a. T.O.P from Big Bang). Oh, SeungHyun... Why did you do that to your head?! Of all the styles I've seen, this one is just...PAHAHA! I'm sorry to everyone who might like it. But really...

Oh, and "Take the Notes" is not a real game. Please don't try it. If you have friends like mine, they'll eat your head off before you get five feet away from them with their notes. Hahaha.

Super-tasty cookies to:


Thank you all so much for subscribing! You've made me so happy!

Additional thank you to superseoul11, who made the lovely banner up there!

So with that said...please look forward to chapter six!

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Xxdreamergirl #1
Chapter 18: Heya!!New reader here XD!!I love this story!The idea is very cool...but but authornim..don't play with my feelings like that *pout*.I really thought that Changminnie conffesed at that moment.
Anyway,update soon please <3 !
Update soon
cmacchiato #3
Chapter 18: I just came across this and maybe there is a chance to update this amazing story XD
ayuzain #4
are you dead? UPDATE!
Geegee123 #5
Chapter 18: Please update!! Its so good!!! :)
stelsunyi23 #6
You have to update soon, k? xD I love your story!!!~3
Maswimelloumia #7
Chapter 18: Please update soon.....
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz udapte soon♥
new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I like it! really like how they always compete with one another & no one is giving way for the other one to win! and also on your last updated Chapter, I really thought Changmin really confessed to her & you can say I'm disappointed when I read the next lines that it was only a dream. waiting for Changmin's confession & her realization that she also like him. will wait on your next update! update soon ;)
ManTou #10
Oh god ! You have to update this soon !!! Missing this !