chapter 2

The Cold Wolf


“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Sehun said while smirking at you as you realised you were probably staring for too long. That didn’t stop you from saying something back though. “Too bad, my memory is kind of full.” Which made him let out a chuckle. “You’re funny.” All of a sudden, you feel like he knew the way too well. As in, he knew where to find your parents even though you never told him about your parents. Add up with the constant stares, it only made you feel more suspicious of him. Intrigued even. When you finally hit reality, there you are, in front of your parents and Sehun greeting them. “Hello, Mr Park. Mrs Park.” “Ah, Sehun-ah, I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?” You look at your dad with a huge question mark on your face but your mom pulls you away from them which you notice Sehun glancing at you both from the side of his eyes. “They know each other?” You whispered to your mom and your mom nodded. “Of course they know each other, he’s the son of your dad’s good friend.” You mentally slap yourself because that pretty much explains everything but you remembered something and as you are about to ask your mom further on it, you got cut off when someone takes the mic.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We are delighted to have everyone here as part of the company’s annual grand dinner! We do want to apologise for the delay as there were a few unexpected issues but with that all behind, let’s invite the President to kick off the night!” You realise your dad is now standing beside you as everyone clap. You wonder where did Sehun go but you figured he already went to his parents so all you’re thinking now is food. “Hello everyone. First of all, I would like to apologise for being late. Shouldn’t have eaten sushi.” Everyone including yourself chuckled at the President’s sense of humour. He continued on thanking the employees and then he decided to call his son up to the stage which your mom whispers to you and your dad, “Is this the announcement that he’s going to make?” Your dad merely shook his head, not knowing anything about it either. You on the other hand, is pretty much blur about this. What caught you off guard was when your heard the voice of the President’s son. “Hello everyone.” It was Sehun. Sehun is the son of the President. “Oh my god..” You mumbled and everything makes perfect sense now. Why everyone looked at you when you entered the ballroom with him. You tug your mom’s sleeves which your mom momentarily hissed at you because you’re tugging it too hard. “You didn’t tell me he’s the son of the President!” You whispered and your mom laughed. “I just wanted to see your reaction, Honey. As expected, your reaction is priceless!” You rolled your eyes and wanted to hide in a cave because you even complained about his dad coming late in front of his face.

The big announcement was about Sehun taking over one of the companies that his family owns which is involved in the hotel industry. The whole time Sehun was up on stage, you couldn’t help but realise he was looking at your direction but really, he’s probably looking at the hot girls behind you because even you can admit they’re hot. After the speech was over, food starts to be served and you praise the Lord for it because God knows how hungry you were because dinner for you was at 8pm not 8.30pm. You were eating peacefully and happily beside your parents, not bothered by your dad’s colleagues. You conversed too just to be friendly and you definitely did not forget about your main goal attending this which is surveying the company and probably get an internship here. Soon, the President came over to say hi and your dad introduced you to him. You noticed how scary he looks like and you can tell where did Sehun get his aura and looks from (though his mom is extremely beautiful too). “Jooyeon, I have to say, your dad is very proud of you and he has every right to be so.” “Thank you, Sir.” He then proceeds to ask about your usual education questions. “I see, time flies, does it not? Have any choices on which company you would like to intern at?” “I’m still looking around, to be honest. I just started my break so I’m not in a rush.” He laughed and said that you could have his companies as your choices but it’s not considered as a guarantee. “Oh, I should introduce you to my son. Your dad and I are good friends but everyone’s too busy to have a family day together.” Your dad laughed along and continued chatting with him while you were thinking ways of avoiding Sehun because the last thing you want to do is for him to tell his dad that you complained about him being late to the event and potentially, get your head cut off by your dad. Or mom. It was too late because your mom has her eyes on you like a hawk even though she’s talking to Mrs. Oh which is Sehun’s mother. Sehun walked over and well, needless to say, your heart was beating fast not only because of the situation but also because of how handsome and elegant he looked. When Sehun sees you again, his eyes lit up and you can see amusement in his eyes. He probably is amused by the look in your eyes that screams, “Please keep what happened between us!”

“Jooyeon, this is Sehun, though you probably have seen him before when he was up on stage.” Sehun took out his hand to shake yours and you held out your hand as calmly as you can and introduced yourself to him. Your mom laughed and told his parents that we walked in together before the dinner started which his parents gave surprised looks. “She was outside of the ballroom, lost after going to the restroom.” Sehun said calmly and with a poker face. You let out an awkward laugh, “Well, all the 5 months in university took away my sense of direction, I supposed.” Which your parents and his laughed resulting to your parents telling embarrassing stories about you. You would in your parents’ story telling session with his parents, defending yourself and Mrs. Oh backing you up as well but the whole time, you couldn’t help but to notice Sehun’s constant gaze on you. He never says anything nor give any expression the whole time but he was paying attention and kept his gaze, to you, that is. 


I'm in a high spirit for this story! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I do! Thank you for the support and don't forget to subscribe! *Throws hearts at you guys*

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tofucouple #1
Please update..loving your fic since the first day 👍🏻😊
aisyahnuha #2
Chapter 5: Please update. Your writing is too good. Pls im begging u
oomgggg so excited to read this!!!
exofxkaistal #4
Chapter 5: Please update soon
Chapter 5: Saw this story in my feed and it seems to be a great story!!! Can't wait to see more uldatea from youu♥♥
k_nana #6
Chapter 4: Yeshh a date that maknae scored so smoothly ~~ Oh Sehun, u sly wolf! I hope to see more of this. Irly can't wait for their date >< I'm so gonna be anticipating more of this couple , especially when u mentioned that suspicious part when Sehun said "Jooyeon, you really don't remember me? " I think I died a lil bit at that when I was in Jooyeon 's position. Gahh the excitement is killing me! Keep it up:)
I don't even know why I am so hooked up with this fiction. Maybe it's the way Sehun only has his eyes on her? Maybe it's her character that I like?
Damn! Girl. I like the way you write. Please give out more to the world.
Chapter 4: It's still the beginning and Sehun is already jealous lol
This chapter is cute though ><
I'll wait for your next update, author-nim~~
Chapter 3: Sehun is a total flirt hahahaha
Anyway, this might be a bit late, but welcome back, author-nim! :D
I thought you wouldn't write any other fics because it's been so long since the epilogue of Warm and Cold :)
But now that you're back with another one, be ready to get spammed by my comments- just like in Warm and Cold :p
I'll wait for your update~~~