Chapter Six

The University
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Chapter Six-


The confrontation between her and Kyungsoo was still fresh in Yoosun’s mind as she walked into the cafeteria. She was so deeply lost in thought that she didn’t realize the three other people in the cafeteria. In her dazed state she was able to snatch a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a banana milk from the counter that the cafeteria workers hadn’t cleared up yet. As she took a seat at one of the far tables next to the window she stuck the straw into her milk and took a sip.

“Hello Butterscotch.”

Yoosun almost died choking on her banana milk. As she was coughing her lungs up she felt a strong hand patting her back.

“Yah Baekhyun! Why’d you have to scare her like that?!” a deep voice shouted.

At the mention of Baekhyun, Yoosun settled her coughing fit and looked up to see three people that she didn’t expect to see. Baekhyun stood directly to her left, leaning in and looking at her with worry all over his face. Directly behind her was Chanyeol who towered over her and was glaring at Baekhyun, his hand resting on her back. To her right was Jongdae who had his normal smirk plastered onto his face and who casually slid into the seat next to her.

“I didn’t mean to!” Baekhyun shouted as he took the seat across from Yoosun and then Chanyeol sat next to him, across from Jongdae.

As the two continued to bicker across from her, Yoosun found her banana milk being lifted into the air. She looked to her right to see Jongdae taking a sip and she frowned. When he put it back down in front of her she inspected it to see half the small drink to be gone. “Yah!” she suddenly shouted at him, her frustration reaching her boiling point.

Jongdae looked at her with wide eyes and the two across from her stopped arguing to look at her as well. None of them did anything to stop her when she stood up and started to walk away. Neither did they stop her when she turned back around with a huff, grabbed her sandwich from the table, and then actually left the cafeteria. Chanyeol turned to Jongdae when she left. “What was that for?”

Shrugging Jongdae said, “I guess she really wanted all that banana milk.”

Baekhyun shook his head. “I don’t think that was it. She seemed tense and stressed before that.”

The two thought for a moment and then Jongdae snapped his fingers in realization. “I smelt demon on her.”

“That must be that damned Kyungsoo. What is he up to now?” Baekhyun growled as he glared at the doorway.

“Nothing good is what I’m guessing,” Chanyeol mumbled.




Yoosun’s next class, anatomy, flew by. The professor was all smiles and looked a bit too young to be a professor, though Yoosun had learned that with humanoids they could actual be several years older than they looked. Surpirsingly, Kyungsoo was in the class again and unsurprisingly he didn’t say anything to her. He didn’t even look at her when she walked into the classroom. It was almost as if he never left the classroom, as if him pushing her against the wall never happened. Yoosun wished it didn’t happen so that she wouldn’t have been so distracted during class. Luckily for her though it was the last class of the day.

Though she still needed to go to Professor Jung’s office with Kyungsoo and that Soora girl.

Unlike all the other students who cheered and started talking with their friends when Professor Lee Taemin dismissed them, Yoosun groaned. She gathered up all four of her textbooks with a huff as she lifted them, and turned to head towards the door just to almost crash into Soora. Soora looked blankly at Yoosun while Yoosun stared back in slight confusion. What is she still doing here, in front of me no less? I took my time getting ready and thought she would be on her way to the office already.

While Yoosun almost got lost in her thoughts Soora switched her weight onto her other foot and lightly cleared . “Are you ready now?” Soora asked in a soft voice that was just barely above a whisper.

It took Yoosun a moment to register what she had said but when she did her eyes widened. “Were you… waiting for me?” Yoosun asked in shock.

Soora just nodded her head and turned around, walking towards the classroom door. Yoosun heaved her books higher and walked after Soora. She caught up to the girl once they were in the hallway and decided to walk next to her. Silence filled the air between them and Yoosun bit her lip because of the awkwardness. She glanced over to Soora to see that the girl just kept her gaze towards where they were heading. Thinking whether or not she should break the silence Yoosun finally spoke up. “Why were you waiting for me?”

Although she didn’t look at Yoosun, Soora replied in the same soft voice, “You’re new. I thought that you might not be able to find your way to the office.”

At that Yoosun blushed in embarrassment and looked down at the books in her hands. “Ah, yeah. Thanks,” she mumbled.

Soora didn’t respond and Yoosun didn’t have it in her to try and start another conversation with the weird girl. Instead Yoosun focused on trying to remember the way to the office in case she ever needed to get there again. Although the path was mostly straight with only three turns, it was long and soon enough Yoosun had a nagging thought in her head.

Once again she looked at Soora and bit her lip before she asked, “You’re a freshman too aren’t you? How do you know your way around here so easily? And how is it that everyone knows everyone and knows everything about this place, even the freshman?”

This time Soora did glance at Yoosun but it was only briefly. “Although the Humanoid population around the world way outweighs that of the humans, here in Korea the population is really small. This school is the only school around for humanoids. It may be a college, but during the summers it acts as a daycare for any humanoid of any age and mostly everyone gets sent here by their parents.”

Yoosun nodded, the conversation becoming null again, but this time it wasn’t a big deal as they reached a slightly ajar door with a sign saying ‘Professor Jung Yunho’ on it in big letters. Taking a deep breath, Yoosun watched as Soora unceremoniously kicked open the door. The office was small, smaller than the student council office, but Yoosun expected that since this was only for one person even if that one person was a professor. The office was disorganized, with coffee cups and ramen bowls all over the place. The desk was pushed against the right-hand wall and the chair in front of it was occupied by Professor Jung who sat eating a bowl of ramen. Yoosun’s nose scrunched up at the overpowering scent of ramen in the office but immediately schooled her face when the Professor looked at them.

He quickly swallowed the ramen that was in his mouth before saying, “Nice of you two to finally come. Unfortunately, Mr. Do will not be able to help you since Mr. Kim said he needed his help with something for the student council, though I doubt that was true.” Professor Jung stood up and rummaged around his desk searching for something. When he finally found it, he walked over to Soora and placed a small ring of keys in her hands. “This key,” he said, pointing to one key on the ring. “Is to open pool 3, which you are to clean. The key before it is for the pool’s storage room and the key after it for the gate to the dumpsters. When you are done just slid the keys through the mailbox on my door. If the keys aren’t there tomorrow morning, then you will be running laps around the entire school.” He picked up the coat that was hung over the back of his desk chair and waved at the girls to walk out of his office. When they did he followed and locked the door behind him. “Have a nice night Ms. Im, Ms. Cho,” he said and walked away from them.

The two girls looked at each other once the professor had disappeared, and even though Yoosun found Soora to be weird, she figured that her face looked the same as the other girl’s. Full of annoyance.




“And you are lucky I was able to get you out of detention with Professor Jung. He’s really cruel with the detentions he gives,” Joonmyun nagged like a mother to Kyungsoo who wasn’t listening. The two were in their room that they shared with one other person, the other person not there yet. Joonmyun sat on his bed, the covers scrunched up at the end of his bed and the three pillows he had scattered on the floor in front of him. Although Joonmyun liked to keep his desk at his office clean, it was only for appearances sake. He was really a messy person and his wall of the room showed that.

Kyungsoo on the other hand was a really tidy person. His bed, opposite of Joonmyun’s, that he lounged on was made, his pillows behind his back, and his stuffed animal penguin by the foot of the bed where it always was. Joonmyun and their other roommate had come to know Kyungsoo for who he really was, an adorable person who was just extremely shy and put on a cold air to hide it. Although Yifan and Yixing in the student council knew that Kyunsoo wasn’t all that angry all the time, only Kyungsoo’s roommates knew the true him.

Their other roommate, although not as neat as Kyungsoo, was nowhere near as messy as Joonmyun. The only thing that their roommate had a habit of doing was leaving food wrappers scattered about the room.

As Joonmyun continued to nag at Kyungsoo, he lost himself in his own thoughts. It wasn’t until Joonmyun shook his shoulder lightly that Kyungsoo snapped out of it. He looked up to see Joonmyun looking down at him and he knocked Joonmyun’s hand off his shoulder. With a frown Joonmyun returned to his bed, and examined Kyungsoo from the distance. “What’s wrong?” he finally asked.

Kyungsoo hesitated but eventually spoke up rather softly. “What do you really think about that Cho Yoosun?”

Joonmyun’s eyes widened at the sudden question and he found himself automatically giving the same answer he had given Kyungsoo before. “She seems like a nice girl to be friends with.”

With a glare Kyungsoo stared at Joonmyun. “I asked what you really thought about her.”

There was a pause before Joonmyun answered, “That really is all that I think of her as.”

“Think of who as what?” a strong voice called out as the door to their room opened and then shut behind the man who just walked in. He was toned, the school uniform not doing anything to hide it. His dirty blood hair was fluffy and styled up a bit, and his round face was lightened with a bright smile.


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Alissa_Rein #1
Chapter 7: Omg! This is so good. I hope you'll update this story soon.
Chapter 7: why did I just find this? it's so good
I think I died a little inside when I saw it was last updated in 2017 :O
Chapter 8: Update plz~
Chapter 8: Looking forward for the next chapter.
staceygwen #5
Looking forward in the next chapter. :)
Chapter 7: can't wait for an update :))
Chapter 8: Can’t wait for an update:)))
Chapter 8: This is a great fan fiction well written and thought out with a lot of detail put into it

I hope you can update one day i'm waiting patently (:
please update! I REALLY LIKE THIS STORY!