Chapter Three

The University
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Chapter Three-


When Yoosun was left at the entrance to the library after stopping back at the dorm to change into her school uniform and put shoes on she hesitated. It was a building that was separate from the main university, and had an old Victorian feel to it. The building was kept in really good shape and looked much warmer compared to the brick walls of the main buildings. Just what did I want to come here for? I don’t even know what to look for. Why is it that I always rush in head first without thinking? With a sigh Yoosun shook her head and opened the huge double doors with a strong push from her hands. The doors gave in much easier than she thought since they had looked so heavy and she almost went crashing down to the floor because of the excessive strength she used.

‘Almost’ being the key word.

Instead of the floor embracing her it was a soft pair of arms that caught her and broke her fall.

“Are you alright miss?” a warm male voice called down to her.

Yoosun looked up with wide eyes to see that her savior was a princely looking man with a round face, worried brown eyes, and tousled brown hair. Or at least, she figured he was princely looking for his nose and mouth were covered by a black face mask.

“Well, are you alright?” he asked again, his mouth movement slightly noticeable under his mask, and snapped Yoosun out of her daze.

Blinking Yoosun shook her head and regained her footing, lightly pushing the guy’s arms off of her. “Y-yes thank you, I’m fine.”

She thought she could see him smile, and his eyes wrinkled at the edges. “That’s good. I’m sorry for that. If I hadn’t opened the doors at the same time that you had pushed on them then you might not have fallen like that,” he said and bowed to her.

Yoosun waved her arms frantically in front of her. “You don’t’ have to bow, it’s both of our faults really.”

The man straightened up and seemed to smile lightly again. “I guess that is true. Anyways, you must be the new student, Cho Yoosun.”

“How’d you know?” she asked, her eyes widening.

The man rubbed the back of his neck. “I may not know the face of everyone that goes here, but I can recognize a new scent, especially one such as yours. Besides, Yifan told me that you had left the Dean’s Office just a bit before I had arrived back.”

“Then you’re the student council president?”

He stuck his hand out towards her which she took. “Yes, Kim Joonmyun, nice to meet you.” When they finished shaking hands and they let go, Joonmyun coughed slightly. “And about the scent thing, I don’t mean it in a bad way. Your scent is actually really good, too good maybe. Or maybe it’s just because the school is running low on its stock so I haven’t exactly had my fill, the shipment comes in tomorrow. That’s why the mask you know,” he laughed a bit and pointed to his mask.

Yoosun’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Stock?”

Joonmyun nodded. “Yes, of blood.”

With a gulp and a paling face Yoosun asked, “Blood?”

Again Joonmyun nodded. “Of course. This school is built to help Humanoids fit into society, so obviously they bring in blood from the local Humanoid hospital to supply to the students who drink it. They don’t want vampires like myself to go around and biting the other students. Besides, it’s bad manners too.”

Yoosun felt like she was about to faint. “You’re a v-vampire?”

Something along the lines of realization flashed in Joonmyun’s eyes. Suddenly, faster than Yoosun could comprehend, he was right next to her, one hand over and the other around her back preventing her from screaming or running away. She could feel his hot breath tickling her ear. “I’m sorry for suddenly doing this,” he whispered into her ear. “I had forgotten that you’re Rank 1/8th and that you didn’t know about Humanoids before recently.”

Yoosun squirmed in his grasp but couldn’t break his hold on her. How does he know?!

“It’s alright, neither Yifan or I will tell anyone. If we did, then we would be removed from our positions as president and vice-president. That goes for all of the information we have on the other students too. However, I advise you to try not to look so afraid of us and what we are or you will be found out and you will be in trouble. There are those in this school that do not take all too lightly to those with mixed blood. And besides, there is no reason to be afraid of us. Like I said, the school provides for our needs, and the class rings that we wear are a way to limit any Humanoid powers that we have, which is why the school requires us to wear it at all times.” Joonmyun let go of her and pulled away, letting Yoosun take in a huge gasp of air. He smiled faintly at her, causing her to blush.

“Ahem,” someone coughed behind Yoosun.

Both her and Joonmyun looked at the person. He was slightly taller than Yoosun, his short black hair not adding to his height at all. His cold, wide brown eyes sent a chill down Yoosun’s spine when they made contact with her own. What’s with this chill? His aura is so cold.

“Kyungsoo,” Joonmyun greeted from behind Yoosun. “I take it you’ve finished with the scheduling for the welcoming ceremony?”

Kyungsoo nodded, sending a look to Yoosun before he looked back at Joonmyun and frowning deeply. “No I haven’t. I came looking for you to ask you a question, just to find that you have been flirting around with this girl while I’ve been working my off.”

Joonmyun laughed weakly. “Sorry, sorry. Let’s go back to the student council office and I’ll help you.” Kyunsoo turned and walked away down the hall, but not before casting another cold glare at Yoosun. As Joonmyun past her on his way after Kyungsoo he put his hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him. “If you ever need help you can always come to our office and ask for Yifan or I.”

Yoosun nodded lightly and then watched as Joonmyun’s figure disappeared down the hallway. Once he was gone she shivered and rubbed her arms to warm herself up. That Kyungsoo… what the hell is his problem? Shaking her head Yoosun turned around and went back into the library, careful to not push on the doors too hard this time.

The library, despite its outward appearance and the fact that it was the library of a very rich school, was probably the dirtiest place Yoosun had seen so far on her journey around the campus. It was very small and very dusty, the tabled wobbled when leaned on and had carvings and drawings place all over them. The bookshelves, though tall and wide, were not filled with books and the books that were on them were dusty, worn, and disorganized. The desk where the librarian sat, an old woman with graying hair and bottle thick glasses who was currently sleeping although it was only the middle of the day, was covered with books and even more papers than the desk in the Dean’s Office. The room was dark since the huge windows were covered in thick, dark red curtains and the lights were dimmed.

Yoosun who had decided on what book to look for, walked down the center aisle and read the broken signs on the bookcases that said what types of books were supposed to be on the shelves. Fantasy, history, art, aha! Reference! Yoosun went down the reference aisle and spent what seemed to her to be forever scanning the dusty books. Finally, her eyes caught what she was looking for and she pulled it off the shelf. The book was heavy and dusty like all the others. The bind was fraying and the pages had gone yellow with age and water damage. The brown leather that made up the book’s cover was scratched and scuffed beyond repair but to Yoosun the book was beautiful. This book is what is going to help me get through this university.

Quickly Yoosun returned to the front of the library and went up to the librarian who was still asleep with her head on the desk. Yoosun frowned and put the book on the desk. “Uhm hello? I’d like to check this book out?” she asked uncertainly, however the librarian did not stir at all. “Hello?” Yoosun tried again to no avail. Maybe she won’t mind if I just take it. I mean, this whole place is a mess anyways and seems to have no system so I doubt she’ll realize this book is missing. With that thought in mind Yoosun left the library and returned to her room, which was quite a good walk from the library.

On the walk back to her room she noticed that there were a lot more people walking about today than there had been yesterday. Although they all looked normal enough, smiling and laughing with each other while dragging suitcases behind them of all different sized, Yoosun couldn’t help but think about how none on the people were humans. No matter how much they looked like humans, they would never be humans, and that was what really scared her because if they couldn’t be humans than she could never be a human. Joonmyun mentioned that the University helps Humanoids fit into society. I wonder what that entails. When I am done with my schooling here, what job will I have? Hell, they didn’t even allow me to pick a major and from what I can see they don’t even have majors here like what the email the Dean sent me said. Maybe I should ask Joonmyun about that, though I don’t think I want to be alone with him since he is a vampire and he did say that I smelt really good, so maybe I’ll ask that Yifan guy instead. Though now that I think about it, I don’t know what type of humanoid he is. He could be even more dangerous than Joonmyun. Yoosun shivered at the thought, causing a few of the people around her to glance briefly before carrying on with whatever they had been doing. On second thought I’ll just ask Rin and Eunmi.

However, when Yoosun arrived at her room and opened the door she found that her roommates where not in. They had placed all their stuff where they had wanted it and now the room looked homelier. A few things that caught Yoosun’s eye were the amount of books that were put on Eunmi’s desk shelf that surpassed the books that were on Yoosun’s easily, the giant round cat stuffed animal who sat its furry orange on Rin’s bed, and

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Alissa_Rein #1
Chapter 7: Omg! This is so good. I hope you'll update this story soon.
Chapter 7: why did I just find this? it's so good
I think I died a little inside when I saw it was last updated in 2017 :O
Chapter 8: Update plz~
Chapter 8: Looking forward for the next chapter.
staceygwen #5
Looking forward in the next chapter. :)
Chapter 7: can't wait for an update :))
Chapter 8: Can’t wait for an update:)))
Chapter 8: This is a great fan fiction well written and thought out with a lot of detail put into it

I hope you can update one day i'm waiting patently (:
please update! I REALLY LIKE THIS STORY!