Deep-fried ice-cream

Dead Man's Hand
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He looks away, like he can’t bear to say it to my face. “…was good.”

I give him a look. The kind of look that deeply questions a man’s sanity. “Yes?”

“The performance. It was good.”

It’s hard to explain that kind of shock. Hard to explain how it disarms you. I’m always ready to let Jeonghan know how done I am with his existence in my life, but he’s never said anything nice to me before. And I don’t really say nice things to him, either. And this comment is rushing out of nowhere, and I’m not sure what to say.

So I just stand there, mouth slightly open for a moment.

When Jeonghan notices he scoffs a little and looks away, cheeks tinged pink, but eventually turns back to me. “You don’t have to be so shocked, I’m not the most evil denizen of hell, you know. I can be nice too, you know.”

“Uh.” I feel like I’m forced to speak, with so much effort that I trip forward a little after him. “Uh, tha- …thank you.”

His face just goes more pink. “You’re welcome,” he mumbles.

It’s stupid, I know, but the core of the conversation gives me a funny feeling inside. Like maybe we just got a little closer. As if I feel a little more comfortable around him. I grin at the idea, deciding not to mention his blushing, and jog until we’re walking side-by-side.

“You know, you really shouldn’t talk to Jun anymore.”

Aaaaaaaaaand the feeling is gone.

I scowl at him. “Well, you should keep your mouth shut instead of talking about other people’s private business.”

He scowls right back. “Your safety is my private business.”

“He won’t hurt me.” I’m starting to sweat just thinking about what he said to me last night. For me to kiss him. Like… voluntarily. By myself. It’s not that I’d mind kissing him. Or being kissed by him. Or, you know, that kind of stuff. It’s that he’s so damn sneaky about it.

“That’s a matter of opinion,” Jeonghan returns.

“Well I don’t care for your opinion.”

“Would you listen to me?” He stops me near a cotton candy stall some sophomores have put up. “I’m trying to tell you he’s no good and keep protecting you.”

I sigh. “I’m an individual, aren’t I? You think I can’t think for myself? I know what I’m doing so how about you just out? It’s my life, you know.”

Jeonghan grits his teeth and holds up both fists – not like he’s going to strike me, but just like he’s frustrated. “Ugh!” he finally growls after struggling with his words for a while.

“Yes, Jeonghan, very eloquent.”

I can feel the hands on my shoulders before I have time to turn around: he’s got my back flat against his broad chest, and it feels nice. Warm, and hard, but good-hard. Like an excellent-quality mattress: sturdy, and just a tiny bit squishy. I can’t help the expression on my face. “Hey, Jun.”

The demon’s hand gently comes up on my throat, fingers gripping my chin to tilt my head back. It’s annoying how he’s still wolfishly handsome upside-down. “Hello yourself, Joker. Oh? You look cute from this angle. No wonder Jeonghan likes to sleep over you like this. I’m jealous.”

“Ew,” Jeonghan and I cringe simultaneously.

“Anyway, I came to find you for a reason you know.” He lets me go and I turn to him to listen. “I was hoping you’d come grab coffee with me and we can find a secluded spot to-”

“Over my dead carcass,” Jeonghan interrupts rudely.

I sigh, closing my eyes a moment. “I’d love to, but I can’t. I have about half an hour before I need to get into the building again to taste-test a cooking competition.”

“Aww.” Jun’s smirk doesn’t let up, not for a single moment. “That’s okay. I’ll kidnap you some other time.”

“So help me,” Jeonghan growls from behind me.

“Excuse me,” a new voice interrupts. “But if we’re talking about kidnapping Joshua, I’d like to go first.” His voice softens a little. “I have something I need to talk to you about, Josh.”



This is it, I think as I make my way over the grounds. Neck craning. Eyes searching. There’s no point in delaying it all. Not when every day there seem to be more demons in the vicinity and my job to protect him becomes that much harder. There’s no point in waiting. No matter what the outcome is, I’ll still be by him.

I just have to find him first.

He’s near the cotton candy stall, in between two demons.

It’s ironic, how quickly everything can change. We haven’t hit the end of the first semester, and already my world has radically changed. Joshua – my Joshua, tall and lanky and languid, with his skinny little arms and long neck, knobbly throat, with his beautiful kitten-like lips and twinkling eyes and a smile that could shatter the heavens – was now caught between a demon that wanted to consume his soul, and a demon that wanted to steal his ity.

And I just want to hold him and tell him how precious he is. I want to keep his skinny little waist in the circle of my arms and fly with him so he can see the city from a height and marvel at it. I want to show him how beloved he is. How beloved he could be, if he let me.

There seems to be some talk of kidnapping, and I haven’t been talking myself up in the mirror all morning to let this chance go to waste. “Excuse me,” I mutter, “But if we’re talking about kidnapping Joshua, I’d like to go first.” I give both denizens of Hell a glare, daring them to contradict, before turning to Joshua. “I have something I need to talk to you about, Josh.”

He’s so bright. His whole face brightens when he sees me. He looks at me half over his shoulder, and he’s got a special smile, just for me. I know. He doesn’t give anybody else this smile, not in that way. It’s just right. It’s perfect. He’s perfect. My perfect Joshua.

“Sure, Wonwoo. We should be heading in anyway.” He turns to the demons. “You two can continue your sausage-off, just don’t disturb the festival, got that?”

I jog up so I can sidle up next to him, close enough to link my arm with his. “Were they bothering you?”

“Jeonghan always bothers me.” Joshua

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Hope5C #1
Chapter 32: Thanks for the amazing story. I tried so hard to cry, but I failed.??? It’s a really good ending though.
Chapter 32: This is so beautiful and very sad and this story deserves more! It made me cry at the end and Joshua's soul was and will be forever a pure soul. p/s I hate jun a lot in this story omg. Anyway, their love were just messed up. And the ending was just perfectly made and it finally relates with the title that i've been bugging to know why this story is called 'Dead Man's Hand' i really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 31: You are not suppose to make me cry T.T I really want a happy ending . Thank you for writing this awesome story!
Chapter 32: God I don't think a fic ever made me cry so hard. Really well written, I loved it so much.
Chapter 32: Urgh that made me cry. By now I know that you tend to kill of your characters but that one was worse than the others - but it was also sososo good. I love your stories and that one just turned into my favourite, even though I wanted to smack Joshua for being so irritatingly oblivious towards Jun. Thank you for your hard work, please keep on writing your amazing stories :)
Kalyn404 #6
Chapter 32: I... don't have words. It's just so beautiful, and sad, and heartbreaking...
The story is beautiful, seriously. I love it. Maybe the only I didn't liked very much was the fact that Josh realized how much he loved Jeonghan so fast, but it'S just a detail. Everything is so well written (like all of your fics!), it started like something a bit fluffy to finish as a complete angst.
Thank you, cause this is art.
Chapter 32: i knew i was gonna end up crying at the end of all this. again. as usual. ugh.
Chapter 32: So i missed a few chapters and now i just finished reading everything. I cant believe this fic is done already ;__; im gonna miss it. What am i gonna do with my life now?!!!
I can't believe how selfless Joshua could be. He's so precious. Precious Cinnamon Bun T_T
And gdi i knew jeonghan and joshua were OVOs T^T
My heart is hurting. Im dead. Idk help.
ellyphxnt #9
Chapter 31: i also died at this entire chapter
ellyphxnt #10
Chapter 29: i died at wonwoo booked security for the wrong date