Jeongcheol Friends

Lyrical Love

Sorry for taking so long! (This is kinda unedited because I was really trying to get this chapter out)





Friends By Chasing Atlantic


Boy, tell me what you're doing on the other side?

And so, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy?


Seungcheol lifted his head from his phone, sitting leaned over on a bench near the center fountain of campus. Instantly his good mood was ruined when he spotted Jeonghan, walking shoulder to shoulder with some tall guy with golden tan skin. He didn’t know what he expected, Jeonghan will never change.


Jeonghan bit his lip as and said his goodbye to the boy. Fake smile, fake lip bite, Seungcheol knew it was just one of his tactics. Jeonghan made his way over to Seungcheol, pulling up his flannel from off his shoulder and tucked his hair behind his ear.


“It’s cold why did you wait outside? I could have just walked to your car”


“Yeah, my bad” Seungcheol shoved his hands into his pockets as they walked in silence back to his black Ford f-150 parked against the curb.


Seungcheol climbed into the passenger seat and started the car, pulling out from the car that had parked in front of him and flipped around to head to Jeonghan’s house.


“So who was that? The tall kid you were blushing like a little girl over?”

Jeonghan scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking at his phone as he talked, “He’s a sophomore I wasn’t even flirting with him.”


Seungcheol laughed and in a mocking tone replied, “Yeah okay whatever you say.”


Jeonghan glared at Seungcheol, he hated when his friend acted like this. Seungcheol and him had been messing around for… about a year now. Jeonghan knew his older friend was getting tired of Jeonghan’s habits. Constantly with other men, starting flings that he only lets last about a week. Seungcheol is the only person Jeonghan has failed to push away, because Seungcheol didn’t give up. It bothered Jeonghan at first, but he found himself becoming dependent on Seungcheols interest in him. They became friends. Although Seungcheol probably hates that more than anything.




Jeonghan lifted his head up and turned, looking at his house. Jeonghan would never admit it, but it scared him when Seungcheol was upset. The possibility of Seungcheol finally giving up on Jeonghan was something the younger boy was constantly trying to prevent from happening.


Jeonghan scooted up closer to Seungcheol, cupping his cheek and forcing the other to look at him. Instantly, Seungcheol’s eyes softened and fluttered to the younger boy’s lips. Jeonghan closed the distance, his thin lips pushing up against the others chapped, warm ones.


Seungcheol exhaled through his nose, mentally cursing himself for being so weak when it came to Jeonghan. His thick fingers pushed the others black hair back as his hand held the side of Jeonghan’s face. It didn’t take long for Jeonghan to end up kneeling over Seungcheol’s lap, lips crashing together. The car filled with wet noises and the quiet sound of Coldplay Yellow playing through the radio.


As expected, Jeonghan didn’t invite him in or even stay to talk. The college student moved to open the door and grabbed his backpack, somehow smoothly maneuvering himself off Seungcheols lap and out of the car.


Face it

You want it, you crave it

Believe when I say that you'll know once you taste us


“I have to go, i’ll text you later.”He said before pushing his hair back and turning to walk towards his house.


Seungcheol let his anger get the best of him. He quickly got out of his car and caught up with Jeonghan, grabbing his wrist and harshly pulling him back to face him.


“God dammit Jeonghan! Why do you do this to me?! You push me away every ing time! When will you stop?” His voice was fairly loud, but he wasn't about to yell at him.


“Seungcheol… I've told you I don't want a relationship...”


“Then let me you”


Jeonghan was taken back. Surprising enough, Jeonghan honestly though he and Seungcheol would never actually have . Secondly, a couple months ago when he had confessed to Jeonghan he had told him that wasn’t what he wanted. Jeonghan had finally pushed him to the edge enough he guessed.


“I know you want to Jeonghan”


Jeonghan knew he had wanted it too. Grabbing the other's wrist, he pulled him into the front door of his home.


Seungcheol looked around and spotted Jeonghan’s sister, Yuna sitting on the couch, her expression bored once she saw Jeonghan.


“Go upstairs” Jeonghan told her, opening the basement door.


Yuna groaned “It’s the middle of the week Jeonghan what the .”


“Go upstairs now.”


“Im going im going but seriously think about moving out already it's getting tiring.”


Seungcheol’s blood only became hotter as he listened to the two speak as if Jeonghan’s room was some sort of house. Although he followed Jeonghan down the stairs, locking the door behind him. The younger boy flipped on the light switch. Seungcheol had barely ever been over to Jeonghan’s place before but he it changed a little from before.


Seungcheol turned his attention to Jeonghan almost instantly. A sharp gasp escaped from beautiful lips, hair flowing out around the boy's head as his body hit the bed. Seungcheol had honestly never met anyone more beautiful that Jeonghan. His sun kissed skin was becoming a translucent white as summer faded into sun barren cloudy days. Jeonghan’s silky hair that used to be long and golden now midnight black and flows just beneath his ear.


Jeonghan pulled the other down on top of him, “Stop staring it's creepy.”


Seungcheol smirked, pushing their mouths together once again. Although there was no slow to fast, Seungcheol was demanding right off the bat. With a tug of Jeonghan’s hair Seungcheol slid his tongue between his soft pink lips, tasting the other's mouth. Jeonghan let out a sinfully beautiful moan as the older began to move his hips against the others in attempt to create a bit of friction.  


Seungcheol pulled Jeonghan’s sweater up and off of the boy's body tossing it behind him. Jonathan's body was pale, skin smooth like marble. Again Jeonghan realized the boy was staring at him and flicked his forehead , “Don’t get distracted.”


It only took about a minute for both boys to be completely undressed. Seungcheol grasped one of Jeonghan’s thigh in his hand, holding to his hip while he ran his lips over the other one. Jeonghan watched silently, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as the elder’s lips traveled over his skin.


Jeonghan couldn't take this. The was Seungcheol looked into his eyes the whole time, how his hands so very gently grasped his body, the way his lips pursed warmly against his skin. It was too sweet, too romantic and sentimental. Jeonghan wasn’t used to being treated like this.


“Be rougher” Jeonghan whispered, causing Seungcheol to raise an eyebrow.


“If you say so”





Jeonghan hadn’t expected Seungcheol to be that rough, or to be that ing amazing. A constant argument raged in his head whether or not he should actually give Seungcheol a chance or not. He was so scared to be alone but too stubborn to commit himself to any one person. His mind was stopped by a hand sliding around his waist, hot breath against his neck as Seungcheol pulled their bodies together.


“Really? You want to cuddle?” Jeonghan laughed, liking the feeling none the less.

“Yeah, let me have this”


All of your friends have been here for too long

They must be waiting for you to move on


Seungcheol had been smart not to get his hopes up, so there was no surprise when Jeonghan pushed him away again. Jeonghan had gone so far to even start ignoring him. When Seungcheol asked if he needed a ride home; there was no answer. Seungcheol tried calling, but again no answer.


It wasn’t driving him crazy or making him sad. It was Jeonghan, that was just who he was and Seungcheol needed to start remembering that.


To: Hosh

Jeonghan is ignoring me, I just want to know how he’s been.


From: Hosh

He has this new guy he’s been seeing a lot. I don’t know much about him tho, Jeonghanie said he was from America though


It’s easy to tell yourself how you should feel. It's hard to deny your feelings once they break through though. Now it was driving him crazy. Jeonghan was seeing a guy, and his friends knew about him. Jeonghan was dedicating time to this guy, enough to get to know him. Seungcheol couldn’t even believe him anymore.


From: Hosh

Hey man, you good tho? I heard what you and him did… and now he’s ignoring you? You can't really expect him to change :/


To: Hosh

Yea, i just wish he would


From: Hosh

I do too


From: Jun

Party @ my place. Buy us alcohol pls pls pls pls pls


Junhui always seemed to be someone Seungcheol could count on to bring his spirits up. Seungcheol was about to ask why Junhui couldn’t just buy it himself, but then he realized it wasn't because he couldn't, it was because Junhui was a broke college student. It was the least Seungcheol could do.


Jeonghan looked up as Joshua made a noise, realizing how rude he was being by just staring at his phone.

“ i’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you”


“It’s fine, don’t worry about it” Joshua smiled in a extremely familiar way, it was warm and caring.

“U- uh so there is a party at my friends place in a couple hours, do you want to come with me?” Jeonghan asked, not knowing if he could take being alone with the boy all night.


Joshua nodded, smiling “Sure sounds fun”







Jeonghan laughed as Soonyoung knocked over Junhui’s lamp for the third time.


“Dude! C’mon stop trying to ing break dance in my living room”


Everyone laughed, and it felt good to be surrounded by people he liked. Everyone was smiling and enjoying themselves. Right now it was only his closest friends who had showed up this early. The friends who had stuck by him since he had started college. They felt with all the drama that came with getting close to Yoon Jeonghan and he had never been more grateful for them.


Junhui jumped up from his seat on the couch, yelling about going out to help someone. Jeonghan smiled as Joshua accepted and followed Junhui outside. Junhui walked back in after a few moments with paper bags.


“Seungcheol came throughhhhh”

Jeonghan’s heart fluttered at the sound of his name and began to feel anxious. Seungcheol walked in with Joshua trailing him. This wasn’t a good situation for Jeonghan to be in.


“You okay?” Soonyoung sat next to Jeonghan and bit his lip in concern, knowing even though Jeonghan acted like he didn’t have feelings, he did. Everyone could see it.


“What? Yeah i’m fine” He stood up. His mind told him to not do something stupid that would hurt anyone he cared about. But Jeonghan was a reckless human, he was selfish and scared. ing up was who he was.


Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved

Running in circles, now look what you've done

Jeonghan went into the kitchen, all eyes suddenly on him. Jeonghan swallowed nervously, grabbing a can of beer off the counter. Joshua smiled at him and made an unknowing mistake. Joshua wrapped an arm around Jeonghan, kissing the older’s cheek.

“All of your friends are really nice Jeonghanie”


Jeonghan looked up right away to see Seungcheol already staring at him. He was beyond angry.


Jeonghan knew he wasn’t going to get out of this one easily.


“Yeah, they are pretty great” Jeonghan intertwined his fingers with Joshua’s and began leaving the kitchen.


“Are you ing kidding me Jeonghan?” Seungcheol’s voice sound almost tired, as if he about ready to finally give up.


Jeonghan tells Joshua to go back to the living room and Joshua does so without having to be asked twice. Junhui also takes this as a sign to leave the two of them alone.


“You’re dating now? How long have you known him? What does he have that I don't?” Seungcheol moved closer and Jeonghan flinched back. He didn’t like when Seungcheol was angry, it wasn’t like him.

“Nothing really, i’m just trying it out… he and I aren’t permanent”


“I could have told you that. No one you're ever with is permanent. Why are you so against trying to actually love someone Jeonghan? Why can’t you let yourself be loved”


Tell me we weren't just friends

This doesn't make much sense


Seungcheol reached out and took Jeonghan’s hand, pulling him closer, “Why him? Why couldn’t you try with me? Why are you so against trying to love me?” the pain in his voice was enough to make any normal person fold.


Jeonghan shook his head, his eyes stinging and threatening to release signs of weakness.


“Seungcheol… s- stop”


“Jeonghan i’m ing in love with you. You can’t tell me you feel nothing for me!”


Jeonghan felt a tear slide down his cheek, yanking his wrist away and wiping it away. The confusing emotions were too much for Jeonghan. He couldn't organize his thoughts. Whenever Jeonghan felt any sort of conflicting emotion towards a guy he always reacted negatively. A defensive technique his heart had learned to keep people away.


“I can because I don’t!” Jeonghan shouted, loud enough for people in the living room to hear.


“I don’t feel anything for you Seungcheol!” his heart slammed through his chest, the lies kept spilling out.


“I don’t believe you,” Seungcheol held his ground. He wasn’t about to give up now after so long “are you saying every kiss we’ve ever shared meant nothing? All the times you cried on my shoulder or told me I was important? Were those all fake?”


Jeonghan shook his head, he couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t keep lying to himself.

“No… No god dammit they were all real but”


“But what?”


“But I can’t be in love with you Seungcheol!” Jeonghan’s voice cracked as his emotions finally broke through. He had gotten himself in too deep, gone too far trying to convince himself he wasn’t in love.


Love is scary. Jeonghan had never been shown real love. To him, love wasn’t a warm and beautiful thing. His parents had always told their son they they loved each other. It had been implanted in his young mind that if you love someone, all the yelling and fighting was okay. When his father raised a hand to his mother and the next day had the audacity to tell Jeonghan, “It's okay… sometimes that's what happens when you love someone.” Jeonghan promised he would never let some stupid feeling be an excuse to hurt someone. That he would never be foolish enough to believe anyone that told him they loved him.


“I can’t be in love…”


Fear. That’ what Seungcheol had heard. Jeonghan was scared of his own feelings. Feeling Seungcheol knew existed. Seungcheol wasn't dumb, there was obviously something more to it than not wanting to be tied down. He knew Jeonghan hadn’t had the best family life, but Seungcheol wasn’t about to use that against him.


“But you are” Seungcheol could barely sound confident. Seeing Jeonghan cry made it feel like someone was actually trying to rip his heart out.


“I know I am”





Seungcheol pulled up infront of the west theater building. Jeonghan’s last class was about to get out in a few minutes. Seungcheol sank down and sat back in his seat, closing his eyes. His heart pounded in his ears, whatever feeling this was was only consuming more of his body. You know the feeling when someone says something shocking? The tight breathless sensation? Yeah that's the one. It had been a normal feeling for Seungcheol the past two days. Jeonghan and him had… overcome a lot. It was hard for Jeonghan to come to terms with it, but eventually he could no longer deny that he was definitely in love. Seungcheol had received a phone call last night, and finally he had won. Jeonghan had ended things with that Joshua boy, and told Seungcheol to pick him up after classes the next day. So, here he was. Waiting with his heart in his throat.


Suddenly there was tapping on the window. The man sat up and quickly unlocked the doors to let Jeonghan in. Seungcheol couldn’t help but to stare. Jeonghan wore a red beanie, with his hair tucked behind one of his ears. His thin lips were spread into a smile. The younger turned his head to meet Seungcheol’s gaze.


“Hey.” He greeted softly, the smile not once disappearing.


A smile found its way on to Seungcheol’s face as well as he returned the word. Without any other exchange of words, he drove. Eventually he stopped driving and Jeonghan finally spoke again.


“What are we doing at the lake?” A small laugh of confusion left his lips.


Seungcheol shrugged and reached over, intertwining his fingers with Jeonghan’s. The latter leaned in slightly, as did Jeonghan until their lips met in the middle. It wasn’t rough or intense. Just lips against lips, moving with caution and care because they both were so caught up in this sentimental moment.


Seungcheol pulled away slowly, keeping their proximity.


“I want to hear you say it” He whispered, brushing his knuckles over Jeonghan’s cheek bone.

Jeonghan nodded, “I love you Seungcheol”

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I loved the ending to the meanie one, so cute! <3
banana-milk-lover #2
Chapter 8: some kind of perfect jeongcheol, thank you
Chapter 7: Why yes, you should still update :)
Chapter 7: YEAH! write anything and post it when u can! :D
banacarat #5
Chapter 2: CUUUUUUTE!!!
Chapter 6: You still need Jeongcheol though, don't worry, I won't rush you
Chapter 4: Jicheol's Pompeii: Ah, this plot. Jihoon staying up until the sun rises causing ruckus to the group and Seungcheol being the only one who can tame the lion that is Jihoon. I love that you set the plot in real life wherein they are idols and it actually made me jittery thinking what if this is the real score between Jicheol? XD But aye, Jeonghan snapping though. This one shot is touching.

Jihan's We Don't Talk Anymore: I LOVE THIS SONG and just when I thought I totally understand what the song meant comes your story knocking me down completely because holy , I didn't see that plot coming lmao it started with a cute scene of Joshua mentally turning into a pile of goo and then it escalated quickly to Seungcheol's manipulative nature. I'm so happy Jeonghan is now free. Joshua's his everything and the latter's him too, I just- they deserve the happy ending ;A;

So... I really like where this one shot collection is going. Please keep writing! :'D