Wonhui Hymn for the Weekend

Lyrical Love

Thanks for the request anonymous!

Warning: Drug Use




Hymn for the Weekend by Coldplay




Junhui gripped the edge of the counter. His boss was yelling at him again for messing up. Junhui wouldn’t really care if it wasn’t for the fact that the restaurant was full of customers and that he was totally ruining his high.


“I didn’t hire you because I needed another stoned dead beat! I have enough of those types of employes!” The man pointed into Junhui chest.


“Whoop whoop.” Vernon could be heard from the kitchen and Junhui had tried his hardest not to laugh.


“I’ll fire you too Hansol!”


That was all it took for Vernon to go back to prepping food.


“So i’m being fired?”


“Look at this! He finally understands something!” the man held out his hand.


Junhui rolled his eyes, taking off his apron and shoving it into the man's hand. The dark haired male looked around at all the customers who where looking at him with pity. his dad was going to be pissed. Junhui walked out with his head down, pulling his jacket on as he walked. He knew what he needed, and that could only be done by pulling out his phone and calling Minghao.


Minghao opened the door, his giant hoodie swallowing his figure.


“Hey man, come in.” He said, yawning into his hand and walking into the apartment while his guest entered and took off his shoes.


Junhui followed the brown haired boy back into his room, sitting on the edge of the teens bed while Minghao got what Junhui asked for. Jun often asked himself why he had never tried to go after Minghao. The high schooler was feminine, y and smoked so he was basically Junhui ideal type. Yet somewhere in his mind, Junhui had set Minghao into a sort of ‘off limits’ zone. Junhui didn’t want to get involved with an underaged kid anyway.


“Here you go.” Minghao’s voice was still soft and casual as he handed the bag to Junhui.


“Mm thanks baby” what? That didn’t mean he wouldn’t tease the kid “I really appreciate it, here”


Juhui handed Minghao the ten he owed for the sack. Minghao nodded, barely fazed by Junhui’s meaningless flirting. Junhui shoved the bag into his pocket. If anything made you feel like a loser it was buying weed from a kid in high school. Not really the proudest thing about Junhui’s life.


“Guess what? I just got fired from my job today” Juhui said, leaning against the wall of Minghao’s bedroom.


Minghao looked up at him with a fown “Im sorry Junhui.”


Junhui shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets, Minghao had known his situation. Junhui’s dad had told him that if he couldn't keep a job and save up to move out, he’d be kicked out. Junhui had really tried because being homeless in winter was not something Junhui wanted to be.


Jun lifted his head, leaning back when he realized how close Minghao had gotten. . Minghao pushed up on to his tip toes, wrapping his arms around Junhui’s shoulders before leaning in.


Why aren't you pulling away Jun?

Why are you kissing him back man.

Stop yourself Junhui


As if Junhui had ever listened to his conscious anyway. Minghao’s lips were so soft and his tongue tasted like cigarettes. Junhui grabbed Minghao’s face and turned his head, daring to make this deeper.


Luckily for Junhui’s consciousness, a knock came at Minghao’s apartment door. It gave Junhui enough sense to realize what he was doing and pulled away.


“God i’m sorry I have to go”


Junhui stuffed his feet back into his shoes before opening the door and coming face to face with another guy. His eyes were mysterious and sharp, dark against the pale color of his skin. Upon seeing Jun, the mysterious man took a step back.


“I must have the wro-”


“Ah… Hey Wonwoo. Come in, he was just leaving.” Minghao looked up at Junhui before quickly walking back into his apartment.


The boy, now known as Wonwoo, bowed his head to move around the taller.  Junhui was still kinda in shock from being in the presence of such a beautiful person so he moved without consulting his thoughts.


“Whoa, i’m Junhui” Jun moved in front of Wonwoo with a smile.


“And i’m sort of busy” Wonwoo moved passed Junhui and closed the apartment door.


Totally rejected.


Oh, angel sent from up above

You know you make my world light up


Turns out the boy Junhui met in front of his dealers door wasn't as cold hearted and Junhui had pinned him to be. Because a week later he got a text from a random number saying

    ‘Hey it’s Wonwoo, the guy you met in front of Minghao’s apartment? I’m sorry for being so rude when you tried to introduce yourself. I think I was cold and tired so sorry. I asked Minghao for your number bc he told me you are a cool dude’


Junhui was beyond ecstatic when he found out the guy actually wanted to talk him so of course he replied back with an invitation for the two to hang out. Wonwoo agreed, not even questioning how ing lame Junhui sounded when he said

    ‘I can come pick you up and take you somewhere nice? Well not that nice because i’m broke but nice enough’


Junhui followed the directions to Wonwoo’s apartment, envying that everyone he knew had their own place already. Junhui texted Wonwoo to tell him he was outside and less than two minutes later Wonwoo was exiting the apartment building and approaching Junhui’s car.


The black haired boy looked up from his feet and made eye contact with Junhui, giving him a beautiful smile before the passenger door was opened and he slid himself into the seat.


“Hey.” his voice was deep but Junhui couldn't categorize it as y. It was kinda cute.


“Hey, you ready?” Junhui returned his smile and started the car up, waiting for Wonwoo to be buckled in to pull out of his parking spot.


Wonwoo gave a simple nod and pulled out his phone, a clear sign that he already felt awkward.


Junhui pulled into the diner parking lot, getting out and opening the door for Wonwoo.


“Is this a date or something?” Wonwoo smirked and nudged Junhui’s shoulder.


Junhui smiled and nodded, confirming his question. Wonwoo blushed, looking away from Junhui and allowing the older to wrap his arm around his shoulders. . Wonwoo had been being sarcastic when he asked, and now he knew this was an actual date he became a bit more nervous.


The two sat down in a booth on the less crowded side of the restaurant and sat down from across on another. Junhui wasn’t the type to let things get awkward, and Wonwoo was more than grateful for that.


“So, you in college yet?” Junhui asked, resting his chin on the palm of his hand as his focus completely centered on Wonwoo. The younger laughed at his question, shaking his head and looking down at his hands.


“No, I've been rejected by all three colleges I have applied to.” Wonwoo sounded truly upset.


“What do you want to major in?”


Wonwoo looked up, surprised Junhui had not apologize for Wonwoo’s troubles or even look at him with any sort of pity. The chinese male simply continued the conversation. Wonwoo smiled and unfolded his hands, leaning on the table just as Junhui was. Their eyes met as they continued to talk.



“Scenery or people?”


“Aesthetics or business?”



Junhui smiled, about to speak again but the waiter had approached their table and interrupted.


When I was down, when I was hurt

You came to lift me up


Wonwoo laughed at another one of Junhui’s stupid jokes as they exited the diner. Snow was beginning to fall from the black sky and Junhui nudged Wonwoo.


“Want to come over? I don't know why you were at Minghao’s place exactly so i’m not assuming anything, but we could smoke if you want.”


Wonwoo nodded, pulling his jacket zipper up higher and smirking, “I’d love to.”


As Junhui opened the garage door he felt blessed that his parents cars were both absent. That meant they didn’t have to stand out in the cold garage all night. Junhui led Wonwoo down to the basement where he resided. Wonwoo made himself comfortable on the couch as Junhui got everything ready.


Wonwoo smiled at all the posters hanging around the basement. Mostly korean rappers and underground groups but also well known american stars like Nirvana to Eminem. There was so much to Junhui Wonwoo didn’t even know where he'd begin. Luckily he wouldn't have to ask any questions right then because the strong smell of filled the room. The raven haired boy turned to see Junhui holding the joint out to him. Wonwoo took it and pressed in between his fingers. He didn’t know he needed this so bad. Not just weed, or even being high.


Spending this night with Junhui was probably crucial to ensure Wonwoo’s mental health. The stress and anger had been at an all time high for Wonwoo over these past few days. Being able to hang out with a cute guy who could make him laugh and enjoy himself was very much appreciated.


Junhui found it hard to keep his eyes off Wonwoo as they passed the joint between one another. After maybe(?) their third one Junhui stood up and stumbled over to open his window, letting the room start to air out.


Junhui threw himself back on the couch, smiling like a dork (not like a smile had left his face all night).


“Dude i’m pretty ing high”


Wonwoo lost it, throwing his head back and covering his face. Junhui was so ing cute. Soon Junhui was laughing along with him, weakly slapping his shoulder but not strong enough to form words through the hysterical laughter. Wonwoo felt tears falling down his cheeks as he forced himself to stop laughing.


“Oh my god i can’t even handle you” Wonwoo tried not to skint his eyes, knowing how high he looked (felt?) already. Junhui smiled wide and Wonwoo couldn’t help but notice how close he was… or that he was getting closer.


Junhui’s smile faded the closer to Wonwoo his lips came. Both males had their eyes trained on one another's lips. Junhui got this way when he was high, always craving affection or physical attention.


It was Wonwoo who closed the space between their lips and united their mouths in a deep hot kiss. Their lips melded together, tongues crashing somewhere in the middle. kissing high is hard but also probably one of the most satisfying feeling ever, at least that was Junhui’s thought process.


Wonwoo was probably more into it that Junhui seemed to be, then again Junhui was really high so moving fast and thinking ahead was difficult. Yet he gladly made room for Wonwoo to climb into his lap, hands gripping the thin boy’s waist. Junhui didn’t know he was hard until he felt Wonwoo’s long fingers sliding over the front of his jeans.


Junhui let out a muffled groan, biting one of Wonwoo’s lip as he slowly pulled his head back. With open mouths, the two shared a lustful stare, and not once did Wonwoo’s hand stop moving.


“” Junhui’s breath hitched and he pushed up into Wonwoo’s palm, his desperate for more than just this. With his own hand, Junhui reached down and s his jeans, moving Wonwoo’s hand under the elastic band of his boxers.


Wonwoo did the rest himself, connecting their lips once again as his hand began to work Junhui closer to an . Junhui was ing floating, it had been so long since anyone had touched Junhui like this.


“Do you want to go to the bedroom? There is more space” Junhui whispered with his wet lips against the shell of Wonwoo’s ear.


“Not tonight” Wonwoo answered, clearly saying he wasn’t ready to have with Junhui just yet. Although that answer was expected; Wonwoo sliding off the couch and down to his knees was not at all what Junhui anticipated him to do.


“You’re going to kill me”


Life is a drink and love's a drug


Junhui stared up into the sky, his arms folded behind his head as he lied on the grass. The ground was slowly thawing from the cold winter and Junhui could finally wear short sleeves. Just as his eyes were fluttering shut, he felt lips against his own. Instantly Junhui’s hands cupped Wonwoo’s cheeks.


“Mmm sorry i’m a little late.” Wonwoo bit his lip with a smile, sitting on the grass next to Junhui.


“You’re not even that late” Junhui looked up at the beautiful korean boy that he got to call his. Wonwoo’s narrow eyes gazed back into Junhui’s lighter dark orbs with admiration. Although Junhui could tell an idea was formulating in Wonwoo’s head.


“What is it?” Junhui’s sat up, his arms behind him to hold himself up.


“You should dye your hair blonde.”

“Are you serious?”


“Yeah, why not?”


“You have a point. Sure”


Wonwoo smiled and captured Junhui’s lips with his own, holding their lips together for a few seconds before pulling away.


“If it's going to be this easy to convince you to do i’ll have to make a list” Wonwoo teased, not being able to hold back the silly smile that was naturally caused by being with his boyfriend.


It had been three months since Junhui and Wonwoo had became an item. Wonwoo’s friends were surprised at how happy some random guy had been making Wonwoo. Junhui cupped Wonwoo’s face, pushing his hair away as he brought the boy’s lips back to his own.


They fit together as people. Wonwoo was a little more grounded, really thought things through. Junhui really needed someone like that in his life, someone who could keep his mind from wondering so much. Jun looked up at Wonwoo as the younger pulled away, his brown eyes sparkling with emotion.


“Let's drive”


Both boys got into Junhui’s car, Wonwoo already flicking his lighter and burning the tip of a pre rolled joint. Junhui headed for the wild parks, deciding it was time to get out of the city and visit the trees and hills. This was Junhui's part of the relationship; drugs and spontaneous fun.


“Babe, put it to my lips” Junhui said, keeping his eyes on the road.


“I'm not going to let you smoke and drive.” You could hear Wonwoo rolling his eyes.


“Fine, then stop smoking without me” Junhui looked over and smiled at his boyfriend, who in return smiled back.


Wonwoo took the time to stare at the boy in the drivers seat. The wind throwing his brown hair around, light brown eyes trained on the asphalt ahead of them with his strong arms flexing as he gripped the steering wheel.


“I think I love you” Wonwoo sighed, taking a drag and blowing it through the window.


“What was that? I couldn't hear you”


“Nothing” Wonwoo smiled and looked out the window.


Got me feeling drunk and high

So high, so high


Wonwoo gave his wide nose crinkling smile as he and Junhui opened their hotel room door.


“I can’t believe we actually got a hotel room” Wonwoo’s smile never fades as he scolded himself. Junhui laughed, realizing how the receptionist could totally tell they were stoned off their ing asses.


“Kinda glad we did…” Junhui wrapped his arms around the slighter short male's waist. His thin lips began to press against his boyfriend's neck. Wonwoo simply melted into Junhui’s arms, biting his lip and closing his eyes. Both of them knew where this was heading.


“Junhui....” a silent moan escaped Wonwoo’s wetted lips.


Junhui ran his hand down the front of Wonwoo’s abdomen, fingers quickly popping the buttons that had been closing his lover's jeans. Wonwoo’s hips pushed forward, nudging junhui to keep going. Junhui tugged down Wonwoo’s tight black jeans.


As soon as Wonwoo lost his pants, Junhui was pushed down on to the bed and the younger was working his boyfriend out his own jeans.


“Wonwoo… calm down” Junhui laughed a little, trying hard to keep up the pace Wonwoo was try to set and in result, failing horribly. Honestly, Junhui was nervous to have with Wonwoo. Thats right, three months and they hadnt had yet.


The real reason was that Junhui was to shy to ask Wonwoo… what their positions where. It was silly of course but Junhui was worried he and Wonwoo both wouldn't be comfortable being the bottom. Wonwoo was also hard to read. Sometimes he’d pull Junhui’s hair or growl, or he'd whimper and wrap his arms around Junhui. It was hard to tell which Wonwoo was when it came to having .


“Why? Junhui… I want you to me already please


Junhui exhaled in relief, he could finally stop being so worried about it.


Now with both males fully , Junhui lied Wonwoo down on the bed. The two smiled, pushing their foreheads pressed together. Junhui’s smile faded as he felt Wonwoo’s fingers gliding over his shoulders and between his shoulder blades. The younger's eyes were narrow and sharp, staring into Junhui’s round soft ones. Junhui couldn't help but just admire the beauty beneath him.


Their lips collided again yet softly and careful this time. Junhui moved his hips forward, clenching his jaw and inhaling sharply. Wonwoo pushed his mop of black hair further into the white bed sheets, curling his toes.


“Ah… Jun- Junhui” Wonwoo took uneven ragged breaths as Junhui continued to find a comfortable pace.


Soon things fell into a rhythm and both partners were very audibly enjoying each other.


Wonwoo looked up into Junhui eyes, his own b with tears suddenly. Junhui expression twisted into confusion


“Are you okay? Am I hurting you?”


“No no… I just… I love you Junhui” he whispers.


Junhui’s eyes widened, his hips coming to a complete stop before he gave a shaky smile.


Wonwoo was beautiful, cheeks flushed, lips wet and forehead slicked with a thin layer of sweat. His pale skin was burning hot against Junhui’s, and felt cool under his lips. Junhui hadn't realized it before but having never changed the way he felt about Wonwoo. He knew he loved him even before this.


“I love you too. Wonwoo… I love you so much” Junhui buried his face into Wonwoo’s neck, continuing to move his hips against his boyfriend's’.


Wonwoo moaned and tangled his fingers into Jun’s hair.


Wonwoo lifted his head up from his pillow, using his arms to help him into a sitting position. His eyesight was blurry until he blinked the sleep out of them, looking around. His eyes landed on Junhui, who was laying next to him. A smile fluttered its way on to his lips, pushing Junhui's hair away from his face.

There was no drug that could replicate the high Junhui gave him… and no drug could be more addictive.

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I loved the ending to the meanie one, so cute! <3
banana-milk-lover #2
Chapter 8: some kind of perfect jeongcheol, thank you
Chapter 7: Why yes, you should still update :)
Chapter 7: YEAH! write anything and post it when u can! :D
banacarat #5
Chapter 2: CUUUUUUTE!!!
Chapter 6: You still need Jeongcheol though, don't worry, I won't rush you
Chapter 4: Jicheol's Pompeii: Ah, this plot. Jihoon staying up until the sun rises causing ruckus to the group and Seungcheol being the only one who can tame the lion that is Jihoon. I love that you set the plot in real life wherein they are idols and it actually made me jittery thinking what if this is the real score between Jicheol? XD But aye, Jeonghan snapping though. This one shot is touching.

Jihan's We Don't Talk Anymore: I LOVE THIS SONG and just when I thought I totally understand what the song meant comes your story knocking me down completely because holy , I didn't see that plot coming lmao it started with a cute scene of Joshua mentally turning into a pile of goo and then it escalated quickly to Seungcheol's manipulative nature. I'm so happy Jeonghan is now free. Joshua's his everything and the latter's him too, I just- they deserve the happy ending ;A;

So... I really like where this one shot collection is going. Please keep writing! :'D