Meanie 7 years

Lyrical Love

7 years by Lukas Graham

(Lyrics not in order the whole time)



Once I was seven years old my momma told me
Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely


Believe it or not, Mingyu was an extremely shy kid. He preferred to stay inside and watch dramas with his mother rather than go out and ride his bike with the other kids. His mother didn't mind her son's timid personality, until he reached grade two. She was worried that Mingyu wouldn't make any friends and that when he grew up, would feel lonely and helpless.


“But Momma!” Mingyu whined as they approached the park, holding on to her hand and pouting out his lower lip.

“Mingyu darling, you have to make some friends okay? You don't want to lonely your whole life do you?” She asked, kneeling down to her son's level and fixing his dark hair. “Go ask that boy to play”


Mingyu walked with his head down over to the boy on the swings. It made Mingyu a little sad that the boy was alone. Mingyu climbed on to the swing next to the boy and finally got his attention.

“I'm Mingyu” he mumbled.


The dark haired boy looked up, fluttering his eyes and smiling wide.

“Hi! I'm Wonwoo!” The boy was ecstatic to have someone talk to him. He had been alone at the park for hours now.


Mingyu was taken back by the boys loud tone and energetic introduction. He smiled shyly and tried to think of what to say.

“Do you wanna play with me?” He asked, looking down at his dangling feet.


Wonwoo jumped down off his swing, nodding vigorously

“Race you to the fountain!” He yelled, already sprinting to the center of the park. Mingyu whined and jumped off his swing before chasing after the light skinned boy.

“No fair!” He shouted with glee.



Something about that glory just always seemed to bore me
'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me


Once Wonwoo and Mingyu entered middle school, it was as if their personalities were traded. With the help of Wonwoo throughout primary school, Mingyu had learned not to be so shy.


Even though Wonwoo became more shy since he really only had Mingyu and didn't know how to converse with other kids. Mingyu was always by his side, he didn't think he needed anyone else.


Mingyu got popular fast, and everyone wanted to sit next to him, eat lunch together or hang out. It was something Mingyu was used to, and sometimes it even made him mad that people acted like his friend just because he was handsome or approachable. They didn't really know him at all!


“I heard Soonyoung asked if you wanted to go to the movies with Seokmin and him… Why did you say no?” Wonwoo asked halfway through their walk home. Mingyu and him always walked home together since their families had moved on to the same street three years ago.


Mingyu just shrugged and held his backpack straps, “cause then I couldn't walk you home”


Wonwoo didn't know why, but his heart fluttered and his cheeks filled with heat. He didn't know why Mingyu said such stupid things sometimes, who did he think he was?


“But they seemed like they really wanted to be your friend you know?” Wonwoo avoided even looking at Mingyu. Being thirteen Wonwoo had discovered he found himself not paying any attention to girls. Guys where more attractive to him and even Wonwoo knew what that meant. He wasn't normal like everyone else, and being friends with Mingyu was extremely hard.


“I don't need more friends. Why bother? I already have someone that knows me, and I'm comfortable around. It would take too much work to become friends with someone the way I'm friends with you…” Mingyu answered, his pace becoming slower as they neared Wonwoo’s home.


Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu and found the others eyes already returning his gaze. Wonwoo tried to talk but his voice was stuck in his throat. Mingyu was so very important to him. Wonwoo opened his arms and wrapped them around Mingyu, who despite being a year younger, was a inch or two taller.

Mingyu returned the hug yet soon pulled away with flushed cheeks


“Have a Goodnight Wonwoo! Love ya!” Mingyu spoke fast, running down the street and to his front door and barging in.

Wonwoo was frozen. Mingyu had never said he loved Wonwoo before and it made Wonwoo feel warm inside. No not because he had a crush on Mingyu. Because Mingyu loved him as a friend...


Even being friends for so many years they just hadn't said that because they were guys and guys just didn't tell their friend they loved them, but Mingyu just did.


Wonwoo was happy to have a friend who loved and cared about him. Wonwoo truly hopped that Mingyu's feelings never changed.



Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By seventeen smoking herb and drinking burning liquor


High school came fast. Unbelievably fast. Wonwoo and Mingyu did make other friends, but it was because hey where in different years and needed people to hang out with when they couldn't hang out together.


Wonwoo was already a senior, and his feelings towards his best friend had already gotten out of his control. Sometimes he felt horrible, thinking the way he did about Mingyu. Imagining the things he did.


He always forgave himself, telling himself that at least he wasn't ruining their friendship by trying to express these feelings. Although, to his best friend was never really the most guilt free feeling.


Mingyu made friends in his class. Minghao, a exchange student from China and seokmin, who went to the same middle school as Mingyu. Seokmin was funny and Minghao was cute. It wasn't really a deep friendship.


The thing about high school was that it was absolutely evil. From gossip to fights to drugs and parties. Mingyu and Wonwoo experienced it all.


“You want to go to Seungcheol’s party?” Mingyu asked Wonwoo in the car ride home. Wonwoo had his license and his own car which wasn't very common yet his mom knew he deserved it.

“Tonight? I thought you didn't like parties Mingyu” Wonwoo chuckled a little.


It was true, Mingyu didn't like parties. He didn't like the loud music or the people constantly pressed against him. This was different. He had to go because Seungcheol invited him personally.


“Well yea… He invited me so I wanna go. But I don't want to go without you because what if the seniors are just ing with me? I'll need you there to protect me” Mingyu smiled, poking at Wonwoo’s sides.


The older swatted Mingyu’s hand away and nodded, “sure, we can go. Why not”


Wonwoo walked into the house, and just as Mingyu thought. Loud music and a lot of people all condensed on to the first floor.


Seungcheol was pretty popular and well talked about so Wonwoo had been surprised that Mingyu had been personally invited but he didn't think too much about it. Well, the part of him that was deeply in love with Kim Mingyu kinda thought about it.


Almost instantly they were greeted by the owner of the house and Seungcheol flashed them both a dazzling smile.


“Hey! Mingyu… Ah…”

“Wonwoo” Wonwoo mumbled.

“Yeah! Hey! I'm so glad you came” the senior wasn't addressing both of them anymore. His hand rested on Mingyu’s shoulder and his eyes never left him.


“Yeah! Thanks for inviting me Hyung” Mingyu quietly thanked him, barely audible over the heavy bass based music.

Seungcheol nodded and dropped his hand down to Mingyu’s waist.

“Come get a drink, both of you!”


They were led to the kitchen and handed beers. Wonwoo looked at Mingyu skeptically, knowing the younger had never drank before (or he would have known about it). Mingyu returned his glance with soft educated eyes as if to say ‘I know what I'm doing’ before putting the glass to his lips and taking a drink.


Wonwoo nodded and did the same, watching Seungcheol basically lean on Mingyu as they talked. Wonwoo couldn't really tell what they were saying because he wasn't really even trying to listen. He minded his own business and leaned against the counter, sipping at his beer.


Wonwoo looked up to see Mingyu’s entire body language had changed. He looked stiff and his face screamed that he was uncomfortable. A almost instinctive feeling washed over Wonwoo, glaring at the older guy who now Wonwoo could see was heavily touching Mingyu.


Seungcheol’s hand wrapped around the juniors waist, his lips pressed against the younger's ear. Wonwoo set his beer down and grabbed Mingyu’s wrist, yanking him into his side.


“Listen, don't touch him man” Wonwoo spoke defensively, an arm snaking around Mingyu’s waist protectively. Seungcheol didn't look happy.


“The hell? You can't control him like that” He was obviously drunk, Wonwoo was barely able to understand what he said.


Wonwoo didn't spend anymore time talking to the guy. He lead Mingyu out of the kitchen by his waist and to the front door as quick as possible.


“See, told you you wouldn't want to go to this party” Wonwoo said, exhaustedly running his fingers through his hair.


Mingyu didn't speak, he just got into Wonwoo’s car and apologized. Wonwoo drove home, parking infront of Mingyu’s house and turning off his car. He couldn't get the sight of Seungcheol touching Mingyu out of his head.


“Mingyu, I just wa-” Wonwoo was cut off by Mingyu leaning over to Wonwoo’s side and trapping him between the window and his seat.

Wonwoo swallowed, eyes wide and searching Mingyu’s face for some sort of emotion to give away his intention.


Mingy looked back with seriousness in his eyes. The way Wonwoo was able to recognize Mingyu’s behavior at the party.. All the years Wonwoo had shied away from even slight intimate touches. Mingyu wasn't stupid. It wasn't as if he didn't feel anything either.


“Mingyu… What are you doing?” Wonwoo’s voice tried to come out as casual, averting his eyes and moving to open his door. Yet Mingyu was (unfortunately...Or not) faster and smacked his hand down on the door lock.


“Mingyu what the hell man?”


Mingy lowered his head, pushing his mouth against Wonwoo’s in one swift motion. The kiss was awkward and stiff, since neither of them really knew what they were doing.


“My parents aren't home” Mingyu whispers. Wonwoo's heart skyrocketed.


“What are you saying...?” Wonwoo sounded worried. Scared that this could ruin their friendship like he always worried it would.


“I've always wanted you Wonwoo”



Once I was twenty years old, my story got told


Wonwoo was nervous. His mom knew he was gay but to tell her that he had been dating Mingyu for three years without telling them was going to hurt them. He had always a great relationship with his mom, so he could already tell this was going to hurt.


Mingyu was going to have a harder time. Mingyu’s parents didn't even know he was gay. When he was younger his parents just thought that his constant clinging to Wonwoo was due to his shy personality in primary school. That Wonwoo had become his anchor and that he couldn't let him go.


Not that their son had been in love with Wonwoo.


Wonwoo and Mingyu took a deep breath as they sat on the couch facing the three adults. Ms. Jeon looked confused and concerned, creating mental bets with herself on what it was her son wanted to talk to them about.


Wonwoo agreed that he would talk, since Mingyu insisted that he'd start breaking down and it'd , quote “just be a mess oh my gosh”


Wonwoo slid his hand into Mingyu’s “we are dating”






“Mingyu? You… You're gay?” His father asked, sitting forward and clasping his hands together, confusion in his face.

Mingyu nodded, still not trusting himself enough to speak. He couldn't even look his father in the eyes.


Wonwoo’s mother clapped her hands together and smiled, breaking the sudden tension

“Isn't that lovely?”


Mingyu’s mother looked at her friend with a blank look

“What is lovely Nari?” She looked indifferent, as if she wanted someone to convince her.


“Well… You know that there is no way they aren't in love right? Since they were seven they've stuck together. I don't know when or how it happened but they've found real love in each other! I don't know about you but I don't think I would trust anyone but Mingyu with my sons heart anyway”


Wonwoo was speechless and Mingyu… well Mingyu was sobbing. Wonwoo held out his hand and it was met with his mother’s manicured frail hands.


“Mingyu…?” His mother smiled when her son finally looked up at her.

“congratulations sweety. I'm happy for you”



Once I was seven years old




“Do you think you'll be my friend forever?”


Wonwoo shrugged “I can't predict the future”

A wild gasp erupted from Mingyu as he scrambled onto Wonwoo’s chest, looking down and smacking the book from his friends hands.


“Well then promise!” Mingyu violently held out his pinky.

Wonwoo smiled and hooked his pinky with Mingyu’s, pressing their thumbs together.


“I promise Mingyu”


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I loved the ending to the meanie one, so cute! <3
banana-milk-lover #2
Chapter 8: some kind of perfect jeongcheol, thank you
Chapter 7: Why yes, you should still update :)
Chapter 7: YEAH! write anything and post it when u can! :D
banacarat #5
Chapter 2: CUUUUUUTE!!!
Chapter 6: You still need Jeongcheol though, don't worry, I won't rush you
Chapter 4: Jicheol's Pompeii: Ah, this plot. Jihoon staying up until the sun rises causing ruckus to the group and Seungcheol being the only one who can tame the lion that is Jihoon. I love that you set the plot in real life wherein they are idols and it actually made me jittery thinking what if this is the real score between Jicheol? XD But aye, Jeonghan snapping though. This one shot is touching.

Jihan's We Don't Talk Anymore: I LOVE THIS SONG and just when I thought I totally understand what the song meant comes your story knocking me down completely because holy , I didn't see that plot coming lmao it started with a cute scene of Joshua mentally turning into a pile of goo and then it escalated quickly to Seungcheol's manipulative nature. I'm so happy Jeonghan is now free. Joshua's his everything and the latter's him too, I just- they deserve the happy ending ;A;

So... I really like where this one shot collection is going. Please keep writing! :'D