Jicheol Pompeii

Lyrical Love

Pompeii by Bastille


I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show


Jihoon stared at the computer screen. His hands gripped his dirty blonde hair as he fought his eyelids to stay open. When he started, he didn't expect it to be such a solo project. He was left with his own mind, given no rules or guidelines. Jihoon hated that.


Like how teachers in school would tell you to write without a prompt… It was just… hard you know?


Jihoon sighed and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't just go to bed. If he did he knew he'd have a hard time picking up where he started the next day. It had already been days and he still hadn't even written the title track for their new album. Although, he knew it wouldn't take long for one of the members to come in and try to convince him to call it a day. It happened every night without fail.


Jihoon couldn't stop tonight. Not like he usually did. He had made that clear a hour and a half ago when Hansol came in and told Jihoon it was time to stop. It wasn't intentional, but he snapped at the younger boy. Hansol was extremely polite and always respectful, so of course Jihoon felt awful. Which made working even harder.


Before long there was another soft knock on the door. Jihoon ran his hands over his face, annoyed at this point. The door was opened, and closed without the intruder speaking.

“Come to bed” the man spoke, giving away his identity.

“I can't” Exhaustion was clear in Jihoon’s quiet voice.


Arms wrapped around the boy's shoulders from behind, kisses soon peppering his neck neck.

“This isn't going to convince me” the younger spoke, although Seungcheol sure was getting his attention. Subtle touches like these were Jihoon’s weaknesses and the older knew it.


“You're being pretty fastidious” Seungcheol's y laugh filled Jihoon’s ear and he couldn't find it in himself to resist any longer.

“Fine… I'll stop for tonight”


The walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love


Seungcheol bit his lip, trying to figure out what he was examining. Something no one could figure out. Jihoon.


Jihoon had emerged himself one hundred percent into his work, even refusing help and getting into arguments with other members. He was tearing himself apart and it was creating a thick distasteful tension. As a leader, Seungcheol couldn't sit back and defend him forever.


Seungcheol had come to many conclusions. Maybe it wasn't just work related, maybe there was a deeper reason behind Jihoon’s obsessive dedication. It could be that he was simply trying to prove himself.


The blonde man lied on the couch, trying to get some sleep after staying up so lip last night working. It wasn't just Jihoon who had responsibilities, everyone did. Suddenly yelling could be heard from down the hall.

“What's wrong with you?!” It was Jeonghan’s distinct voice.

“Nothing! I'm just working and you are all ganging up on me!” Jihoon shouted back, less loud and less angry.


Seungcheol quickly made his way to the back room where he could see Jihoon, Jeonghan, Soonyoung and Joshua.


“Hey hey calm down guys what's going on?” The leader asked, putting his arm on Jeonghan’s shoulder to try to calm him down. His attempts failed, and he should have known. Seungcheol really shouldn't try to calm him down when he was mad.

“This is why he doesn't listen! Because you constantly come to his side and defend him!” Jeonghan was becoming very emotional.


No one wouldn't understand. Jeonghan loved his friends dearly was always easily affected by others emotions.


“Jeonghan, this isn't the way to deal with this” Seungcheol’s voice was even and calm, trying to keep the scene from escalating.

“Don't act like this isn't hurting you either Seungcheol” Jeonghan’s voice was sharp and everyone physically flinched.


“Seeing him do this to himself hurts” Jeonghan returned his gaze to Jihoon, taking a deep breath “The walls are very thin. You're knocking them down one by one” Jeonghan motioned to the others in the room when he mentioned walls and it wasn't hard to tell what he was talking about.


Jihoon no longer wore a stubborn expression. Something changed.


But if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all?


The tension seemed to become less thick when Jihoon finished the album. He started sleeping regularly and eating better. It made everyone feel at ease.


The boys knew they had limited days before it went back to stress and exhaustion. Performing the same song over and over until promotions were over.


The night before their comeback, Jihoon sat in the small room. Usually it was three boys who slept in the small room, but since it was summer the rooms got hot and you'd most likely find majority of the boys sleeping in the living room.


The blonde haired boy stared up at the ceiling going over choreography, lyrics, timing, even positions over and over in his head. Jihoon wasn't as stressed when it came to performing or interview like he was when it came to creating the comeback. Just like the others, he usually just felt exhausted throughout promotions.


Jihoon heard the door open and figured Wonwoo got kicked off the couch by Mingyu like most nights. The male was about to ask if it was Wonwoo, just to make sure his theory was correct, he was already given his answer.


Seungcheol mounted his waist, thick thighs firmly hugging the small boy’s waist. Jihoon had absolutely no objections to the olders intentions. He needed this. With his strong large hands, Seungcheol snagged both of Jihoon’s small wrist and pinned them above the younger's head.


Jihoon’s eyes were clouded with desire and tranquility. Seungcheol was someone Jihoon always trusted with everything, so being in his presence was relaxing.


“What are you thinking?” Seungcheol asked, his voice steady. His dark brown eyes gazed down into Jihoon’s.


“I'm thinking of ways to word my apology. About how much I've missed you. How important you've been to me” Jihoon held nothing back. Seungcheol had a way of taking off Jihoon’s mask. There was no reason to lie or make something up. If there wasn't honesty, it wasn't love…. And Jihoon honestly did love Seungcheol.


The older boy leaned down, pushing his lips to his boyfriend's, teeth pulling at his bottom lip. Jihoon could sense the mental change in his boyfriend just then. Seungcheol’s hand dropped down to grab Jihoon’s waist, pushing it against the bed.


Jihoon lets out quiet a lewd whimper. It's not really his fault; its Seungcheol's. The way his thick lips worked at the base of Jihoon’s throat would make anyone come undone. The smaller male reached one of his freed hands down to Seungcheol’s crotch, sliding his fingers beneath the waistband of his athletic shorts.


As Jihoon small hands caressed the growing bulge under his boxers. The older male pushed his lips against Jihoon’s ear, whispering cloying words that made the boy underneath him blush with frustration and admiration. It was frustrating how much he loved the older.


Soon, both boys were embracing; skin against skin. Their hearts beat inches apart as their body's pushed together again and again. It was an amazing feeling, to be emotionally and physically close with someone you cared about immensely.


By the end of the night (or early morning) both boys lied awake, holding each other and basking in one another's presence.


“It almost feels like it used to. Being with you makes me feel normal” the older whispers, eyes searching his lover's face just trying to take in Jihoon’s angelic features.


“Hmm? What do you mean” his voice was soft and his lips felt sore and swollen from their activities.


“Before we were Woozi and Scoups. Before people knew us as idols. When we were living together as trainees. What did we used to say all the time, you remember?”

Jihoon smiled, “how many days until we’ll no longer remember these ones” he quoted word for word.


It just meant, how long would it take for them to not remember what it was like to be normal people. Until being an idol became their life.


“I'll never forget those days. Ever” Seungcheol swore, holding Jihoon’s face “I fell in love with you back then. You're bubbly personality and childish sense of humor” he ran his thumb over Jihoon’s precious lips, looking into his lover's eyes.


Jihoon blushed, bringing his hand to Seungcheol’s and closing his eyes. He had no idea what he had done to deserve such a strong caring man. There was no doubt Seungcheol was the one for him, he would fall apart (more than he lets himself already) without him.


Jihoon only realized he was crying when he felt his tears being pushed to the outside of his cheeks.


“I love you”


And if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
You've been here before?


Jihoon felt someone grip his hand, looking up and smiling at Jeonghan. The intense second as the card was opened felt like painful hours.




There was screaming and lights and confetti. The song he spent sleepless night after night perfecting played over them.


“We did it!” Mingyu repeatedly shouted, grabbing Soonyoung and jumping up and down.


Jihoon couldn't stop the tears when he saw Seungcheol crying. They flowed down his cheeks and sobs emitted from his lips as he was embraced. The embrace tightened, eleven other bodies joining and bouncing up and down. The lyrics that he rewrote time after time where chanted by fans and yelled out by his group members.


In the mess of bodies and yelling he felt a hand grab his, looking up to meet Seungcheol's puffy eyes.


‘Good job’ his lips silently spoke words that Jihoon could read.


Jihoon squeezed Seungcheol's hand tighter, shaking his head and smiling at him in disbelief. This wasn't his award.


It was theirs.

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I loved the ending to the meanie one, so cute! <3
banana-milk-lover #2
Chapter 8: some kind of perfect jeongcheol, thank you
Chapter 7: Why yes, you should still update :)
Chapter 7: YEAH! write anything and post it when u can! :D
banacarat #5
Chapter 2: CUUUUUUTE!!!
Chapter 6: You still need Jeongcheol though, don't worry, I won't rush you
Chapter 4: Jicheol's Pompeii: Ah, this plot. Jihoon staying up until the sun rises causing ruckus to the group and Seungcheol being the only one who can tame the lion that is Jihoon. I love that you set the plot in real life wherein they are idols and it actually made me jittery thinking what if this is the real score between Jicheol? XD But aye, Jeonghan snapping though. This one shot is touching.

Jihan's We Don't Talk Anymore: I LOVE THIS SONG and just when I thought I totally understand what the song meant comes your story knocking me down completely because holy , I didn't see that plot coming lmao it started with a cute scene of Joshua mentally turning into a pile of goo and then it escalated quickly to Seungcheol's manipulative nature. I'm so happy Jeonghan is now free. Joshua's his everything and the latter's him too, I just- they deserve the happy ending ;A;

So... I really like where this one shot collection is going. Please keep writing! :'D