Old Friend

Age Doesn't Matter...Or Does It?

Min Yu's POV

Bright, warm sun rays irritated my eyes the moment I woke up. It added to my confusion towards the mysterious hands that were my hair gently ."Good morning," he greeted.

"Donghae, how'd you get in here?" I asked with my voice muffled by the pillow in front of me. I fell asleep still face down on my bed, with the same clothes I was wearing yesterday. My body felt stiff, but good thing I didn't feel sick...or at least, I wish I was.

"I have my ways," Donghae replied. "You kicked the door open didn't you?" I suspected. He didn't answer, and instead, climbed on the bed and laid down beside me. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

"Why'd you make me remember?" I whined. "Instead of just lying here, moping around and crying, you could go now and talk to him about it," he said. "If I went there right now, it would only make things worse. I'd just shout and curse him until I used up all the words in the dictionary," I protested.

"Like you would even do that," he snorted. "Or I'd just cry in front of him and look like a complete sentimental girl begging for him to come back," I added. "You still haven't told me the complete story," he commented.

I went ahead and narrated everything that had happened from the time I stepped inside their dorm and the time I cried myself to sleep. I started tearing up on the part when I saw him by my window.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled when I finished. "Come on. Let's go down and eat breakfast," he sat up and waited for me to do the same. "No thanks. I'll just sleep or something," I muttered. "Stop being so sulky about what happened. It'll pass. Let's go down," he pulled at my arm.

"I don't want," I whined. "If I was you, I'd go ahead and forget about pride. I'd grab my phone and call Chunji and talk about it. We'd meet up and date and kiss or whatever it is that you do when you're together," he stated.

I sat up and glared at him angrily. "What did you just say?" I asked. "Let's go eat breakfast," he stood up and headed to the door. "No, don't get out. So you think it's my fault, now? That Chunji cheated on me, that I should forget about my pride and say sorry? So you tolerate it, that my boyfriend was making out with another girl in his room behind my back?! What kind of person are you?" I shouted.

"You know what? I'll just bring you breakfast in bed," he said, avoiding the topic. "Do you think it's that easy to just forgive him after what he'd done? I bet if your girlfriend cheated on you, you won't even be sad about it, because you're Donghae the martyr who just forgives someone just because you love them.

It isn't always like that. And you treat love as though you could go to Starbucks and order one large cup of it. And I always thought you were on my side. HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?!" I yelled.

The last sentence seemed to struck him, because he turned around. "Yeah, you're right. How could I have been so stupid to stick with you when we're exactly the opposite?

How I have been so stupid to listen to your endless rants and complaints, and to give you advices when you don't even go far to as simple as a thanks? Wait, you thank me. You thank me by commenting and judging on my life."

"I've spent early mornings just worrying about if you're already awake so you wouldn't be late for school. I worry if you've already eaten your lunch.

Every night I worry if you're already home, if you need help with anything, if you've already taken care of that wounds on your chest. I worry more about you than myself, and what do I get in return?" we both looked away, not wanting the other to see that we're both crying.

"And maybe I won't forgive you easily like you had said. If you need me, you know where I am," he stormed out through the door with the broken door knob. It had been kicked so hard that some parts of the wooden door also crumbled and fell to the floor.

I fell back on my bed, replaying again and again in my head our argument. I slapped my mouth for being so careless. I couldn't take back any of the words I'd said. Maybe that was the biggest mistake of my life.

I stood up and went to the bathroom. I stripped myself off of my clothes, the same way I wanted to strip away my pride away from me. It hindered me from doing what I wanted.

People have left me because of my pride. I've deprived myself of the chances I wanted to take because of my pride. I went under the shower and turned the water on.

With every drop of cold tap water, I let my negative thoughts wash away. Right now, I didn't care of what other people would think of me. All that would matter was that I was happy with what I was doing.

I won't be a slave to other people's standards of what is proper and what is not.  I let my bad memories go down the drain. The past won't matter to me now. What is most important is the present, and I'd live every moment of it without letting myself be entangled with my dark past.

I looked down and saw my wounds, which were now beginning to heal. Maybe I was like this wound. People cut me open and took everything they've wanted from me. They stitched me up and forced me to heal as if nothing had happened. I've told myself I was fine, but the condition only worsened.

I've tried taking everything one step at a time, and it's working. I was beginning to heal, to recover, to begin anew. Someday, like this wound, I would be a scar.

A scar isn't such a terrible thing, especially if it's a sign that you've been through so many experiences, but still come out stronger, even stronger than before. I shut the water off and right there and then, I knew what I had to do.

I got dressed and heard a knock on my door. "Min Yu?" it was Leeteuk. "Ne, appa?" I answered while busily drying my hair. "Someone's here to see you," he said. "Who is it?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he replied. "Is it Chunji?" I assumed it was him again. "No. Just come down okay?" he said and I heard footsteps as he walked away. "And by the way, what happened to your door?" he just noticed a few seconds later.

A few minutes later, I walked out the door and went to the living room. I wondered who this someone might be and that I have to be the one to come down here to see him...or her. I stumbled down the stairs and saw Leeteuk with a big smile plastered on his face, eagerly waiting for me.

The guest was facing Leeteuk, so all I could see was his back, his brown hair, his slim and slender figure...


Narrator's POV

"Did you miss me?" he turned around and opened his arms out wide. Min Yu ran with lightning speed and hugged him. "Okay, I look like a creep old guy here just watching you two. I'll leave," Leeteuk butted in. The two didn't mind him and rejoiced in each other's company. "God, it's been so long. How are you?" Min Yu asked. "I'm fine. How about you? It's only been a month, but you've grown so much," Kyuhyun commented.

The two sat down on the sofa and tried catching up on each other's lives. "So I heard you and Chunji are..." he gave her a sly wink. Her thoughts came rushing back, but she didn't let it show. "Y-yeah," she stuttered. "How's school?" he changed the topic, noticing her being uncomfortable. "I'm on my senior year, and so far, it's been fun," she replied.

"You owe me something," she said after a while of swapping stories with Kyuhyun. His eyes widened and searched his brain for anything that might relate to what she was talking about. "What?" he asked. "Since you didn't even tell me you were going to China for a month, you have to buy me coffee," she smiled. They brought back memories of the past by returning to the place where they've always been.

"It's only a few months but it feels like we haven't been here together for ages," he commented as they entered. The two went over to the counter to order. While Min Yu was pondering deeply as to what food she would like to eat, Kyuhyun stared at her with an amused look on his face. "What?" she asked consciously. "Is there something on my face?"

He smiled. "You've only added one digit to your age, but you still take more than a lifetime to order, when you always order the same thing," he sighed. They paid and sat on an empty two-seated table. "I wonder if your gaming skills are still as good as mine..." he thought out loud and they looked at each other knowingly.

He propped his bag up on the table and brought out his valued possession: his laptop. There were two of course. Who knows, one might crash while he's playing, so he brought an extra one for emergency.

"Oh you're on," she muttered. The waiter arrived and brought their order. Kyuhyun shooed him away as he was already concentrated on his game, and when he is, someone needs a sledgehammer to break that focus.

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Jominhyung and I are just waiting for the poster to be finished. If it's already done, we'll post the sequel of this story ☺


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reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love this story^^
Chapter 101: Hi Authornim... ^^ i m sorry a bit late found this a super duper great story... this is story that i m looking for these day... i was so lucky because i found it when i m browsing... i do laugh... crying.... upsate... cursing.... mad... in a midle reading...your story is a live..your story have a soul... now i m heading to read the sequel... authornim... keep writing ok... i will be your no 1 fan now... ^^v
Chapter 101: now I'm off to the sequel ^^

I like it :3
Chapter 101: Finished reading...sequel next^^
Chapter 101: I just finished reading this story and im up to the sequel but before that, i would like to say thank you authors for making this fic. *^-^*
Himawarixx #6
Chapter 14: Hahaha, I think the picture in this chapter is actually a dinosaur in Mario!
Sorry if its mentioned later, I have only read up to this chapter, but the story seems interesting so I will be continuing!
Abcmeow #7
Chapter 13: Omg! I absolutely love this story!.I stayed up till 5 am reading.. and I'm not even done yet! A M A Z I N G!