The Reunion


Junsu's POV

Manager hyung says gave us a week of vacation. He says the company wants us to relax before continuing with our activities. I decided to do something fruitful with my break. I decided to do some volunteer work at an elementary school at the other end of Korea. It takes 2 hours to get here. I invited a few of my close friends to join me. We haven't had the time to meet up.

The school was small but was well built. The headmaster was a good friend of my father. He had always treated me like a son. He told us what was to be done. My friends and I did exactly as we were told. Soon, the headmaster called us over to have lunch. The food was exceptionally delicious. It tasted exactly like.....her cooking.

After lunch we decided to relax at the school's garden. The headmaster said he wanted to introduce us to some other volunteers.

"Junsu ah!" i turned my head when i heard my name being called. The headmaster was waving to me. Beside him were two of the volunteers that he was mentioning earlier on. That girl on his left. She looks so familiar. She looked exactly, it can't be.

My doubts soon disappeared when they walked closer to me and my friends. That is her. 'My baby. After years of searching for you, you've finally appeared. Where have you been all this while? Don't you know that i've been looking non-stop for you? No, Junsu. Don't let your heart waver. You promised yourself that you'd seek revenge on her for leaving you. This is the perfect opportunity.'

'She looks different. She lost weight. She's much skinnier than she used to be. And her hair, its much shorter and darker than it used to be. And her eyes, they aren't as lively as they used to be. I guess time can really change a person.'

I snapped out of my thoughts when the headmaster spoke, "Ah, Junsu, this is Miss                  , and Mr Shim Changmin. They're volunteers here as well. They've been living in this town for the past two years."

'They?' My eyes switched from looking at her to the man beside her. 'Its him. Its the man she was with at the club that night. She left me for him. Is she happy with him?

Your POV

His tear-shaped eyes, his cute nose and lips. He looked exactly

It is him. I felt like running away. I couldn't bear to face him after what i had done to him. Does he hate me? Sure he does. Does he still remember me? Does he still love me? Because i still do....

"Ah, Junsu, this is Miss           , and Mr Shim Changmin. They're volunteers here as well. They've been living in this town for the past two years," the headmaster said as he 'introduced' Junsu and his friends to us.

I didn't know what to say so i just bowed politely. His friends bowed in return. I didn't know what else to do or say so i excused myself from the group, dragging Changmin along with me.

"Hey, you okay? That guy looks very much alike to......" Changmin stopped talking when he noticed the expression on my face.

"It is him," i said as i plopped myself down on the bench.

"Are you sure? I mean, people look alike you know."

"I'm sure its him, he looks a bit different, but no doubt its him." 'He's my Junsu, of course i'd know what he looks like.'

I heard the sound of footsteps around the corner. I turned and saw that it was Junsu. I stood up immediately, thinking of what to say to him. I turned back to Changmin and gestured him to leave. He shot me an irritated look before leaving.

"J...Junsu ah. How have you been?"

Junsu's POV

I stood there frozen as she dragged that man away with her. 'Where was she going? Was she going to leave again? No, i can't let that happen. I won't let her leave me again. Not this time round.'

I immediately chased after them. I found them sitting on a bench at the yard. She saw me and motioned for him to leave.

"J...Junsu ah. How have you been?" she asked. 'How could she have the heart to ask me that? How am i? I'm miserable without you. You left without any explanation. What did i do wrong to deserve that? Now after nearly 3 years you ask me how i've been?'

"Perfect, i've been perfect," i lied. "My career's been great and i've been involved in several musicals. My company gave us a week of vacation and i decided to come here. I thought of doing something good here before leaving."

"So, you'll be here for a week?" she asked with her innocent eyes. 'Ah, her eyes, still innocent as ever. I'm glad that didn't change.'

"Yeap, a week in this place. Will you be my tour guide? I heard the headmaster say you've been staying here for the past two years. So...will you?"

"O....Okay. Being your tour guide wouldn't hurt right? This town may be small, but it has many unique attractions. I'll be glad to bring you around --" before she could continue the man who was with her earlier on showed up.

"Oh, i'm sorry for being rude. Let me introduce myself, my name is Shim Changmin. I work as a doctor at the hospital in this town. Excuse me," he turned his back against me and began speaking to             .

"Its time for you to eat your medicine,               ," i heard him say to her. She simply listened to him and nodded. Did she love him so much to the extent that she listens to every word he says?'

"Junsu ah, i'll meet you some other time okay? Dinner is going to be served in a few minutes, so you can ask your friends to come in," she gave me a weak smile before leaving with the Changmin guy.

'I guess its fate that we meet each other again. I'll make you pay for everything. I can't say i love you, neither can i say i hate you. You leaving me was the worst thing that ever happened to me by far. I couldn't sleep, i didn't eat. All i did was to think about you. Were you doing fine? Were you safe? But i guess i worried for nothing, seeing you being all chummy with that Changmin guy. He stole me from you and i'll steal you back. Just watch me.'

Your POV

We were in the middle of the conversation when suddenly Changmin showed up. He told me it was time for me to eat my medicine. I wanted to spend more time with Junsu, but i knew Changmin would scold me. He had always been strict when it came to my health. I wanted to get better as well, so i just gave in.

"Junsu ah, i'll meet you some other time okay? Dinner is going to be served in a few minutes, so you can ask your friends to come in," i told Junsu before leaving.

Dinner was served in the school's hall. I bet everyone was tired. The food was delicious. Changmin had brought my medicine along to the dinner hall. He gave me a glass of water and told me to open my mouth.

"Changmin ah, i can eat the medicine on my own."

"Ahhh~~" he said, ignoring my pleas for him to stop.

I gave in and opened my mouth, allowing him to feed me the medicine. He's always treating me like a baby. The two little schoolgirls beside me started giggling to one another and i started to blush. I felt so embarrassed. Plus, Junsu was sitting opposite us. I hope he didn't get the wrong idea.

I tried to make eye contact with Junsu during dinner but not once did he lay his eyes on me. Changmin, on the other hand, focused too much on me. He made sure i was well-fed. He was behaving more like a father than a doctor.

The dinner ended and i made my way to the balcony, waiting for Changmin to pack up so that we can leave. I held a warm cup of coffee in hands trying to get over the cold wind. I looked up to the night sky and it was as beautiful as ever. I was busy admiring the beauty when i heard someone calling my name. That voice...

"What are you doing here? Its so cold here."

"I'm waiting for Changmin to finish packing up so that we can go off."

"Oh really? By the way, why do you live? Maybe i drop by one day."

My house? I don't have a house. I've been staying in a hospital these past two years. What should i tell him?

"Somewhere, its near the hospital," i lied, hoping that it would pass off as an answer.

Suddenly i felt his arms around my waist. I gasped at the feeling, causing me to drop my drink. I haven't felt his touch in almost 3 years. I missed this feeling. I was about to hug him back when he said, "Just to let you know, i'm not the man that you once knew. I've changed, because you forced me to change. Its a coincidence that we've met again at this place. You shouldn't have left. You shouldn't have given up on us. You shouldn't have given up on me. You're gonna have to pay for all that, you know right? Baby?"

He called me baby. I haven't heard him call me baby in 2 years and 6 months. But his voice was different. It was harsh and scary, This isn't the Junsu i knew. This isn't the Junsu that i fell in love with.

I could feel tears forming in my tears. I didn't want his arms around me anymore, not when he hates me. I didn't know that he hates me so deeply. I pushed him away and he stumbled backwards. He didn't even look apologetic for saying those things to me. The tears flowed down my cheeks endlessly. He gave me a smirk before walking off, leaving me stranded by his words.

I never wanted any of this to happen. Why does he hate me so much? Didn't he read my letter? I know i did him wrong by leaving him but he should know i had my reasons. My vision suddenly became blurry and i out. I could only remember someone catching me.


I woke up to the blinding sunlight piercing through the glass windows. I was back on my bed, in the hospital. I felt something on my arm. It was Changmin, he was sleeping so peacefully.

"C...Changmin ah," i shook him gently to get him to wake up.

"Hmm? Five more minutes...."

I laughed at his childishness. "Wake up Changmin. I don't think doctors are supposed to be sleeping on their patients' beds," upon hearing that, he stood up immediately while rubbing his eyes.

"Are you okay? I left you for 20 minutes, i come back and i find you fainting. What on earth happened yesterday night?" he asked sternly.

"Nothing, nothing happened Doctor Shim."

"Well, you better be careful. You might face another one of these fainting spells. We've increased your dosage of your medicine so there might be some side effects. Do not leave this hospital without my consent, understand? I don't want you wandering about the town. If you're good, i'll ask the other doctors if you can be discharged next week. That's, if you're good."

I nodded my head vigorously. If it meant that i would be discharged earlier, i'd do anything.

He continued, "I did a full check up on you yesterday. Everything is in good condition and the other doctors and i don't see the need of you staying in this hospital anymore. But i want you to promise me one thing. Never, i repeat, never skip eating your medicine."

I raised my hands and gave him a salute, "Yes, Doctor Shim!!"


A week passed by in a blink of an eye. I did everything as Changmin told me to do. I even willingly allowed him to do blood tests on me, ignoring all the pain. I can't believe i'll be free from now on. After nearly 3 years of suffering day in day out, i'm finally free. Junsu's leaving here today as well right? I can't stop thinking about him. I never stopped thinking about him these past years. I hope we meet each in Seoul.

I packed my belongings and waited for Changmin. He offered to send me back to Seoul. Even though i rejected his offer, he insisted on doing so. If he wants to get legs cramps after 2 hours of driving, who can stop him right? I had previously rented a place in Seoul over the internet. It was small but it was enough for me. After two hours of driving we finally arrived. Changmin helped me with the bags. I was lucky to have a friend like him.

"Goodbye Changmin ah."

"I can't bear to see you go," he brushed his fingers against my cheek. I playfully slapped his arm away. He took a step forward and gave me a peck on my forehead, "I'll miss you."

"Pabo-yah, we can still meet each other. I'll come visit you during the holidays, okay? You should get going. Its getting late. Drive safely okay?" He nodded and went back into his car and drove off.

I went into my new apartment, starting my new life......

Junsu's POV

I was putting my luggage into my car when i saw              and that Changmin guy get into his car. She had a big luggage with her. Where was she heading to? I didn't know what came over me, but i decided to follow them.

The route that they took was leading back to Seoul. I guess my decision to follow them wasn't a mistake since i was heading to Seoul too. They stopped at what looked like an apartment building. Is she going to be living here?

They got off and that Changmin guy helped her with the bags. My eyes widened as i saw him brushing his fingers against her cheek. But my anger subsided when she slapped his arm away. Good girl.

I could feel my blood boiling once again when i saw him giving her a kiss on her forehead. I've had it. I didn't come here to watch their love story. Well, at least i know where she lives now. I'll make her regret. Day one of revenge is coming. And i assure you, it won't be a pretty sight. She'll regret everything that she did.



Double update today!!!~~~ How was it?  For the Junsu fans, sorry for making him like this!! Our poor duckbutt :<

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Happy New Years yeorabun!!

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Chapter 8: amazing story! im from Singapore too btw :D i cried most of the time when reading it
naznew #2
why you don't continue writing until she die?
dawnxiamara #3
New reader here. Please don't be mad if i say this is really awesome but, i am very frustrated the denouement but still it's good...
WHAT?! Why'd you end there?!? D8 NOOOOOOO! DX
OMG yer an evil one.... I shoulda guessed from the title. i ... hate ... you... :P
awwww..please don't let her forget about Junsu..he is trying his best to be with her and fighting so she can be well..please!!!! anyways, update soon
you just wanna make me cry dontcha?.... cmon .. let's go for a miracle, cuz i SWEAR if you make me cry i will NEVER forgibs you :P
Aww junsu oppa loves her dearly and he wants to do everything for her..update soon.. This fanfic is so sad
Nice storyyy! Can't wait for the next chap ^^
Omgosh!! She's losing most of her memories!! That's sad!! Junsu oppa be strong!!