Love Sick - New Horizons

Love Sick - New Horizons Chapter 1

Love Sick – New Horizons

Chapter 9


“P’, there’s something else I need to tell you. I think I know who it was who attacked you and P’Noh……..”


The silence was overpowering. Ohm just stared at Zac in disbelief. Mick was also stunned, he looked at his friend with fear in his eyes.


Ohm’s first words came out in a stutter. “What……what do you mean? You know who did this, who nearly killed my best friend?” He instinctively moved closer to Zac, as though he hadn’t heard properly. His demeaner became menacing, and Zac cowered backwards, trying to distance himself from Ohm.


Mick felt his friend’s body begin to shake again as he had his arm around Zac’s shoulder. Mick immediately recovered his composure and looked pleadingly at his boyfriend.


“Ohm, you’re frightening Zac!” Mick stood then and hugged Ohm. “Come and sit down P’, let’s listen to what Zac has to say, okay? It won’t help if we scare him to death, will it. Let’s sit quietly and hear what Zac knows, alright?”


Ohm knew Mick was right, and the three young men sat next to each other on the bench.


“I’m sorry N’Zac, I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m just so wound up about all this, the idea that you may know who’s behind the attack is amazing! Please just start from the beginning, and I promise to keep quiet.”


Zac looked gratefully at his friend Mick, and after pausing for a short while, he took his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling through. Ohm was beginning to feel tense again, but managed to contain his frustration as he waited.


It didn’t take Zac very long to find what he was looking for. Without speaking, he handed his phone to Ohm. On the screen was a photo of three young men, one in the centre laughing, and the other two standing either side, one grinning, the other standing looking uncomfortable.


The gasp of recognition from Ohm only confirmed what Zac had expected.


“Oh my God! That’s them! All three of them! N’Zac, tell me how you’ve got this! Who are they? How do you know them?”


Zac leaned forward with his head in his hands. The tears began to fall, and his sobbing was heart-breaking to hear. Both Mick and Ohm put their arms around Zac, and they held him close, until the crying eased and Zac managed to control his grief. Mick quickly looked in his bag and found some tissues and offered them to his friend, who accepted them gratefully.


Ohm handed Zac his phone back. After looking at the picture again, Zac began his story.


“The boy in the middle who’s laughing, is my cousin Kim. It was his birthday a couple of days ago, and I had to go to his house for a party. Kim’s mother is my father’s twin sister. Kim is two years older than me and has bullied me my whole life. I can remember as far back as being just a toddler, he pushed me off a chair and I hit my head on the corner of a table. My Ma quickly picked me up, but when she tried to tell my Aunt what had happened she got really angry, and insisted it was just an accident, that her wonderful boy would never do such a thing on purpose!”


The memory of that incident was still obviously playing on Zac’s mind, his shaking hands covered his face again. Ohm gently took hold of Zac’s hands and lowered them. “Try not to let the terrible memories hurt you any more Zac. Are you okay to continue?”


Zac nodded. “I’ll be alright P’.” He sat up straight and took a deep breath. “That sort of thing happened to me every time my cousin saw me. Oh, he was very clever, he made sure no-one was ever around to see him do it. Another time when I was about five, he pulled my hair so hard I was left with a bald patch on my scalp for weeks. I screamed for my Pa, he was only in the next room, but all he did was accuse me of being a wimp, and to stop being a baby, crying all the time.”


Mick once again put his arm around Zac’s shoulder. Ohm was feeling so sorry for the young man, he was wishing he didn’t have to pursue him like this, but it was becoming obvious that his cousin needed stopping before he really did kill someone.


Zac continued. “Fortunately, my Ma knew what was happening, and when she realised that speaking to my father was no use, she started to shield me by never leaving me alone if we had to go to family get-togethers. He’d still find opportunities to get at me though, my Ma couldn’t stay by me constantly. He’d slap my head, usually with something in his hand, he would kick me as he walked passed, punch my back.” The telling of his tale was taking its toll on Zac, his shoulders slumped and his head fell forward into his hands again.


Ohm quickly put his arms around Zac. “That’s enough for now Zac. You don’t need to tell us about his bullying anymore, we get the picture.” Mick looked gratefully at his boyfriend.


“Can I ask what made you think your cousin was involved?” Ohm asked.


“While I was at the party I went to use the bathroom, and as I came back passed the kitchen, I could hear my cousin boasting to a group of his friends about how he and the other two had had a great time ‘beating up some pathetic idiots’ and how he had given one of them ‘a right good kicking.’”


Zac shook his head. “At first I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but then it slowly dawned on me that P’Noh had been badly kicked, and this was exactly what my cousin would do, and boasting about it is just what he’d do as well. I managed to take their picture without them spotting me.”


“You did so well N’Zac, you should be very proud of yourself, I know it can’t have been easy for you. Can you send the picture to my phone please?”


Zac nodded, but then looked up at Ohm. “P’, I’m really scared Kim and his cronies will find out about me, that I’ve told on them. Please don’t let them find out it was me P’Ohm!”


Ohm tried his best to reassure Zac that he’d do everything in his power to keep his name out of it, and this helped to relieve Zac’s fears.


“Can you give me Kim’s full name and address, and do you know the other two names?” Zac nodded. “I can give you my cousin’s details obviously, but I only know the first name of one of the others, the one who isn’t smiling on the picture, he’s called Niran. I’ve met him once before at a party, he was actually quite nice, so I don’t understand how he’s got himself mixed up in all this.” Zac sighed wearily.


“I can’t understand any of it either Zac, what anyone would get out of attacking innocent people!” Ohm again hugged Zac. “I don’t know how we’re ever going to be able to repay you for your bravery here today Zac.” Ohm moved back a little, so he was looking at the young man. “I’m very proud of what you’ve done N’. You did the right thing, but I know it’s been hard. Thank you Zac, from Tam, Noh and myself.” Ohm’s voice started to break, and both Mick and Zac leant in and the three young men shared another group hug.


After a few minutes, Ohm managed to regain his composure and grinned as he surreptitiously wiped his eyes. He stood up, hugged both boys again and said “Right, I’m off to the Hospital to see Noh, this news is going to really help him recover, I know! I’ll be contacting the Police as well, this picture you’ve forwarded to me will be a great help!”


Another quick hug and a peck on the cheek for his beloved boyfriend, Ohm waved and hurried off towards the school gate, making his way towards the bus-stop.




Phun was enjoying a leisurely shower, the warm water helping to soothe away the strains of the morning. His thoughts were constantly on his Noh, the shock he felt when he first looked at the thin, sallow face of the precious young man laying so still in a Hospital bed. Then he remembered the look on Noh’s face when he realised he was no longer dreaming, that Phun was actually there!


A smiling Phun reminisced while he was drying himself and dressing. He put on some clean jeans and a tee-shirt, and after checking himself in the mirror, he made his way down to the kitchen.


His Ma and Aunt Noi were there preparing a meal. Aunt Noi heard him come in and quickly turned to him, arms outstretched, she hurried towards Phun.


“Master Phun!” Aunt Noi’s warm embrace enfolded him. “I’m so happy you’re back home, safe and sound. How was poor N’Noh when you saw him? I can’t believe this has happened to the lad!” Phun returned the hug.


“He’s very poorly Auntie, but he’s beginning to improve, very slowly. As soon as we can get him eating, and this infection he has clears up, he stands a good chance of recovering.” Saying the words out loud, brought it home to Phun how ill Noh was, and he had to control his feelings once more.


Phun’s mother knew her son was struggling so quickly called him over. “Come on Phun, lunch is ready, you must be anxious to get back to the Hospital and N’ Noh.”


Aunt Noi bustled round Phun making sure all the food was within his reach. He smiled at her as he sat down at the table. His mother spoke. “Phun said Noh would like some strawberries Noi, so that’s a good sign, and I know he likes those yoghurts you got at the market this morning as well.” Aunt Noi went straight to the fridge and brought out a punnet of strawberries and the yoghurts.


“I’ll get the strawberries washed and trimmed for you N’Phun.” She immediately started to prepare the fruit, glad to be able to do a small thing for Noh.


Phun enjoyed his lunch, and briefly chatted about his university visits. “I’ll tell you more about it tonight Ma, when I’m home and when Pa is here. Thanks for the lunch, it was great to have home-cooked food again! I’ll just get my bag ready, I want to call in at the newsagents and get some magazines for Noh.”


He hurried upstairs, nipping into the bathroom to clean his teeth, then picking up his bag from his bedroom.


Aunt Noi had the strawberries all ready in a plastic box and the yoghurts in a bag. Phun kissed her cheek. “Thanks Auntie.” He then hugged and kissed his Ma. “Make sure you give N’Noh all our love Phun, and tell him we’re looking forward to seeing him soon.” Phun nodded. “Will do Ma. See you later!”


The traffic was heavy at this time of the day, and Phun found himself tapping his hands impatiently on the steering wheel as he waited for traffic lights to change to green. Finally he made it to the Hospital car park, but the fates seemed to be against him again as he drove slowly around, trying to find a parking space. Thinking he was going to have to leave the parking area and go outside and park, someone suddenly returned to their car and Phun was able to claim the space.


He was so looking forward to seeing his Noh, his stomach was churning with a mixture of excitement and a tinge of worry. He called into the Hospital shop which sold everything you could think of that a patient may need. He looked at the magazines and spotted several promoting all the latest models of cars, a passion of both Noh and himself. He selected two, and then put some health drinks and bottled water into the basket. After paying, he made his way to Noh’s ward.


Phun looked through the small glass panel in the door to Noh’s room, and was pleased to see the patient sitting up, cushioned by the pillows. As he peered around the door Noh became aware of the movement and looked towards him.


The smile that greeted him made Phun’s stomach lurch with pleasure, and he returned the grin two-fold.


“Well, that’s a lovely welcome, I must say! You look as though you’ve had a good rest love.” Phun put his bag onto the chair by Noh’s bed and leaned down to gently kiss his boyfriend. The sigh that escaped Noh’s lips was heartfelt, and Phun prolonged the kiss with satisfaction. When he finally pulled away, he looked at Noh with such love in his eyes, Noh could feel his cheeks turning pink. “I’m so happy to see you Phun, have I told you lately how much I love you?” It was Phun’s turn to blush now. “You may have mentioned it once or twice, but I shall never tire of hearing you say it!” They both started to laugh, they would normally accuse each other of being cheesy right now, but it meant so much to be together again, they just enjoyed the sentiments.


“You’re so much brighter this afternoon love, did you manage to sleep okay?”


Noh nodded. “I slept really well Phun, and then Jen and another nurse gave me a bed-bath!”


“Ooh, how was that?” Phun couldn’t keep the chuckle out of his voice.


“Embarrassing actually! But I have to say it’s made me feel a lot better, and I don’t need the oxygen any more now thank goodness. I still need the drip unfortunately, because the antibiotics are being fed through there, but I’m feeling quite a lot better.” He tried to readjust his position in the bed, and Phun didn’t miss the wince of pain that crossed Noh’s face. He may be feeling a bit better, but he still had a long way to go.


Phun bustled round, getting the strawberries and yoghurts out of his bag, he put them on the table at the end of the bed. “Ma has sent the yoghurts you like Noh, and Auntie prepared the strawberries as well. Do you fancy trying anything?”


Noh looked uncertain, but nodded anyway. “I’d like to try a couple of strawberries Phun, maybe I’ll have a yoghurt later?”


“Of course love, whatever you can manage. I’ve got a couple of magazines for us to look at as well, can I join you on the bed again do you think? It would be easier to see the pictures then.” Noh nodded happily and the two young men organised themselves, sitting side by side. Phun was pleased to see Noh trying the strawberries he fed him, and when he had had enough, Phun gently put his arm around Noh’s shoulder and held him close, nuzzling his face against Noh’s hair. “Your hair’s getting longer Noh, it looks great, are you going to let it grow now?”


“Yea I think so, I’m fed up with the buzz cut, I’ve had it such a long time! It’s about time I had a change I think.” Phun gently ruffled Noh’s hair, and smiled. The lovers spent a happy half an hour looking through the magazines, having a friendly banter about which model of car they would have when they were both working, and earning lots of money.


Their peace was finally disturbed when nurse Jen came back into the room. After greeting Phun and commenting on how much better Noh seemed to be, she spoke to Noh.


“N’Noh, there are some people here who need to see you, do you feel up to more visitors? You must say if you’re too tired, I know you are beginning to feel a bit better, but you are still a poorly young man.”


After glancing at Phun for reassurance, Noh nodded. “I’ll be okay nurse, can Phun stay?” Jen nodded firmly. “Yes, of course he can.” Jen turned back to the door to invite the new visitors in, and Phun climbed off the bed and sat on the chair next to the bed.


As the door opened, Noh was pleased to see it was Tam and his father Mr. Juntasa entering the room, followed by another man who he didn’t know. Tam, after a slight hesitation when he noticed Phun, hurried to the side of the bed and leaned towards Noh and hugged him gently.


“P’, I’m so happy to see you! Are you feeling better? I’ve been so worried, I can’t stop thinking about you.” Noh smiled as he gave a one- armed hug back to Tam. “It’s good to see you too Tam. How are you doing now? Your injuries are still looking sore, are you managing okay?”


Tam stood up again and smiled sadly. “It’s hard P’, but I’m getting there, everyone’s being very kind.” Tam’s father came and stood behind his son, resting his hands on Tam’s shoulders. He gave Noh a smile and leaned around Tam to squeeze Noh’s hand. “I’m so glad to see you sitting up N’Noh, you look a bit better today.” He glanced towards Phun and Noh realised he hadn’t introduced them yet.


Looking lovingly at Phun he said, “Tam, Mr. Juntasa, this is my boyfriend Phun, he came back this morning from visiting Universities.” Phun stood then to greet them. “Good to meet you N’Phun, we’re so sorry it’s in these circumstances.” Phun shook both their hands. “I’m pleased to meet you both.”


Mr. Juntasa turned around to the other man who had come in with them. “This is Inspector Anuwat, he’s in charge of the case to try and find the bullies who attacked you.” The Inspector came forward and shook Noh’s hand warmly.


“This is a terrible business N’Noh. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to find these young men who hurt you and Tam. I also need to meet N’Ohm again, there’s more to discuss.”


Noh nodded. “Ohm usually comes here after school finishes, so he should be here fairly soon, unless he has other things he needs to be doing, but I expect he’ll be here.”


“Ah, that’s good news, I have brought a camera with me, with your permission I’d like to take pictures of your injuries N’Noh, I’ve got some of Tam and Ohm.”


Noh nodded his agreement. Just as the Inspector was getting his camera ready, the door opened again and Dr. Apibal came into the room. He was quite taken aback to see so many people in his patient’s room. Phun moved closer to Noh. He leaned forward and spoke quietly. “Noh, I think I’d better go out now….” Noh grabbed his hand, a look of anxiety on his face. “It’s okay Phun, I don’t mind if you stay, it probably won’t take long.”


Phun gently smoothed Noh’s hair. “Don’t worry Noh, there’s a coffee bar just down the corridor, I’ll just go there and get myself a coffee, if you need me I’ll come straight back, I’ll be only seconds away love. I think it’s best if I leave okay?” Tam came to Phun’s side. “I’ll come with you as well, if that’s alright P’, I could do with a drink as well.” Phun smiled at Tam. “That’s good, we’ll get one together, I’ll get you something as well Noh. We won’t be long.” He leaned down and kissed Noh’s forehead. Noh smiled and nodded, accepting that Phun was probably right.


Phun and Tam made their way to the Coffee Bar, and after ordering their drinks, found a table near the entrance.


After a short silence, Tam spoke. “I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused………” Phun held up his hand. “Don’t think like that N’Tam. None of this is your fault at all, please try not to dwell on it, although I know that’s difficult at the minute. Nobody blames you, especially Ohm and Noh, you must try and look forward now, okay?”


Tam gave a small smile and nodded. “Okay P’, I’ll try and do as you say.” Phun smiled back and squeezed Tam’s shoulder gently. They started chatting about school and Phun was telling Tam a little about his University visits when a familiar voice called to them. They both looked around to see Ohm hurrying towards them, a huge smile on his face.


“Hi you two! Why are you out here?” Phun quickly explained about Mr. Juntasa, the Inspector and the Doctor all being in Noh’s room and Ohm’s face lit up even more. “Excellent! Just the people I need to see! I’ve got some amazing news for everyone. I’ll just go and explain to them, and then I’ll come and get you two, okay? I shouldn’t be too long!” With that, Ohm hurried off down the corridor towards Noh’s room.


Phun and Tam looked at each other, grinning. “What’s got him so excited I wonder?”




A/N I’m sorry to be so slow with updates, I’ll try and be a bit quicker with the next chapter!

I hope you’ve all had a good Christmas, and I wish you all a happy and peaceful New Year.

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KikaHime #1
Chapter 10: ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏᵧₒᵤ (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 10: I like the doctor. Very inspiring. Best of luck for the next chapter
Chapter 10: Left a comment on wattpad. Leaving a comment here.
Still love it. ❤
Chapter 9: waah thank you for the update such a nice start for a new year...

bullies are really so aaaerrghhh...
its good i didn't experience it but it is awful for those who did

again thanks for the update
KikaHime #5
Chapter 9: Thank you for not giving up, thank you so much <3
Chapter 9: t least we know who did it. Ohm go tell quickly! Best of luck for the next chapter
KikaHime #7
Chapter 8: OMG chapter 9 plis
analleta32 #8
Chapter 8: Am still hoping P that ur not gonna abandoned this fic of urns hope against hope updated soon so so na
thesis89 #9
Chapter 8: Love...Love...Love! Can't wait for the next chapter.
PamWond #10
Hi Kimjade06 do you mean chapter 9? I'm halfway through 9, I'm sorry I'm so slow with it but I'll get on with it, honest! ?