Love Sick - New Horizons Chapter 1

Love Sick - New Horizons Chapter 1

Love Sick – New Horizons

Chapter 1


The atmosphere inside the car was very tense.  Noh, who was driving his Pa’s car, glanced anxiously at his companion who was sitting stiffly next to him in the passenger seat, looking out at the passing scenery with unseeing eyes.

As he approached traffic lights, Noh slowed down and brought the car to a halt as the red light came on.  He turned to look at Phun, and placed his left hand over Phun’s hand which was clenched on his knee.  At the feel of his boyfriend’s touch, Phun quickly looked round at him and linked his fingers through Noh’s and gave a small smile.

“Phun, you’re so quiet, what’s up?”  Noh glanced up at the lights to check they were still on red.

“I’m sorry Noh, I’m not mad at you, you do know that don’t you?  I’m so angry with my Pa, he’s making me go so far away to visit these Universities.  It’s all to get me away from you, I know it!”

Noh looked at the lights again, and saw they were changing.  He let go of Phun’s hand and neatly set the car in motion.  Once he was on course he began to talk quietly to Phun.

“I’m sure that’s not true Phun.  Your Pa has accepted that you and I are together hasn’t he?  He just wants what’s right for you love, your future is really important and he feels this is the right way to find the most suitable Uni for the course you want to study.”

“Noh, why do we have to go to University at all?  Why can’t you and I just leave school, both find a job, then we could get a small apartment and live together!  That would make me the happiest man alive Noh!  Please say you agree Noh, please!”  Phun was aware he sounded like a whining child right at that moment, but he was so upset at the thought of travelling so far away from his precious boyfriend, and for five long days!  It was all so unfair!

Just then the outskirts of the town’s Railway Station came into view, and Noh concentrated on manoeuvring the car through the chaotic lines of traffic, some trying to make their way into the city, others trying to cross the lines to gain access to the Railway Station car park.

At last, through patience and luck, Noh managed to get into the car park, and by some miracle, found a space which he quickly drove into.  As he brought the car to a standstill, turning off the engine and removing his seatbelt, he was able to look at last into the face he loved so much.  He hated to see Phun so upset and he sat quietly for a short while, trying to think of what to say that would both soothe his love and also encourage him to be strong and see this as an adventure.

Noh gently reached over and Phun’s cheek with the back of his hand.  “Phun, you know that I want to be with you just as much as you want to be with me, don’t you?”

Phun was feeling a bit embarrassed about his earlier outburst now, and smiled sheepishly at Noh before nodding.  “I’m sorry Noh for being so childish before, but I just can’t bear the thought of not seeing you for five days while I’m away visiting these Universities.”

Noh gave his throaty chuckle that Phun loved so much.  “We’ve known for a long time that we couldn’t be the ‘Blue shorts guys’ for ever haven’t we!  I don’t think either of us would look good in them for much longer.  Mine are definitely on the short side………in fact, getting positively indecent really!”

As always Noh managed to make Phun laugh.  “I think you look very cute in them actually!  Especially from the back!”  Phun grinned at Noh, who was pretending to be indignant.

“Have you been ing at me Mr. Phumipat?  I’m shocked I can tell you……shocked!”

The boyfriends laughed together, and Noh reached over and put his strong arms around Phun’s shoulders and pulled him close.  Phun gladly wrapped his arms around Noh’s waist and they sat quietly, each with their own thoughts.

After a little while Noh pulled back slightly so he could look at Phun.  “I sometimes think like you do, wishing we could just be together now, instead of having three long years of Uni to deal with.  But then I think of all our hopes and ambitions that we have always talked about.  Me wanting to learn all I can about music, stage management, lighting and sound, and you’ve always wanted to do something about the environment, trying to help the planet in some way, teaching people how to make changes that will save our world.”

Phun was listening intently to his boyfriend, and deep down he knew Noh was right.  He sighed.  “I know you’re right Noh, I expect we would get very disgruntled if we were in boring jobs, and I appreciate that better jobs would give us better pay, and we’d be able to have a nicer apartment.”

Noh grinned.  “I often daydream about us Phun, picturing us coming home from work in the evening and making a meal together, chatting about our day……”

Phun held up his hand.  “I have to stop you there, Noh.  You mean you wouldn’t give me a kiss when you came home?  Well, I don’t think I like this story very much!”

Noh laughed out loud.  “Oh sorry, you mean like this?”  He leaned forward and gently kissed Phun’s willing lips.  Soon their arms were wrapped around each other and the kiss deepened into a passionate, satisfying one.  After a long while the lovers reluctantly broke away, conscious that time was moving on, and Phun had a train to catch!

“We need to be making a move Phun, and the sooner you go, the sooner you’ll be back home again.  I’ll be waiting for you my love, and make sure you keep in touch as much as you can, okay?  Why don’t you jot things down that you do at the Unis, so that you can tell me all about it?  I’m really interested to know everything.”

Phun smiled and agreed it was a good idea to write things down, but he couldn’t hide his feelings from Noh, who understood how upset he was.  “When my Ma and Pa are back from England next week, I’m going to have to do this exact same thing, aren’t I, visiting prospective Universities?  Part of me is looking forward to the new experience, but I’ll miss you just as much, you know.”  Noh hugged Phun again before turning to open his door.  He felt Phun’s hand on his arm and looked round at him.

“Noh, before we go, I’ve got a small present for you.”  He reached over the back of his seat to pick up his holdall.  After rummaging around inside for a moment, he found what he was looking for.  He brought out a narrow, slim package and handed it to his precious boy.

“What’s this?  You don’t need to buy me gifts Phun!” 

“Just open it please!”  Phun asked impatiently.

Noh removed the paper from the parcel and saw a smart black box.  As he slowly opened the lid it revealed a silver chain bracelet, just like the one Phun always wore.

“Ah Phun!  Thank you so much!  I’ll treasure it always.  Can I put it on now?”

Phun smiled happily and leaned over to help Noh with the clasp.  “Every time you look at it I hope you’ll think of me Noh.”  Noh placed his hands on either side of his boyfriend’s face and kissed him.  “I think of you every second of the day already Phun, please remember that!” They hugged each other one more time, before leaving the car.

As they walked towards the station their conversation was a bit stilted, as both boys struggled with their thoughts and their dread of the coming separation.  Noh tried to lighten the mood by telling Phun about his outing the next day after school with Ohm.  The friends were going out to eat, and then going to see a movie.  Because Noh’s Ma and Pa were away, and Phun wouldn’t be around either, Ohm had decided to cheer his friend up by taking him out.

“I know you’ll enjoy that Noh, but don’t let Ohm get you into any mischief will you, I know what he’s like!”  Phun grinned at his boyfriend who laughed and promised to try and stay out of trouble.  If only they had known then how prophetic that statement would be.

Once they had found the platform from where Phun’s train would leave, they waited quietly.  Noh was feeling sick with apprehension but tried his best to be cheerful for Phun’s sake.

The train slowly approached the platform, and it was time for Phun to leave.  They gave each other a brotherly hug, conscious of all the people milling around and Phun passed through the gate and walked towards the train.  Noh thought his heart would break at the sight of Phun’s dejected demeanour as he moved further and further away from him.  Just as he stepped up into the carriage, Phun looked back one more time and gave Noh a final wave before disappearing from sight.

Once inside the train Phun walked through some carriages, looking for the number of his seat that he had pre-booked, and as soon as he found it he put his holdall into the storage rack above his seat and then sat down. 

He had a five hour journey now, and would be met at the other end by his uncle Dan, his father’s older brother.  Uncle Dan lived only a few miles away from the Universities that had been chosen for Phun to visit and he had agreed to look after him, and drive him to his destinations.

On arrival at his stop, Phun was greeted by his relatives, all pleased to see him again, and after exchanging warm greetings they all made their way to uncle Dan’s car.  They soon arrived at their home, and as soon as he got the chance, Phun quickly text Noh to let him know he had got there safely and that he would call him in the evening once he was at the University.  Noh quickly responded saying he would be waiting, and not to worry what the time was.  Phun smiled as he read the text, then hurried outside where his young cousin was waiting to shoot some hoops with him.

Noh couldn’t sleep at all that night.  His mind was working overtime, worrying about Phun, worrying about himself.  Although he had tried so hard to be positive and cheerful in front of his boyfriend, he was finding it increasingly difficult to see how on earth they’d be able to maintain their relationship when they were going to be at different Universities, in different parts of Thailand.  Would it be better to end it now?  Was that the solution?  Would the pain be any less not being together?  No, of course not!  Noh couldn’t stop the tears from coursing down his face at the mere thought of such a thing.

As he tossed and turned he suddenly heard his phone beep.  He reached over to his bedside cupboard and grabbed the phone, his heart leaping with joy as he sees Phun’s name on the screen.  He quickly reads the message, Phun was asking him if he was awake, and did he want to facetime with him?  Noh answered yes straight away and very soon he could see the beloved face of his boyfriend on the screen.

“Hi there Noh!  You’re still awake like me then!  I’m finding it very hard to sleep tonight, being in a strange place and………..” Phun suddenly realises that Noh is looking upset.  “What’s up love?  Are you upset about something?  Ah, speak to me Noh, you’re worrying me now!”

Noh quickly wiped his eyes.  “Sorry Phun, I’m just feeling sorry for myself, I keep going over and over in my mind how we’ll manage to be separated for months on end, when we can’t even cope with five days!”  Noh tried to lighten the mood by laughing, but he couldn’t fool Phun.

“This is all my fault Noh, I know that, behaving like an idiot this morning!  You’re right when you say we can do this, we are strong people who ultimately have a goal, and that’s being together, both in jobs that we love and spending our lives looking after each other!”

Noh had to wipe his eyes again.  “Ah Phun, you’re starting me off again!  But you’re right, that’s what we both want and we know we can do this!  It’s not as though we’re never going to see each other again, we’ll have holidays when we’ll spend every moment together, won’t we!  We’ll be so busy as well with our studies, the time will fly passed I’m sure.”

Phun was grinning now, he could tell by Noh’s voice that he was feeling more positive and that was helping him as well.

“That’s the spirit Noh, that’s my Noh that I love so much!”

Noh chuckled, feeling a lot better now.  “How did you get on at your uncle’s?  Did you enjoy spending time there?  I bet it was good to catch up with your cousins as well.”

“I really enjoyed meeting up with them all again Noh, and it was good to play basketball with my youngest cousin, he was only little last time I met him, and there he was, determined to beat me!  Ha, but he didn’t quite make it!”

“You’d better watch out next time, though, he’ll be even more determined then!”  Both young men laughed, relieved to see the other happy again.

“What’s the University like Phun?  I know you won’t have seen very much of it yet, but does it seem okay?”

“Yes, so far, we get a guided tour of all the facilities tomorrow morning so I’ll find out more then.  I’m only here until Tuesday night, then my uncle has very kindly offered to come and collect me and take me to the second Uni I’m visiting.  That’s when we’re going on a field trip to a forest, studying trees and plants etc.  I’m quite looking forward to that.  Then back to the Uni on Thursday evening, and home on Friday!  Yay!  Back home to you my love!”

Noh could feel his face turning pink at the thought, and grinned back.  “All I can say is, roll on Friday then!  I’ll be waiting for you with open arms Phun, I can’t wait.”

“That’s good to hear Noh.  Well, we’d better try and get some sleep now I think, look after yourself sweetheart, oh, and enjoy your evening out tomorrow with Ohm, okay?  I love you Noh!”

“I’ll enjoy myself tomorrow and I love you so much Phun!  Night!”

Phun smiled.  “Night my love.”  Both boys turned their phones off and settled down to sleep.


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KikaHime #1
Chapter 10: ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏᵧₒᵤ (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 10: I like the doctor. Very inspiring. Best of luck for the next chapter
Chapter 10: Left a comment on wattpad. Leaving a comment here.
Still love it. ❤
Chapter 9: waah thank you for the update such a nice start for a new year...

bullies are really so aaaerrghhh...
its good i didn't experience it but it is awful for those who did

again thanks for the update
KikaHime #5
Chapter 9: Thank you for not giving up, thank you so much <3
Chapter 9: t least we know who did it. Ohm go tell quickly! Best of luck for the next chapter
KikaHime #7
Chapter 8: OMG chapter 9 plis
analleta32 #8
Chapter 8: Am still hoping P that ur not gonna abandoned this fic of urns hope against hope updated soon so so na
thesis89 #9
Chapter 8: Love...Love...Love! Can't wait for the next chapter.
PamWond #10
Hi Kimjade06 do you mean chapter 9? I'm halfway through 9, I'm sorry I'm so slow with it but I'll get on with it, honest! ?