Chapter 11

Just When I Thought

  Color rapidly flickers as I rush to get to the scene.

  WHERE ARE THEY! I yell desperately.

  "Excuse, me, but we cannot allow you to get to close to the crash. It its simply too dangerous."

  I crane my neck around, and I spot Them, and they're holding a pen...

  But that pen means nothing. What mattered was the drastic difference in color from their hands, face, and neck, compared to the rest of their body. And most importantly, how they weren't breathing...

  A hand is on my shoulder, and I look up to see the Chief.

"Here, we found this in the car, and it was addressed to you..."

  "...Thank You."

  They wrote me a letter?

  As the color slowly drained from the world, I open the letter, and began to read...

"Dear Love,"

Kekeke sorry, I lied! 

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Chapter 13: Thanks for the thank-you! Such a sad story!