

"So, we will start with something simple." They were standing in pairs in the combination classroom while their new teacher who introduced himself as Mr.Kim wander around the classroom staring at every students' faces.Soonyoung could have sworn he heard his partner scoffed when the teacher introduced himself as a wizard.

"Today, I will let you wander around the school," he paused "with your partner." A lot of
groans were heard, receiving a shout from the teacher commanding them to keep quiet.

A paper appeared in front of every student. Chan took a look at it. The paper had blank spaces that he knew they would have to fill them in accordingly. There were things like "name" "date of birth" "speciality" and so on.

"If any of you can't accomplish this," he paused again. Purposely building suspend among the students. "I will be glad to deduct
your marks for your first exam." Mr.Kim knew very well that most of the students of Pledis High are mark-oriented and he was grateful that the ones that were not was paired with students who excelled their studies.

"Now off you go." when the students remained rooted at their positions, groaning, Mr.Kim commanded "NOW!"

The students rushed out of the room, not wanting to get scolded. 
Chan just followed wherever
Seungcheol went. He was trailing behind him when Seungcheol stopped and waited for him to walk side by side. Looking at his actions, Chan couldn't  help but to roll his eyes.

"Where do you want to go?"
"I'm okay with anything."
"Really? Can we do it in the room then?" Chan glanced at the wizard. He saw glimpse of naughtiness in his eyes but still replied with a nod.

On the other hand, Jeonghan went to the cafeteria with Jisoo tagging from the back. He was extremely hungry, lunchtime already passed but he had yet to eat breakfast.

Eventually, Jisoo caught up with him. "Wow. Are you that hungry?"

"Well, of course." the second the words came out from his mouth, he realized that they sounded harsh. Maybe it was just him but he saw Jisoo pouted and no, it was not cute.
"N-n-no. I-I mean. I am hungry.."By that, Jisoo smiled a sincere one to Jeonghan.

"Nah, it's okay. I understand. I get 
hangry often too." the fairy looked at him weirdly "Hangry?"

"Yes, hungry plus angry equals to hangry." Jeonghan couldn't hide his smile. "That is cute" he thought.

"Let's do it while you are eating, then" Jeonghan muttered a "thanks" as they walked to a
vacant table in the cafeteria.

Once Jeonghan got his food, Jisoo started questioning Jeonghan every thing that is required.

"Full name?"
"Yoon Jeonghan." the fairy said with a mouth full of rice making Jisoo chuckled at his action.
"Age?"Jeonghan swallowed the food he was munching then pouted.
"You don't know my age?" the respond made Jisoo's smile
" I know. Just making sure." Jeonghan replied with a nod then inverted his focus on his food.
"4th October 1995." he accidentally spat some grain of rice. Some flew across the table, just one nanometre away from Jisoo, and some even landed on his own cheeks.

The wizard chuckled then brought his hand to the other's cheek and wiped the grain of rice off.
The combination class gone through with Jeonghan being red.

Meanwhile, Wonwoo and Mingyu were in one of the empty classrooms. The interrogation went smoothly without neither of them showing any emotions. They answered all the questions shortly and simple. If one of them thought something about the other's information, they just kept quiet and kept it to themsleves.

Once they were done, they still had 1 hour and 30 minutes before the class finished. Wonwoo stood up to take a leave but he was rooted to the ground as soon as he got just 1 metre away from Mingyu.

"Mingyu?" The wizard called out, voice laced with confusion.
"What?" Mingyu was just trying to get more sleep after his trys to sleep on the rough chair last night then the room check this morning and he didn't appreciate someone trying to disturb it.
"Why can't I get away?"
"What?" he sat up, eyebrows wrinkled. Wonwoo tried to refresh his memories of studies. He cursed when he finally got the idea of what was happening.
". That sly, bubble body teacher."
"The tie charms."
"Oh my god, Kim Mingyu. You are better than me in studies, how can you not know?" the wizard was so done.
"What?" he stared at Wonwoo blankly, trying to figure out what
he was saying.
"Can you stop that "What?"" the older faced him and facepalmed himself.
"What?" Mingyu did not did that to test the other's patience it is just his dumb mind that couldn't interpret what the other was saying.

The older huffed "He tied us together."
"For godness sake! He cast a spell on us that will not allow us to distance ourselves."
An "Ah.." escaped Migyu's mouth. "That principle. Until when?"
"How should I know? Till the end of combination class?" the dumb kid in front of him was really testing his patience.

Sonewhere in their big school's garden, Soonyoung and Jihoon found our about their principle just one second after they were dismissed when the fairy came out with an idea which they just fill the paper by themselves to Soonyoung's dismay. The taller tried to decline the idea but
Jihoon always get what he wants.

"That teacher, I swear. Seriously. Why can't he just let us live peacefully." he was muttering curses for 10 minutes non-stop but Soonyoung just listened. But everytime the shorter made comments on his "wizard's traits".

Soonyoung waited for the other to stop and when he did,  he started asking question straight away.
"Full name?"  Jihoon expressed a sigh then answered "Lee Jihoon.  You?"
"Kwon Soonyoung. Age?"
"Same as you" Soonyoung looked up to the shorter.
"You know my age?"
"Although I hate you so much, I'm not dumb to not know my rival is the same age as me and obviously you are the same age as me or not we won't have to compete." The taller looked at him in awe.
"That's the longest thing you have ever said to me." He received an eyeroll and a "What the hell?" as a reply to his comment.

"Nickname?" Jihoon continued.

"Hoshi." the shorter looked at him eyebrows furrowed.


"It means star in Japanese. What about you? Any nickname?"

"No. None." the answer received a shock expression from the other "What?"

"How can someone live without a nickname?" the fairy looked unamused. "I mean we call Seungcheol, Scoups. Junhui,Jun. Jisoo, Joshua. Hansol, Vernon."


"Ah, that guy is an emo boy so we decided to call him emo boy but thanks to Mingyu,I think we can call him wet boy." Soonyoung was already satisfied when Jihoon showed an amused expression. "I need to see his smile." he thought. 

Jihoon stared at the taller before exclaming "Okay, continue!"

"Wait, what?"

"What "what"?"

"Your nickname."

"What's with my nickname?"

"Let me think one for you." Even Soonyoung could see that the other was so done with his actions.

"Think while we try to finish this."


Junhui answered all Minghao's question shortly with a wide smile on his face the whole time. When Minghao finished asking him questions, he stared at the older waiting for him to ask questions but Junhui was just staring at him with the expression that he gave from the start.

"You are not going to ask any questions?"

"Why should I? I know everything about you already." Minghao looked at him, terrified. "What is this guy?" he thought.

"How can I not know information about the boy I love?" no, the fairy did not go red. no totally not.

"How do you know it's correct?" The younger couldn't even raise his head up. That's how Junhui started to go on and on ,telling what he knew about the other. Minghao had to put his hand up to the wizard's face to stop him.



A/N: HAHHHAHAHHAHAAHAHH. I'm back. My pt3 is less than one month away and I am busy with preparations for it. But it is holiday in Malaysia and I was doing nothing just now so I typed the first half of this chapter on my phone and the other half on my laptop. But it is already late at night so I can not type any longer. I wanted to continue with more China line moments and seungchan cause this chapter and the last chapter is very lack of Seungchan but.... I think if I continue I will end up sleeping at three so I stopped.

 do you have friends that are homophobe and use it as an insult? Well, I do. And I'm not a homo but I am a supporter of homo. They know I support homo but they said something about homo in our group chat and it was like they were talking to me. It was like they were talking about me. They were insulting homos and using homos as insult and I felt angry. BECAUSE THEY KNOW I LIKE THoSE THINGS BUT THEY STILL SAID THAT. I was reading the whole conversation but I didn't say anything because I was scared if I say something , things would get more complicated. It was until the point I want to quit the group but decided not to because it would be very rude.


I have to many things I want to do after my exam :'( updating regularly is one of them. Bare with me for 1 month. 


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Asassytree #1
Chapter 16: It's okay to take som time off! I think everyone can understand the pressure of having something to update and to keep it good for people who read it. Take as much time off as you need and please don't discontinue this fic <3 I'll be here, waiting for the update no matter how long you take so don't worry! Kisses <3<3
Chapter 16: It's completely understandable that you need to rest, really! I hope you get better in terms of having energy and that you're able to do all the things you have to do well and without too much struggle ^^ As an author myself I know how bad an author's block can hit us, so if you don't find inspiration for this anymore and don't think you'll ever be able to update, I can understand it. Although I have to admit I'll be a bit sad since I really did enjoy this story a lot just like a bunch of other people did... If you think, however that you can at sometime do it, I'd sugest to go on a hiatus, possibly, and just update when you can instead of stopping all together or deleting this. You don't have to do it soon or before you want to, though, if you do continue, do it because you find joy in it, writing is supposed to be a nice thing and not a burden ^^ Either way, fighting!!
sunnibreez #3
Chapter 14: Tsundere jihoon ewe playing with soonyoung hearteu qwq like I feel the loves around them x'D
Aww soonyoung giving jihoon a nickname (˘̩̩̩‿˘̩̩̩๑)
Chapter 14: Update soon ^^
iLawlix_ #5
Chapter 14: OMG
Love this chapter a freaking lot
Chapter 14: What else can I ask from ypu, one chapter FULL OF SOONHOON, auchhhh my fangirl heart xD They are like the cutest couple on the Worldd T.T

But honestly I laughed more than I should at the 'Fairy Mingyu' cuz I just realised that Mingyu is a fairy here, omg I can't imagine him as a fairyy xD That will be so cutee.

Thank you for updating ^^ *claps for you* You did a good job, I hope your writer's block will go away soon ^^
sunnibreez #8
Chapter 13: Omg seungcheol and chan is so in cute (/□\*)・゜ I need more of them (/。\)
And seungkwan telling them lies to Hansol like boi better stay away from seungcheol cus that's chan boyfriend (not yet though) ꒰´•௰•` ꒱
J1H00N1996 #9
I also think that hoshi (soonyoung) should give jihoon the nickname WOOZI because like what woozi said that his stage name uji is short for " uri jihoon" (our jihoon) ;)....... pls update soon also
kpopcrazy77 #10
Chapter 13: What about Woozi for Jihoon because he always makes Soonyoung head's dizzy with his antics XD
Sorry just feel like suggesting it because it randomly appear in my mind. Thanks for updatinggg!! Moreeee pleaseee