

"My roommate is so weird." Jeonghan groaned.

"There's nothing wrong with church boy, hyung." Chan replied.

"He has a box of holy water, what the heck?" Maybe he said that a bit too loud.

"Hyung, seriously, my roommate is the definition of weird. He keep on clinging on me like for god's sake." Mingyu stiffled a laugh when he was reminded by the
scene he saw this morning- Junhui clinging to Minghao's arm, and Minghao looking so annoyed but at the same time very red.

They were in the usual combination class but today they were extra early so they were just talking about random things until Jeonghan came and complain about his "church-wizard" roommate.

"By the way, what happened between you and Wonwoo this morning?" Minghao diverted his
gaze to Mingyu. "Wonwoo looked so panic and he disappeared for a few minutes then came back wet from head to toe."

Mingyu expressed a loud laugh then told them what exactly happened.

"But Mingyu, are you going to continue the plan?" Seokmin asked

"I don't see why not. It is not like they do room check every morning. Plus, today is
Wonwoo's turn." Mingyu's gaze fell on Jihoon and he swore he knew that look. Jihoon was consediring to do the same. He internally hoped Jihoon won't do that. This is the chance for Jihoon to open up to wizards after all.

"Chan, how's your roommate?" Jeonghan caressed his "baby's" hair.

"Annoyingly loud." He sighed and continue "I can not even focus on my study."
"Talking about study. Jihoon-hyung you really have to teach me nature." Mingyu groaned at the thought of examination.

Jihoon just nodded in reply.

"Jihoon-hyung, how was your roommate?" Mingyu hoped he said okay. He really hoped that this all wizard-fairy thing will change his beloved hyung.

"Nothing really happened but the fact that I'm sharing a room with a wizard still disturbs me." the
giant could not help but to pout.

"You should loosen up, Jihoon. There's nothing wrong with wizards." Jeonghan said. Jihoon replied with a shrug.

They stopped their talk when they hear loud noises from the enterance of the class.

Their combination class was not like the normal history nor potion nor charms nor nature. It was enormous. It was the size of their school's main hall, or bigger.
"Speaking of the devil." Jihoon sighed when he saw the group of wizards that enter the class.

Junhui was talking about the wet-Wonwoo and the others (except for Wonwoo, of course) started go laugh and . Seungcheol who was in the middle of laughing his off, set his eyes on his roommate then turned to his friends and informed them.

Junhui stopped laughing
"Where?" Seungcheol pointed to the direction where there were the fairies.

Without sparing any seconds, Junhui ran towards them.

When Junhui jumped to backhug Minghao, Minghao swears if he knew this would happen he would have summon a broom stick and literally do wushu.

"Minghao" Junhui whined "I've missed you."
The fairies were trying so hard to not laugh out loud. The other wizards came a while after, taking their own sweet time traveling from one side of the classroom to another.

Smirks formed on the wizards face as they saw their friend hugging a fairy. Some even shook their head.

"Junhui, stop." Minghao made a mental note to thank Jisoo later. "You will crush his wings."
Junhui shot up in realization. "Oh . I'm sorry. I forgot that you have wings. Are you okay?" He was shaking the other to check whether he was okay.

Minghao flapped(?) his wings, checking whether they still work. He sighed in relief when he was sure it was still working just fine.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh my god, Junhui. Stop. I'm okay." Minghao pushed the letter's arms away.
Seokmin realized Seungkwan was going red—not totally red but they've been close enough to tell that was not natural. "Why are you so red, Kwan?"

He could see Seungkwan low-key panicking but Seungkwan managed to put on blank face just a second after. "It is just hot."He swore he saw Hansol smirked.

Hearing that, Jihoon scoffed so softly that only if you pay whole
attention on him and if you were just 10cm away from him. Soonyoung was doing both. He did not know how he suddenly end up beside the shorter nor how his attention was on the shorter only. Maybe he was thinking a bit too much about what Mingyu told him yesterday. He would like to get close to the pink-haired fairy, but the fairy just seemed to push away all wizards and that means he had no chance to be friended with him. Plus, Mingyu asked him to help. So he might just do so.
Jihoon on the other hand was stopping himself from looking at Soonyoung. He could feel the wizard's gaze on him. Usually he would just glare at him, but the incident this morning somehow made him scared to get close to the other. It made him feel like if he continued to talk with the wizard, the wizard-proof wall he built around him would be torn down and he could not let that thing happen.

"And Mingyu, I really have to
thank you, that finally we have something use when teasing Wonwoo." Seungcheol said, giving Mingyu a salute. Wonwoo groaned.

"No worries. You might as well expect more in the future." Mingyu stiffled a laugh.

"Shut up, Mingyu. You should be grateful I went to search for you. Or not you might be doing somekind of punishment by now."
"Correction, "we"."

"Fine, if that happens again, I won't find you and just say to the teacher that you refuse to be my roommate."

"But that's the fact." Wonwoo groaned and replied "The feeling is mutual."

Meantime, Jisoo walked to Jeonghan's side. Jeonghan could feel his body tensed and he was sending telepathy to his friends for help. But I should say
that fairies have no telepathy skills.

"Jeonghan, yesterday could not conversate much. Well, um, you okay?"  the long haired fairy faked a cough before replying a yes.

"But you seem so quiet? Or are usually that quiet?"

Jeonghan just fake a laugh although he knew that it was not meant to be a joke. He mentally sighed in relief when he saw
Jisoo nodded and went back to Wonwoo's side.

"But I heard Chan is just 16 years old. Why are you in high school?" Soonyoung pointed out.

"I was born early of the year."

"The shouldn't you be in the same year as Seungkwan and Vernon?"

"Ah, Chan is so clever that the teacher said he could skip first year." Seokmin replied on Chan's

A smirk made a way to Seungcheol's lips.



A/N : I'M BACK but for just a while. If you didn't read my blog I said that I'm gonna be on hiatus for two months. Did I mention that I will update last night? But I didn't. But I'm back.


I'm so sorry that this chap is so boring and unecessary, I was contempleting whether to set the title as 8.5 or 9.0 . I think this chap is a bit long, right? At least it passed 1000 words. But it is still boring. I will come up with a better one soon(hoon). By soon I mean probably another 2 or 3 weeks or really 2 months. Bare with me a little.

Sorry for the lack of ships' moment. Sorry for the useless update. 

I'll be back.

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Asassytree #1
Chapter 16: It's okay to take som time off! I think everyone can understand the pressure of having something to update and to keep it good for people who read it. Take as much time off as you need and please don't discontinue this fic <3 I'll be here, waiting for the update no matter how long you take so don't worry! Kisses <3<3
Chapter 16: It's completely understandable that you need to rest, really! I hope you get better in terms of having energy and that you're able to do all the things you have to do well and without too much struggle ^^ As an author myself I know how bad an author's block can hit us, so if you don't find inspiration for this anymore and don't think you'll ever be able to update, I can understand it. Although I have to admit I'll be a bit sad since I really did enjoy this story a lot just like a bunch of other people did... If you think, however that you can at sometime do it, I'd sugest to go on a hiatus, possibly, and just update when you can instead of stopping all together or deleting this. You don't have to do it soon or before you want to, though, if you do continue, do it because you find joy in it, writing is supposed to be a nice thing and not a burden ^^ Either way, fighting!!
sunnibreez #3
Chapter 14: Tsundere jihoon ewe playing with soonyoung hearteu qwq like I feel the loves around them x'D
Aww soonyoung giving jihoon a nickname (˘̩̩̩‿˘̩̩̩๑)
Chapter 14: Update soon ^^
iLawlix_ #5
Chapter 14: OMG
Love this chapter a freaking lot
Chapter 14: What else can I ask from ypu, one chapter FULL OF SOONHOON, auchhhh my fangirl heart xD They are like the cutest couple on the Worldd T.T

But honestly I laughed more than I should at the 'Fairy Mingyu' cuz I just realised that Mingyu is a fairy here, omg I can't imagine him as a fairyy xD That will be so cutee.

Thank you for updating ^^ *claps for you* You did a good job, I hope your writer's block will go away soon ^^
sunnibreez #8
Chapter 13: Omg seungcheol and chan is so in cute (/□\*)・゜ I need more of them (/。\)
And seungkwan telling them lies to Hansol like boi better stay away from seungcheol cus that's chan boyfriend (not yet though) ꒰´•௰•` ꒱
J1H00N1996 #9
I also think that hoshi (soonyoung) should give jihoon the nickname WOOZI because like what woozi said that his stage name uji is short for " uri jihoon" (our jihoon) ;)....... pls update soon also
kpopcrazy77 #10
Chapter 13: What about Woozi for Jihoon because he always makes Soonyoung head's dizzy with his antics XD
Sorry just feel like suggesting it because it randomly appear in my mind. Thanks for updatinggg!! Moreeee pleaseee