Dinner for three

The man behind the camera
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Sipping on his now cold coffee, Jiho scrolled through Tinder on his phone. He was to be stuck in this city for one more day, and he was damned if he was to spend it alone. Maybe he could give Henry a call, he did seem keen, or maybe he could just wander throught he streets and hope to bump into someone. He needed his next fix. He needed something to make him feel whole again; he needed a distraction. Every second he was stuck in the same room with Kyung with nothing to do, he wanted to pull his own arms off and beat Kyung to death with them. He was seering with nothing but hatred. He had tried his best to sideline Kyung during the meeting, to make him feel small, insignificant, like nothing, but here he was sitting and smiling at his tablet, working on his edits. What an idiot. Did he not know that Jiho had all the power to get him fired at any given moment. 

"You hungry?" Kyung asked, his voice irritatingly nonchalant, "Should, we go grab some food?"

"Nah I'm set, I'm looking for a dinner date right now" Jiho said, not looking up from his phone.

He could see Kyung's back tense with the word 'date' and he felt a jolt of happiness. He was still jealous, he still cared. This was a small victory in the grand scheme of things, but it made him feel great. He felt like he was still in Kyung's head one way or another. Where he was not looking to actually get involved with someone in a serious sense, not by a long shot, he was very interested in the idea of pissing off Kyung by dating openly infront of him.

"You don't mind do you?" Jiho asked, his voice dripping with honey, "I figured you would have other plans for dinner?"

"No, not at all" Kyung said and motioned towards his phone, "I think Henry was looking for a dinner companion anyway"

Jiho ground his teeth to keep his eyes from rolling. Henry this, Henry that. Every single time it felt like he was making his way towards Kyung, there he was, with his stupid gorgeous smile to piss him off. 

"Oh?" Jiho asked, lifting his eyes to meet Kyung's, "You want me to join you guys?"

Kyung's head sparked up. His cover was blown. 

"I mean if you want to" He said, his voice quivering ever so lightly, "I'm sure he wouldn't mind"

"Perfect then, it's settled" Jiho said and shot Kyung a devilish smile, "Dinner date it is"


Kyung tried his best to keep his hands from shaking as he pulled his hair into a manageable position. He was on his way to the weirdest date he would most likely ever go on. Him, Jiho and Henry together out to do dinner. He had been on his fair share of awkward outings before in his life, but this was going to be something completely different.

"You almost ready?" Jiho's voice boomed from the hall, "The cab is downstairs"

Kyung knew that Jiho's main objective was to slowly sideline him. Jiho wanted Kyung to feel insignificant and dumb. So he was expecting the dinner to consist of a variety of belitteling statements and leaving him out of the conversation. He knew that the whole point of this date was for Jiho to dangle henry in front of him like a prize and then at the last second yank it away. Kyung also knew that he could not back down, not now. He needed to go and stake his claim. If he was to show even an ounce of weakness now, Jiho would hound on him and have him in a closed facility in a matter of minutes. He had to go and he had to fight.

"Ready" Kyung said as he walked out and grabbed his coat.


Jiho looked absolutely irritatingly amazing. He was dressed casually, but his ridiculously carved appearance made him look like, well, a model. He threw a leather jacket on and placed a hand onto Kyung's shoulder.

"Listen, you can still sit this one out if you want to" Jiho said with a smirk. 

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unusualcommaan #1
Chapter 35: "Did you miss me? ;)"
Yes. I'm glad to see this still updating, and continue to look forward to see it update, any worth is wait it.

Also, I love how Henry is both down to either or both of them, but aware he is just being played with and a good sport who had fun.

With his final words, I look forward to what Jiho will do with the information. (cough Kyung, hopefully cough)
unusualcommaan #2
Chapter 34: an updating WIP for zikyung? in this economy???

(also Kyung's "I'll give you a chance if you keep begging, babe" made me ASCEND)
Chapter 26: This is absolutely amazing!!!!
Ohmygod how much I'm fangirling with this story, please keep updating it, I'll keep up with it 100%.
I really love Jiho's attitude and charisma, Kyung's awkward but cute personality and the spark these two have together. I really wish they can be a couple at the end!!! ); But I'm loving all the crazy hot stuff so much too. Pls keep updating, I'm in luv with this<333
I miss this story. :( ♡
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 19: I read this in one go and now I don't know what to do.
Please, pretty please update soon! I need to know what ia going to happen now that Zico and Kyung are trying to have something.

I hope you're doing good and I'll be waiting for an update. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Lizete #7
Chapter 19: PLEASE UPDATR I NEED THISSS?? THIS IS A GOOD STORY. I like how you put their conversation and thier thoughts through the story. Please update??
Died waiting this favorite fic to get updated....
suga0kookiez #9
Chapter 19: this is so good. ;-;
please please please can you update this story? T-T
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 19: I read this all in one day and it's so good T_T I really loved the way you were able to characterize Jiho even from primarily utilizing Kyung's perspective.