Suspect Acquired.

Necklace of Regrets


A/N : Guys, even if you have read this, please read my A/N below, it’s really important. Anyways, I’ve edited some parts in this chapter so if you want you can read it too (:









“Excuse me, excuse me, I’m a forensic scientist, excuse me.” Yoona said as she tried to push her way through the ever growing crowd while poplice vehicles situated themselves to form a barrier within a ten metre radius around the crime scene.

Police sirens continued to wail behind the human barrier while Yoona desperately tried to squeeze through the narrow gap between two rather plump men who were pushing against her, thinking she was just another nosy passer-by.

Seeing no hope of getting in, Yoona let out a loud sigh before she took out her small pistol which she had been given for self-defense. Clumsily, she loaded the gun and fired a single shot in the air, causing the crowd to immediately disperse to form a straight route towards the crime scene for her.

“The 11th commandment.” She started sarcastically as she slipped herself under the blue and white striped tape and walked over to the

“What’ve we got doc?” Taeyeon asked, peeking at Yoona through gaps in between her fingers, being exceptionally careful not to accidentally stare into the dead girl’s open eyes.cold, limp body that was still being photographed by the police.

Yoona unintentionally rolled her eyes at Taeyeon ; her fever was taking it’s toll on her irritability levels before she continued her work on the body, taking a few pictures of the wounds and the body from different angles before asking the local police staff to help bring the body back to the lab for autopsy.

“I’ll report in when I’ve finished the autopsy. Should take around a day.” Yoona said, her voice clearly devoid of energy as the police cleared the crowd so that she could get through.

“Neh taetae, where do we go now?”

“We go for ice c—“

“Taeyeon, Tiffany, go check the security cameras around this place to see if you can find anyone suspicious.” Leeteuk instructed as he followed Yoona onto the car.

Disappointed with the plan, Tiffany let out a defeated sigh but Taeyeon quickly reverted the situation.

“We go get ice cream and eat while we’re watching the cameras.” She said with a silly grin.

Tiffany clapped her hands excitedly and the two immediately got to work, questioning the guards in the buildings near the crime scene and loaning their camera records.


The two walked in silence back to their hotel rooms.

“Sooyoung..” Onew began but Sooyoung pretended not to hear him.

“Sooyoung.” Onew repeated, adjusting his volume such that Sooyoung could not say that she did not hear him.

“What?” the tall girl replied, turning back and glaring at Onew.

Onew was a little taken aback by Sooyoung’s hostility but he quickly regained his composure and sized up to her.

“What’s with the third degree? You’ve been ignoring me and avoiding me all this while, I thought our friendship was worth more than this.” He said, being wary not to bare his teeth at Sooyoung in case she did the same.

“it was.” Sooyoung hissed, looking away to avoid Onew’s accusing stare.

“Was?” he growled, grabbing Sooyoung by the collar and pinning her to the wall, his eyes locked dead into hers as they exchanged murderous eye contacts.

“WAS?!” he repeated, except that this time, it was a yell that escaped his lips.

That was the last straw.

“GET THE OFF ME!” Sooyoung yelled, kicking Onew straight in the stomach and causing him to slam back against the opposite wall.

“W-what’s happening?” Sunny asked, stepping out of her room, looking absolutely confused.

Onew whipped his head and yelled at her.

“None of your business!” He barked.

This turned up Sooyoung’s anger by another notch and she gave him a hard slap across the face. “You didn’t change Onew.” Sooyoung hissed.

“My strength has changed.” He growled, bending low.

“Stop..” Sunny said in barely a whisper, unable to take the stress of being caught in between the two member’s fight.

Suddenly, Onew charged at Sooyoung, not even letting her get ready for the impact before he ran into her. Sooyoung let out a grunt of pain and surprise as she was carried and pinned against the wall by Onew, her vision blurred a little as she felt a trickle of blood run down the back of her head.

“Choi Sooyoung!” Onew yelled right in Sooyoung’s face, his face livid.

Regaining her composure, Sooyoung looked at Onew in the eye before spitting at him.

“Worthless..” she spat.

Onew’s anger was now at it’s limit and out of rage, he rose his free hand, curling it into a fist.

“ I said.. STOP!” Sunny yelled, sending a slap right across the other side of Onew’s unattended face, leaving a red hand print in it’s wake.

Onew stood there, stunned, his face whipped to his left after that stinging blow from the person he had least expected to hit him.

“W-wait.. what?”Sunny said in her head, clearly stunned at what she had just did. Even Sooyoung was wide-eyed with surprise.

Recovering from his state of shock, Onew turned his head back and looked up hatefully at Sunny who was still speechless as she looked at her hands.

“Sunny.. You..” he stuttered, unable to register that the docile girl who had always treated him respectfully and lovingly had now slapped him right across his face.

Another slap from Sunny hit Onew’s face and she began ranting about how Onew had mistreated her in the past, bringing out every single sad memory that she had with Onew over the past 3 years and saying that she had never once seen him at her birthday parties, neither had he kept any of her flowers on valentine’s day but instead he would take the flowers and give them to some other girl from the local bar.

Onew’s expression was contorted into a mix between shame and anger as he tried in vain to keep his anger under control.

“Who do you think you are?!” he yelled defiantly.

“Who do you think YOU are?!” Sunny shouted back ,” It was your fault I had a fever on that cold, rainy night, it was your fault that Sooyoung had to carry me all the way back and the fact that Sooyoung and I aren’t close now..  Everything is your fault, ONEW!”

Sooyoung blinked a few times and pinched herself so that she knew she wasn’t dreaming.

“Sunny is… actually standing up for me? Against Onew?”she thought, unable to accept the side of Sunny that was unfolding before her very eyes.

“I… OFF!” Onew shouted in anger, shoving the two girls aside as she stormed off.

“What’s with the ruckus?” Leeteuk asked, stepping out of his room.

“I..” Sooyoung began but Sunny interrupted her.

“it’s nothing Leeteuk oppa.” Sunny continued.

“Really?” Leeteuk asked again, giving the both of them an inquisitive look. Sunny had to reassure him that everything was fine for a few more times before he finally bought the lie.

Sooyoung immediately turned her head and headed for the elevator but Sunny quickly caught up with her. “Don’t you have.. anything to say to me?” Sunny asked, looking down at Sooyoung’s feet.

Sooyoung remained quiet for a while, hestitating before she replied.


And with that, the elevator arrived and Sooyoung made her way downstairs, leaving Sunny at the corridor.

“Sooyoung..” Sunny said with a little sigh, deciding to take the stairs instead.











“So.. Why did you bring me here?” Yuri asked.

Jessica squealed as she slid down the slide and looked questionably at Yuri. “Leeteuk did say we were on the search team.. but there’s no suspects at the moment, according to Taeyeon and Tiffany.”

Yuri thought about it for a while. “I.. guess so..” she mumbled, turning away to look at a really high slide before she turned back to see a smile plastered on Jessica’s face.

“No way am I going on that thing.” She insisted adamantly, folding her arms.



Half an hour later…

“WEEEE!!” Yuri yelled, taking another long route down the largest slide while Jessica sat on a bench, watching the girl play by herself.

“I thought you didn’t wanna play!” she yelled, dead tired from the extreme games they played in the past 20 minutes.

“I changed my mind!” Yuri yelled, now swaying her body back and forth as she tried to maximize her momentum on the swing.

“Team, report in.” leeteuk’s voice sounded through the wireless radio, causing Yuri to fly off the swing.

“Er.. We’re.. looking for clues near the crime scene.” Jessica lied.

“Why are there groaning sounds?” leetuek questioned.

Jessica bit her lip before replying. “Oh.. it’s just an old truck honking down the road, oppa.” She explained, trying to sound as innocent as possible. Luckily for her, Leeteuk bought the lie.

“Camera team.” Leeteuk said.

“Nothing yet, we’re still looking into it.” Tiffany reported.

Taeyeon simply let out a low grunt as a drop of melted ice cream dripped onto her shirt.

“Waiting for the camera team to list out their findings.” Sooyoung and Onew said together.

“Shut up.” Sooyoung growled.

“No you shut up.” Onew retorted, sounding a little bit tipsy.

“Both of you shut up.” Leeteuk ordered ,” Right.. Taeyeon and Tiffany, double up. Yuri, Jessica, be on standby. Sooyoung and Onew, look around the backstage of the concert hall to see if you can find anything ; I heard that this girl was a fan of Juda, she might’ve gone to the concert before she died. Right, dismissed.”

Yuri and Jessica looked questionably at each other, their eyes sending text messages to one another. “Let’s go.”




“TaeTae, pass me the mint flavored one.” Tiffany said with her spoon in , watching the numerous screens intently as she dug into the ice cream.

“AISH! This is the pistachio one, pabo!” she scolded, wiping the disgusting taste off while Taeyeon laughed at her successful prank.

Tiffany narrowed her eyes down at Taeyeon before she grabbed Taeyeon’s hand and brought it to , taking a large bite out of it before she let go.

“Oww..” Taeyeon whimpered pitifully, rubbing the small teeth marked etched on her knuckle ,”Cannibal.”

“Says the person who almost got eaten in Switzerland.” Tiffany retorted, sticking her tongue out at Taeyeon before she turned back to the screens.

“Any luck?” Taeyeon asked, letting out a small yawn.

Tiffany shook her head in disappointment, slumping back on the chair as she lazily shifted her eyes throughout all of the screens with no target in mind.

When her eyes reached the camera recording that was showing the dimly lit back alley, she saw something move.

A lone shadow, dragging something. The thing it was dragging didn’t seem suspicious, until the figure stopped and flung a limp body under the light of the only lit up lamp in the vicinity, making sure the light from it never touched even a fraction of his face.

“Fany.. That’s..” Taeyeon strained her eyes, recognizing the deceased girl immediately from her aqua blue eyes that shone in the streetlight.

“Stop there.” Tiffany instructed, rewinding the video such that it was when the figure was the clearest.

“Sunny, I’m sending you a picture, zoom in, sharpen and brighten it up, we found our killer.” Tiffany instructed, sliding her chair backwards little in fear when the figure turned to the camera to reveal a pair of glowing red eyes.

“Fany?” Taeyeon called out to the girl, noticing a bead of sweat roll down the other girl’s jawline before it dripped onto the floor.

“It’s nothing.” Tiffany reassured, though she was certain that was definitely not a red eye effect from the camera.

“Tippani, you okay?” Taeyeon asked worriedly, putting her arm around Tiffany to comfort her.

Tiffany turned and smiled weakly at Taeyeon before kissing the back of Taeyeon’s hand. “TaeTae, I’m hungry, buy me a happy meal, pwease?” Tiffany said in her cute, aegyo voice.

Taeyeon smiled ,”Anything for my mush—“


“Araso araso, anything for my fany.” Taeyeon corrected herself, planting a kiss on Tiffany’s forehead before she left the hotel room.

Alone in the room once again, Tiffany looked back at the screen where the disturbing image of the killer was now gone, but her unnecessarily good memory brought her back a few minutes ago when she had first saw the killer, where the killer had first shown himself in front of the camera, though nothing but his eyes were shown.

But one thing was sure.

Those red eyes.. were real.









“Aigo Yuri that one’s so cute!” Jessica squealed, pointing to a small Japanese spitz that was trotting along with it’s master across the park.

“I like that one better.” Yuri insisted, showing Jessica a cocker spaniel that was chasing birds around the park.

“No that one’s c—“ Jessica was about to insist that the spitz was cuter when Taeyeon’s voice came into their radio.

“Search team. Search team come in.”

“What’s up?” Jessica replied casually in english.

“First suspect acquired, Juda. Trail him, apparently his car was parked in the back alley where the girl was killed, just beside the concert hall. Be on your guard, he might be armed.”

“Araso. What’s your status, Yoona, anything at all?” Yuri asked.

“I’m still processing the data results. But judging by stiffness of the body, this girl was killed between 1 and 2 in the morning. The scratches on her arm were made by small rocks; those found on the road so it would seem as though she put up a fight. But a killing blow to her  neck silenced her.. A painless death, might I add. That’s all for now, I’ll try to find more evidence but you have to give me time. I’m no God.”

“Araso..” Yuri replied.

“Yuri.” Jessica whispered, holding Yuri’s hand and pulling the girl into a bush before pointing to a figure, who was walking swiftly across the park’s lanes.

“This is the search team. Target spotted, we’re on him.” Yuri said softly into the microphone, waiting until they were sure he wouldn’t see them before they started moving.

“Don’t lose him.” Leeteuk instructed sternly.

“Gotcha.” Jessica replied, her fingers interlaced with Yuri’s while they trailed their first suspect onto the main road, hiding their presence amongst the sea of people.

But the moment they turned into the next corner, they found their target missing from their sight. “..” Yuri cursed, looking left and right for their target but her efforts proved to be in vain.

“Yuri, you go that way, I’ll go this way.” Jessica said, taking charge.


“Keep in touch through the radios, he doesn’t know we’re trailing him, so we’re not in any danger yet. Don’t worry so much, pabo.” Jessica smiled as she pulled her hand away and started to take her first step, but she suddenly stopped and turned around.

“Sica?” Yuri said, looking at Jessica who was smiling at her cheekily.

At that moment, their lips joined together.. right in the middle of that crowded street. Yuri could do nothing but stare at Jessica wide eyed in surprise. “You were worried about me, weren’t you.” Jessica smiled, planting a kiss on Yuri’s cheek after she broke the lip contact.


“I’ll be fine.” Jessica smiled reassuringly, ”C’mon, our suspect is running away~”

Yuri bit her lower lip before she smiled weakly at Jessica ,” Yeah.. I’ll get going now.” She said as she turned around.



Their gaze fixed upon each other as they looked at one another from a a metre’s distance.

“I’ll see you tonight.”

“Yeah. See you tonight.. Sica.” Yuri mumbled.


















Annyong~ How was it? I edited it but it took like.. a few hours coz I was distracted LOL. Sorry~~

Anyways.! Announcement!

Catch me , I’m Falling will be released soon, just gimme a few more days or something like that to make a good poster >< What’s a good story without a good poster, right?

 Anyways, I’ll be putting Abyssal cry to a later time first because it’s gonna be a long fic and I want to plan it properly with my co author.

As for LTTT, I am changing the plot. Do you guys still want it to be a fantasy fic? Because if you guys don’t want it to be a fantasy fic and just plainly about music, I’m gonna change the.. what the hell.. even if you guys didn’t want it to be a fantasy fic I’m still gonna change the title LOL anyways! This is important coz a lot of my subscribers will be reading LTTT so I need you guys to choose the storyline that you want it to be changed to.



Option 1 :

Title : I haven’t decided LOL

Foreword :

Her parents are divorced and she lives with her strict father who has her whole life planned out for her. Knowing nothing about her father’s plans, Tiffany takes up music behind her father’s back and using her friends as an excuse to go into the music rroom to play with the instruments. Tiffany meets Taeyeon, a flutist. On their first day as friends, they go out for dinner and they talk about their dreams. Tiffany speaks about her ambition of having a whole concert dedicated to her grandparents who had always encouraged her to go ahead with her dreams, also she would want both her parents to get back together and watch her at the concert. Taeyeon on the other hand, having no parents and a bad record in school for skipping classes, simply states she wants to be performing at the concert with Tiffany.

Will Tiffany finally attain hher dreams of being a professional musician despite her father’s unceasing objections?



Option 2 :

Title : The Girl Who Watched Over Time (unconfirmed)

“The watcher of time”. That title has been given to Taeyeon. Her job is simple, to watch over the time on every human’s lifespan, and when their time is up, it is her job, to notify the angels of death. Everything stays perfectly fine for a few hundred years until one day, Taeyeon decides to take a walk down to the human world in her human form. Unfortunately for her, she misplaces her token of authority ; a golden pocketwatch, which is not only her token of authority but her passport back into heaven and the source of her powers. In her desperation to find it, she meets a girl called Tiffany hwang, who had unknowingly picked up the golden watch from a bush. But as time goes by, Taeyeon finds herself unable to part with this girl even after she has gotten her pocket watch back, and so she decides to throw her authority away. Taeyeon has now two choices, return back to heaven and continue her duty as the watcher of time, or return the golden pocket watch, but without the watch, her limited powers will only permit her 10 days on earth before she disintergrates into dust, a true death for an angel of time.

What will she do?...




Okay guys I seriously need you to choose. Option 1 or 2? This response will be used to decide which story I decide to turn LTTT into ><. Anyways.. that’s all for now~

Please comment below! I really need your opinions ):







Time out~

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2022 and still waiting for the updates
hellsing418 #2
Chapter 75: Waiting for updates patiently
Waiting for the day when you update this one of the awesome story that i read :)
hellsing418 #4
Chapter 75: Me too.. Still waiting .. Update soon author ahii
suzukayamato26 #5
Chapter 75: still waiting here....
soummy #6
as i said before, this fic is so good. It's remains on top of my fave stories here. And I'm still waiting :/ we can still ship ys despite the events that occured a few months ago right? Pls find courage and ud this again. Thanks author-nim~
OfficialPao #7
Chapter 75: Hey.. Sica, you gonna continue this or nah? Happy new year btw.
dream1997 #8
Chapter 75: where are the updates author sshi?? ive been waiting forever and seriously yulsic being stucked here is kiling me please finish this amazing fanfic!!!
soummy #9
Chapter 75: Auhtor-ssi,I personally think the plot is really really great esp. because it's yulsic. Please gather more courage and update this story. I wanna read this until the end, your ideas are awesome. We will wait for you :)