
Necklace of Regrets


A/N : Guys this is the edited version of the original chapter 51. The main plot is the same but I’ve added some extra little details here and there –shrugs-








Las Vegas; one of the world’s most popular and most beautiful places in the world. It’s streets filled with golden streetlights and streaked with brightly lit buildings that contained almost anything you could think of. But in the heart of this place, amongst all the rich and prideful, there are the less honourable kind ; gang members, thieves, robbers, murderers, thus the city’s nickname ; City of Sin.

Two girls wandered the busy streets. They seemed to be the only people here who were dressed casually as if they were walking around their own neighbourhood. Clad in skin tight jeans and a red tube, Tiffany was walking hand in hand with Taeyeon down the walkway, oblivious to lustful stares from the men around them.

Taeyeon, who was more observant stopped dead in her tracks and glared back at the men, who simply flicked her a middle finger.  “Tae?” tiffany called out, still unaware of the attention that she was being given.

Taeyeon turned around and smiled at her girlfriend before pulling her black jacket over Tiffany’s shoulder. “You’re gonna catch a cold if you dress like that all the time.” She joked, straightening the jacket before allowing Tiffany to reclaim her shoulder.

“Well, if I fall sick you’ll just have to take care of me now won’t you?” Tiffany smiled, leaning reliantly on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“Nope, I’ll probably get sick before you do, I’ll get a fever.” Taeyeon chuckled to herself.

Tiffany cocked her head to one side and raised her eyebrow. “And why is that?” she asked.

“Because you’re too hot.” Taeyeon replied.

“Cheesy..” Tiffany commented, blushing hard.

Taeyeon simply giggled but it faded when she noticed that the thugs behind them were now moving towards them. “Tiffany, get on my back.” Taeyeon ordered.

Without question, Tiffany complied, not wanting to miss a free piggyback ride. “Hold on tight.” Taeyeon smiled as she picked up a few small pebbles, taking a huge spin, before flinging the stones at the men, each one hitting it’s mark in the centre of their forehead.

Tiffany, squealed in shock after being nearly flung off by the sheer force of Taeyeon’s spin, but her fear soon turned into laughter when her girlfriend sped across the pathway.

“Ahaha Ahaha! Yay!!” she yelled in mad excitement since she had never gone so fast on a piggyback ride before.

“You’re noisy.” Taeyeon scolded jokingly, but ended up receiving a smack on the back by Tiffany.

“Merong.” Tiffany said, sticking out her tongue,” Why are you.. AHHH!!”

Taeyeon suddenly stopped and flipped Tiffany off her back, but still making sure she didn’t land face first on the floor by catching her.

“Scared?” Taeyeon teased, catching Tiffany just before she hit the ground.

Tiffany growled like a puppy and grabbed Taeyeon’s collar ,” You’re d—woah…”

In front of them was now one of the largest  but also one of the few open-air market places left in Las Vegas. Taeyeon’s jaw fell agape at the games and stalls displayed before her eyes. Only one thing came into both their minds ,”Fun.”

“Hell yeah!” Taeyeon yelled in excitement as she held Tiffany’s hand and they ran down the streets lined with various stalls and vendors. While Taeyeon was interested in the games, Tiffany’s eyes were set on what was behind the games and food stalls ; the mega shopping mall.

Taeyeon looked at her girlfriend questionably when she realised that Tiffany wasn’t responding to her questions at all, instead, she was too busy daydreaming about the pure magnificence of the building standing tall in front of her, the various clothes in the display cabinets at the window gleaming right before her eyes, almost as if beckoning her to go to them.

“Taengo~ Can we go there, please?” Tiffany whined pitifully, swaying Taeyeon’s hand back and forth until Taeyeon finally decided that her girlfriend was more important than her double fillet hamburger that was waiting for her.





(A/N : The next part is written in Yuri’s POV btw, in this story, sica’s hair was originally brown before she left for America, but in America she dyed it blonde.)


“Sica! Where’re you going?”

She turned around, her her flawess brown hair shining in the glaring sunlight which was accompanied by a weak gust of wind which elevated her beauty even more.

“Just going for a walk, Yuri. You’re like glue, don’t you know that?” she chuckled before she walked on, further and further, until she completely disappeared from my sight.

I knew she was joking.. But why did it hurt.. It shouldn’t hurt. It shouldn’t hurt at all, I’ve only known her for 8 months and I’ve only started talking to her since 3 months ago.

But why?..

What’s this light.. Where.. Oh.. I remember now..


“Yah..yuri, what’s this for?”

There I was, holding up a ring, made of titanium and on the inside of the rings were the words “Till death do us part” carved out by a laser.

I smiled stupidly at her as I slid the ring into her finger.

The girl in front of me giggled, her smile outshining every street lamp on that deserted street. She looked me in the eye. I didn’t even need to hear her speak to know what was on her mind.


She never got the chance to finish that sentence. Well.. one thing was that suddenly a cat attacked us from the bushes when she was just about to embark on the second word.. and.. well.. she forgot to say that sentence. And a few months later, four days prior to our graduation night, she told me she was leaving for America three days later.

During those three days, I didn’t talk to her.. Only at the last minute when I decided to go to the airport to see her for the last time..

I caught up to her before she entered the gate.

“JESSICA!” I yelled, my voice almost breaking.

Finally she turned around. She seemed shocked though.

“Don’t go.. D-don’t go.” I said in between my unstoppable panting.

She looked at me. I could see a tear that was threatening to hit the ground, but she blinked it away. Her expression turned cold as she reached into her pocket for something.

The moment she gave me the letter and the ring.. yes the ring… the other half of our couple ring engraved with the words “For Better or For Worse”. The ring.. that I gave her..

And now, she’s returning it back.

Memories of our past,.. The future that I had imagined, they started to flood my mind.

I was losing my sanity.. All of a sudden, the wall that I had built up within the past 3 days, those sleepless nights filled with telling myself that I would be alright without her, they all seemed to be worthless

My heart was thumping.. beating against my chest.. telling me “You need Jessica.. “

Immediately, I made a dash for the gate, trying to pry my way through the security officers, but they simply held me down as I cried out for Jessica while she walked away.. away from my limited reach.

Clingy.. Glue.. those were the words Jessica used to describe me, though they could be easily switched with harsher words like “weak” and “reliant”.

She always seemed to be putting on a smile, but I knew behind that smile, that girl was crying.. And I would spend nights crying my eyes out for her.

I was always trying to get close to her in the academy.. Always trying to sit next to her during class..

Now that I think about it.. was I always that clingy? I don’t recall being so..

Maybe I was afraid of drifting away from her.. yeah that’s it…

I was afraid of losing her.. Afraid that she would leave my life forever..



Just maybe..

Maybe it was because..


I never had her in the first place…













Yuri’s eyes popped open, scaring the kitten that was upon her chin gently. “Sorry.” She mumbled, receiving a disapproving mewl from the cat for her insincerity.

“Mianhae unnie~” she apologized half heartedly while being sarcastic.

This time, yuri purred and her neck, sending a shiver up yuri’s neck.

Suddenly the door opened and Jessica stood at the door, her eyebrows raised.

“Did you just call your cat unnie?” she asked, looking questionably at Yuri.

“Me? Hell no!” Yuri denied in an immediate response.

“I see..” Jessica mumbled as she turned into the bathroom after grabbing some of her clothes to take a shower. Meanwhile, Yuri made her way to the balcony.

The spectacular water show of the Bellagio fountain below, lit up by it’s golden spotlights underneath the surface of the water was mesmerizing. The golden lights shined on yuri’s face as she absent mindedly stared down at the fountain, fiddling with her necklace that contained the two rings, while yurin looked down at the water show, curious as to whether any fish were swimming inside the shining waters.

“Jajang~” Jessica said loudly, presenting to yuri a small packet of food.

 Yuri immediately shoved her necklace back into her shirt and was about to ask how Jessica had moved noiselessly but she was cut off.

A rich, savory smell sneaked it’s way into Yuri’s nose and immediately, her hand reached out to grab the packet of takoyaki.

“They should change your nickname to dog nose Yuri.” Jessica chuckled.

Yurin tuckled around and meowed, seeming indignant about the word ‘dog’. “Araso araso.” Jessica smiled, picking the kitten up into her arms while Yuri tucked in. “Not as good as those in japan..” Yuri grumbled.

“Just eat, Yul.” Jessica scolded, patting yuri’s head gently like a kid.

A second water performance emerged just minutes after the first died down and the balcony was filled with Jessica’s amazed ‘oo’ and ‘ah’s. “It’s really pretty isn’t it?” Jessica stated after the performance was over.

“I guess..” Yuri replied with a dull look.

“You.. don’t look too happy.” Jessica said, leaning forward to look at Yuri face to face but Yuri simply avoided eye contact and looked away.

“Yuri? Is something wrong?” Jessica questioned, a hint of worry mixed in her voice as she stared at Yuri’s distant eyes. Yuri looked at Jessica and gave a fake smile.

“It’s fine.” She reassured, even though she knew that Jessica wasn’t stupid enough to believe that, but she headed on back into the room, with Yurin following right behind her..

Promptly, she clambered onto the bed and pretended to sleep. “It hurts..” the sentence repeated in her head, hyptonising her heart into making her cry.

“Yah.. Yuri.. Yah..” Jessica called out, shaking Yuri’s still body gently, oblivious to the girl’s barely audible sobs.

But yuri didn’t budge, her body staying perfectly still under the covers while she covered her head to hide any tears that might show her weakness to Jessica.






The next morning..



“Annyong~ Did you sleep well?” Jessica smiled as Yuri gave a yawn before sitting up on the edge of the bed.

Yuri didn’t reply Jessica, instead she simply stood up and dragged herself to the bathroom, looking worse than a zombie. “Good morning Miss Zombie.” Jessica greeting Yuri in english and slapping her hard on the back, causing her to choke on the toothbrush.

“Ah seriously..” Yuri grumbled when she finally recovered from the attack, only to see that Jessica was gone and only a piece of paper was left at the sink in replacement of her.

“She always disappears..” Yuri grumbled as she opened up the folded letter and read it to herself.

“Meet me at the mall two hundred metres down south of the hotel, just look for the first mall from outside the window, straight ahead. We're going for a movie.”

“Aigo… this girl. Yurin ah! Umma’s going out, stay home and don’t play with the toilet bowl okay?” Yuri yelled as she threw on a collared, sleeveless top and a pair of blue jeans before she rushed out of the hotel room, locking the door behind her while Yurin, who had just woken up, mewled sadly to an empty room.












Aish if you noticed, I got lazy at the last part LOL Anyways, please leave a comment and I'll post up the repeated chapter 52 tomorrow >< mianhae~ aff was getting hacked or something liddat and my whole website went cranky and couldnt load.. aish...

hope aff is better now. Anyways! Your update is ready ! ^~^ hope you liked the edited version more~

Good night~ And leave a comment! -glares-

okay good night~ -sweet smiles-




Time out~

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2022 and still waiting for the updates
hellsing418 #2
Chapter 75: Waiting for updates patiently
Waiting for the day when you update this one of the awesome story that i read :)
hellsing418 #4
Chapter 75: Me too.. Still waiting .. Update soon author ahii
suzukayamato26 #5
Chapter 75: still waiting here....
soummy #6
as i said before, this fic is so good. It's remains on top of my fave stories here. And I'm still waiting :/ we can still ship ys despite the events that occured a few months ago right? Pls find courage and ud this again. Thanks author-nim~
OfficialPao #7
Chapter 75: Hey.. Sica, you gonna continue this or nah? Happy new year btw.
dream1997 #8
Chapter 75: where are the updates author sshi?? ive been waiting forever and seriously yulsic being stucked here is kiling me please finish this amazing fanfic!!!
soummy #9
Chapter 75: Auhtor-ssi,I personally think the plot is really really great esp. because it's yulsic. Please gather more courage and update this story. I wanna read this until the end, your ideas are awesome. We will wait for you :)