

Stress? Seems like the right word for this situation, because Tae’s been leaving practice earlier or skip out most of it due to the drama. He would leave the dorm earlier than others and return extra later. He sometimes makes mistakes in the dance practice and would desperately try to catch up to everyone else. His voice became hoarse due to lack of sleep, which makes him extremely frustrated. He would skip meal too, but just more often lately. The members barely get to talk to him except in practice but it’ll all be about the new dance routine or the lyrics and vocals.


Does he miss talking to them? Yes of course. He really wished that he could joke around and laughs with them like before. Before most of his time with them was taken away. But when he does have time with them, he’d be too tired to try. What’s worse is that he’s hiding his stress and tiredness underneath his smile and played it off as if nothing’s happening. Again and again. He really wanted to spill the bean to his hyungs or maknae sometimes -


No Taehyung what are you thinking?! He mentally kick himself reminding that all this stress will soon be gone as long as he smile through it. He restrains himself from ever revealing his problems to the others.  Act like V. Act Like V. Act like V. Actually, he doesn’t need to keep reminding him that because he would unconsciously act like V anyway. It’s as if V’s taking over him more and more over time. That may sound crazy but it’s true and he can't help it. He feel like he’s drifting away from s day by day even though everyone thought that he’s normal and is still being himself. Did they. Forget the real Taehyung lying beneath of V? What if?


“Tae Tae!” He snapped out of his deep thought as Namjoon call him.


“Are you gonna stay in the van forever?” Hoseok wrapped his arm around Tae’s shoulder jokingly as soon as he got off.


Taehyung gave him a light punch in return and the other members laughed at Hoseok who sarcastically look like he’s about to die from punch.


It’s one of those rare nights where Tae get to return to the dorm early with everyone. It actually lightened his heart a bit because he got to return home to the warmth and everyone’s laughter. He didn’t like the fact that he has to return every other night to a dark and cold dorm. He sometimes wanted to drop the role from his drama or ditch the entire schedule just to snuggle in his bed or play around with Jimin and Jungkook. Then he thought about reality and just sits there on the couch and let out a huge sigh.


“You look old.” Jimin stared at him while he’s in his deep thought. AGAIN.


“Aw Jimin hyung. You look old too!” He joked back.


Jimin frowned a little and reply: “Then stop sighing. You’re making me old too. It’s your turn to shower.”


“Haha, sure….” Tae stood up and head to the bathroom.


He didn’t get out of the bathroom right away when he finished. He’s been staring at his own reflection in the mirror, noticing the how dark circles begin to form beneath his eyes and how his skin is a little pale. He noticed that it get’s worse each time he look at the mirror so he wants to avoid it but his entire idol life involve the mirror. The bathroom’s mirror; the practice room’s mirror; the studio’s mirror; back stage’s mirror; waiting room mirror; the hair salon mirror.


“Whoa, I really am getting old and ugly.” He murmured to himself.


He pulled his fingers on his cheek and sliding it down to his chin, then back up at his cheek again to pinch it. Pinch it until it gets its color back was what he thought.


“pfft, as if…” he laughed silently at his ridiculous act.


“Yeah.” A voice behind his head responded.


“Great! Now I’m hallucinating too.”


He really hates the mirror after all.


Author's note

Hey again! Here's the chapter 2!!

i just realised that i might go off the main point of this fic hehe. I'm sorry again if it's short but i hope that you enjoy this chapter! 

See ya in the next chapter!

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Chapter 6: OH GOD! Please update soon!!!
Xosecret100 #2
Chapter 6: Update!!!!
Chapter 6: Oh no Tae!! I really like this story btw hope u can update soon <3 :)
Chapter 2: Poor Tae getting stressed :c hopefully, the members notice before anything gets worse. Thank you for this chapter author nim! Fighting! God bless :)
Chapter 1: Don't worry about the chapter not being good enough, it's a good start even if it's short :) i like it c: Thank you for this chapter, author-nim! Looking forward to the next chapter ;) God bless!