I am V.


“Taehyung, you ok?” Yoongi asked while they’re taking a short break from their intense dance practice.


“Yeah. Why Hyung?” Taehyung turned his head smiling like an idiot to Yoongi. “Oh right!! Don't tell me! I can guess!” he squeezed his eyes and pretends to look like he’s thinking hard. “I’m your favorite dongsaeng!!! Hohohohoho.” He laughed and clapped excitedly to himself. This. Eventually earned a ‘you alien’ and ‘I don’t know you’ kind of look from Yoongi.


As soon as Yoongi looks away, his smile faded, almost immediately. He faced the mirror just across of him noticing that his face, his lip and even his tanned skin. Are pale. Everything is just messed up. So No. He’s not ok. His head is about to explode due to the pressure of his hectic schedule now that he’s preparing for their comeback, overloaded by the new drama he’s acting in. Because of this he’s not been feeling well – sick basically. But what else can he do? He signed up for all of this. He doesn’t hate it; it’s just really overwhelming once in a while. So what’s the point of worrying s?




Yes, just keep smiling and no one will notice.


With the determination to not worrying his hyungs and the maknae, he returned back to practice. Alone. He doesn’t blame them for not noticing. They have their stuff to worry about. His acts were perfect, he still got the dance move on point and he’s always being his cheerful self-right? Because that’s V. Happy. Funny. Weird. Optimistic. Positive. So stay like that. Please.


Jungkook, who’ve been observing his hyung dancing alone, noticed that even if he got his dance moves on point – he’s not focusing at all… if that even make sense. He sprints up to Taehyung and giving him a surprise back hug, which ultimately caught everyone’s attention onto them. Jimin being Jimin raised his phone to record the cute moment, taking who knows how many pictures. Taehyung jumped at the sudden action and turned to see an adorable bunny clinging to him. (Forgive me guys, pretty sure kookie wouldn’t do this but I have my own fantasies hueheuhue) He patted Jungkook’s head and asked him what’s wrong.


“Hyung looks tired.” Everyone froze. Including Taehyung for a short moment. Wait.


“Ya Jungkook! What are you talking about?!”  He answered playfully as he ruffled the younger’s hair then start pinching the others cheek. “You’re so cute! Are you worried? Hyungs fine! Unlike you I’m an alien so I live forever!”. He laughed to himself again and went off to unrelated topic to avoid any more suspicions from Jungkook and s. It worked. He got a shrug from everyone as they turned back to what they're doing. Jungkook let’s go of Taehyung and gave him a small nod then went to join Jimin and Hoseok who’re taking millions and millions of selcas.Soon no one pays attention to him andmore.


He smiled to himself. That’s right Taehyung. That’s all you have to do. Act like V.


Act like V?



Author's Note

How's the first chapter so far? Is it ok? i'm kinda worried that it's not good enough for y'all and might be too short. Other than that. Please enjoy and please comment!! <3

See ya in the next chapter!


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Chapter 6: OH GOD! Please update soon!!!
Xosecret100 #2
Chapter 6: Update!!!!
Chapter 6: Oh no Tae!! I really like this story btw hope u can update soon <3 :)
Chapter 2: Poor Tae getting stressed :c hopefully, the members notice before anything gets worse. Thank you for this chapter author nim! Fighting! God bless :)
Chapter 1: Don't worry about the chapter not being good enough, it's a good start even if it's short :) i like it c: Thank you for this chapter, author-nim! Looking forward to the next chapter ;) God bless!