Transfer Student - Jungkook

[BTS] One Shots

Walking through the crowd of chattering voices and slamming of lockers. Within the smell of cheap overly used body spray. It was the first day of senior year. Watching as the seats start to fill up after the ringing of the bell. The teacher began his lecture, speaking about rules of the classroom, school work vs homework, and a muffle of blabber that is ignored. Silence filled the air as an unfamiliar face enters the room. Snapping out from under the thoughts, the teacher introduced the class to the new transfer student. Black silky hair that falls perfectly above his dark brown eyes, a light hint of brown coated his skin, with a jaw line that can slice an object in half. His style seemed rather plain: a white t-shirt, blue ripped denim jeans, and light brown timberland boots. It wasn't much but it complimented his muscular body. He took a seat in the front of the room and the teacher began his lecture once again. Her eyes fell to the back of the boy's head wishing she had hair that silky and smooth. Soon the bell rang and everyone walked out into the halls to their next period. She stayed behind shoving her notebook in her bag  and strapping it onto her back. She stood up with a textbook in her hand noticing the transfer student leaving the class room looking down at a piece of paper. She walked out behind him already knowing where her next class was and headed in that direction. Repetition of her cycle of classes she finally made it to her last period of the day. She took a seat in the back noticing few familiar faces from previous years. The teacher began to talk a little about herself in her way of getting closer to the students. Scanning the room the same silky hair had caught her eyes. 

Her mind wandered off into her fantasy world, eyes glued on the boy. Suddenly she jumped slightly as she was woken back into reality. The class full of students was nearly empty as the students dashed out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. She sighed relieved that the school day was over. Her stomach growled loudly being empty since the morning. Voices were occurring  making her head turn to the attention of a group of girls gathering around giggling and chattering amongst themselves. Noticing where the group was formed she peered a little to the side seeing that the new transfer student was within the group. His awkwardness showed through his smile and eyes as the girls made remarks about his defined features and toned body. She rolled her eyes grabbing her textbook out through the door, she headed home,


*  *  *


A few months have past. Each day was the same old routine: getting up early in the morning, walking into the hell zone known as high school where the only good thing about it was the new transfer student and his hair. He was just an awkward little teen who was always being harassed by females trying to get at him, He became one of the "popular" kids at the school. Hanging out with the stereo typical football players who think they are bad with their crew. Females always by their side as they walk through the hallways, with their pants sagged low and their sports jacket. The not so new anymore transfer student wasn't at all like those other guys, He was sweet helping people who didn't understand the lesson or at least he thought they didn't. People would take advantage of him, doing whatever it takes just to get close to him and she knew. She never spoke to him. Nervousness got the best of her. Every time she built enough courage the other girls would pull her back and take him away. They were possessive over him like he was some rag doll. Each day she noticed him changing slowly. His appearance wasn't those plain white t-shirts but the football team jacket. The way his pants sag down so low his started to hang. His personality got aggressive and his lack of self- awarness got him skipping classes. He wasn't the sweet awkward transfer boy she admired from the start, but she still fell for him. She admired him from afar wishing that someday he will notice her. That he will become that kind hearted innocent boy she once saw. 

Everyday, I'd wish you notice me...even if it's only one second of my life.

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Chapter 6: OMG YOU GOT ME! YOU ING GOT ME! THE SCENTED CANDLE, "KITTEN", THE ING TEDDY BEAR AT THE END! ugh..I'm exhausted after this. It drained my soul
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
Chapter 4: Hi hi can I make another requet friend??? :)
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #3
Chapter 4: I LOVE MY ONESHOT!!! Hehehehe i can't believe I got into a fight with jungkooks ex and the ending made me totally all squeally!!! Eeeeeh!! Thank U so much can I request some moreeeee????? :D
Chapter 3: This is cute (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ Finally a happy ending!

I have nothing else to say's just freaking cute (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Makes me want to kiss Jimin (don't tell Jin! (;๏д๏) )
Chapter 2: OMG!! So...wait a second.. I (hate saying that but ok) am a fallen angel since the beginning?!?! щ(゜ロ゜щ) I'M A ING MURDERER..kinda..more like..Jimin is.. but anyway
god damn it Jimin..saying you love me when you don' heart broke.. (no did) 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
Chapter 1: Damn it Jungkook! you became a bastard too (╬゚◥益◤゚) ╬゚

why do I feel so sad he never noticed the girl (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु (or me..but I don't like saying it's me cuz.. I am faithful to Jin)

Anyway.. the story is good....I'm sad Jungkook changed at the end becoming the kind of guy I literally hate (´;ω;`)
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #7
Chapter 3: Ahhhhh so cute!!! What a coincidence I ate ice cream earlier and picturing Jimin spoon feeding me gives me tingly feelsssssssss LOL AHHH thnk you so much I loved my oneshot!!!! :D
Chapter 1: Waiting for that Jimin oneshot;)
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #9
Hi hi do you allow requests?! :)