Chapter 6 - It's a date!

Tracked [Kim Jongin/Kai]

EXO's practice room, Wednesday, 3:45 PM

"Hey, it's me, Lisa. I was wondering... Are you free this friday? You left a little fast last time, and I was wondering if maybe, you'd like to catch up? Anyways, call me back, bye!"

The message ended and I just stared at my phone, still trying to figure out if I had just imagined this. LISA was asking ME out on a DATE?!? How in the world did this happen? I almost expected her to flee from me after I left her hanging last time. But there she was, calling me to set up a rendez-vous, not even a week later.

My first reflex was to immediately call her back with a positive answer, but I caught my reflexion in the mirror : I still looked like mess. Surely it would get better by Friday, right? 

I dialed Lisa's number, but immediately hung up. My heart was beating like crazy and my mind suddenly went blank. What did I say? I decided it woud be safer to send her a text. That way, I would at least avoid making a fool of myself and ruining my chances.

"Hi, it's Jongin. I just got your message. I'm free at 7 on Friday night."

She replied only seconds later, as if she was waiting impatiently for me to contact her.

"Great! It's a date ;)"

The message made me shiver. I had a date, with Lisa. I couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto my face, earning me suspicious stares from Sehun and Kyungsoo who were sitting across from me. They shared a knowing glance before looking back at me with mischeavous grins. 

"Our little KimKai is texting Lisaaaa." Sehun sang. I threw my phone on the couch and grabbed a cushion, launching it right at Sehun's face. He dodged it, laughing, and kept on singing his ridiculous song. Kyungsoo had a cornered smile : he actually enjoyed watching me get embarassed by the only member who was younger than me.


Friday night, 7 PM

When he strolled through the restaurant doors, I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach. He looked so handsome in his black dress shirt and black jeans, hair parted to the side. I had also put some effort into my outfit, hoping he would notice. I was wearing dark wash jeans and a dressy shirt, along with some ballet flats and silver hoop earings.

"Wow... You look... um, nice." he stuttered, looking at me with wide eyes. As he moved to sit down in front of me, he stumbled on one of the table's legs.

"Woah, are you okay?" I asked, trying to stop myself from laughing at his adorable clumsiness. 

"I'm fine." he breathed, sitting down properly. He looked down at his hands as his cheeks turned slightly pink from the embarassement. When he looked back up at me, I gave him a huge smile so he would feel more at ease. His shoulders relaxed a bit when I took the lead in starting a conversation. I could tell that he was a pretty shy person, so I tried to help him a bit by asking him questions.

"So... How was your day? Did anything fun happen?" I questionned him nicely. His expression brightened up when he started talking about his group activities and how they had learned a new choreography today. I could see the passion in his eyes when he mentionned dancing, and I tried to encourage him to keep talking about it. I asked him questions about their shows, their long practice hours, their busy schedule, and he answered each and every question with detail and precision. But suddenly, he stopped talking and just stared at me.

"I've only been talking about myself since we got here. What about you? What are your interests?" he asked me, and I could feel that he truly wanted to get to know me better. I was glad he had warmed up enough to ask me about myself. The more comfortable he became, the more I would get to know the real him. Not Kai the flawless dancer, not perfect Kai from EXO, just normal Kim Jongin.

"I like to draw. I've taken art classes all my life and I'm always trying to get better at it." I anwered him. "And I'm also a huge EXO fan." I added with a smirk, causing Jongin to laugh timidly.

"Could you show me some of your drawings?" he asked, surprising me. I wasn't expecting him to show any interest in my art after I had barely mentionned my passion to him. "Dancing and drawing are both forms of art, you know." 

I was impressed by his kindness. He was showing interest in what I liked, even though we barely knew each other. 

"Sure! Here, let me show you my most recent one." I started enthusiastically, searching through my bag to find my sketchbook.


"Sure! Here, let me show you my most recent one." she said, rummaging through her bag. Her eyes shined with a beatiful glint as she turned the pages of her precious sketchbook. When she reached the page she was looking for, she pushed the book in my direction. She played with her fingers impatiently, waiting for my feedback.

"That's amazing! Wow, you have a huge talent Lisa." I exclaimed, maybe a bit too loudly.

"You really think?" she giggled. I nodded in response, still busy admiring the drawing in front of me. It was a close up of my own face, looking remarkably realistic. I observed it closely, taking in all the details she had added to the portrait. I was surely no expert, but I could tell the drawing still wasn't finished. Nonetheless, it looked amazing.

"Do you mind?" I asked as I turned the page to see her other drawings. She smiled at me and proceeded in explaining what each sketch was about and what it meant to her. Her words swept me in like a spell and I felt like I could listen to her sweet voice for hours. 

And I did. We stayed, chatting about our life and interests, until the restaurant's closure. I had spent a wonderful evening and I was sad our date was coming to an end. I offered to walk her home and, thankfully, she accepted. As we strolled along the almost desert roads, we fell into a comfortable silence, with only the sound of our footsteps resounding into the night. I felt comfortable with her now : it was as if the psychological barrier I had built around myself had fallen. I had always been uncomfortable and akward around girls, but she was the first to make me feel at ease. 

Too soon, we reached her house and had to part ways. 

"Goodnight, Jongin. I'm glad we got to spend some time toghether. I hope we can do it again sometime?" she spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Of course." I replied. 

There was no way this was the last time we were going out toghether. Not after the way she had made me feel tonight.

Hello readers! I'm afraid this fanfic isn't doing as well as I planned. I don't know if I'll update again soon. Please comment if you want to read the rest, subscribe, like, whatever, just give me a sign that you're interested. Thank you.

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