Chapter 4 - Warming up

Tracked [Kim Jongin/Kai]

EXO's dorm, 11:26 AM

He kept pacing back and forth in the living room. He had been doing this since I told him Shannon was coming over with her friend.

"Oh just stop it already! You're making me dizzy." I pleaded him. Jongin was seriously starting to get under my skin. And that was a first, for him. The other guys always enjoyed rubbing me the wrong way to see how I would react, but Jongin never did that. That's probably why we got along so well.

"What's the big deal anyway? Just act cool and give her some small talk, and if she looks interested you..."

"That's easy for you!" he cut Sehun mid-sentence. "I'm not comfortable talking to girls. It's like my tongue gets caught up in my throat and all that comes out of my mouth is pure jibberish!"

"Well then just keep your mouth shut and you wont have any problems... Oh, but you'll never get to know her either! Hahaha!" Baekyun butted in.

"Baek, I don't think you're helping. And I don't recall you having any dating experience, am I wrong?" I snapped at him, shutting him up. Touché.

"They're here!" Suho exclaimed from his observing spot near the window.


I was really happy to hang out with the EXO members again. I had met them briefly on the flight for New York and they seemed nice. Because of my friend's connections, I had also been invited backstage to meet the members 'officially'. It turned out to be an awesome experience. Shannon had called me this morning with the news: Kyungsoo had invited her for lunch and told her to bring me over. Apparently, the members wanted to get to know me better.

I remembered the way Kim Jongin had acted all shy in front of me and I giggled internally. He looked so confident on stage, but he was the complete opposite with girls, it seemed. That night after the show, I had marvelled at how beautifully different all of the guys where from their public image. I hoped I would discover more of their personalities today.

Street vendor, near EXO's dorm, 12:45 PM

I had to get myself togheter. This was just a casual outing with my friends: nothing more, nothing less. Why was I so nervous? I barely managed to greet the girls earlier. Lisa had stared at me with such intensity I had forced myself to look down. It was as if her gaze pierced through me like a laser, looking beyond the surface. As if she was trying to see my deepest thoughts. It somehow intimidated me, but at the same time it made me even more curious about her.

"So, are you from around here?" I asked, hoping we could get some sort of conversation going.

"I actually grew up in Canada but I moved to Seoul a few years ago because of work." she answered nonchalantly, picking up something from her plate. That explained her cute accent. This looked so natural, so easy for her, chatting along. For me, even asking that single question demanded a huge effort. I wasn't exactly the most extraverted person.

"Cool." was the only thing I managed to answer as I quickly rummaged through my head, trying to come up with something else to ask. I shoved some spicy rice cakes in my mouth, giving me some time to think. Lisa glaced at me and started chuckling softly, trying to hide her smile.

"What's so funny?" I asked her, almost not wanting to hear the answer.

"You are." she answered, laughing even harder as my face flushed at her comment.

At that moment, I couldn't think of anything to say. I was a bit embarrassed, but I tried to laugh along. 
I glanced at Kyungsoo and Shannon, who were sitting at the other end of the table, sharing what looked like a deep conversation. The rest of the guys were talking loudly as they always did. They seemed to be arguing about which Star Wars movie was the best. Chanyeol suddenly turned to us and asked for Lisa's opinion.

"I like all of them." she answered with a smile. I looked back at her and noticed something, or rather someone, across the street behind Lisa. It must have shown on my face because she asked me:

"What's wrong?" still flashing her white grin.

"I... I gotta go." I stuttered, panic filling me. As I watched the figure grow closer, the guilt came rushing back at full speed. I had forgotten it for a moment, but I couldn't anymore. I pushed back my seat and started running in the opposite direction, away from the man who wanted revenge.

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