Chapter 3 - Stranger

Tracked [Kim Jongin/Kai]

Incheon Airport, 5:34 AM

I couldn't wait to leave this crowded place. I felt as if all of the people passing by were pointing fingers at me, whispering «Guilty, guilty...»

"Guys, it's time to board the plane." Suho told us.

We got up and crossed the airport - ever so slowly - to get to our entrance. As soon as we were in, I ran to snatch a window seat. Kyungsoo would be on my other side and I wouldn't have to deal with other people's judgmental looks. In my rush to take a seat, I slammed into someone much shorter than me. The other person fell to the floor, propelled by the impact. I instictively bent down to help the person up, apoligizing. When I finally looked, I noticed the person was a girl. A good looking one, at that. She was petite with straight brown hair, hanging a little below her shoulders. She gave me a bright smile, telling me not to worry about it. I was taken aback by how pretty she was, without looking like that perfect girl from a magazine. I mumbled something that sounded like «sorry» and left her standing there as I hurried to my seat.

I sat down next to Kyungsoo's empty seat, still processing what had just happened. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. The way her eyes lit up when she smiled and her cute accent when she spoke. Where was she from? Where was she heading? I pondered over those questions in my mind, trying to think of a way to see her again. Where was she seated in this huge plane? Maybe if I walked around a bit, I could find her and make up some lame excuse to talk to her...

"Shannon got a seat in buisness class. Wanna go see her?" Kyungsoo asked, waking me up from my daydream. His girlfriend had booked her flight a few days after us so we weren't seated in the same class. She had insisted on following us to New York for our first show in the U.S. She was a very supportive girlfriend and she was a perfect fit for Kyungsoo. They had been dating for almost six months now and since they started going out, she had never missed a concert. She must've had a really good job to pay for all those tickets.

"Um, yeah sure! I should at least go say hi." I answered, a bit dissapointed that my serch for the stranger-girl would have to wait until later.

We walked to the back of our compartiment and crossed into the buisness class compartiment. I noticed Shannon immediately : she was hard to miss with her blonde hair in a mass of mostly black-haired asians. She was seated near the back, at the end of a center row.

We were walking towards the last rows of seats when I stopped short, not believing what I was seeing. It was such an amazing coincidence, there was no way this could be real. The pretty stranger I had slammed into earlier was sitting right there, next to my best friend's girlfriend.

"Hey." Kyungsoo said before leaning down and giving his girl a quick, yet gentle kiss. "Jongin wanted to come and say hi." he explained, using me as an excuse when he clearly didn't need any. "What are you doing? Get over here!" he half-screamed at me. It brought me out of my state of shock and I realised I was standing in the middle of the alley, a few curious passengers staring at me.

"Um, yeah sorry. Hi Shannon!" I said after walking over to them. Even as I spoke, I couldn't take my eyes off of HER, afraid she was only an illusion induced by my mind and would dissapear if I looked away.

"This is my friend, Lisa." Shannon said, introducing the girl seated next to her to both me and Kyungsoo. She giggled a bit, probably amused my puzzled expression. Lisa spoke up in her nice accent, giving me goosebumps.


It was as simple as it got, yet it sent chills down my spine. I was so hypnotized by her gaze and the sweet sound of her voice that I only managed to croak out something I hoped ressembled a greeting. She laughed sofly at my response, clearly not at fazed as I was. She looked at ease, almost comfortable chatting with us. I, on the contrary, was petrified. I was never much of a social guy, and when it came to girls, I was a disaster.

"Lisa is also a huge EXO fan." Shannon said with a smirk.


Walking back to our seats before the plane took off, my mind raced. It amazed me that the girl that had instantly caught my attention was friends with Shannon. On the other side, she and Kyungsoo hadn't been going out for that long, so it was natural for us not to know all of her friends yet.

I saw Kyungsoo whisper something in Sehun's ear, causing him to giggle a bit mischeavously. He walked over to me with a cocky grin and, hovering over my seat, chanted: «Does our KimKai have a little crush on someone..?»
I felt the heat in my cheeks as I quickly denied his statement, probably only reinforcing his suspicions. I glared at Kyungsoo for telling this kind of thing to Sehun. He would pester me about it for weeks, not to mention he would take special care of mentionning it to the other members.

All Kyungsoo did was mouth «sorry» with fake sincerity. He was enjoying this way too much.

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