Chapter 1 - The Chase

Tracked [Kim Jongin/Kai]

Somewhere in Seoul, Friday, 11:47 PM

I ran, as fast as my legs could go. If I stopped, I was dead meat.

I could hear the footsteps behind me getting closer and closer. I had to loose them, or they would catch up to me. 


I turned in a little alley, praying it wouldn't be a dead end.
It wasn't, thankfully.

The dark alley led to a very busy road during daytime. But it was almost midnight and not much people where circulating. I saw a truck coming to my left and I took the oportunity to cross the road. The truck zoomed right behind me and blocked my pursuer's view for a few seconds, giving me just enough time to escape.

I was finaly loosing them. It was a good thing, because I don't think I could have kept on running much longer. All I had to do now was to find a hiding spot. Only one problem: I had no idea where I was.

Flashback to an hour earlier

"Don't you think you should at least introduce us to your friends?" a guy wearing a black cap and hoodie spat in my direction.

I glared, not taking my eyes off him as I spoke to my friends:

"Sorry guys, you'll have to go without me. I'll see you tomorrow."

I left my perplexed members behind and followed the other gang into an underground parking lot. The guy with the black cap was the leader, the other five merely followers. 

"I don't have enough right now. But I'll give it to you as soon as I have all of it." I said in a low voice, trying to sound sure of myself. But inside, I was shaking.

"Oh really? You've been saying that for the past five weeks, and you still haven't given us a cent of our money back!" the leader fouriously shouted. He made a step forward and looked like he was about to hit me when one of his colleagues stepped in:

"Why don't we just sell his organs? That would be some fast money alright, instead of waiting for little mister-dancer to screw his head on right. Who know how much time that will take."

He said it plainly, like it was the most normal thing in the world. But for me, it basically meant my life was in danger. 

The gang leader looked at him, then at me. A crooked smile appeared on his lips, making my stomach churn. What kind of weird plan was he coming up with now?

"Well that is certainly something we should consider, seeing that this looser isn't hurrying himself much." the leader chuckled.

Sell my organs? These guys were seriously desperate. But knowing them, they would do anything for money. I should probably pay them back in the next few days if I wanted to keep my kidneys intact.

"I'll have the money by Monday, I promise." i tried.

"I don't believe that. I think our plan is safer, what about you guys?"

The others laughed and nodded in agreement. That was it: I was done for. I would end up murdered in a dark alley in the middle of Seoul, and no one would ever know why.

They started cornering me before I even had time to process their words. My mind was spinning fast : how did I get out of this? It was 6-1, there was no way to beat them. I looked behind me and saw a pile of used car parts. I ran to the pile and started pulling out objects and throwing them at the men. I was silly to think that would do anything.

I had to change tactics. Instead, I ran straight ahead and slammed into the first guy who was in my way. He fell on his back and I crawled over him. Just as I was standing up, ready to run away, he grabbed my ankle and pulled me to the ground again. We were wrestling one on one, the others just watching. He finally pinned me to the ground and I couldn't move. They tied me like sausage carried me to their van, parked near. They threw me, not so gently, on the floor of the vehicle. We left, heading off to an unknown destination.

End of flashback

I turned sharp and entered a small PC salon. I hid inside while the guys chasing me ran straight by. As soon as I started to relax, dark thoughts crept in my mind. I felx anxious and but mostly, I felt guilty, because I had done something I never knew I was capable of. Something human beings weren't supposed to do. 

"Phiew..." I breathed.

I decided I would sleep there. It was a common thing to do and nobody would notice me : I looked no different than the other teenagers there. I would wait until tomorrow to figure out where I was and how I would get back home. Tonight, I just wanted to sleep and forget about the awful day.

I sent Sehun a text : 

"Sorry for ditching u guys like that earlier... I'll exlplain. Don't wait for me 2morrow, I'll be late."

He answered a few minutes later :

"No prob. U must have a good reason. Text me when u get home."

I put on a pair a headphones and let sleep take over.


I hope you liked this chapter! All the chapters are written, up to chapter 9, so I'll update about once a week :) Thank you for reading!

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