Chapter 1

I'm scared, but what can I do if it's you?

i know this is kinda very berry late. T,T sowwyyy bbb....


“Kyuu, let’s go…” Changmin pleads. He can’t bear another minute to stay in this scary place. It’s their first night shift on forensic department yet Changmin ready to flee as fast as he can.

“We can’t Min. You know what Jaejoong sunbaenim said. We can’t leave the morgue till the exchange schedule.”

“B-but…” Changmin holds his burst out emotion since before. He heard sounds but denies it profusely. He doesn’t hear anything. Nothing is there.

“It’s fifteen minutes more. Easy kay.” Kyuhyun concentrates his report. They have to finish the first eight until next week. There are five more to go. His wrist gave up last night. He wrote three in a row yesterday night. He just doesn’t want to pile up his assignment longer.

Changmin bends forward and hides behind his both arms. It’s better not to look at anything. He’s really scared.

“There’s nothing you should scared off Min. Stop thinking weird things.” Kyuhyun continues to write.

“…” Changmin doesn’t reply that. He doesn’t want to talk or speak. He just want to run away. Please. He had it enough.

Kyuhyun sighs. His night shift mate is a ghost-phobia (because Changmin said he’s not a scaredy cat, just a phobia). He hates everything smells of horror and everything horror goes with ghosts. He witnessed it once when they were first year students. He didn’t know Changmin is scared, oh sorry.. Having phobia about it. All first year students are registered to enter gut’s test held by their senior year medical students. It was also the first time Kyuhyun knew someone named Changmin. On the D-day, because he’s too phobia feel to be left alone at the dorm and he didn’t sure to tell anyone about he’s worry, he followed the test and a second year student found him crouched down at the toilet with ocean of tears. Kyuhyun was the first year student that passed the toilet after the horrible sound of scream heard. He was asked to accompany Changmin to the finish line because the said second year student forgot to bring his flash light and map. The senior who dressed in porcupine ghost costume doesn’t know the route well because it was remade and he dressed in ridiculous costume that still induced more fear than what already has. Kyuhyun almost laughed but he knew it’s not the right time. He waited until half an hour and the cry became small sobs. He asked tall scared student to get up and walk to the finish line. No one knew about his fear nor what happen to the strange growl at the second floor toilet. Except for Changmin, Kyuhyun, and that senior student.

But start on that point, Kyuhyun knows how kind and nice Changmin is. Well, yeah, except…

“Why did Junki hyung came so late?” Changmin whines.

“They might be over-slept.” It’s not the first time for a junior year had to take senior’s night shift.

“I can’t be here any longer. It’s creepy..”

If Changmin had his night shift with someone else other than Kyuhyun, he would shut his mouth and trying to find his little sanctuary to not get scared. But as now is Kyuhyun, he just let everything out. He can’t contain his fear any longer. He felt weirder and weirder.

“But we can’t left this post with no one.” They will be dead meat tomorrow if they were find out. This post can not be leave out. Some people has to wait here for any sudden case admission.

Changmin wants to protest but know exactly he can’t. “Kyuuuu……”

There are two more pages for his report. Changmin is distracting him so much. “Min, I had to finish this. Yunho sunbaenim asked me to report half from my assignment tomorrow.”

“I-I will help you. I need distraction.” Changmin’s eyes pleads deeper.

“You know I had to write all of this by myself.”

“They won’t know..”

“Should I risk that?”

“…” Changmin’s face get incredibly sad. He knows it’s very wrong.

Kyuhyun sighs. “Where’s yours? You can do one while we’re waiting for them.”

“.. I don’t bring any paper.” He’s too scared to remember anything while leaving his dormitory for their night shift. Even though forensic one is end quiet early than any other department, still, it’s the scariest among all.

Kyuhyun gives his paper. “Here.”

“…” Changmin doesn’t ask more but he doesn’t move to write too.

“What now?”


Kyuhyun breathes out another sighs before lends his coass-mate one. “What do you even bring here?”

“.. I thought we can go back fast..”

Kyuhyun sighs another air before continues his report.


“hmm?!” But his look doesn’t leave the paper.

“Do you think we should stay for a night?”

Kyuhyun can sense more fear and scared in the voice. “I don’t know. If Junki hyung come, then we will go home.”

“umm..” Changmin hesitates but he knows to say it now. “Can we go back to my room first?”

“Of course Changmin. You first. As always.” Kyuhyun almost looks at Changmin like it’s not the question he should be asking right now. No one knew how scared he was about horror things beside him. Well, also the second year student that helped Changmin back then on the gut’s test. But he wore a ghost costume, which made Changmin scared like hell and went unnoticed in Kyuhyun’s eyes. The senior kept unknown until today.

Another half an hour goes by and no signs of their night shift might ended. Kyuhyun already accepts they might do another double shift. No comment, he doesn’t mind. But he minds about Changmin more. They won’t get any sleep. Changmin might scared from nothing and thinks to the smallest movement around him. Then he will wake him up. It’s just the same as no sleep tonight.

“When the clock strikes twelve, you might see the girl at the corner eyeing your eyes in sadness..”

Changmin already knows by heart not to spread his ghost-phobia to people. They might , to the worst, playing with it. He knows to keep it secret only to himself. And Kyuhyun is the only one to know. He trained himself not to scream in front of people. But he can’t help it. The sudden imagination he had on his head tore down his strong build barrier to hold down. Changmin ends up groans a little and closes his eyes tight, yet inside he felt that enormous creep. Someone else is popping behind him. Yet he just doesn’t have the nerve to look back.

“Junsu hyung?” Kyuhyun looks back and sees the other creature behind Changmin.

I-is that really people? Changmin still not dare to look back.

“What are you doing here so late?”

“We’re waiting for Junki hyung to come.” Kyuhyun speaks instead. Changmin already lost in his ocean of fear.

Kyuhyun sees the knowing look at the senior and he puts a small tap on Changmin’s tensed shoulder and for Changmin to know it’s really his senior did that actually lessen his fear for a little. “You two can go back first. I will wait for him here.” He puts back his hand on his pocket.

Changmin breathes better.

“We can wait for him another minutes hyung.”

Changmin sends his friend a look to accept the chance.

“Just go back okay. You junior will have a morning class with Jaejoong sunbaenim isn’t it?”

Kyuhyun feels a little guilt to left the morgue yet at the same time he knows Changmin asks him to accept the offer immediately. “Are you on night shift with Junki hyung, hyung?”

“I will tell him you’re on your way back okay.” Junsu smiles to both of his junior.

“Are you sure hyung?”

“You should punch out in time.” And sends those two a playful wink before pushes out the two junior out from their post.

Kyuhyun nods in thankful gesture and Changmin still too scared to say anything. He only knows to get into his room and not to think any horror stuff anymore.

“You actually could say something.” Kyuhyun starts when they’re on way back.


“To Junsu hyung. He helped us.”

Changmin is already too scared to notice.

“He had his shift yesterday Min. He checked on us.”

The tall scared boy had nothing to say. He’s obviously being rude. And Changmin secretly regret it.


Unexpectedly, Changmin meets the senior on his morning class. He thought it’s only for juniors, but all of his senior are also there, following the lesson. Since the first time Changmin sets his feet on the class, he found the senior he secretly feel guilt to. He sits at the corner, seems not interest with anything and a sleepy eyes hanging on both eyes. He looks tired. Changmin’s guilt only grew bigger seeing how weary his senior is.

“Kyu..” Changmin nudges his friend again.

Kyuhyun sends him a look.

“Did you see Junki hyung this morning at the post?”

It takes a moment for Kyuhyun to remember and to find out what Changmin really want to know behind his question. “No. But I saw Junsu hyung with Eunhyuk and Sungmin hyung.”

Changmin almost felt his guilt suddenly felt bigger and harder to be removed.

“He might be there all night.” Kyuhyun comments before receiving a knowing look from Changmin.

After the morning boring class ended, Changmin decides to face the senior and saying his thanks and apologize for what happen last night. He didn’t mean to left him alone or comeback by himself. He’s just too scared to notice the situation. Yesterday happen to be his first night shift in forensic department and he still didn’t accustomed with the exchange time. He only wanted to come back quickly and leave the morgue as fast as he could. Luckily there’s no corpse at the morgue. If there is, he won’t dare to get his feet into. It’s just beyond imagination.

The said senior walks out the class and Changmin follows. He gets to say his thanks and sorry. He doesn’t like to feel like this guilt all the time. Changmin’s tall body towering the senior’s way to halt him. He doesn’t know where to start but he will say it eventually. He just needs time, even though he had to receive a questioning look from the older.

“Umm.. I.. Thank you for last night hyung.” Changmin bites his lower lip.

“Oh, don’t mind it Changmin.” Junsu’s hyung tired smile makes the guilt inside Changmin mocks at him to be so inconsiderate.

“And.. I’m sorry too..” Changmin’s eyes face the floor.

“You didn’t do anything wrong..”

“No!” Changmin surprises himself to halt his senior’s sentence. “I mean.. I was in a hurry last night hyung..”

The other’s giggles also unexpected to Changmin. “I know. You looked so much in a hurry.”

Changmin blushes, embarrassed for his impolite act.

“Alright. I need to sleep.” Junsu hyung yawns and Changmin lets him away to find the place for him to rest. “Help me fake my absent, will you?”

Changmin receives the playful wink and he feels shy. He nods stiffly, at least he can help the senior in some way.

“I don’t know you’re so cute too.” Changmin stares at the smile directed to him before taken aback at Junsu’s sudden intrusion on his hair. A hand rubbing his hair into a small mess but weirdly Changmin doesn’t hate it. The tall latter only stares in a blank look at his senior retreating back, questioning himself if something is happen to him because he feels this weirdly happy.


Their class disband so late. It’s almost seven pm when the class finally ended. For the next two class, Junsu isn’t there. Changmin diligently taking notes and planned to give it for the senior that skipped class. The comeback Junsu was looked more fresh and cheerful. Changmin found back the mischief glint on that black tadpole eyes again. He secretly feels happy to look the older seemed already refreshed. Changmin planned to make a copy of his notes before giving it to the senior. They almost didn’t have enough time within the break to do something else other than taking meals and refreshment. And Changmin decided he might had an opportunity when the class finally ended. He packed his bag and said something to Kyuhyun about waiting for him before run away instantly to the B building. He had to turn around to avoid the way to the morgue. Even though it’s much faster way, but not his choice to walk that way alone. He had to hurry before he can’t make it giving the notes for the senior.

Changmin finds the small lit of light at the corner, the sign says it opens 24 hour. Why does Changmin only notice this sign now?

“Night sir.” The old wrinkle man with white hair turns around. “One copy of this please.”

After Changmin places his order, the old man takes Changmin’s books and makes a copy extremely slow for Changmin’s preference. He had to hurry. Junsu hyung might already get back and Kyuhyun might left him alone too. The way back to his dorm is almost dark. Changmin can’t handle it to walk alone.

“Is it still long sir?” Changmin tentatively asks, he’s scared so much, his surrounding keeps getting darker.

Weirdly no answer from the old man.

Changmin takes note he won’t make a copy in this printer store anymore. He tries to calm himself, taking a deep breath and mentally says everything will be alright. He looks at the watch, he spends 30 minutes until now. The class is empty already, he bet.

Finally the copy Changmin made is done. He gives the old man the money and tells him to keep the exchange. He runs back as fast as he could.

But the worse thing happen.

Changmin follows the turnaround route, yet the gate was locked. He can’t get in here. The only route left is way past the morgue. It’s almost eight by now. The next shift is filled at nine. There’s probably no one at the morgue right now. Changmin’s face is pale and his back full of sweat. His brain had to think for another route but nothing came up. He would get stuck in the hospital for whole night if he didn’t move fast to the morgue too. Right! Changmin might calls Kyuhyun to wait for him at the morgue. Yes, it might help him a lot.

He dials the number of his coass mate. Once. Twice. No sound of the call is being connected. Changmin checks his handphone signal. Damn, it’s bad too.

What should he do now? He can’t get his contact to Kyuhyun. Changmin looks behind him to no one and some lamps are being ridiculously creepy to turn on and off repeatedly. He waits for a moment to gather his courage left and get back past the mortuary. Changmin takes the last route he hates the most. He walks past the laboratory and then turns left to the medical check-up building. He almost takes the last turn before walk pass the corridor of the corpse room and then he heard something. It’s heard like a murmur at first but Changmin sure he hears something. A creep crawls into his nerve and he doesn’t dare to take another step forward. His legs refuse to move from where he stands, his eyes fixated every corner to detect where the voice came from. His hands clutch his notebook and the paper so hard. More fear seeps into Changmin that beats down his previous gathered courage. He only wants to get away from there. Everything is thrice scary than what it already has. The echo of the sound is only getting nearer, it calling for his name. Changmin almost wants to cry. He’s so scared and sure he would not be able to walk. His jelly legs give up and Changmin slump down at the floor.

The sound is getting louder and closer. Changmin pulls his knees into his chest and rest his head into his arms. Tears threatens to fall down and his vocal cord refuse to produce any sound. He definitely scared. The thing that calling his name is still unseen. Changmin hides his eyes behind his both arms, his clutched hands tremble badly, and he’s too frightened to look up. It might be something huge, black, scary, and bad. People say spirit and all, but Changmin only knows ghost, and all ghosts are bad.


That’s the voice. It’s here.

“Oh God, Changmin? Is that you?”

Changmin’s ocean of fear already drown him to the base. He doesn’t accept any more call outside his mind.

“Changmin? What happen? Changmin.”

It keeps calling his name but Changmin refuses not to look up. A certain memory only surface in the middle of his refusal. Like this was happen long time ago, oh at the gut’s test when he was a freshman. This same voice calling him to stop crying and a hand ran down on his back soothingly. It also fills with worried somehow, Changmin can almost imagine a frown just hearing the voice.

Suddenly some part of him says it’s okay to look up. Nothing to be scared off. Changmin looks up from his hiding to meet with a worried black eyes looking at him.

“Are you okay?”

“J-Junsu hyung?” Changmin supposes to wipe his tears away. No one should know his scared of horror or ghosts. Instead keeping his emotion checked, tears burst out from the pool on his eyes and fall down wetting his cheeks. He felt so relieved and at the same time safe to know someone is there, nothing else. There’s no ghost. Changmin told himself that countless time already. For actually seeing someone accompany him is more reassuring. All the tense leaving his body.

A hand run down his back in circling motion, calming his relieved heart and soothing him. Changmin forever grateful for Junsu doesn’t ask him any question. He’s not sure to be able to answer it. The hand on his back is gone for a while before it comes back to rub his spine again. Changmin can tell the owner is sitting beside him now, like waiting for Changmin to really calm down.

A moment pass and his trembled hands are gone. Changmin’s sniffle is all left but it’s not that important. He can finally feel more ease.


Changmin nods and tries to show his smile, but failed.

“Let’s go back. I thought you meet up with the little girl I sai-

“ummnnnnnn……” Changmin pleads not to continue that scared story anymore. His heart can’t bear the fear at the time. He never shows his weak side to anyone other than Kyuhyun or Minho. But Junsu hyung is exceptional. He just met the older some days ago and now he’s all whining to him. Changmon doesn’t understand himself.

Junsu laughs to the respond the younger gave him. “Alright alright. We go back now. You need to wash up.” Junsu erases the tears left on Changmin’s cheeks and eyes with his thumb before standing up. Changmin makes sure no tears left on his face after Junsu wiping his face. It’s really embarrassing. He had to look down and avoid eye contact with the older. He’s crying in front of him.

When both are standing tall, Junsu leads the way.

Changmin still find it creepy. He means the whole things around him. It’s the hall that connect their classes and the morgue. They had to walk pass through it before arrive at their front class. Changmin gulps down the fear that resurfacing again, his palm covers with sweat. He almost refuse to walk any further if it’s not because of Junsu’s fingers suddenly latch on his.

“Follow me.”

The scared boy feels how his heart suddenly increasing its speed. It’s palpitating crazily which makes him confuse. Is it because of the morgue or Junsu? He walks pass through it like nothing happen and Changmin don’t make any fuss about the corpse room at all. He only looks at Junsu’s back that leads him safely. He can’t stop staring at that back that finding him inside the dark hall.

They reach the outer gate. As what Changmin expected, it’s already dark. The alley to their dormitory is only illuminated with little bulbs at the side and Changmin sure he’s not that brave to walk alone.

He afraid Junsu will left him too after they pass they outer gate. He has to go alone to his room. God, what should he do? Telling Junsu hyung he’s afraid? Accompany him to his room? Yah, Shim Changmin. He just replaced your night shift last night, of course he needs rest you moron. You can’t possibly asking him to you all the way to your room. You know the senior dormitory building is across yours. He had to turn around and all. You need to think about him too.

Changmin thinks to accept every Junsu’s decision to part in the middle of their route, or leaving him at the alley. He will take everything. He can’t possibly push his selfish request more. Junsu hyung is already great enough to find him at the hall. It’s already late and even though he had sleep before, he still reserved for a better rest tonight. Changmin gets ready for his hand to be detach from the older. He had to hide his disappointment.

They greet the dark alley. Changmin almost wince looking at how scary it is from his point of view. He promises himself not to ever leaving alone anymore. He will pull Kyuhyun together and accompany him all the way. He can’t be left behind again like today.

Changmin is waiting until Junsu release their intertwined hand, somehow Changmin regrets it to end because he likes it how it fit nicely. But Junsu still walking with their hand still connected through the dark alley and Changmin thought maybe they’ll apart later at the front gate of the junior dormitory. He feels happy that Junsu doesn’t left him alone. Although they don’t really speak anything, Changmin already feels safe and pleasant. His scary thought is nowhere beyond the reach.

They finally meet the junior dormitory. Changmin once again prepares his heart to let go that warm hand. He can’t show his disappointment to separate from his newly found bliss. He had to get things logically. Junsu needs to go back too before the dormitory gate is close. Changmin thinks of a proper goodbye greeting that might be good to not leave another rude impression toward the senior. He helped him a lot. He doesn’t even know why he always crossed Junsu when he’s on urgent needs but he secretly grateful.

Changmin thought they will split up here and Junsu will turn around and say his goodbye.

Junsu is not stopping. He’s not turning around to see Changmin and say goodbye! He keeps going forward inside the junior’s dormitory.

“W-wait Hyung!” Changmin halts their walk.

Junsu turns around. “What?”

“Uhmm. Senior dormitory is there. This is junior dorm hyung.”

“I know.” Junsu said back indifferently. “So?”

“I mean..” Changmin doesn’t want to be seen like declining the glorious gift. It’s absolutely bad.

“I’ll walk you up.” The smile Changmin had seen before is not as gorgeous as that time. He can feel his heart races up infrequently.

Changmin shuts up all the way to his room, walks obediently behind Junsu’s back and staring in daze that his senior just walks him until his room. Actually he’s not that scared anymore, except for the dark alley. He can walk by himself. But if he insist..


They arrive in front of Changmin’s door and he regretted to not think of a great goodbye greeting instead admiring his senior’s back silently before. Now he’s out of words.

“See you tomorrow?” Junsu hyung asked him instead.

Reply it before it’s too late! “Yes! Yes! Tomorrow I see you.”

Junsu chuckles at the horrible grammar he just spurt out of his unclear sense. What are you Shim Changmin, primary school?

“You’re eye distracting. I can spot you easily.” Junsu said.

“I can spot you too. I know your voice.” When Changmin thinks about what he just said, he regrets it so bad. Isn’t it weird? From his voice?!

“Am I?” The sound astonishment is heard from the older. “I thought you scared of me before.”

Changmin shakes his head. “It’s.. I don’t know it was you.” He hopes the poor lighting hides his reds cheeks and ears.

The small chuckles continue and Changmin wants to hide so badly. He’s so embarrass.

“Alright. Good night. Let see if you can find me tomorrow with my voice.”

The red complexion on his cheeks must becoming more prominent. Junsu hyung is way too close speaking at him and smiling like that.

“Good night too hyung.” Changmin responds to the goodnight greeting and receives a waves back before the senior gone behind the wall.

Changmin gets inside with excitement and bubble of joy. Nothing to be scared off. He places down the notes on his hands and suddenly remember what he’s trying to do before.

He forgot to give the note he copied.




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Yupp! I promised to fin this!


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tu6uapfn #1
Revisiting this story.. You are one of the best author writing about minsu
Chapter 5: haha.. loving it!
Chapter 5: Changmin being hungry? God please have mercy /run home fast in case the cabinet is..../

Anyway, coasses do have time to make scenes here. Ahahaha. Min, I can't believe you are that shy. It's so not you. C'mon. Don't act shy.

Su, you troll!! How do you..... /speechless/
Anyway, minji cs now could rest in pieces.. oops. I mean in peace now that Changmin has announced that Jun-ghost-Su is his.
The kisses r cuteee.
The krryyuukk sound..

Oh no. Gotta go. My biscuuiittsss!!!
blingbling1 #4
Chapter 4: Changmin is me... I'm scared of ghosts too. Changmin & I can be soulmate hahahaha...
Changmin shouldn't give up to Minji. Fighting!
Chapter 4: please update more.i love this so much after reading.I really love jaelous su and timid min.
sisca23 #6
Chapter 4: fighting,changmin!!!!get back your junsu from minji.....and i'm sure that junsu was jealous of minho hahaha....confess to junsu and make junsu to be your!!!!!
sisca23 #7
Chapter 1: changmin's so cute when he feels scare hahaha...he's so lucky have senior like junsu who will accompany him when he scared...i want too...i want accompanied by junsu oppa wkwkwk.
Chapter 4: go changmin go! perhaps it's too early to confess to your senior after few encounters i think? hehe. anyway, junsu's playful character here is so fun to read. at least he got few chances to tease changmin *unlikeinrealworld--minteasedsualot*.
Chapter 4: Twist!

Minho's arrival puts Junsu in different light. Let me guess, he's jealous? Yaah, junsu. That's what u get for scaring imin with your endless ghost stories. You shouldn't play with min's weaknesses. Now that Minho comes n keeps an eye on Min, you get jealous?

That dream, tho. Ahahaha.

Min, be brave. We know junsu trolls u with ghost stories because he wants your utmost attention. Remember porcupine funny looking ghost? *wink wink*

But, what if junsu dates minji?