
Winter Play (Cold Hands, Warm Hearts Writing Contest Entry)

As soon as Miss Im put the announcement of the role for school drama ‘Romeo and Juliette’, school was in chaos. There were so many students coming to Miss Im to complain. No, they didn’t complain about the Romeo role, instead they were very happy. Choi Minho would be Romeo in the play this year. He would perform. There would be so many audiences for sure. But they couldn’t not complain about the Juliette role. With or without Choi Minho became the Romeo, every girls at school had fought to be Juliette, and now how could Miss Im choose Lee Taemin, a guy—he was a guy for God’s sake—to be the Juliette?

The most shocked person was Eun Soo, of course. She couldn’t accept that Lee Taemin snatch her chance to act together with Minho. She had really hated him since the incident in cafeteria, and she hated him thousands times now for being the main role of winter play this year.

Eun Soo entered Miss Im’s room angrily. She didn’t care she created a scene that almost all of the students gathered to watch what would happen. All she cared was the decision of the Juliette role, and she swore she wouldn’t accept it even until she died.

“I’ve told you that I won’t change my decision,” Miss Im answered simply. She even didn’t look at Eun Soo and kept busy with her report.

“Miss Im, he’s a guy!” Eun Soo emphasized the word ‘guy’.

“I know,” Miss Im finally looked at Eun Soo. “But he is as pretty as girl. And I think he is the best person to be Juliette.”


Eun Soo stopped when she heard the door was opened. She felt relief when she saw Minho. But her smile fell when she realized there was Taemin, too. She figured Taemin decided to see Miss Im as soon as he saw the announcement, but she didn’t like the fact that he accidentally arrived together with Minho. She quickly went to Minho’s side and linked her arm to his.

“Minho, you should talk to Miss Im! You don’t want to be paired with a guy, do you, Minho?” Eun Soo whined.

Feeling uncomfortable, Minho softly removed Eun Soo’s hands off him. He smiled slightly at her before he bowed to Miss Im. Miss Im smiled softly at him before looked at Eun Soo, “Can you leave us for a while? I think Mr. Choi and Mr. Lee come to talk about their role, and it’s kind of…privacy, isn’t it Mr. Choi, Mr. Lee?”

Eun Soo was about to protest, but Minho held her back. “I think Miss Im is right, Noona. Can you leave, please?” he asked politely. Eun Soo unwillingly nodded—she couldn’t reject what Minho wanted—but before she finally closed the door, she sent a death glare towards Taemin, who kept having blank expression on his face.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your time, Miss Im,” Minho said when Eun Soo had left. “But I’m so surprised when I see the announcement. Are you really sure about your decision?”

“Of course,” Miss Im quickly answered. “I think Taemin will make a very good Juliette. I’ve thought about that for a long time before I announce everything.”

Minho smiled. “No, Miss Im. What I mean isn’t that.” Well, it was true. When he saw Taemin’s name on the announcement, he didn’t doubt a bit that Taemin could make a really good Juliette. But when he read his own name for Romeo role, he felt mix emotions. He was shocked, of course. He had never involved in any kinds of play before yet he became the main role. He was also afraid because he knew Taemin hated him so much. He was sure Taemin didn’t want to be Juliette if the Romeo was him. But despite that, Minho was happy. How couldn’t he? He was paired up with Taemin, and he wasn’t sure he would be willing if Taemin was paired up with other people.

“And then what do you mean?” Miss Im asked curiously.

“I…I don’t think I can be the Romeo. I mean, I’ve never played in any dramas before and I know this play is very important for our school’s image because there will be many important people come to watch. I just…I don’t think I deserve it, Miss Im,” Minho told honestly.

Miss Im chuckled. She sat on her desk, facing Minho and Taemin who had been silent since he arrived. He seemed so…shocked.

“I know that, Mr. Choi. That’s why I choose you and Mr. Lee because I’ve never seen two people looked so…what can I say? Fit? Cute? I don’t know but watching two of you like I’m watching two couple, two lovers, two soul mates…you name it all,” Miss Im explained.

Okay, Minho knew he was so dumb because he felt happy with Miss Im’s words, but he couldn’t help it. Being called lovers, couple, or anything like that with Taemin made Minho’s heart skipped a beat. He tried to hide his smile by looking somewhere else than Miss Im, but he couldn’t smile anymore when he saw Taemin’s face.

There was no emotion on the beautiful face. Minho couldn’t tell he was happy or sad. Ah, pabo! Minho cursed himself. Of course he felt sad. No, maybe he was angry. He hated Minho so much, didn’t he? Being paired with Minho and should act as a girl, why should he be happy? Minho sighed. He knew Taemin loathed the idea being paired up with him as much as Minho loved it.

“Miss Im,” Minho called. “I think…it will be uncomfortable to Taemin to act as a girl, especially with me. I mean…he…I…we’re not close,” Minho admitted bitterly.

“Taemin can learn to enjoy it,” Miss Im suggested ignorantly.

“But Miss Im, he—”

“Enough, Mr. Choi,” Miss Im cut him off. “Is it Taemin or you who feel uncomfortable, actually?”

“I’m not uncomfortable!” Minho’s voice came out louder than he wanted.

“And Mr. Lee, are you uncomfortable?”

“No, Miss Im.”

Minho’s already big eyes became bigger when Taemin spoke for the first time. He slowly turned around, afraid if what he had just heard was only his imagination. But he saw Taemin’s face wasn’t blank anymore. He had this expression on his face that Minho couldn’t figure, but he didn’t have a chance to analyze it more because Miss Im clapped her hands enthusiastically.

“That’s very good!” she said as she started to dig into her bag. “Both of you don’t feel uncomfortable, so what else? You should come to the first practice the day after tomorrow started from 2 p.m.”

“And you don’t have to worry about both of you feel not close because,” Miss Im paused. She pulled out two small rectangle papers from her bag and handed it each for Minho and Taemin. “I have two tickets of amusement park. You two go there tomorrow and being close to each other.”

“Now you leave my office because I still have so many works to do.”

Without any words anymore, Miss Im pushed the dumbfounded guys out of his office.


How many times Minho checked his watch was uncountable anymore. He had checked it since the first second he had arrived at the amusement park. Minho also couldn’t help but checked his appearance on anything that could reflect himself. He was totally nervous. Why wouldn’t he? He would have a date with Taemin. D-A-T-E. With TAEMIN.

Well, actually it wasn’t a date. But going to amusement park together, only two of them, could Minho call it as a date? He could, couldn’t he? He had been so excited ever since he received the ticket from Miss Im. He silently thanked Miss Im for her frank, choosing Taemin as Juliette, forcing them to go to amusement park, and all.


Hearing Taemin’s name, Minho automatically looked at the voice owner, and it turned out to be a very cute little boy—his age was around 3 or 4, Minho thought—who was running excitedly. Minho knew him. He had seen him before. Yes, he was sure that the little boy was the boy he had seen with Taemin at the bus stop. And he had no more doubt about it because he saw Taemin was running towards the kid, laughing.

Minho quickly left his spot beside the park’s entrance. He approached Taemin and the little boy. “Hey,” he greeted.

Taemin, who just had swooped the little boy into his arms, looked up. “Oh. Hey.”

“So…who is this?” Minho awkwardly asked.

“My youngest brother,” Taemin answered. He looked down at his feet as he spoke. “I…he heard I’m going to go to the amusement park and he…was so excited so I don’t have any choices except bringing him along. I hope you don’t mind. I mean…if you don’t want to…I can…we can go separate way and—”

“NO!” Minho cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed for suddenly shouting like that. “I mean…no, it’s okay. I think it’ll be better to have your brother around,” Minho sincerely said. He naturally liked kids, so he really didn’t mind. And he was still afraid that Taemin would act cold towards him. With his little brother around, Taemin wouldn’t do that, would he?

“Thank you,” Taemin bowed. Minho was taken aback by this sudden polite action, because Taemin usually acted like Minho was the filthiest person ever. He slowly smiled. Right, his decision to allow Taemin’s brother to tag along was definitely right.

“Hyung,” both Taemin and Minho quickly turned to the little angel in Taemin’s arms. “Who is he?”

“He is…” Taemin gulped. “My friend.”

Minho’s smile automatically appeared. He waved to the little kid and said cheerfully, “Annyeong…my name is Minho. Choi Minho. What is yours?”

“Yooguen. Lee Yooguen,” he said with big smile.

Minho get so excited when he saw Yoogeun smiled. He hesitantly looked at Taemin, and the younger boy understood. Slowly, he handed Yoogeun to Minho. As soon as Yoogeun was in his arms, Minho quickly spun the kid around, making the kid laugh.

Minho thought that day would be the best day ever.


Minho’s car stopped right in front of Taemin’s house. The driver opened the door and Taemin carefully went out of the car, holding the sleeping Yoogeun in his embrace. Minho followed Taemin going out of the car. He caressed Yoogeun’s hair lovingly, feeling the affection which had grown while they were playing in the amusement park.

“Thank you very much for today, Minho hyung,” Taemin slightly bowed as he pronounced the word ‘hyung’ shyly. Minho had succeeded in forcing Taemin calling him ‘hyung’.

“No. I really had fun,” Minho smiled widely. He had never been so happy before. It had been a really long time since Minho came to amusement park, and he was grateful he spent his day there with Taemin and Yoogeun. Well, with Yoogeun was around, Taemin should restrain himself to give Minho the cold shoulder, because Yoogeun always asked whether Taemin hated Minho or the other way around if the two teenagers didn’t talk to each other.

There was an awkward silence after that. Taemin seemed so interested of his shoes that he kept looking down, while Minho was debating in his mind. He wanted to ask Taemin out again, but he was afraid of rejection. The memory of Taemin saying he hated Minho was still deeply craved inside his heart.

“Umm, well...I think I’m better go in,” Taemin broke the silence as he turned around heading to his house.

“Wait!” Minho shouted, stopping Taemin.

Taemin automatically put his finger on his lips, motioning Minho to keep quiet. Yoogeun, who was in Taemin’s arms, squirmed a little bit, but luckily he didn’t wake up.

“I’m sorry,” Minho apologized. “I...I just...” This is it, Minho. Your only chance. Now or never. “Would you like to go to the amusement park again with me next time? Only the two of us.”

As soon as those words were out of Minho’s mouth, he realized how strange it was, like he was asking Taemin to go for a date with him, which was true. Well, Minho was so shy to admit it, so he added, “I mean...there will be a very nice performance in that amusement park on the Christmas Eve. They also have a very huge and beautiful Christmas tree. So, I wonder if you want to see it with...me.”

Minho thought he couldn’t be more foolish. Although he tried his best to explain, it still sounded like a date invitation.

On the other hand, Taemin still couldn’t believe his ears. Choi Minho—that rich, famous Choi Minho—was asking him out. The Choi Minho he really hated until today, when he finally found out that the person next to him now wasn’t as bad as he thought, that he was actually a very nice and gentleman person, was asking if he—the poor, nerd Lee Taemin—wanted to go with him on the Christmas Eve.

Receiving no response from the dumbfounded Taemin, Minho sighed. He realized he shouldn’t have his hope too high just because Taemin was being nice to him today. He scratched his head awkwardly as he said, “Well, if you don’t want to, it’s—”


Minho stopped. “Pardon me?”

“Yes, I’d like to go with you,” Taemin repeated. There was a hint of blush on his cheeks.

“You...me...really?” Minho stuttered. Okay, was it a dream? Because it wasn’t funny if Minho suddenly woke up and found that Taemin still hated him.

But the shy nod from Taemin confirmed it all. He whispered, “See you at school,” before he finally entered his house, leaving the smiling Minho alone.

He said yes! He really said yes to me!

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Chapter 8: Thank you for writing
Chapter 7: Why they keep misunderstanding?
Chapter 5: Did I already say that they are so cute?
Chapter 4: They cute like super cute
Chapter 3: Will we get 2min drama musical? AWWW
Chapter 2: Whyyyyy ??? Nooooooooo :(
Chapter 1: I am curious ... is there any specific reason why taemin hates rich people this much.
969 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for completing this delightful story of a rich x poor persons in the context of a Romeo and Juliet school play!
969 streak #9
Chapter 5: Miss Im is being a cupid! The getting to know "date" really broke the "snow" (hehe)
969 streak #10
Chapter 2: Canceling the scholarship means kicking Taemin out of school. So heartless!