“Be the main.”

Winter Play (Cold Hands, Warm Hearts Writing Contest Entry)

That day was the worst day in Taemin’s life. That his scholarship would be cancelled meant that he wouldn’t be able to go to school anymore. All of this time, Taemin had been depended on his scholarship ever since his mother had passed away. With having three younger siblings, he knew his only chance to keep go to school was being smart—very smart—and getting a scholarship. He never failed to be first since he realized that. And now, because of a stupid thing he even wasn’t deserved to get, he was going to lose his chance.

“Can’t you help me, Miss Han? You know I’m not able to pay my school fee. I can’t let this happen. I don’t want to stop to go to school” Taemin begged to Miss Han.

Watching his student being like this, Miss Han felt terrible. She couldn’t help him because she also didn’t have any powers. She shook his head apologetically. “I’m sorry, Taemin.”

Silence hung between them after that. Taemin kept biting his lips, not knowing what he should do next, while Miss Han seemed deep in her thought. A moment later, Taemin finally sighed. He stood up and bowed to Miss Han, muttering ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry for bothering you’ before he made his way to the door.

“There is a way, though.”

Taemin stopped his steps. He slowly turned back. His face was full of questions.

Miss Han leant her back against her chair. She inhaled deeply and said, “I’m sure you’d known that there is a play our school is going to present on two weeks before Christmas Eve.”

Taemin nodded.

“And I’m sure you’d also known that our school really appreciates the students who play in that drama performance, because it would be aired on one of television channels. Our school usually gives some kinds of award to the main role of that performance.”


“Be the main role of this year’s play, Taemin, so you can ask a scholarship for the award school gives to you.”

Taemin really wanted to cry right there. Hell, he never was into those kinds of things: acting, singing—the only art Taemin did was only dancing; he was really good at it. But he was strong. He wasn’t going to just give up. He wasn’t going to lose to the people he hated—Minho and his friends. The determination was written on Taemin’s face. He was going to get back his scholarship.


“Are you going to join the audition for the play this year, Minho?” Eun Soo asked when she and Minho, along with their other friends, were hanging out on the café near their school. They weren’t on their spot under the cherry tree like usual, because the wind had been so cold since yesterday, signing that winter had come.

“Of course not, Noona. You know I’m not really into that thing,” Minho answered.

“Really?” Eun Soo pouted. “But I really wanted to be the main role together with you, Minho.”

Minho laughed. “Even though I join the audition, I still won’t be chosen anyway, Noona. I can’t do those kinds of things.”

“And I’m not sure you’ll be chosen either, Eun Soo,” Jonghyun who had overheard Minho and Eunsoo’s conversation said abruptly.

“Yah!” Eun Soo yelled. “I’m very good at acting, you know!”

As he stood up, Jonghyun said, “Yes, but you’re at dancing. Remember the play this year would be drama musical.”

Eun Soo smirked, “But I don’t remember there was someone who is better than me, anyway.”

“There is someone, though,” Jonghyun winked, as he left the café, ignoring Eun Soo’s frantic question about who would it be.

“Hey, hyung! Where are you going? You always leave!” Minho shouted.

Jonghyun turned around. “I’m meeting this someone who is better than Eun Soo,” he shouted back before disappearing behind the café’s door.


“I’m not good at singing, Taemin! Don’t ask me to teach you!” Key yelled for the nth times that day, trying to chasing Taemin away. The younger boy had been pestering him since he arrived at the café. He asked Key to teach him sing and act. Acting sounded okay to Key, but not singing. “I just rap, Taeminnie. I don’t sing.”

“There’s no difference between those things, Umma,” Taemin said stubbornly.

Key turned to Taemin and gave him a dangerous look. “First, there is totally difference between them. Second, you even don’t explain to me why you should sing and act and dance. Third, there are so many customers, so WORK NOW!” Key yelled the last words right on Taemin’s face.

“Geez…” Taemin pouted. “Alright, I’m working now.”

So Taemin stepped out of the kitchen and started to get himself busy until a familiar boy appeared from the door. Taemin rolled his eyes. That Kim Jonghyun came again.

“Hi, Taemin,” Jonghyun greeted kindly. “Oh, hi Key!” he waved to Key who just came out of the kitchen.

“Hi, Jonghyun,” Key smiled, giving the opposite reaction from Taemin’s who just kept pouting. “As usual?” Key asked as Jonghyun sat on his usual seat.

“Yes, please,” he smiled warmly, before turning to Taemin. “You want to sit with me today, Taemin?” he asked the question he had asked every day.

“No, thanks!” Taemin answered sarcastically. He left Jonghyun by stomping his feet on his every steps, showing he was annoyed by Jonghyun’s action. The latter just laughed, finding Taemin’s reaction was totally funny.

“You won’t give up, will you?” Key chuckled.


“Fine, then,” Key shrugged. He was about to leave when Jonghyun called him.

“Hey, Key.”

Key raised his eyebrow. “Yes?”


I'll stop here. Actually it should be longer, but I don't think can continue bacuse I feel so sick right now.

I'm sorry I don't update yesterday because I feel unwell...I hope I get better tomorrow so I can do double update so this story will end on time on Christmas

Okay, I actually have given up to ask you to give comments and subscribe, so yeah...just enjoy the story....

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Chapter 8: Thank you for writing
Chapter 7: Why they keep misunderstanding?
Chapter 5: Did I already say that they are so cute?
Chapter 4: They cute like super cute
Chapter 3: Will we get 2min drama musical? AWWW
Chapter 2: Whyyyyy ??? Nooooooooo :(
Chapter 1: I am curious ... is there any specific reason why taemin hates rich people this much.
961 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for completing this delightful story of a rich x poor persons in the context of a Romeo and Juliet school play!
961 streak #9
Chapter 5: Miss Im is being a cupid! The getting to know "date" really broke the "snow" (hehe)
961 streak #10
Chapter 2: Canceling the scholarship means kicking Taemin out of school. So heartless!