“And then I will come forever.”

Winter Play (Cold Hands, Warm Hearts Writing Contest Entry)

“Minho! Are you listening?”

Feeling someone shook his body, Minho was snapped back into reality. He soon was welcomed by Eun Soo’s annoyed face. He sighed. He forgot he was with his friends, sitting under the cherry tree at the school’s backyard—their usual spot.

“I’m sorry, Noona. I was thinking,” he apologized to Eun Soo.

“What are you thinking about? Or who is in your thought?” Eun Soo pouted, not liking the idea of Minho was thinking something else when she was with him. Well, they weren’t going out, but Minho’s closest girl friend was Eun Soo. He didn’t really like mingle with other girls in their group, feeling uncomfortable. This made Eun Soo hoped a little bit far. Unfortunately this tall man didn’t realize it a bit.

In the other hand, Minho was taken aback by Eun Soo’s question. He just realized that he actually had been thinking about the blonde-haired, strange guy who declared that he hated him so much just a few days ago: Lee Taemin. Yes, he often thought about him recently, although he didn’t really know why. That blonde man just couldn’t leave his mind.

“Minho! You’re spacing out again!” Eun Soo whined.

Minho started to get annoyed, but he was a respectful guy so he just smiled apologetically. He decided to join his other friends’ conversation because he knew he would be crazy soon if he kept thinking about Lee Taemin. He meant, he even didn’t know that younger boy before the incident. But after he had known him, he became captivated.

“Hey, where is Jonghyun anyway? He keeps disappearing every day,” Eunhyuk suddenly asked.

Just like the others, Minho just realized the absence of that dinosaur face. Once again, Minho was surprised by the power of Lee Taemin. Thinking about him made he forgot everything, including his best friend since he was five.

He started to become frustrated. What had Taemin done until he became like this?


“That dinosaur comes again.”

Hearing this made Taemin’s smile change into frown. He still remembered the first time that dinosaur guy came to the café Taemin worked. It was the day of the hateful incident.

Taemin was still sulking remembering what had happened. He felt his hatred for Minho and his friends became million times bigger. He and his girlfriend made Taemin waste his time to clean restrooms, ruin his clothes, and come late to his work. Luckily the owner of the café he worked at was his friend—or his umma. Yes, Kim Kibum or well-known as Key had declared that he was Taemin’s Umma since the first time they met. Taemin didn’t mind, his real mother had passed away long time ago anyway.

That day couldn’t get any worse for Taemin. His already bad mood became horrible when he saw one guy from the group he loathed entered the café. It became worse when the only waiter left was only him. If it wasn’t for Key who had been so nice to him, Taemin would never serve that guy.

So when that guy called for a waiter, he unwillingly walked towards him. How surprised he was when that guy who he knew as Kim Jonghyun knew him.

“Aren’t you Lee Taemin?” he asked.

Taemin inhaled deeply. “Yes. Why? Are you ready to order?”

That Jonghyun guy smiled widely. He opened the menu and said, “How about I order a coffee for me and you can order anything you want—my treat—and then accompanying me?”

Looking at Jonghyun like he had said something very strange and absurd—and yes, actually he had said something totally strange and absurd—Taemin questioned, “Why don’t you just order for yourself, finishing it fast, and then leave?”

Jonghyun laughed. “You’re so funny.”

“I’m not amusing you, I’m being sarcastic,” Taemin rolled his eyes.

And Jonghyun laughed for the second time, harder this time. After his laughed died, he looked up at Taemin and smiled. “How long it will take to make you befriend me?”

“Forever,” Taemin answered shortly.

“And then I will come to this place forever.”

After that day, Jonghyun kept coming every day. He would ask Taemin if he wanted to accompany him or not, and Taemin would rejected him. Taemin hoped Jonghyun would leave after that, but instead that older guy just kept sitting there watching Taemin.

Taemin didn’t get why Jonghyun bothered him so much. Maybe it was just one of his revenge because Taemin had spilled his food on Minho and thrown food to Eun Soo, his friends. Yes, it should be that. It was impossible that Jonghyun was interested in him, wasn’t it?


The bell rang right after Miss Han ended the lesson that day. All of the students quickly left the room, including Taemin. But before he could leave, he was stopped by Miss Han. His face soon was filled by confusion. He was sure he didn’t do anything wrong, so why would Miss Han want to talk to him?

“Taemin,” Miss Han started. “I’ve heard what happened to you two weeks ago from the principal.”

Okay, Taemin started to feel uneasy.

“He said you’re being not respectful to your seniors, Minho and Eun Soo.”

“I wasn’t. It was an accident, Miss Han. But Senior Eun Soo made it look like that. You should trust me,” Taemin defended.

Miss Han smiled. “Of course I trust you, Taemin. I know you’re a good boy. But it was so hard to convince the principal. He was so mad at you. Eun Soo had reported that incident to her parents, and the principal got scolded. Fortunately Minho didn’t do the same thing, or the principal would have been fired right now.”

Taemin gulped. He really didn’t think that problem would get this serious. Oh yeah, he forgot he messed up with the son and daughter of the biggest donators of school. They could do anything they wanted. What a coward! Taemin cursed inside his mind.

“And Taemin…the principal had decided,” Miss Han continued.

Taemin looked at her worriedly. “Deciding what, Miss Han?”

“Deciding to cancel your scholarship.”


Okay, I don't know whether this is a cliffhanger or not =.=

We just enter the real conflict. I hope next chapter will be more interesting...and longer =)) LOL

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Chapter 8: Thank you for writing
Chapter 7: Why they keep misunderstanding?
Chapter 5: Did I already say that they are so cute?
Chapter 4: They cute like super cute
Chapter 3: Will we get 2min drama musical? AWWW
Chapter 2: Whyyyyy ??? Nooooooooo :(
Chapter 1: I am curious ... is there any specific reason why taemin hates rich people this much.
969 streak #8
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for completing this delightful story of a rich x poor persons in the context of a Romeo and Juliet school play!
969 streak #9
Chapter 5: Miss Im is being a cupid! The getting to know "date" really broke the "snow" (hehe)
969 streak #10
Chapter 2: Canceling the scholarship means kicking Taemin out of school. So heartless!