Chapter 48. [Tensions.]

Running Deep.

I quickly grabbed the photocopied and binded spell book that I made from the original copy and started reading and learning them over and over. I expected someone or something to come knocking on my door and get me but no one knocked on my door since last night's dream. I guessed Myungsoo is being overprotective again, warning all of them that they shouldn't disturb me.


I was partly grateful for that and the other part... well, not so.


What Hye Kyu mentioned to me last night when he came to visit me was still echoing in my mind.


Like the echoing of heavy bells from the nearby church that seem to end in reality but still ringing in your head.


And you can't stop it.


Even your brother.....


I shut my eyes and tried to stop thinking about those words that hunted me.


Whats his name? Myungsoo?


I groaned and let out a war cry in agony as the words hunt me more. I accidentally conjured up a spell that was sent out, bursting to wall beside the door just as the door opened wide and a few of them stumbled in, staring at the partly destroyed wall in shocked.


Woohyun was the first to snap out of his reverie, looking at me with worrying eyes.


"Sun Min...." He came and pat my back soothingly, calming me down, "Tell me...whats wrong...."


I snapped my eyes shut and tried to breathe but Hye Kyu's words were strong and ringing in my head like an annoying alarm clock.


"Sun Min...." I heard Kevin crawled on the bed and slowly wrapped his arms around me, "Oh, Sun Min.... Its okay... Its okay...."


"I wish..." I was taken aback by the tremble in my voice and took a deep breath hiding my face in my hands, "I wish there was something to help us all...."


Key sighed and came up to me. He took me away from both my best friends' arms and craddled me in his arms like a baby. He hushed me and patted me as I cried in his shirt.


"Myungsoo told me about what happened to you last night..." Key muttered and the name of my brother shook me. '


"Don't say his name...." I warned, confusing Key and the other two.


"Who?" Kevin asked just when Woohyun asked again, "Myungsoo?"


I almost conjured another spell straight to his face the moment he mentioned Myungsoo's name. Key calmed me down, telling me to take deep breaths and slow down. He gave a look to the other two and both of them kept quiet. They watched me hopelessly, hoping to do something.


"Well," Key muttered, "There's something that can help."


I looked up into Key's eyes, all hopeful and wishful. I expected him to jokingly say that he was just joking but when he met my eyes and smiled, I know he wasn't. I straightened up and took Key's hand in mine, in a way I was begging him.


"Please...." I muttered, "Anything...."


He sighed and put a finger for me to wait while he went out and came back in a few minutes later with another old journal in hand. He flipped the pages, while walking and mumbling to us.


"I was reading Halmonim's journal these past few nights and I found some sources of reliable information to begin with." He perched himself on the bed and flipped through the pages, before he stopped at an dog-earred page. He sighed and looked at me.


"I'll read it to you," He said. He looked at Woohyun and muttered, "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I just found out about it so-"


Woohyun cut him off, "Just read it, Kibum."


Key gave him a look before he read the page out loud.


"May 17, 1915,


I think I have found it. The possible source that could help cured my family from the curse. The map is hard to understand but its very simple, with the help of magick of course. It took me a week to possibly come up with another map and stuffed it into another of my favourite books as a safe. I got out and explore the dangerous terrains and faced magickal enemies that threatened to kill me.


But I manage to get it!


However, I only manage to chip off some of the jewel and keep it safe.


Its not enough to break the curse. The whole rock has the power and it could be the only way.




As I am writing this, eyes are watching me everywhere. I'm not alone."



"There's something to help us?" Kevin quoted again, looking at Key, "What is it?"


I looked at Woohyun who was giving the same look that Kevin gave him. Something rang in my head just as Key sighed and said,


"I don't know....There's nothing in the other books that mention any of the rock Halmonim mentioned in here." Key said, all hopes gone from his tone of voice.


Just before they could let out a sigh of hopelessness, I muttered, staring at Woohyun.


"I know....I know what the rock is...."


"What?" Kevin said, "How-"


I looked at Woohyun and then at my necklace. Brushing my thumb over it, I muttered again and said, with all hopes and wishes.


"Its the rock in the necklace....Woohyun, its the jewel. It holds the jewel that we have been finding for.... Its here."


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Hey! Hows the story coming along? I notice no one reads them. *cries* Boo hoo~ oh well, I'll still update. Please leave a comment guys! Komawo~


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Chapter 58: damn i was so frustrated while reading this fic
Ppl like me arent suitable for this kinds fic >: *cries*
Great fic btw! Off to sequel~
Chapter 58: AHMAGAWD! This story is very amazing and I love it a lot! Off to the sequel >.<
Cool description & story! - Yuki
pradiv1819 #4
Chapter 58: awesome story i couldnt stop reading this...the suspense u gve was terrific...i loved t to the core...diff story...
Chapter 56: thank you for the update.
cant wait for more.
What does he mean that there is more to Taemin?
Is Taemin all powerful?
Taemin Hwaiting.
Cant wait for the next update.
I hope that everything will be okay as they head towards the last item. Cant wait for the next update.
hye_yong #8
ugh.. that monster.. Whatever it is.. YUCK I hope SunMin is safe. Please let her be alright
KPOPlover_Girl #9
Please Update Soon >.< I love this fanfic~♥