Chapter 32. [Blending In.]

Running Deep.

The air was stale, cold and stink. 


I wiped the blood from the side of my mouth as I fed on another homeless person in a dark alley. The sun light was glaring but it has softened now. The shadows casted was long. I looked up to see that the moon has appeared in the sky eventhough the sky was still white and the clouds were still visible. 


I breathed in and smelled the coming night air coming up soon. The whole Earth was preparing for the dark, taking a rest and sleeping soundly. But as I walked, it seems like they were agitated. Like they hated my presence. Like my presence was making them die slowly. 




I smiled. 


Just how I like it. 


I stop for a moment, a flower sticking out of the bushes, bright and red. Red like blood. I my lips and yearn for another snack but my stomach was full of sloshing blood. I looked around, wiping the dirt of a jacket I stole from a store. Along with a tshirt and pants. The shoes were taken from a dead guy I fed on earlier hours. 


I stretched my arm and flex my fingers before touching the flower. 


Just like that, my touch cause the flower to wither and lose its colour. It died then, the petals pluck out from the main stem and falling on the floor. I smiled, my lips curved into a snicker. 


"Hey! How do you do that?!" 


I jerked away from the flower and turned to the back to see a boy coming up to me. 


I could feel the blood radiating under the thin skin and the warmth of it. My fangs start to grow but I held it in. He looked at the flower, picking the petals and putting it on his palm. He was small, a schoolboy, looking from his schooluniform and his school bag. He looked at the petals, touching them like they were digusting and ugly to look at. 




I lifted a finger and touched the skin of the boy's neck. He jerked at my touch. 


I watched his whole life flies by in front of me, like a movie. Feeding off his fears and anger. Feeding off his past that was dark and gloomy. 


When I was done, I pulled my finger away, and watched as the boy slowly, very slowly, fell on the ground. 


He crumpled into a ball and shivered, his eyes wide and pleading. He looked scared and fearful, like he was relieving all those moments that hurt him and scared him. I snickered, something bubbled in my throat that got me to laugh. 


Someone heard me and then was running to me. I quickly jumped over the next railing, falling down into the subway entrance down below. I landed on the balls of my feet and was about to run again when I caught a glimpse of something on the wall. 

A piece of paper, a poster. 


I read it through, only taking note of the picture. 


It was her. 


The picture of her was there and she was smiling and posing with another. 


My fist curled into a ball and the urge to punch the wall was unavoidable. I hold it in a little longer, before my hand lift up and tore the paper from the wall. 


There is a live band tonight and she will be in it . 


I took note of the time and place before crumpling the paper into a ball and threw it straight to the dust bin behind me. 


Then I took off, thinking of a plan....thinking of seeing her for the first time to get what I have been needing. 

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Hey! Hows the story coming along? I notice no one reads them. *cries* Boo hoo~ oh well, I'll still update. Please leave a comment guys! Komawo~


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Chapter 58: damn i was so frustrated while reading this fic
Ppl like me arent suitable for this kinds fic >: *cries*
Great fic btw! Off to sequel~
Chapter 58: AHMAGAWD! This story is very amazing and I love it a lot! Off to the sequel >.<
Cool description & story! - Yuki
pradiv1819 #4
Chapter 58: awesome story i couldnt stop reading this...the suspense u gve was terrific...i loved t to the core...diff story...
Chapter 56: thank you for the update.
cant wait for more.
What does he mean that there is more to Taemin?
Is Taemin all powerful?
Taemin Hwaiting.
Cant wait for the next update.
I hope that everything will be okay as they head towards the last item. Cant wait for the next update.
hye_yong #8
ugh.. that monster.. Whatever it is.. YUCK I hope SunMin is safe. Please let her be alright
KPOPlover_Girl #9
Please Update Soon >.< I love this fanfic~♥