Chapter 30. [Sunshine Mornings]

Running Deep.

I found myself on my bed when I woke up the next morning. 


The first thing that hit me was the slight nausea and dizziness I was experiencing. 


I sat up, only to hit with more waves of nausea and feel more sickly than ever. I breathed in and out slowly, thinking what could have caused this. 


Something cold touched the nape of my neck and my hand flew to touch the cold metal pendant dangling from my neck. I looked down, bringing the pendant to my eyes and brushed the tip of my thumb over the pendant to realise that what happened last night was all real. I smiled, absentmindlessly taking a whiff of the pendant and smelling the faint smell of vanilla. 


Reminded me of Woohyun. 


I almost wanted to tear, realising that the fact he is ACTUALLY dead and not alive. Like the rest of us. He passed on but can't seem to passed on fully. They said when ghosts lingers here after their death, it meant they have unfinished business to finish before moving on. 


What could have been the unfinished business that Woohyun have not finish before he died?


I cleared my throat only to end up in fits of coughs. I breathed in and felt my throat getting dry. 


Swallowing air was like swallowing bits of sand down my throat. 


I breathed out and threw the sheets over me, glancing at the bedside table and noticing that there was a small note there. 


I picked up the note, smelling the whiff of mint. I smiled and sighed, flipping the note over and looking at Sunggyu's neat handwriting on the other sides. He tried to put some hearts which looked like disorientated circles at the corner of the note. I giggled at the sight of this. 


'Morning, Sunshine. 

Found you sleeping on the floor this morning so I brought you up to bed. 

You are sick with high fever. 

Breakfast is downstairs. 

See you. 

Love, Sunggyu Oppa.'


I coughed once more and dragged my feet off the bed. I jumped off the bed and landed almost head on the floor. I steadied myself, feeling the wave of dizziness coming over me like a tidal wave hitting straight for the bulidings. I breathed in and out, trying to minimise the dizziness. I managed to get a hold of myself for a few more minutes and then for another half an hour as I head to the bathroom and shower and dressed into a new set of clothes. 


A decent band tee with skinny jeans was perfect. 


I slowly climbed down the stairs to head to the dining hall. 


Hoping to find a buffet of food on the table, I found none. I frowned and looked at the empty dining table. I was about to head the door when I finally smelled something delicious in the kitchen. I turned and head to the kitchen. 


Opening the saloon doors at the doorway of the dining room to the kitchen, I found music blasting form the nearby stereo. It was a heavy beats and the constant drums slamming and the guitar strumming like mad killed my ears. I lowered the music only to hear someone cursing in the pantry. 


Sunggyu came out barely, with a bread stuffed in his mouth and his hands full of food. He saw me and his bread dropped on the floor. 


"Isn't that a little too much for breakfast?" I asked, smiling. 


He smiled and put the tins and cans on the island nearby and wiped the dust off his hands. He walked over to me, placing a hand on my forehead. He jerked away and sighed, shaking his head. 


"You are still high," He and looked at the tins and cans he took out from the pantry, "Well, what do you want to eat?" 


"Eat?" I looked over the cans and tins, "Naega mollayo," 


He clamped his lips together and made a pop sound. He rubbed his hands, heading to the island. I followed him, taking a seat on the high bar stool. I put my hand under my chin as he took out a few cans of food and kept the rest in the pantry. He started opening them up, pouring them into different pots and pans and setting them on the fire to cook. 


He stirred and took several things here and then, not forgetting to wipe and clean as he went. He smiled and finished cooking, cracking some last minute eggs and cooking them before placing them on the plate. He pushed the plate to me, and handed me a fork and spoon. 


"Eat." He muttered, 


"Gomayo...." I smiled, 


He went over to the cabinet and grabbed two glasses. I watched him as he poured milk for me and orange juice in the other. 


He passed the milk and sat on the other bar stool and drank his juice. 


He retrieved the papers on the island and flipped the paper open, searching for some good news to read about. 


"Oppa...." I my lips, finishing half the food he cooked. 


He looked at me with raised eyebrows


"Can we head down to the cafe?" 


The cafe is where most of them work after work. It used to be Umma's and Appa's business but we had helped from someone to manage the shop under one condition. 


Sunggyu to take over the cafe after graduation and the rest of us working there. 


At least the person who helped to manage the shop was kind enough to understand our situation and let us work. 


He finished his drink and fold the papers. 


"You're still sick...Sun Min-ah," 


"But...I want to see Jonghyun oppa...He promised me he will let me do a song for him." I pouted. 


Sunggyu sighed and hopped off the stool. He took my plate and his glass, throwing the trash and washing them. I waited for another 15 minutes when he finally off the tap and turned to look at me, hands on the counter behind. He ruffled his hair and sighed loudly. 


"Ka jah," He said, smiling. 

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Hey! Hows the story coming along? I notice no one reads them. *cries* Boo hoo~ oh well, I'll still update. Please leave a comment guys! Komawo~


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Chapter 58: damn i was so frustrated while reading this fic
Ppl like me arent suitable for this kinds fic >: *cries*
Great fic btw! Off to sequel~
Chapter 58: AHMAGAWD! This story is very amazing and I love it a lot! Off to the sequel >.<
Cool description & story! - Yuki
pradiv1819 #4
Chapter 58: awesome story i couldnt stop reading this...the suspense u gve was terrific...i loved t to the core...diff story...
Chapter 56: thank you for the update.
cant wait for more.
What does he mean that there is more to Taemin?
Is Taemin all powerful?
Taemin Hwaiting.
Cant wait for the next update.
I hope that everything will be okay as they head towards the last item. Cant wait for the next update.
hye_yong #8
ugh.. that monster.. Whatever it is.. YUCK I hope SunMin is safe. Please let her be alright
KPOPlover_Girl #9
Please Update Soon >.< I love this fanfic~♥