Chapter 6 : Home Sweet Home

Finding Me


~Apartment Daechi-dong, Seoul~


Yeohee’s Pov

“Wow!! Is this really gonna be our house?? It looks so… luxurious?” I said while cocking my eyes widely.

“I Guess so… *glaring at yeohee*… are you that happy to have this appartment? We are not owning this whole building arasso?”

“Aish~ I know.. I’m not that stupid. I’m just happy coz this appartment is bigger than apartment that I’m staying right now” I answered while picking up my luggage and entered the building leaving heechul ssi behind.

“Aish, this girl.. don’t even have manners to wait for her husband first… she must be so poor and live in 2nd rate apartment before *smirk*”

“I’m sorry but I heard that” I answered him while pushing the lift button.

“why did you have a very sharp ears but not brain?”

 he cursed while following me inside the lift. I give him a glared and he just looking down at his feet while mumbling something *mianhne*. I smiled right away, feels so at east like I’ve manage to tame a parrot.

“Give me the key, I want to open it” I said while handing my hand to him.

“Who says you can open it? I’m the husband, I should be incharge of our house key”

He arrogantly says that while bring out the key form his pocket. I’m so annoyed. I just wants to open it for the first time and if he wants to take incharge of it after that then go ahead. Just for this one time. ‘Urrgghh!!’  When he about to open the door, I hurriedly snatch the ket frm his hand and open it. ‘Hurray!! I manage to be the first to open our apartment!!’

Heechul’s Pov

“Yah!! What’re you doing?? Aish~ you’re so violent.”

I pouted and entered together with her. She seems so happy.Fuh~ that was close, I thought I’m gonna die of a heart attact when her skin touch mine. She have a very soft skin. Does mine as soft as hers? I forgot to put losyen this morning coz I’m in a hurry. What does she think of my skin’s condition? Argghh!! Why am I thinking of all this at this time!! heechul stop it!!

“Heechul ssi… Heechul ssi… Heechul ssi!!”

“Neh! You don’t have to shouts I’m not deaf, and how many times do I have to remind you to call me oppa?”

“Mianhne, but you looks like you didn’t here it when I’m calling you”

“That’ s because I’m waiting for you to change it to oppa PABO!”

actually, I didn’t hear it at first. I guess because I was so concerned about my skins condition before. Then only I realize why she’s been calling me like crazy…

“WAH~ this is seriously…DAEBAK!” 


It is so clean and neat with all the complete basic furniture. Even cleaner than our dorm. And it have lots of space too. The veranda is so big and have a very nice view. We tour around the apartment and our bedroom… satisfied? Hmm.. maybe.. but isn’t the bed a bit small. I guess that’s queen bed. They should have buy the king’s, how can we comfortably sle… wait 3x.. we aren’t gonna sleep together on that right? Aish~Heechul!! You aren’t supposed to think that far!! Hongki ah~ mianhe… I don’t plan to betray you… I won’t… believe me.

“What are you thinking of? Lets moved to the next room”

she hits arms and pull my shirt leading me out of the room.

“There’s another room?”

“Do you really think we will be sleeping together? Of course there’s another room! I’ve said to the PD that I want the biggest room.”

“Are we gonna stays here? I thought we will only use it weekly, for shooting.”

“Aish~ haven’t you heard? This season all the couples will have to spend 24 hours/ 7 days together. Ermm.. not exactly, except for our schedules. But we have to move here and live together for sure.”

“Bwoh? Jeongmal? Ahnde! No ones told me before!”

“Aish~ *hitting his head* then what are packing for? Did you bring any clothes in your luggage?”

“I just brought some shirts and pants to wear inside the house, and some books and my laptop to play games.”

“Bwoh? Aish~ you’re the real PABO!” she hit my head again and I hits hers back. Guess I don’t like people to touch my hair. But seriously, I can’t wear that clothes outside or even for shooting and my other schedules.

”You ruin my hair! Aish~ I better call my manager to bring some of my clothes here then.”

She just glared at me and open the door for the second room. It’s on the second floor. Yes, our apartment have 2 floors. I wonder where they get all the money to rent this. Maybe the ratings for WGM this season increase. Hehe^^ that’s must be because I involve in this *proud smile*.


Both of our mouth almost dropped when we saw what’s inside. It’s totally different from the first room. This is even bigger and… different. It gives us complete different feelings. They even put more furniture in here and the wardrobe is so huge. I look at Yeohee and she look at me. I knows what she is thinking of. Without even wait for another second, I hurriedly run to the bed and yeohee did the same.

“I get this first! Move!”

“I’ve already booked the biggest room form the PD. He must be preparing this for me!!”

“I don’t care. First come first serve. You take the room downstairs.”

“It’s not fair! You don’t even know this room exist! You don’t even bring you clothes!! Move! This room is mine”

“No it’s mine!”

“it’s mine!”

Yeohee then hits me with the pillow and I get annoyed when she ruin my hair again!! I take another pillow and without we realize it, pillow fight between us began and she’s so violent!! She seriously hits me until I fell of form the bed. Argghh!! I’m like a mess right now!! Then I look at her… her looks make me laugh. She even messer than me.

“*Laughing hardly* look at yourself. You look like a ghost in some horror movie.. *laugh*”

She stop hitting me and look at the wardrobe mirrow.

“You make me like this! *trowing the pillow at him* Aish~ my hair is such a mess.”

“*laugh* fine, you may take this room. I’ll take downstairs”

I stands while still can’t stop laughing, leaving her in the room to fix her messy looks.

At downstairs, there’s a mission card on the dinning table. I took it and intend to open it. Then I remembered that yeohee loves to read the mission card. This is my second opportunity to annoyed her. *evil smirk*


“What!! Stop calling me that!! We’ve discussed about it!” she shouts from upstairs.

“*evil laugh* There’s mission card here… I’m gonna open it!!”

“…What? Stop I’m going down now!”

I Hurriedly open it and by the time she come, I read the mission out loud making her mad even more.


To YeoHeechul Couple,

Congratulations on moving into your new house,

Hope you guys like it.

Here is your second mission,

You’re are required to go shopping for your new house utilities.

Use the credit card that have been given along with this mission card.

There’re 4 cameras in this house as it will catch all your movement.

Enjoy staying there.




P/S >> Sorry for the very late updating. i'm having my final semester examination. have to struggle so that i can fly this year. pray for my success!! i hope you guys like my update. i'll be updating frequently after my last paper on 28th Jan. thanks for all your supports.. love u guys!! :)

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Update soon
foreversucks #2
hongki!! :D
i already read your new updates! :D
AyWany #3
Hhmmm.... I thought that Heechul will be playing cupid, but it seems that he is falling for her; What about Hongki?
new subscriber !! <br />
Loove your story ^^ <br />
Hope she'll somewhat ends up wit heenim , they're cute >_<
Wow an update...<br />
Unni do you really have to emphasize the once??? I really find it cute...<br />
And unni HWAITING!!!<br />
<br />
Waiting for your update^^
Yeoheechul!!! Hahahaha.... Update soon!
jam_9445 #7
haha..currently i support heechul but it'll depend on ur future chapters if i'll still be in team yeoheechul! yeoheechul are soo cute! thanks for replyin me!^^
HyunNi_Shin #8
@jam_9445 >> welcome ^o^ i'm glad u like the story... wah~~~ u already made u'r choice ;) r'u sure u gonna stick to YeoHeechul team till the end? Hongki have not really met Yeohee yet~~ but thanks for supporting heechul (at least for now) >_<
jam_9445 #9
hey im a new reader and..I LOVE YOUR STORY!! HEECHUL IS SUPER COOL!Cute couple..i hav a strong feelin she'll end up wif heechul..maybe it's in team heechul! continue writing! update soon can't wait to read more!^^
HyunNi_Shin #10
@IHSEULPARK >> are you sure? or she angry because her pride hurts? hope u'll like my latest update ;)<br />
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@syazCANDY >> i'm not sure yet how should i end it.. it depends on my readers (u guys) & as the story grows.. who knows she might end up with heechul ^o^<br />
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@chibie >> welcome!! thanks for supporting my fanfic ;) hope u'll like my update too >_<