Like Raindrops, Love Trickles

Just Like Now


“You’re home?” Namjoo greeted when he walked in through the kitchen doorway with a grocery bag. An apron was tied around her torso, her hair snapped back with a hairclip, and food was boiling on the stove.

Putting down the spoon in hand she walked over to take the grocery bag from him. “What’d you get? Sorry about getting upset earlier. Something must’ve gotten into me.” Walking away she set the box of cake on the counter alongside the grocery bag. Pulling the cake out she mused happily, “How pretty! It must have been expensive.” Turning around to look at him she urged, “Come sit. Lunch is almost ready. You’re hungry, aren’t you?”


He scanned Namjoo who looked no different than from the day she wore her wedding dress. Only this time, there was something growing in her belly. And she hadn’t told him.


Heading toward her he pulled the wooden spoon out of her hand. “Go sit. I’ll do the rest.”

“What?” she asked. “No, you go sit. It’s your birthday after all. I said we’d do something, didn’t I? At least let me prepare this for you.”

She took the wooden spoon from him and pushed him aside. When they finally sat down for lunch he glanced across the table to see her deliciously eating away. He thought again about how she should have told him the moment she found out she was carrying. Perhaps, it was his fault. He should have caught on or expected it.

“Have this,” he offered her some more food. “Eat a lot.”

Namjoo gave him a strange look before smiling. It relieved him to see her eating well, but it also made him feel somewhat sad. Sehun couldn’t understand why she hadn’t told him. His baby…they were having a baby.

That night he watched Namjoo sleep soundly. Reaching over to fix the blanket around her he wondered about the child growing in her belly. Was it difficult for her? How exactly should he be preparing for this next step in his life?

Moving closer he pressed his face gently against her shoulder.


Namjoo was up and early and preparing breakfast downstairs. Sehun’s cup of coffee was already at the breakfast table waiting for him. Today was another day just like every other. Sunday, which meant there was nothing to do. Tomorrow she’d be back at work and driving around to meet people in order to prepare for an upcoming wedding. She had to check in with flower arrangements, the bridal hall, and the chef preparing the course meals. Work was more demanding than Namjoo ever expected, but she was glad and happy with it. The workload helped keep troubles off her mind.

“Why are you up so early?” Sehun asked when he walked in.

“I just couldn’t sleep,” Namjoo replied glancing back. “Your coffee is on the table.”

“Want to do something today?” Sehun wondered taking a seat at the table.

“Might just sleep all day,” Namjoo answered. “You can go out if you want.”

She turned around when he didn’t answer and found him observing her. A moment of silence crept in and Namjoo almost feared something was wrong.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sehun asked.

Her lids fluttered, “Tell you what?”

“We’re having a baby.”

Her insides quivered. Namjoo ended up looking away suddenly feeling guilty. She heard Sehun get up to his feet before his hand touched hers. Leading her toward the table he sat her down then pulled his chair over so they were side by side.

She was nervous but also trembled with happiness. Sehun didn’t look angry or unhappy with the news. That was the biggest reliever.

“Have you seen the doctor?” he asked.


“Then lets go together,” he offered. Namjoo’s heart melted. A smile broke onto her face and felt him run a hand over the side of her head affectionately. Grinning, he squeezed her shoulders. “That means you better start eating a lot more. Tell me if you want anything. I’ll get it for you.”

They spent the entire day snacking on the couch and laughing at comedy shows. When they went to sleep that night Namjoo happily cuddled up against him, her heart flooding with uncontrollable warmth.

Yunyeong brought juice to her office that morning. Sitting down on the empty chair in front of her desk she asked expectantly, “So, how was your weekend?”

Namjoo glanced at her friend. She could already guess what Yunyeong was waiting for. “You told him.”

Shrugging, Yunyeong said, “Well, you weren’t doing it, so someone had to. It was pure coincidence that I ran into him at the store.” Namjoo scoffed. “You must be quite the happy wife. Did Sehun give you all the chocolates he bought?”

“He gave me everything,” Namjoo boasted.

“Disgusting,” her friend teased.


Namjoo’s first OB/GYN appointment had been made that morning. Sehun had just talked with the head of department about sparing time in his schedule, so he could go with Namjoo. He was happy and overwhelmed. He wanted to see the baby through an ultrasound scan, and because it would be the first time for them it was even more important.

Sehun was in a jolly mood as he started back toward his office, now a tiny secluded room from the cubicle he first started with. He planned to call Namjoo for lunch. He was suddenly urged to keep her on a healthy diet. Their baby had to be a healthy one and he planned to spoil their first kid already. He could see in his mind’s eye that he would be the favorite parent.

When he opened the door to his office he spotted Seona standing in front of his desk. She hurriedly turned around upon hearing him. He ran eyes over her quite surprised to see her in his office. Not once had he called her in here before. What was she doing here this afternoon?

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Oh, I was just cleaning up your space. Your jacket had a few loose threads, so I got rid of those,” she smiled. “I dropped your wallet, so I placed it on your desk. I didn’t take anything. You can trust me like you always did, right?”

It was technically true. He had even trusted Seona with his phone, giving her his password and everything.

“It’s fine,” he said.

Walking forward she stopped before him and touched his tie adjusting its position. “You look really neat today. There, perfect. I’ll see you later.” Giving him a pretty smile she walked out gently closing the door after her.

Turning to head toward his desk Sehun paused in Seona’s previous spot and stared down at his desk. His wallet was placed like an open book. A picture of him and Namjoo together in their high school years stared back up at him from the picture slot. Seeing it gave him nostalgic feelings, but it was also a special reminder of how long they’d been in each other’s lives. His insides tingled whenever he thought of the fact that no one knew Namjoo as much as he did, inside and out. No one would ever be as close to her as he was.

He had long become accustomed to having Namjoo in his life every day that it became oddly strange if she went missing for a day. They were like the two hands of a clock forever following each other. Yes, what would become of him without Namjoo?

Closing his wallet, he tucked it into the safety of his drawer as he sat down and returned to work. He couldn’t wait to see her later.


Like a nightmare it had been unforeseen. The moment the unknown number popped up on her screen all things good had plunged down to the floor. Then here she was after sadly declining lunch with Sehun sitting with Seona inside a buffet. The air was thick. A sense of guilt but determination washed over her.

“Feel free to talk to me casually,” Seona smiled. “After all, we always talked casually didn’t we?”

No. Namjoo didn’t remember ever sharing a minute-long conversation with the girl.

“Sehun looks tired these days. How is he at home?” Seona asked then laughed innocently. “I forgot. You two must have moved out from your parents. Sehun must be hard to take care of.”

Feeling insulted Namjoo reached for her glass of water. She didn’t need to be hearing from another woman how to take care of her husband.

“Sehun always eats in the cafeteria by himself these days,” Seona went on. “I was quite disappointed when he told me to stop making lunch for him. That figures, he’s married after all.” Then she looked at Namjoo, “I must be making you feel bad. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok,” Namjoo forced herself to say.

Smiling naively, Seona added to the bruise she was rubbing into Namjoo’s heart, “I just remember Sehun said he’d eat my food anytime, but you two grew up together. He’d feel more comfortable with you than me, and I understand that. It’s just…I wish he wouldn’t treat me like such a stranger. I still want to be friends with him. That’s ok with you, isn’t it?”

Taken aback Namjoo stared at the pretty Seona. Could she find the courage to say it straight to the woman’s face that she didn’t like Sehun being around his first love? She knew the way they had to cut things off hadn’t been a beautiful picture, but Sehun had married her.

“No?” Seona asked. “That makes me kind of sad. I was hoping you’d be able to understand me. You know, when Sehun first told me he liked me I thought I would be the only one he wanted to know best. He has the ability to make a person feel like they’re everything to him.” Seona smiled innocently again. “Before we went to Incheon, he always talked about you a lot. Your friendship was on the rocks he said and he wanted to make everything better. Now that I think about it, I’m not really sure what his idea of ‘better’ was when we were in Incheon.”

A knot tightened inside Namjoo’s stomach. Was Seona trying to signify that Sehun’s better had been to sleep with her just to keep her close? Underneath the table her hand twisted into a tiny fist. She also detested what had happened in Incheon, so why was Seona trying to continuously bring it up?

“But since you’re his friend, I can accept that too,” Seona added. “We can still be friends, right Namjoo? If you’re a one of a kind to Sehun, you’re important to me too. I’m glad you accepted my lunch today. Don’t you think Sehun will be glad to hear that we’re on good terms?”

The point of today’s lunch was to make her feel bad, was it? Namjoo could think of nothing but that after Seona bid her farewell once the lunch fee had been taken care of. Namjoo only made it to her car before she had to rush back into the building to throw lunch up.

Nayoung made her leave work early to get some rest at home. The second she reached home she dropped down onto the couch in hopes for a nap. Seona had succeeded today. Uncertainty and doubt swarmed through Namjoo’s mind as she lay there quietly. She wished Sehun would hurry home to her. She wanted him to reassure her that even if Seona was at work with him, she was the one on his mind.


Sehun looked up at the knock on his door. Seona poked her head in before holding out a cup carrier of Starbucks.

“You’re working late,” she stated coming in. “I thought you’d need something to keep you up.”

“It’s a little late for coffee,” Sehun said.

“Then what if you fall asleep while working?” she asked. “Should I wake you up whenever you start dozing off?”

“I’m going home in a bit.”

“But not yet,” Seona stated matter of factly. Sehun gave her a long stare then looked away. He felt bad if he made her leave, so without saying anything he let her be. “Have you called Namjoo?” when he didn’t reply she continued, “Do you trust her?”

His eyes darted toward her. If it was Namjoo he didn’t want anyone talking about her. Not Lee Chul. Not even Seona. He didn’t want to comment because that would be saying something about Namjoo that was no one’s business.

“I like to keep my private life from my work,” Sehun told.

“Then,” Seona wondered, “what about us? We’re at work together, aren’t we?”


“Sehun,” she cut him off. Her soft eyes turned into yearning puppy ones. It made him keep his mouth shut. “Can’t we just be together like this for a few hours…every day…for a little bit? Just us two?”



Sehun had to think hard before saying, “I’m leaving real soon, so you should go home.”

He couldn’t answer her. He couldn’t say yes. Giving the permission, giving his willingness to Hwang Seona wasn’t possible when he’d given it to someone else. Still, Seona waited for him to walk out together as if they were still on Seoul University campus heading home together. Waving to him she hurried off to her car like they’d made some kind of promise to meet up early tomorrow morning.

Sehun drove home quietly feeling troubled. How could he ease the misery in Seona’s heart while dealing with his own guilt?

The lights were on when he walked through the front door. There was no smell of food floating through the air. Namjoo hadn’t attempted to cook tonight. Had she been waiting for him?

Sehun started walking toward the kitchen, but paused when he caught a figure on the couch along the way. Heading toward the living room he discovered Namjoo asleep. It was unusual finding her there. Had she really been waiting for him?

Lifting her head up against his arm and his other underneath her knees to carry her up stirred her awake faster than he anticipated. He should have been gentler he thought.

Opening her eyes Namjoo glanced at him. Smiling, he greeted softly, “Hey.”

“I’m awake,” Namjoo said then moved his hands away. “You can put me down.”

Settling her back down he remained crouched on his knees. “Why are you sleeping here?”

“I was taking a nap,” Namjoo replied. “Yunyeong’s sister let me come home early.”

“Why?” he worried. “Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” Namjoo glanced around and caught sight of the opened curtains with a view of the dark night sky. “What time is it?”

“Not that late,” he assured. “I’ll cook something up really quick, so just lay down.”

She still followed him to the kitchen anyway. Sitting down at the kitchen table she watched him. Pausing by the fridge he turned to look at her, “What?”

“It’s a wonder you know how to cook,” she said after a shrug.

Sehun scoffed, “It’s because you don’t know how to.” He laughed after Namjoo made a face at him. And just like that he easily forgot about Hwang Seona.


Maybe god had a thing against them because things just didn’t go as planned. Her OB/GYN appointment was that morning, but Sehun got called in due to some complications at work. They had planned to head to the hospital together and then grab something to eat before separating for work. It had been a nice layout of the morning, but now Namjoo was alone at the hospital.

Among the patients that had come for their own reasons, she wanted Sehun to be with her. It would have been more comforting, especially with these pregnant women around her. She wanted to show Sehun off, let the world know that her husband was one to be involved in her life, and worried about her well-being. Yet, she was sitting there alone and nervous by herself after checking in. Who knew if Sehun would make it in time.

She had thought all night about having Sehun sit with her, listen to the doctor guide them slowly through the process of their first pregnancy, and then do the ultrasound scan together. Then she worried. Did Sehun know Seona had come to see her yesterday? If he knew, what would he do about it?

A door opened and a nurse called out, “Kim Namjoo?”

She turned to see the young nurse and rose to her feet. So after all, she might really have to go through this alone. Disappointment scurried through her. Reminding herself that this was for the health of her baby she began walking toward the nurse.

“Namjoo!” the voice made her stop. At once her heart thumped and she turned longingly. Sehun was midway down the hallway and panting. Heart throbbing, Namjoo smiled and nearly had tears dripping out of her eyes.

He had come.

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Should be less than 10 chaps to go!


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Chapter 9: currently playing the weight by shawn mendes 🙃
kworld320 #2
Chapter 47: Amazing story here.
I can just imagine the heartache of Namjoo. But in the end everything worked out. Both grew up and the pains they experienced help them be better persons and make proper choices.
Great depiction of how everything is a choice. To love, to cheat to be responsible, to work for goals…
Chapter 47: They’ve bee through a lot, self doubts, denial, guilt and such. But the support they received from the people around them really helped. It’s just that when you start lying it follows already, one after another making it hard to revert what happened
Re-reading is becoming a permanent thing to me now
katmod16 #5
Interesting story. I like how the characters grow. Overall I love the story.
Chapter 34: HEr act not as beutiful her name
Chapter 29: The journey was very realistic. Love it!
Ode2kdrama #8
Chapter 47: Loved the transition from friendship to love.
Also loved self love for Namjoo.
Your transition from being high schooler to college to working was very well written.
, close to reality.
july-pupetta #9
Chapter 47: Hii! I'm a new reader, i found your story not long ago and i fell in love with it!!! it has become one of my favourites :D. i loved Namjoo and Sehun interactions during their friendship days and how they started to grow as individuals breaking a little their friendship. When they got married and everything that happened later showed how they still weren't ready. I felt sorry for Namjoo many times, especially because she was pregnant at that time and she wasn't supposed to feel like that :( and when Sehun finally stopped being dense i started to feel sorry for him too. they lacked of communication and the chapter where they finally admitted their wrongdoing was my favourite. i loved Yunyeong she is a wonderful bestfriend! by the way the scenes where Sehun was so jealous were extremely entertaining XD. I'm looking forward to read your other stories :D