
Nothing lasts Forever but can we?

After having breakfast with his friends and spending some time joking and just talking about meaningless stuff Jimin excused himself. They didn't argue. They knew of Jimin's need to be alone sometimes. They knew it has something to do with his past, something to do with his life back home and being the people closest to him they knew Jimin was not ready to talk about it yet.

Jimin's friends...they put up with a lot of his crap. When he first came to Seoul he was only a shadow of the person he used to be and he didn't know anybody. Taehyung was his first friend there, he was the one who took Jimin under his wing, who brought him out of his shell. He introduced Jimin to his group of friends and they all welcomed him with open arms. Whenever Jimin remember his past and gets depressed Seokjin and Hoseok comfort him, cheer hum up no questions asked. When Jimin gets lost in his thoughts Namjoon brings him back to the present by being all philosophical and being clumsy in general. When Jimin gets too tired with life and wants to give up Yoongi calls bull and says stuff which brings him back to his senses. They were there for him and Jimin was thankful. Maybe one day he will tell them, tell them about Jungkook and him.

Jimin was walking towards the apartment he shared with Taehyung when he saw two boys holding hands. They reminded him so much of Jungkook and him, of their first date.

"Hyung, give me your hand"
"I want to see something"
"Here" "What are you doing Jungkook-ah?"
"I am holding your hand hyung. Cant you see?"
"But People are watching Kookie."
"So what Jiminie? I want the whole world to know that you belong to me"

Jimin shook his head to get rid of his line of thinking. There was no use of thinking about it now. Jimin wanted to forget about everything wanted to forget Jungkook. But what was he supposed to do when things like this, every little, every meaningless thing reminded Jimin of him.


Jungkook and Jimin were friends before anything else. Their relationship progressed slowly they stayed friends for about a year. It was a year full of shy glances lingering touches flirty jokes and what not. Jimin wanted to confess wanted to tell him how much his heart yearns for him. Jimin didn't know how many times he came came close to pouring all his feelings and desires out to Jungkook but stopped himself just in time. He was afraid was plagued by this fear of rejection. He was always stopped by this thought
Guys like him don't go for guys like me.
Jimin knew Jungkook was biual, but that doesn't mean Jungkook likes Jimin. It doesn't right?

So imagine his surprise when Jungkook told him he loves him and asked him out, asked him to be his boyfriend. After about a year of being friends they were acting on their true feelings. They were done hiding. Jimin was the happiest luckiest guy in the world that day. The person he the person he loved, loved him back. Their relation didnt change much they were still the same idiots, they still did the same stuff but with added benefits of kissing. Jungkook was Jimin's first as Jimin was his. They both had been in relationships before but nothing serious nothing of this magnitude. What they felt for each other was something that could never be put into words. It was pure passion raw desire gut wrenching all consuming feelings. It was something songs are written about. It was something that happens once in your life. It was something that breaks you and then remakes you and you know you'll never be same again. But good things never last right?
They have been dating for about 8 months. It was almost the end of Jimin's senior year when he was summoned by Jungkook's mom while he was working at the cafe.
Jimin should've have known then and there that something was not right. He had never met Jungkook's mother but he knew of her. Hell everyone in Busan knew her. She was the sole owner of Jeon group of Industries. Powerful, relentless, cold, uptight, smart, were some of the words people used to describe her. She was the reason why Jeon Industries was at the top. She was the sole reason for its success.
Jimin was asked to wait. He was a nervous wreck, he couldn't fathom what could a person like her wanted from someone like him and then she was there asking Jimin to sit.

"Park Jimin, I am sure you know who I am so I'll directly get to the point. Do you know why you are here."

Jimin honest to God didn't and he told her as much.

"How long have you known Jungkook?"

"Its been almost 2 years"

"And how long have you been dating?"

"For about 8 months I guess"

"How serious are you?"

"We are really serious Mrs. Jeon. We are not fooling around. We pretty much love each other" Jimin smiled.

"Hmmm. I see" she said her face devoid of any emotion.
"What's your price Park Jimin?"

"Huh? Mrs. Jeon I don't understand"

"Well you see everything in this world has a price Jimin. With money and power you can buy anything and I have both. So name yours kid. Tell me how much do you want to get out of my son's life?"

"But I love Jungkook. He is my everything. I can't leave him."

"Pffttt Love you say?" "My son is the heir to Jeon Industries. He has been trained his whole life for this. I wont let him be with the likes of you, unrefined, uncultured. He is a Jeon he is going to be with someone of his level." She said her voice oozing power. Jimin was quite intimidated by her. "
"But contrary to what people say I am not completely heartless so I am going to make you an offer." She continued

"What offer?" Jimin asked. He would be lying if he said he wasn't curious.

"Here's a blank cheque fill in whatever and how much ever you want and you'll get it no questions asked. In return forget about my son. Leave this city, country I don't know. Leave his life as if you were never in it"

Jimin took the check. It was really blank. She was offering him money to leave Jungkook.

"What are you thinking boy? It's once in a life time oppurtunity. You won't get a chance like this again. Fill in your amount and leave my son"

"Mrs. Jeon, I may not be rich, I may not be cultured or have proper etiquette but what I feel for your son is true." Jimin ripped the cheque. "My love for him is not for sale."

" lowlife"

Jimin was hurt by her words, but Jungkook was important. Jimin couldnt let her words affect him.

"Call me whatever you want Mrs. Jeon. I am not leaving him until he asks me"

With that Jimin stood up, bowed and made his way out of her house.

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kuroxas #1
Chapter 5: Yeah it's been a while but it was totally worth the waiting, hell I enjoyed this so freaking much it's so beautiful especially with your choice of the flow and words are making it better and better hehe I'm so enjoying this. And don't say that about your writing it's really, like REALLY good. And you delivered the emotions in a good way too, not too much nor too less heh I can't wait for each chapter because it's so good and I think it will get better although i don't like angst that much hehe but i can manage some lol

Ok i will comment about the chapter now hehe
At firat I thought that the two of them were really cute together, i can totally tell how much they were in love with each other just by seeing how they treated the other.. But when the car came across my eyes were like this 0_0 it can't happen right now, not when he wants to tell jungkook the truth and what he was able to achieve.. And then when that bit-... I meankookie freaking mother showed up!!! Ugh god i feel like i can choke a person here.. She is really, i can't even find a word to describe how mich of an ugly creature she is.. How could she say or even have the strength to plan all that when her son is in that state? She should worry about him instead of freakingly teasing and bad-mothing jimin ugh..
But then when that doctor told jimin about the selective amnesia and lied about the fact that jungkook could die!!!! And he even dares to pity jimin? He is really the worst kind of people, even worse than kookie's mom because she doesn't pretend to be good to get what she wants.. Damn it i really felt bad for jimin especially when he went to jungkook, it was really sad because they DON'T DESERVE that isssh..
cheonsadaria #2
Chapter 5: I like it a lot. Please update soon
kuroxas #3
Chapter 4: I really can't wait to see what had really happened between the two of them, why did jimin decided to give up on jungkook although he was basically living for him..
Jimin's friends are THE real friends, like you can't find understanding friends like them nowadays because really, curiosity take the best of us most of the time but, it hadn't for them and they're really understanding. He is lucky to have them but... When he met jungkook i was like 'no in hell, this is not going to happen now!!!' But it happened.. And i really feel bad for jimin, for him to see the love of his life in front of him after running away and on top of that he DOESN'T freaking remember him... Ok i can't wait to see what will happen in the future. Thanks for your efforts
Have fun
ahood_bts #4
I love this fanfic so much
It's so beautiful and unique
I will always support u and ur writings author- nim
You are the best trust me
Plzzzzzz complete this amazing fanfic
Update sooooon ❤️
ahood_bts #5
Plz continue this
i love this fanfic so much
cheonsadaria #6
Chapter 3: Wow it's getting better and better . Cannot wait for next chapter.
cheonsadaria #7
Chapter 2: I hope u will continie this story