
Nothing lasts Forever but can we?

Jimin woke up to the shrill sound of his alarm ringing. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. Same dream again. Even after 2 years his face still haunts Jimin. He can never forget him or the time they spent together. His face his words his scent his everything was like imprinted at every nook and cranny at every crevise of Jimin's brain. So that whenever he let his mind wander whenever he let his guard down his face pops up in Jimin's head reminding him yet again of what he let go of what he can never have again. Jimin's dreams too were well acquainted with him. Its nothing new that he see him even when he was asleep but while it used to bring happiness and joy before, now only leaves him sad and longing.
Its been 2 years since Jimin last saw him. 2 years since Jimin left him. 2 years since Jimin came here. 2 years since everything changed.


He met Jungkook 4 years ago when he was a Junior in high school. Jungkook was a freshman at the time. They didn't go to the same school. With Jungkook being rich and all he went to a private school while Jimin went to a public one.
Junhkook used to come with his friends to the coffee shop where Jimin worked as a barista and thats where they met. They didn't like fell for each other at first sight or anything, that is just way too cliché and dont forget un real. Their...relationship? Friendship? whatever it was at that time progressed slowly. It was like they weren't in any hurry. They knew they had a lot of time infact they had their whole lives so why rush? But how wrong were they.
Jungkook used to come to the cafe everyday after school with his friends to study or whatever and on weekends to just hangout I guess. They never talked, another barista took their orders while Jimin made their coffee or shakes or whatever drinks they ordered. Needless to say Jungkook didn't know of Jimin's existence until one day.
It was like every other Saturday morning. The same hustle and bustle of the cafe. The same people asking for their morning caffeine. To say Jimin was surprised to see Jungkook entering the cafe early morning was an understatement. He went straight to a corner table and started texting someone his eyes furrowed mouth set in a straight line. After some time he sighed put his phone down and started rubbing his eyes. He was massaging his temples when Jimin went to him and placed a coffee cup in front of him. He looked up.
"You look like you could use one" Jimin said
"Thank You.......Jimin Hyung" he said glancing at Jimin's name tag.
"No problem" Jimin smiled
"How do you know what kind of coffee I like though?" he asked smiling sweetly showing his bunny teeth
"I am the one who make your coffee everyday so...." Jimin mumbled
"Oh well.... I am Jungkook by the way. Jeon Jungkook"
"I know"
With that Jimin went back to work.
Jungkook left after some time but he kept coming back every saturday morning and they started talking, getting to know each other little by little. With each passing day they talked more and more. They talked about anything and everything. And without them knowing saturday became special for them.


The sound of Jimin's phone ringing pulled him out of his thoughts
"Hello Jin Hyung"
"Jiminie where are you?"
"At home hyung. Why?"
"You forget didn't you? We were supposed to have breakfast today. Everyone is already here" He answered
"I am sorry hyung" Jimin apologized "I'll be there soon"
"Ok Jiminie. Bye"
"Bye hyung"
Jimin sighed, got up from his bed and prepared himself for another day.

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kuroxas #1
Chapter 5: Yeah it's been a while but it was totally worth the waiting, hell I enjoyed this so freaking much it's so beautiful especially with your choice of the flow and words are making it better and better hehe I'm so enjoying this. And don't say that about your writing it's really, like REALLY good. And you delivered the emotions in a good way too, not too much nor too less heh I can't wait for each chapter because it's so good and I think it will get better although i don't like angst that much hehe but i can manage some lol

Ok i will comment about the chapter now hehe
At firat I thought that the two of them were really cute together, i can totally tell how much they were in love with each other just by seeing how they treated the other.. But when the car came across my eyes were like this 0_0 it can't happen right now, not when he wants to tell jungkook the truth and what he was able to achieve.. And then when that bit-... I meankookie freaking mother showed up!!! Ugh god i feel like i can choke a person here.. She is really, i can't even find a word to describe how mich of an ugly creature she is.. How could she say or even have the strength to plan all that when her son is in that state? She should worry about him instead of freakingly teasing and bad-mothing jimin ugh..
But then when that doctor told jimin about the selective amnesia and lied about the fact that jungkook could die!!!! And he even dares to pity jimin? He is really the worst kind of people, even worse than kookie's mom because she doesn't pretend to be good to get what she wants.. Damn it i really felt bad for jimin especially when he went to jungkook, it was really sad because they DON'T DESERVE that isssh..
cheonsadaria #2
Chapter 5: I like it a lot. Please update soon
kuroxas #3
Chapter 4: I really can't wait to see what had really happened between the two of them, why did jimin decided to give up on jungkook although he was basically living for him..
Jimin's friends are THE real friends, like you can't find understanding friends like them nowadays because really, curiosity take the best of us most of the time but, it hadn't for them and they're really understanding. He is lucky to have them but... When he met jungkook i was like 'no in hell, this is not going to happen now!!!' But it happened.. And i really feel bad for jimin, for him to see the love of his life in front of him after running away and on top of that he DOESN'T freaking remember him... Ok i can't wait to see what will happen in the future. Thanks for your efforts
Have fun
ahood_bts #4
I love this fanfic so much
It's so beautiful and unique
I will always support u and ur writings author- nim
You are the best trust me
Plzzzzzz complete this amazing fanfic
Update sooooon ❤️
ahood_bts #5
Plz continue this
i love this fanfic so much
cheonsadaria #6
Chapter 3: Wow it's getting better and better . Cannot wait for next chapter.
cheonsadaria #7
Chapter 2: I hope u will continie this story