
Nothing lasts Forever but can we?

Jimin opened his eyes and blinked to clear his sight to see a white ceiling thinking this is definitely not my room.

"Oh! he is awake." A voice that suspiciously sounded like Jin said to Jimin's left.

As soon as the words left his mouth a body was thrown at Jimin which kinda knocked the breath out of him. Jimin didn’t need to look to know who it was. Nobody and I mean nobody could pull of the dramatic flair that his best friend and acting major Kim Taehyung was born with.

"Jiiimmiiiin you scared me so bad." Tae mumbled his head buried in Jimin's shirt.

"I am fine Tae." Jimin said running his hand through Tae's hair.

"I won’t call fainting just 'fine' Jimin." Yoongi said. Jimin turned his head to his left and saw all his friends there. He asked Tae to help him up and said cheekily "Hyung you left your music class for me? I didnt know you loved me that much." Yoongi swore under his breath "Who said anything about loving you, you brat!"

"I love you too hyung." Jimin grinned.

Yoongi sighed and ruffled Jimin's hair which was somewhat hard because a body was still attached to Jimin like a koala.

"You know you can let me go now Tae. I won’t disappear." Jimin said.

"Shutup. You cannot complain. You lost that right when you went and faint in the middle of the day." Tae said but let Jimin go.

"You have no idea what it was like to see you going down." Tae murmured.

Jimin sighed "I am ok now TaeTae."

"He was really shaken." Hoseok said from somewhere right.

"Yeah when he called us it sounded like you were dying Hoseok had to take the phone away from him to explain the situation to us." Jin said sounding amused. "He was like mmhhggg...." a hand on his mouth stopped Yoongi from speaking further.

Tae had jumped up suddenly from the bed to keep his boyfriend from embarrassing him further. "Not another word hyung. We don't about that." Tae said making everyone laugh.


Kim Taehyung walked towards the practice room knowing Jimin would be there with Hoseok running through the choreography. He wanted to ask them to join him for lunch since Yoongi was still in class and he was lonely. And mind you Kim Taehyung doesn’t do lonely. He was at the door about to holler when the world tilted off his axis and came crashing down figuratively speaking. Tae saw his best friend sway and then fall. He immediately rushed forward.

"Jimin! Ohmygod Jimin. You CANNOT die like this you idiot. We still have that rematch to deal with. We have alot of dares left to fulfill in the future alot of silly things calling our names. You can’t abandon be like this." Tae said shaking Jimin.

"Tae-" Hoseok was shocked.

"Not now Hoseokie hyung." Tae said turning towards him, there were tears running down his face.

"Jimin you cannot die on me. What am I going to do without you..."

"But Tae..." Tae ignored him.

"You pabo you cannot cheat like this. You cannot die. We are supposed to do everything together. We are bros for life."

"But Tae..."

"What?" Tae suddenly questioned. "Can’t you see I am mourning the death of my best friend?"

"Fainting doesn't kill a person pabo. He is alive." Hoseok said chuckling.


"Yes. Oh."

"Then did you call for an ambulance?"

End of Flashblack

"Yeah, we don’t talk about that." Tae said nodding his head.

"On a serious note though how did it happen? Are you not eating? Or did you over exert yourself?" Jin questioned frowning.

"Hyung..." Jimin was cut off by this ever so dramatic creature he called his best friend.


"Ohmygod wait. You are not pregnant are you? Oh Jimin! You should always use protection. You are in college how are you going to take care of a baby? Oowww what was that for?" Taehyung turned towards Jin who slapped his head.

"To knock some sense into that head of yours."

"What?" Tae said offended

"Guys don’t get pregnant Tae." Jimin explained.

"Ooopps My bad." Tae murmured embarrassed.

Jin ruffled his hair.

"So Jimin you were saying?" Jin prompted. But before Jimin could say anything he was interrupted yet again.

What is it with people interrupting me today?

"I didn't know I was so handsome that you fainted after seeing my face." Jungkook said smirking

He was standing in the corner of the room leaning against the wall. He was so quiet Jimin didn't even know he was in the same room with them.

"I...uh..." Jimin's stuttering was interrupted by the doctor coming in who kicked everyone except Jin out and Jimin thanked heaven for small miracles. He still was pretty shaken up so seeing Jungkook again and talking to him would do him no good. He had to be at his finest emotionally to deal with him. Which he doubt he ever will be.

The doctor after monitoring his vitals and checking him up declared him fit to go home saying the cause of fainting was probably shock. Jin thanked the doctor. He was curious for sure. He wanted to know what was it that shocked Jimin enough that he fainted but he didn’t push him for answers knowing he will tell him in his own time."

"Let’s get you home." Jin said instead.


Jimin was so happy when his acceptance letter to Seoul University came in. He had applied early admission and got in due to his outstanding grades. There was just only one problem, he hadn't told Jungkook yet. He knew Jungkook would be happy for him but whenever he tried he couldn't get the words out. It has been nine months since they started dating and everything was going quite well but they never talked about future. They wanted to live in the moment. When Jimin applied he wasn't sure he'll get in so he didn't inform Jungkook of his plans. But now with the acceptance letter in his hand and only a month left till his departure he had no other choice.

"Jungkookie you know how I always wanted to go to Seoul....." Jimin practiced in front of the mirror

No. No that’s not it

"Jungkookie you know how I have always studied hard..."

Uugghh why can’t I do it? I can’t even tell that to my reflection how am I supposed to tell this to him? Jimin thought, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

His phone chimed with a text. He picked it up.

It was 3 now. Jimin put his phone down and plopped down on his chair. He threw his head back and covered his face with his hands.

It’s time isn’t it? I can’t put this off anymore. I have to tell him today.

With his mind made Jimin laid down on the bed to take a short nap.


Jungkook came at exactly 6. They decided to do movie and dinner. All throughout the movie Jimin was fidgeting and if Jungkook noticed this he didn't say anything.

They were having dinner at this nice restaurant when it seemed Jungkook had enough.

"Ok Jimin. What’s wrong?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Jimin tried to play it cool but internally he was sweating buckets

"Don’t play dumb Jimin, it doesn’t suit you. You have been distracted throughout the day. Is something bothering you?" Jungkook asked.

"I have something I need to tell you." Jimin said looking down at the table and putting his hands underneath his thighs. They were shaking.

Jungkook leaned over the table and lifted Jimin's chin up. "Then tell me"

"After dinner." Jimin murmured looking in Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook nodded in understanding. The rest of the dinner went on smoothly then.


After dinner they were strolling through the streets no set direction on mind but their feet were taking them towards the park it seemed. Jimin was trying to get his nerves up; he didn't know why he was so nervous it was just Jungkook. Jungkook sensing his discomfort squeezed his hand and motioned towards the shop on the opposite street.


Jimin smiled and nodded a yes.

"Ok. Wait here. I'll get it." Jungkook said. Before Jimin could protest Jungkook leaned forward and whispered in Jimin's ear

"You can pay me back by warming my lips up after the cold ice cream."  His words made a shiver run down Jimin's spine. Jimin slapped Jungkook's arm but his blush gave him away.

"Cute." Jungkook whispered and then crossed the street.

It took about 5 minutes for their ice-cream cones to be prepared. Jungkook paid took the cones and shouted "I hope you are ready for that kiss" making everyone give them both a look. Jimin blushed but threw a flying kiss his way. Jungkook chuckled and started crossing the streets not noticing a car rushing towards him with no signs of slowing down. The next thing you know there was a sound of glass breaking, a scream pierced through the air and then a thud like a body hitting ground. Everything went silent after that.

Jimin blinked and then people started screaming but Jimin didn’t know what they were saying his ears were ringing. A man was shouting something at him but Jimin couldn't glance away from the body on the road lying in a pool of blood unmoving. The man slapped Jimin saying something about him being in shock and then it hit Jimin, a pain like never before. It was like his chest was being ripped open and someone was poking his heart with needles. Jimin wailed and then ran towards the body shouting "Jungkook"

Jimin knelt beside him sobbing his heart out.

"" He was sobbing so hard he couldn't even form words.

Then there was a hand on his shoulder. "Son. Look he is still breathing. Calm down. Ambulance is on his way."

When the ambulance came and the paramedics lifted Jungkook into it 3 men had to hold Jimin because he wasn't letting Jungkook go.

Jimin escaped from their grasp and rushed towards one of the paramedic.

"Ple-please let me-let me g-go with him-please" Jimin sobbed uttering broken sentences. He took pity on the crying boy and agreed.

When they reached the hospital and Jungkook was rushed towards OT the same man asked Jimin.

"Who is he to you son?"

"I-I love-love him."

The man patted Jimin on the back.

"Everything will be alright."

And Jimin prayed, prayed with everything he had that it would.

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kuroxas #1
Chapter 5: Yeah it's been a while but it was totally worth the waiting, hell I enjoyed this so freaking much it's so beautiful especially with your choice of the flow and words are making it better and better hehe I'm so enjoying this. And don't say that about your writing it's really, like REALLY good. And you delivered the emotions in a good way too, not too much nor too less heh I can't wait for each chapter because it's so good and I think it will get better although i don't like angst that much hehe but i can manage some lol

Ok i will comment about the chapter now hehe
At firat I thought that the two of them were really cute together, i can totally tell how much they were in love with each other just by seeing how they treated the other.. But when the car came across my eyes were like this 0_0 it can't happen right now, not when he wants to tell jungkook the truth and what he was able to achieve.. And then when that bit-... I meankookie freaking mother showed up!!! Ugh god i feel like i can choke a person here.. She is really, i can't even find a word to describe how mich of an ugly creature she is.. How could she say or even have the strength to plan all that when her son is in that state? She should worry about him instead of freakingly teasing and bad-mothing jimin ugh..
But then when that doctor told jimin about the selective amnesia and lied about the fact that jungkook could die!!!! And he even dares to pity jimin? He is really the worst kind of people, even worse than kookie's mom because she doesn't pretend to be good to get what she wants.. Damn it i really felt bad for jimin especially when he went to jungkook, it was really sad because they DON'T DESERVE that isssh..
cheonsadaria #2
Chapter 5: I like it a lot. Please update soon
kuroxas #3
Chapter 4: I really can't wait to see what had really happened between the two of them, why did jimin decided to give up on jungkook although he was basically living for him..
Jimin's friends are THE real friends, like you can't find understanding friends like them nowadays because really, curiosity take the best of us most of the time but, it hadn't for them and they're really understanding. He is lucky to have them but... When he met jungkook i was like 'no in hell, this is not going to happen now!!!' But it happened.. And i really feel bad for jimin, for him to see the love of his life in front of him after running away and on top of that he DOESN'T freaking remember him... Ok i can't wait to see what will happen in the future. Thanks for your efforts
Have fun
ahood_bts #4
I love this fanfic so much
It's so beautiful and unique
I will always support u and ur writings author- nim
You are the best trust me
Plzzzzzz complete this amazing fanfic
Update sooooon ❤️
ahood_bts #5
Plz continue this
i love this fanfic so much
cheonsadaria #6
Chapter 3: Wow it's getting better and better . Cannot wait for next chapter.
cheonsadaria #7
Chapter 2: I hope u will continie this story