
Nothing lasts Forever but can we?

Jimin was busy moving his body to the music coming from the speakers of the studio he was dancing in, he was so engrossed so focused that he failed to notice a very hyper and a very excited Jung Hoseok coming his way. Jung Hoseok or J-Hope as people liked to call him was a dance major just like Jimin and their mutual love for dancing was one of the things which brought them close and played a part in how they became friends. Also the fact that J-hope was Min Yoongi's best friend who happened to be Tae's boyfriend also played a part in their friendship.
Hoseok approached Jimin from behind as soon as the song came to an end and shouted right at his ear.
"Gah!" Jimin jumped at the sudden noise.
"Hyung! Don't scare me like that." Jimin said with a hand on his chest, most definitely to calm his racing heart.
"I couldn't help it, you looked so cute concentrating and all." Hoseok cooed smiling widely and pinching Jimin's cheek.
"Besides, I came to pick you up. Jin hyung said he has some important news and wants us all to come to dinner. He messaged us all but knowing you, I knew you'd be busy dancing and wouldn't have seen the message and I was right, it seems."
"Really? At what time does he want us?" Jimin asked
"At 8 and you have about half an hour to go home shower and get ready. So I suggest you move your ." Hoseok said imitating a general.
"Sir. Yes Sir." Jimin said saluting him.
They both burst out laughing and made their way out.


Dinner was a pleasant affair with light conversations and jokes here and there. Laughing at each other's expense, teasing, making fun, recounting old stories bringing up embarrasing incidents from past. All in all it was a typical dinner with close friends and it showed in the way they interacted with one another.
As for the important news it turned out Namjoon and Seokjin were together and were dating after Namjoon confessed his love through a rap song. It made Jimin so damn happy that they were finally acting on their feelings after dancing around each other for God knows how long.
Jimin smiled watching Yoongi and Hoseok teasing Namjoon for being cheesy and realized not for the first time how lucky he was to be blessed with such amazing friends. Jimin pulled himself out of his thoughts to tune back in to the conversation only to catch Hoseok saying
" he is coming tomorrow. He is younger than all of us so be nice and don't too much."
"Who is coming tomorrow hyung?" Jimin asked not knowing how he missed such a big chunk of conversation while lost in his thoughts.
"My cousin, Jiminie. We were so close when we were kids but then we drifted apart when my family moved to Seoul. The last time I saw him was at his father's funeral 8 years ago. But now since he is coming here to study we can make up for lost times."


Jimin woke up the next morning with this weird feeling in his gut that something bad was going to happen. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get rid of the feeling.
He went through his morning classes in a daze and then it was time for his dance practice with Hoseok.
He made his way toward the studio and saw Hoseok stretching inside. They practiced some choreos for about an hour and then took a break. It was during that break when they were discussing some routines, Hoseok saw someone standing at the door and motioned him in. Jimin was oblivious to the newcomer since his back was towards the door. As soon as he reached them Hoseok grinned widely and said something which made Jimin rooted to the spot.
"Jungkook, you made it. I am surprised you didn't get lost though since you dont have a sense of direction."
"Hyung! Thats not true."
"Oh really? Need I remind you of the time you made us lost and in a mall of all places?"
"That was one time and we were kids back then. And it was not my fault that every shop looked the same."
Jungkook and Hoseok continued their banter unaware of the state Jimin was in.

As soon as Jimin heard the name Jungkook he was shocked but then he reasoned that this Jungkook couldn't be his Jungkook, it couldnt right? but still he was unable to move unable to turn around and comfirm his fear as false. And then he heard his voice. The voice he still hears in his dreams. The voice he still remembers. It was same but at the same time not the same. There was a hint of manliness? iness? confidence? Jimin didn't know what it was but he was sure of one thing that there was a 75% chance the Jungkook behind him was the same Jungkook he left behind.
And then he was being turned around by Hoseok telling him to meet his cousin but Jimin couldn't hear what he said for he was face to face with his first and last love and it seemed like time stopped and then started again.
"Hello. I am Jeon Jungkook. Its nice to meet you Jiminie hyung." Jungkook said smiling.

"He has selective amnesia."

"He doesn't remember some parts of his life."
"He doesn't remember you."

"He doesn't love you anymore."
"Leave Jimin. Let him live."

'They were right. Jungkook doesn't remember me' was the last thing Jimin thought before everything went black.

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kuroxas #1
Chapter 5: Yeah it's been a while but it was totally worth the waiting, hell I enjoyed this so freaking much it's so beautiful especially with your choice of the flow and words are making it better and better hehe I'm so enjoying this. And don't say that about your writing it's really, like REALLY good. And you delivered the emotions in a good way too, not too much nor too less heh I can't wait for each chapter because it's so good and I think it will get better although i don't like angst that much hehe but i can manage some lol

Ok i will comment about the chapter now hehe
At firat I thought that the two of them were really cute together, i can totally tell how much they were in love with each other just by seeing how they treated the other.. But when the car came across my eyes were like this 0_0 it can't happen right now, not when he wants to tell jungkook the truth and what he was able to achieve.. And then when that bit-... I meankookie freaking mother showed up!!! Ugh god i feel like i can choke a person here.. She is really, i can't even find a word to describe how mich of an ugly creature she is.. How could she say or even have the strength to plan all that when her son is in that state? She should worry about him instead of freakingly teasing and bad-mothing jimin ugh..
But then when that doctor told jimin about the selective amnesia and lied about the fact that jungkook could die!!!! And he even dares to pity jimin? He is really the worst kind of people, even worse than kookie's mom because she doesn't pretend to be good to get what she wants.. Damn it i really felt bad for jimin especially when he went to jungkook, it was really sad because they DON'T DESERVE that isssh..
cheonsadaria #2
Chapter 5: I like it a lot. Please update soon
kuroxas #3
Chapter 4: I really can't wait to see what had really happened between the two of them, why did jimin decided to give up on jungkook although he was basically living for him..
Jimin's friends are THE real friends, like you can't find understanding friends like them nowadays because really, curiosity take the best of us most of the time but, it hadn't for them and they're really understanding. He is lucky to have them but... When he met jungkook i was like 'no in hell, this is not going to happen now!!!' But it happened.. And i really feel bad for jimin, for him to see the love of his life in front of him after running away and on top of that he DOESN'T freaking remember him... Ok i can't wait to see what will happen in the future. Thanks for your efforts
Have fun
ahood_bts #4
I love this fanfic so much
It's so beautiful and unique
I will always support u and ur writings author- nim
You are the best trust me
Plzzzzzz complete this amazing fanfic
Update sooooon ❤️
ahood_bts #5
Plz continue this
i love this fanfic so much
cheonsadaria #6
Chapter 3: Wow it's getting better and better . Cannot wait for next chapter.
cheonsadaria #7
Chapter 2: I hope u will continie this story