Chapter 3

Witch Please!



My eyelids feel heavy and I manage to take a peek with much effort. The sudden brightness burns my now sensitive eyes and I shut them tight again. “You’re up” I hear a familiar voice. An annoyingly chirpy one if I must add. With the current rush of curiosity on high, I’d rather be left alone. I wish I could pretend this was all a silly mistake but nope. I remember it all, I have two potentially taboo magicians as mates. Amazing! Just wow! Nope.

“Juyeon?” I ask even though I know it’s her already. She replies with a silent hum. “You , what a nice way to get attention on your first day.” She looks at me with such mockery. I snicker at her welcome greetings. What a friend I have!

“And when did you get so damn beautiful.” She inspects my facial features, tracing her fingers on my nose. “….You know about the Moon’s blessing right? I think it finally hit me on my birthday and boom! I became Yang Guifei.” I was quite surprised myself when I turned eighteen, it was like puberty finally hit me hard in the face. I was one of the few Seductresses to be born in the witch world and the only one alive in fact. It came as quite a shock to my family as this trait was something none of our descendants had, it was new. Many Seductresses have been recorded in the ancient books and the closest one to my birth lived in the Edo period in Japan. Now that was a very long time back. It’s quite a disadvantage for me as I have no instructor to teach me how to unleash more of my powers. All I can do is rely on ancient scripts and rolls. The first time I was ever able to use my powers was in kinder garden when I unknowingly put a spell on my teacher and she listened to everything I ordered her.

“I would rather be a Seductress than to be fighting with leopards all day.” Juyeon gushes. I roll my eyes discretely to avoid further sass.

 “Wait, I’ll tell your mother that you’re alright.” And she leaves me alone in what I believe is the school’s medical ward. Unlike the various equipments that are available in normal hospitals we have various potions and other magical stuff to heal us. But we can’t revive the dead or cure cancer. We have healers too. In fact, my father is a healer. But he’s rarely at home and often goes on trips to find ‘himself’ again which I personally don’t mind. I think I might need a trip downtown myself. I hate this school already. I sigh for the umpteenth time. This has got to be a misunderstanding.

Should I tell my mom that my ring is acting pretty weirdly? Or should I give it some time to conform things? I can’t possibly expect her to have a smile on her face when I tell her that I may or may not be the mate of not one but two magicians. She might actually think I have gone crazy. She enters the room dressed like a queen. So much cringe.

“Sweetie, are you alright?” She gives me a worried look; nope there is no way I’m going to tell about this. “Yes mom, I think it’s the fatigue.” She nods and turns to the school’s healer who gives her an assured look. “Do you want to stay here at school or we can go home and come back tomorrow.” I shake my head and tell her that I wanted to stay. I possibly can’t stay at home or get any sleep with all these unanswered questions. I’ll have to ask them. Myself. But can I handle that? All these things are so new to me yet so cruel.

“Alright but sleep a little bit before you get back to class.” She tells me before she takes her leave. I am yet again alone in this annoyingly nauseating room. Juyeon bids me goodbye as well as she has classes to attend. She mentioned to get my to the afternoon classes as people will be graded and classified according to their powers and skills. Maybe I should set this ring ordeal aside and concentrate on better things. But I laugh at myself when the dreaded and lifeless look on my mother when she hears about this matter comes to mind. I am scared. Scared enough to not want anyone to learn about this. I will take it to the corpse if I could.

 I wonder what I can do to confirm this little turmoil, I can’t be calm now. Maybe I should see if it glows again. But what if it does? Will I become society’s new abnormality? Defect? Is this my prize for secretly wishing I could get on Baekhyun’s territory despite knowing that he was a magician?

Stop. I need to get outside and distract myself. The ugly stench of the lab potions are making me depressed. So I quickly leave without notice and find myself a corridor to escape. Tears are almost threatening to fall and notify the floors of my broke fate. But there is still a chance for me, right? Maybe it was a mistake. I locate a garden that was familiar; I saw this on their fresher’s magazine. I take a deep breath. The soft meadow like essence of the garden has a remarkably soothing effect on me and my mind is able to think right for the first time in what seemed like forever. There is a solution for everything.  

I calmly take a stroll in the school’s garden. It’s called the garden of love for some reason but whatever. Not like I can chose who my partner is anyway. It is already decided and now I just have to let fate pull its strings and make things clear for me. I remove my ring and keep it in my pocket. It’s probably just malfunctioning right? There’s no way I could to be mated to two magicians. What a joke! All I have to do is get a new ring from the Holy Church and everything will be back to normal. Am I right? It’s not my fault that my ring has gone nuts. It’s currently lunch break and the afternoon classes will start after half an hour.

“Hmm…” I drop down on the ground near the beautiful blossoms and take in small and silent breaths. The faint smell of the flowers pulls me into a trace and I close my eyes for a while, already losing my consciousness.

“Hey, newbie you’re not allowed to sleep in here.” A curt voice disturbs me from my temporary paradise. I glance at the figure looking down at me with authority. It’s a girl; that girl. This is my chance to confirm my suspicions. I gulp. If I can’t do this now, I can’t do this forever. I quickly take a peek inside my pocket and a sigh of relief blows out of my mouth. She’s not my mate.

 A wide grin adorns my face and I get up from the lustrous green floor. No sparks emerge from my ring but rather a sour and distasteful sting rushes through my body. Almost as if she has an effect on me.

“Are you okay?” She asks me just for the sake of asking, I could sense it. “Nothing to do with you, you don’t have to be nice to me just because I had a moment of weakness in front of you.” I turn away and start walking to the nearest building that I saw. To be honest, I’m not sure where I am going but whatever it’s better than getting help from a magician. I try to control my laughter, why did I cry over something so stupid.

“Hey!” She calls me again. I ignore her and just continue to walk fast towards the staircase. I could hear her mutter something along the lines of ‘rude idiot’ but I ignore it. I can’t possibly get lost on my first day or can I?  As I take a look at the school map and continue to walk through the mildly populated corridor, I bump into someone. A jolt of current surges through my veins and I fall down on the floor with a thud. My ring slips from my pocket and rolls towards the figure that is responsible for my current state.

What’s the catch? It is glowing. Only this time around, it’s a fiery red.





Sorry had a sort of crappy month..but I will make it up to you guys (hopefully....) Leave comments...actually I wonder if I even have readers at this point. And yes I didn't check once again...pretty plz next time I swear (..hmmm) to proof read! k bye! 


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Chapter 4: Can't wait for next chapter
afernanda12 #2
I hope the soulmate is kai
karmakyungsoo #3
Chapter 3: Make me nervous too.thanks!
Chapter 2: I hope suzy soulmate is kim sulli^^ hehee
KimCara #5
Wow that was a surprise at the end! Baek huh?
Chapter 1: Sound exciting! please update soon^^
Chapter 1: Hm.. So did magus and venus both died and reincarnated again?
Kibokoi #8
Chapter 1: Fantastic! Please update, it such a magical story! Thank u
trollangel #9
I'm guessing Suzy is venus????