
Flowers and Ink

Seokjin didn't run.

Seokjin stayed this time.

They kissed so much and everything tasted like sugar and everything was wonderful. Seokjin wanted to kiss Yoongi as much as he wanted to kiss Seokjin. It moved from kissing over the dining room table to making out on the couch and getting distracted so much that they fell off several times, ending with laughs every single time. It got to the point where Seokjin started holding him really tightly so he wouldn't cause the two of them to fall off the couch again. This is the closest Yoongi has ever felt to another person for the first time in a long time.

Yoongi didn't want it to end, but sadly, nighttime came too quickly and Seokjin had to go home to take care of Jjanggyu. He didn't leave without a goodbye kiss (or a lot of goodbye kisses, but who was counting) and it filled Yoongi's stomach with butterflies every time their lips came together. When he finally left, Yoongi could contain his excitement from finally getting into a relationship with him. His happiness didn't last for long because he ended up falling asleep soon after jumping on the bed when he was sure Seokjin wouldn't be able to hear him. He hoped that this feeling would last forever.


The next day was slow, so Yoongi decided to waste time by inviting Hoseok to tell him all about his kinda date thing he had with Seokjin. It didn't take too long for Hoseok to come over, but he was still dressed in his dance practice stuff so he might have accidentally invited him to the parlor while he was supposed to be at work. ​Whoops, ​he thought while Hoseok got comfortable in the tattooing station behind his desk, ​I hope I didn't pull him from something important.

​"Y'know, I was kinda in the middle of practice." Hoseok said with a small smile on his face before opening and chugging at least half of a large and unhealthy energy drink.

"Sorry." Yoongi felt awkward for a second before Hoseok smiled widely and laughed. "I forgot."

"Nah, I don't mind. It's not a problem." Hoseok giggled and waved his hand in front of his face. "I didn't wanna be there anyway, hyung was making me help him try to contain a bunch of rookies and all of them were like children, so I lied that you were my mother so I could bounce."

"Why'd you say I was your mom?" Yoongi knows Hoseok's mom, and she would never have him just leave work like that in the middle of the day.

"I don't know... I'd say it was because I had at least 7 voicemails and over 20 messages all from one person that all seemed more important than watching a bunch of preteens." Hoseok cocked his eyebrow up and made Yoongi feel awkward again. He did get a little ​excited because of kissing Seokjin. Okay, it was much more than a little, since spamming Hoseok was part of his excitement and he almost broke his phone while jumping on his bed. "So, yeah, I left hyung and our new guy to watch the kids instead of me. Oh, that reminds me, this new guy told me some interesting stuff before the kids came to the studio."

"Who is this new guy?" ​Does this interesting stuff have to do with me?

"Some kid from Busan called Jeon Jungkook. You know the type, barely legal college student but a in' flirt through and through. But this kid told me that his hyung called him last night around the time that your messages started coming in." Hoseok smiled and finished the rest of his energy drink while Yoongi was making the connection. This guy who's now working with Hoseok sounds a lot like Seokjin's friend Kookie from the times Seokjin has actually talked about his friends. "So this fetus told me that his friend who runs a flower shop finally hooked up the guy who runs a tattoo parlor. Sounds familiar, huh?"

"..." Yoongi felt really embarrassed now that he knows that Seokjin also called one of his friends to talk about what happened between them.

"Sounds like y'all did some freaky ." Hoseok said with a laugh. Yoongi could feel his face flush completely and he looked away from his friend in order to keep himself calm. "Making out and the like~ Apparently, you know how to use your tongue really well."

"All we did was makeout! Nothing more, nothing less!" Yoongi weakly tried to defend himself, but knew it wasn't going to do much to make Hoseok believe him. Hoseok nodded and rolled his eyes. "Hobi, please, believe me!"

"I do, I do... This kid Jungkook knows how to sensationalize things pretty well. The other day, he told me about his date with some other kid, Kim Taehyung, or whatever his name was, and made it seem like the best thing in the world. It was ice cream." Hoseok rolled his eyes again and flipped his hair out of his face, seeming to be completely done with this kid. "Anyway, what did you want to tell me in person, hyung? I mean, that's what half of your messages said you needed to do."

"Oh... It's kinda embarrassing, now that I think of it. Ha, ha..." Yoongi looked away from Hoseok to try to hide his awkwardness.

"It can't be more embarrassing than being told what your hyungs did by someone almost 4 years younger than you." Hoseok said with a smile, only slightly reassuring Yoongi. "If you tell me this embarrassing thing, I'll tell you one too. One more personal than Jungkook's stories."

Yoongi sighed. "Fine... It's just... Seokjin does happen to be more experienced than me." He admitted in a small voice. Hoseok held his hand by his ear and prompted Yoongi to speak up. "Seokjin is more experienced than me." He said slightly louder, making Hoseok hum.

"What do you mean by more experienced hyung?" Hoseok asked innocently, which was incredibly unlike him.

Yoongi looked to the door of the shop and saw a couple of people walk in front of it, mostly to make sure that no one was going to walk in on them talking about this. "Jin's dated more men than I have." He said in a voice barely above a whisper, getting an 'oh' from Hoseok while the younger leaned away. He got a smile on his face and raised his eyebrows.

"Ah... That's what you mean." Hoseok said with an unreadable smile. He kicked at the floor and managed to turn the tattooing station so he could turn around all the way. He looked at the ceiling like he was thinking and then he looked back down. Yoongi felt himself flush a bit when Hoseok's eyes raked up and down his body despite his seated position. "Well, if you would have told me, I would have tried to set you up with more men."

Right then, the door to the tattoo parlor opened and a small figure walked in. Hoseok and Yoongi looked toward the small man and gave him an excited smile when they realized it was Jimin. "Oh, both of you are here!" Jimin leaned on the counter and smiled at both of them. "Guess what?" Both of them asked 'what' and waited for Jimin to say it. "My teacher at the academy just passed me this semester without having me do a final project, and I can start working here as soon as I graduate!"

"Oh my god, Jimin! That's amazing!" Hoseok jumped from the station and wrapped his arms around Jimin tightly, spinning him as his picked him up. Yoongi stood up too and looked at the papers that Jimin put on the table. One was his certificate saying that he passed with flying colors and another was a paper that Jimin needs to bring back to his teacher that says it's okay for him to work at Yoongi's tattoo parlor when he graduates. He looked up to look at Hoseok and Jimin and was taken aback when he saw the two of them kissing right in front of him. ​Since when have they been dating? ​Yoongi thought while watching them pull away and look at each other with complete and utter adoration in their eyes. "I'm so proud of you." Hoseok said before putting him down and kissing him one last time.

"When's your graduation?" Yoongi asked when Jimin looked back at him, getting a very different smile than Hoseok got from him.

"It's this Saturday at 7pm!" Jimin said excitedly, looking at both of them. "All of you guys are invited too! You two and Namjoon, I mean. Oh, and I asked Seokjin before I came here if he would come to my graduation too, and he said yes!" Jimin paused and reached over the counter to touch Yoongi's shoulder. "Congrats on actually getting Seokjin hyung to date you."

Yoongi blushed and looked down at his table. "Thanks." He said simply, trying not to notice Hoseok whispering stuff in his ear to make Jimin blush as well.

"Oh, Jin hyung said that he was gonna bring some of his friends to my graduation too. Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung." He paused again and tapped his chin. "He said that we'll all get along and stuff, but he said that you had seen them before? And said that you," He pointed at Hoseok, "work with Kookie at the studio, right?"

Hoseok nodded and Yoongi thought about it before grabbing Jimin's paper that he had to sign. "Yeah, they helped Jin move stuff into the shop when he first got in it." Yoongi signed his name in the places it said he needed too and gave it back to Jimin. "Here, you can start working on Monday."

"Thanks! It'll be much easier running this place with two tattoo artists, right?" Jimin was excited again, making Yoongi smile back and nod. He rubbed the back of his neck while looking it over himself, "I forgot that I needed you to sign that." He laughed. "Well, I need to go take this back to my teacher then. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

Both men nodded and waved while Jimin walked out of the shop so he could go back to the academy. Yoongi took the certificate and put it on his desk, he was going to need to frame it and put it on the wall when Jimin starts working. He looked to Hoseok, who looked extremely happy and like he was in love, holding his chest and still staring at the door. "I can't believe you didn't tell me you were dating Jimin." Yoongi said, knocking him out of his trance.

Hoseok blushed and smiled at the ground, awkwardly. "Oh..." He laughed. "I thought you would have noticed by now, sorry." Their eyes met and Hoseok smiled widely. "We've been dating for nearly a month now! It's kinda why I've been pestering you to date Seokjin hyung, actually. I didn't want you to wait for as long as Jimin and I did."

"A month?" Yoongi scoffed and looked away, crossing his arms too. "You're my best friend, Jung Hoseok! And you didn't think to tell me you were dating one of my other friends? I hate you so much." Yoongi looked away when Hoseok wrapped his arms around his shoulders and didn't hug him back.

"Think of it this way," Hoseok whispered into Yoongi's ear, "you've been so focused on trying to win Seokjin's heart that you haven't noticed much of anything~ If you ever doubted that you really love Seokjin hyung, just remember this."

Yoongi couldn't help it when a smile came onto his face, but he still didn't hug Hoseok back. "You're dumb, Hobi." Yoongi pushed him away finally and smiled at the floor of the parlor. "Well, I have an appointment soon so you're gonna have to go."

"Fine." Hoseok hugged him again and rubbed his back. "It was nice getting to talk face to face like this again."

Yoongi hugged him back this time and let go sooner than Hoseok did. "I'll see you on Saturday for Jimin's graduation."

"Good luck with Seokjin." Hoseok said before grabbing everything he brought and started heading out. "See ya."

"Bye Hobi." Yoongi said as he left, waving at him through the window. It was always nice being able to talk to Hoseok like that, even if he found out that he and Jimin were dating by accident.


A couple minutes passed and a face that Yoongi hadn't seen in weeks came through the door. It was one of the kids that was with Seokjin when he was first getting things into his shop. He had handsome tanned skin and looked taller than Seokjin, with a boxy smile on his face. He walked up to the counter and leaned on it in a similar way Seokjin did when he first entered the shop. "So you're Yoongi hyung~" His voice was deep, almost as much so as Namjoon's. His eyes went up and down Yoongi's body and there was something lewd feeling in the way that he did it. Yoongi didn't know if he liked it. "Mm... You're pretty cute. I can see why Jin hyung likes you."

"Um... Kim Taehyung, right?" Yoongi asked, looking at his appointment book and seeing the same name down. He was going to be tattooing one of Seokjin's friends? Oh no. "You're here for the appointment right?"

"The one and only." He winked and there was still something off about what all he was doing. "It's about 4pm right now, so you think you can do a back piece in that time? I don't know if you had plans with hyung or not..." Yoongi nodded as a response, furrowing his brows because something was off in how Taehyung was talking to him. It was like he was trying to flirt but not actually flirt with Yoongi because he knows that he's dating Seokjin. "I have a design, if you don't mind."

"All it does is make our appointment shorter and I don't have to do that much work." Yoongi tried to sound sly to counteract Taehyung's flirting. He looked past Taehyung at the door when he saw his blond florist open the door he smiled at him, but Taehyung waved his hand in front of his eyes. He must have known that Seokjin was going to come in as he was arranging his appointment. ​That must be what he meant by 'plans with hyung.'

​"Oh, Taehyung, I didn't know you would be here!" Seokjin looked just as surprised as Yoongi felt with Taehyung flirting with him. Their eyes met and he flahsed a smile at Yoongi. He then looked at Taehyung confusedly while the younger man hadn't noticed his presence come up next to him. What was Taehyung planning on doing now that he had both of them here?

"Yoongi hyung, did you know that Seokjin hyung has his s pierced?"

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Natashabird #1
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww. I'm lovin The story. Yoonjin for life!!!!!!! Every couple is so cute ;) I can't. Good job author. Keep going. Can't wait for the next update
afbahrah #2
Chapter 12: Awww~ jungkook really adorable and yoonjin! Gosh why so sweet :3 you're not alon Jin, I also curious what the old woman mean.
Chapter 1: Yoongi's tattoo parlor x Jin's flower shop.
Cold x Warm. Hard x Soft. Tattoo artist x florist. Hmmm,
Okay,it's great combination!!!
Miiis-Sweet78 #4
Chapter 11: Yoonjin is so sweet <3
loveforsin #5
Chapter 11: Wahh.. this story is so sweet.. those two is adorable plus jjanggyu.. I hope you update soon..
julianatomo #6
Chapter 11: I love it! Please update soon!! I really love it!
afbahrah #7
Chapter 11: I miss you and your update! Yoongi is a gentleman, and Jin awwww this man :3
Chapter 9: TAEHYUNG YOU LITTLE ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Vanilla_Llama #9
I'm really happy you updated! Looking forward to the next update as well :)
yukkikano #10